BR i aE I ER i SE cae i i AC ai. EEE A i a eu EC SE SE bl al 4 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 19, 1984 letters Cat deserves a good home ..... Dear Sir: "I NEED A HOME!" That is what you see when you look into the lit- tle grey and white face of a small cat who has been named by the store owner's of Port Perry. He is commonly known as the community cat, and will come when he is called either John, or Patches. Just before Christmas when | was working at Péarse Jewellery, we noticed this little fellow was camping out on our doorstep a good deal of the time. After a few weeks, we took him in, gave him a warm dry place to sleep, good food and lots of love. We learned that he was get- ting the same attention No new road (From page 5) selves on weekends? After all they can only accomodate so many people at once and on hot days are full now. In closing, council knows where the people stand and we believe the disadvantages far out- weigh the benefits of opening this roadway, "and forcing a changed lifestyle upon the tay paying residents of these beaches. Why do most of the people move to these areas? To get out of the rush of suburbia, lets leave it that way, please. We, the residents of Sunrise and Aldreds Beaches are now await- ing council's decision, we have not given up hope, and are prepared to fight this farther if needed. Yours truly, Mr. and Mrs. R. Blaettler, Sunrise Beach. ZZ 2 / from most of the store owners on Queen Street. Each day he would go out and make ali his pit stops for a little love and a lit- tle food. a A few days ago, he was sitting outside the bank - and someone mentioned to Daphne Mitchell of the Settlement House that he looked like he was sick. Fortunately, for the little guy, she took him to the Vet and they found that he had scratched himself in both ears so severely that one required stit- ches. Daphne was told by the Vet that the cat had a bad case of mites, and after all the scratching that he had done he had caused his ears to become scratched open and infected. She was also told that the infec- tion could have killed him in a couple of days. I would like to thank you, Daphne for helping our Town Cat, as well as the Pearse's and all the other store owners who cared for our orphan. We all realize that Pat- Wondering what to do about your hair this summer? Try one of our . " DERMS ches, cannot contin.e to live in the stores of Port Perry, or hope that the next time he needs more than food or shelter, that someone will be there. He needs a good perma- nent home where people will love him and look after him all the time. That is why I have writ- ten this letter, in hops of touching a small spot in your heart for a little furry fella who will love you back, keep you com- pany and make you smile. At the present time he is staying with me, a dog and two other cats, so there are a few noses out of joint. If there is anyone out there who has the time and the love to give, please call me, for this sweet little fella deserves a good home, and affection. All he needs is love! Call 985-3271. Yours truly, Brenda LaCroix Port Perry for Sumumin Living SAVE $8 PERM Cut, style & condition included 5 $30). SENIOR CITIZENS PERM Cut, style & condition included. 28. For colour treated hair "FEEL SO LIVELY" SPECIAL PERM § 40.00 P.M. a D-Day insult Dear Sir: I am sure nothing can possibly match the lump in-the-throat feeling that occurred in Caen (June 6th, D.Day) when the cheering, applaud- ing citizens greeted the famous Queen's Own Rifles Band of Toronto as it led the Allied Parade into the fore- court of that city. The green, black and red uniforms of' this famour Queen's Own Rifle Regiment and A great The following letter was forwarded to the Star after it was sent to the staff and students in Greenbank Public School. The letter is referring to the recent performances of "The Canada Goose', a musical put on by the students of that school. We have seen the stud- ents perform "The Canada Goose', and agree totally with the writer of this letter that it was "terrific"'. Nice work, kids at Green- bank School. their black and red plumes contrasted with the scarlet of the colour party of the famous Royal 22nd Regiment (the famous Van Doos). To me June 6th is a time to remember, to reflect on the bravery of the many young men and the freedom they won with their precious lives 40 years ago. It is an insult to injury that the prime minister of this country, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, is allowed to go to repre sent this country on June 6th. A war that he declined to serve in and decreed as an English war. And now as tax- payers, we have to pay his way. Many paid in blood, sweat and tears before and now we're paying in our tax dollars. Yours truly, Roy Walker Smith, Port Perry. performance Dear Sir: I've just returned from. the most enjoyable school performance I have ever attended! The kids were fabulous and the play was terrific! If the children remember even a tiny bit of that play in years ahead, and realize the little mess- ages it was saying, their world and that of those around them will be a happier place, I'm sure! The costumes were good, the music and the slides delightful! I love being a Canad- ian and I'm very proud that I am. Your DANCE performance tonight was a joy to watch and I felt very proud and happy for the whole bunch. I can certainly appreciate all the hours of work that went into your (entire!) school production but from my point of view and those of others around me--it was worth it!! I found myself almost drying my eyes at the finale... Congratulations to all for a tremendously well done performance!! I thoroughly being part of it! Yours truly, Anne Marie Szebedinszly, Greenbank. SCUGOG ARENA enjoyed SATURDAY, JULY 14th Come kick up your heels to the sounds of ROMPIN' RONNIE HAWKINS ADVANCE TICKETS NOW ON SALE! Admission: $10. per person. Tickets available at Port Perry Star, Irwin Smith Music and Stedmans, in Port Perry. -- 3/4 MILE WEST OF MANCHESTER Strawberries -- PICK YOUR OWN -- Bring Your Own Containers. WE DO TAKE ORDERS. Everything but litre containers will be weighed CALL IN ADVANCE. Berries subject to weather change WE PICK 7AM.-7P.M. Willowtree Farm 985-7493 Greenb. nh [wiLLowTreE| ol + A UM NN 3 1] d Hwy 7A AM AEE TT TS EE mT ETT Ee ree EPG ES TE po A Fan a EE a a a DETER we = hE RE REY