32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 24, 1984 moked chops | peste 3.73./5.05 . 169.12.29. 395s pis. Canadian Queen, 2 kg or 4.4 Ib. bacon "for rotisserie", fresh boneless alex cay a grill", Maple Leaf, 500 g pkg. Country Gold, 450 g pkg. x A GLA WONrS err 1.69 "great on a grill" a UAL oareris ....... 4% $122 Maple Laat 10 go Countey Sold, 4 pak, 304 Phy. a A r-- feet sesrsssssnsersassases 2.29 macaponi _ 28 wt Maple Leaf, 250 g pkg. fe sore sliced sticks. ha 1.89 forest 97 Wy 4. 4 Maple Leaf boneless smoked cryovac Mary Miles store sliced j00(0)L& 7.99 -- w-- hn. -. 1 i ey sons 63% 52% loa? i A wt - site a TE TL 8 ard na cin whe Sh nani en ny om Ba ER. dl Eichup tt by Utaw frozen straight or crinkle cut Superfriés, 1.5 kg pkg. McCain french fries Campfire, 250g white a imallows 00000000000 fukdy fancy, 14 fl. oz. tin Xs x 25 box | SAUCE vevererrsararererssssses 69 1 foil ....... L15 House . of 20 bie k pepper vesresens 2.39 e bags ......... 3.69 Club House Fcc onion peer -- 1.59 facial tissue -- 1.79 No Sak, 225 g c of 180 S00 g box te. a 2.39 Son assorted Airwick stick up, pkg. of 2 hakery specials Cones Flrvens bread con 89 | wheat or health nut, 450 g loaf Weston super sesame, pkg. of 8 -- | vegetables soft Stokely ie by be bde. deposit ® --n 8 beauty aids belo cov, 40g ben ito 50018 rors 300 wl. bi. Lmpule, 100 nl. anit ron. AS 1.79 War... I 79 SE & -- mouthwash -- 2.29 SORRY weer 2.99 evagoraed rhimmed _ op 5.99 (Starting Wed. July ow scrubbers ------_-- 79 : vos ot ed nn 69 UPL py Rapa 20 Hee" CHERRIES fos bn -- 2.39 strana 1+ Tote ressssssssassasassess 1.09 = fae 09 CYA cor L19 Rice-A-Roni........ 89| OV cemmes. nia poui RR I NT] F1= r+ Ker py 3 CE ...tist wn L19 emt 0. Seth 48 8 on . jy a ssssssssssssses ° nep prTED Pure 14 oz. can 48 vies ed, 454 4 phe et 100 Elm 129 | ma Fr fo, 9 Pic sic sot cog Se 1 moms | Sam ek hae | dog ---- a 69 | meat pies...mrnnnnd69 Jarod © -- 1.29 ' STORE HOURS: DOWSON'S re & wire FOODMASTER et Er PORT PERRY PLAZA - SCUGOG ST. (HWY. 7A) 8:00 AM. to 9:00 P.M. IWwnetr -- LOTTARIO AGENT -- Saturday 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.