16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 24, 1984 Welcome home! § Ashburn Area News by Mrs. E. Heron A welcome home to Sam and Muriel Fisher who have enjoyed a trip over seas. They visited with Tom and Lila 'Humphrey and little girl in London, England, also visited in France, Switzerland, Germany and Belgium. Bill Gardner has been visiting recently with relatives in Manitoba. Ted and Rose Heron also Peggy Graham of Thunder Bay spent a few days with Ken and 'Elaine Heron of Brace- bridge. They all enjoyed a family birthday party at the home of Doris and Bill McAndlers of Don Mills on Sunday of last week. Visitors with them recently were Faye and Drew Leaper and son, lan of Mississ- auga and Mr. Vic Gra- ham of Barrie. Doug and Florence Ashton enjoyed a trip to New Leaskard and Ottawa recently, accompanied by Mrs. Ruth Purdy of Mono Centre and Mr. Ken Stuttaford of Edmonton, Alberta. Ken is spend- ing a few weeks with his relatives. Mrs. Davidchuck of Vernon, B.C. has been enjoying a vacation with her son and family, Jack and Rita David- chuck and children. Dr. and Mrs. Mc- Kinney enjoyed a trip last week to where they saw the Tall Ships and heard their grandson, Jim Mec- Kinney, play in the band and they also visited relatives and friends. Last Sunday was a very beautiful summer day and there was a good attendance out to the service at Burns Church. The Sanctuary looked | lovely with two beauti- ful bouquets of Gladiola and two new prayer plants. Dr. Clifton McKay was the guest minister and this was his last Sunday for this summer. His sermon was titled 'The Spirit of Fear' taken from 2nd Timothy, Chapter One and Verse 7. Faith is the answer to fear. It was a very sincere and helpful message. The scriptures were read by Ruth Oliver. Barbara Porter and daughter, Sharmon, sang a lovely duet 'Ivory Palaces'. Following the service, a luncheon was served and a happy time spent in the church hall, when everyone had an opport- unity to have a visit with friends and especially with Dr. and Mrs. Mc- Kay and we all wish them a happy summer. Keep happy - a man's mind is like a car, if it gets to knocking too much, he'd better have it over-hauled or change it. Open wide Take a BIG bite! Dietician Donna Evans did just that at the im- promptu barbecue held at Community Memorial Hospital last Thursday. The weather and the burgers were perfect. rs # y; NL pee 7-73 2! TATE Ul DRL aa DW | WALLS AUR 0" g vy ij $18 0 pe 73 Sav Y. . a gd Smoke gets in your eyes It must have been the heat that got to the big wheels at Com- munity Memorial Hospital last Thursday, when they all got together to host a friendly barbecue for patients and staff. That's hospital administrator David Brown doing the flipping, pharmacist Brian Doddridge with the oven mitts and director of maintenance John Sibbons adding some extra charcoal. Sure beats regular hospital Hearin Aid Centre ¢f Port Perry Dennis J. Hogan ann Hearing Aid Consultant Dr. E. Mannen's Office - 24 Water St. S., Lakeview Plaza, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO. 985-9192 985-3003 DEEGAN Denture Therapy Clinic 305 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY -- OPEN -- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Tuesday & Thursday ( PLEASE CALL: Evenings - 6:30 P.M. FOR THE BEST IN SATELLITE SYSTEMS ® movies ® christian broadcasting ® sports ® 24 hr news ® art ® children & adult programming ® music ® educational programming You can now -- LEASE a Satellite System. Share with a neighbour and cut costs. Call us for information 985-2652 Deli Fealwrees (These offers in effect July 25 to July 28/84) SCHNEIDERS SPICED HAM we 9 we 3.99 MARY MILES POLISH SAUSAGE 1006 n 3 1 PER LB. 1 39 MARY MILES SALAMI 10Gm wu 1.99 FROM OUR MEAT DEPT. Frozen Grade A 10 1b. avg. TURKEYS 99 2.18 PORT PERRY IGA 278 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY