Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 14 Aug 1984, p. 29

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Greenbank News by Doris Hill Congratulations to the Szebedinskys on win- ning a First and Grand Champion prize on their yearling Appaloosa colt at Sutton Fair this weekend. A reminder to bring your articles for the an- tique kitchen display at Port Perry Fair when you come to the W.I. August meeting at Mrs. Earles on August 22nd -at 2 p.m. The roll call will be 'Name an unusual Country you like to visit and tell why'. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Eva Stone of Sunderland spent Sun- day visiting with her: son, William and Betty Stone. - Mr. and Mrs.: Mel McGee attended the wedding Saturday at Newcastle of Miss Bar- bara Dennis and Mr. Kim Hamre. The Greenbank Ladies Lob Ball team are having some in- teresting games this oc- season. Last week they were defeated by Sain- tfield with a score of 17 to 14. Come out and sup- port our local ladies. Fred and Dot Knight have just returned from a trip to Alaska. The annual Memorial Decoration Service at Greenbank Bethel Cemetery will be this Sunday, August 19th with Reverend Crawford of Caesarea Howard Ashton as speaker and Mr. Bert Hutcheon of Seagrave as soloist. An enjoyable after- noon was had on Satur- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. w. Stone, when many of the ladies of the community gathered for a Bridal shower for their daughter, Janice. Linda Stone of Toron- to is spending a few days with her parents. Recently Mr. and Mrs. William Earle en- tertained daughter-in- law, Brenda and gran- dsons, Benjie and Joey of Oshawa, while husband and father Chris was away on a job up in Hudsons Bay. Mrs. Betty McGee spent Sunday afternoon and had dinner with Charlie and Ann Perkins in Toronto. A very pretty wedding took place on Saturday in our church when Lana Perry and Larry Midgley took their VOWS. Mr. Stewart Suggitt of North Bay and Mrs. Lucille Reynolds of Orillia visited last week with their sister, Mrs. Aileen Dobson and all three attended the Suggitt family reunion at Fenelon Falls on Saturday. Mrs. Margaret Couperthwaite enjoyed the trip to Bracebridge and the Muskoka tour last week. Mr. Jack Weir of Scarborough visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Couperth- waite. Many of our Green- bank folks attended the annual picnic for the Greenbank Gamblers, 'their families and frien- ds at Mr. Lloyd Lee's cottage at Lake Simcoe on Saturday. Epsom man turns ninety Epsom Area News By Jean Jeffery Congratulations and friends flowed in to the Ashton home in a stream on Sunday af- ternoon to wish Howard Ashton a happy 90th bir- thday. It was a wonder- ful day and all enjoyed birthday cake and ice cream and a visit on the spacious lawn. Linda Littler and chi'dren were guests wit her cousin Darlene Begin most of last week. On Wed. Darlene Begin was hostess for a birthday party for her aunt Beryl Martin of Oshawa. Jean Jeffery went on a bus trip on Tuesday to Bracebridge and a boat tour of Muskoka Lake. Mr. Roy Miller was also on the trip. Mrs. Miller is in Europe at present. She is atten- ding the Parisan Play. Stella and Don Asling were at Emsdale last weekend. On Thursday Heddy Lefebvre had lunch with Mrs. Asling. The Youth Group had a splendid weekend. Between thirty and for- ty went on a canoe trip to Kensis Lake in the Haliburton area. They I WILL TRADE YOU "Old Fashioned Reliable Service" ie. (if possible repair, not replace for the low price specials that lure you to their door) CALL: STEVE'S AUTO REPAIR located at your PIONEER CENTRE 4 miles south of Port Perry on Oshawa Rd. 985-2431 were accompanied by Dini and Barry Page, Arnold and Gail Kerry, and Shirley and Paul .Baster. Joan, Jill and Jennifer Asling of Hanover were guests this weekend with Don and Stella Asling. Ron Watson took his father, Archie Watson to a Blue Jays game in Exhibition park on Saturday. Grandson Russell Watson is spending a few holidays with his grandparents while his mother and sister, Michelle are holidaying at Souix Lookout. Joyce and Richard Luchuk and children of Wiarton were recent visitors with her paren- ts, Earl and Marie Wilson. Scott Wilson is on a camping trip this week. On Sunday, Earl and Marie Wilson visited on Sunday with Earl's mother, Mrs. J.P. Wilson of Uxbridge as Miss Ruby Wilson is on a holiday. Epsom Utica Social Club will hold its family get-together at the Tap- scott cottage at Cameron Lake near Fenelon Falls, August 19th. You can attend Church at Utica at 11 fa.m. Rev. Edith-Ann will be taking the ser- vice. Then after lunch pack up the family and head for the country. It will be pot luck supper. BOATING TIPS Don't get lost in a fog. Know your position at all times and be prepared to return to shore on a com- pass course. Fog can come up very unex- pectedly and the coastline which was so clearly visible a few minutes ago, can be com- pletely obscured. Always carry the latest cor- rected charts and related publications on your boat. Cleaning Your Home | is No Easy Job! Why waste your time and energy on an old appliance when ... BEAM BUILT-IN VACUUM SYSTEMS CanDo A GREAT _ CLEANING JOB! There are no bags. no messy screens to clean and the system is designed for any home - old or new. Why there's no finer system at No Finer Price! a A a CURRAN RR Call Us For Complete Do-it-Yourself Details & Estimates for Installetion ... BOB GOODMAN JLUMBING PORT PERRY 985-7758 For any further infor- mation call Tapscott 985-3469 or Taylor 852- 7187. Hope to see you there. CHRISLER Plymouth Dodge Trucks PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. August 14, 1984 -- 29 Szebedinskys horses claim first Dr, Matt Dymond prize and championship at fair was special guest Ashburn Area News by Mrs. E. Heron It was good to have Dr. Matthew and Mrs. Dymond with us at Bur- ns Church last Sunday morning. Dr. Dymond was the guest minister and his message was from Jeremiah 13 "Where are the Flock?' He gave us many thoughts to sear- ch our own hearts for answers, and said if Christians want to see a live missionary, we should look in the mirror. The Scriptures were read by Florence Ashton and Ray Porter. A duet called "Lead Me, Blessed Lord" was sung by Ted and Rose Heron with Arnold Ashton organist. Phyllis and Art Oliver are ushers for this month. Rev. McEntyre will be back next Sunday and his - sermon will be 'Voting for God?" A couple of our young people have had ac- cidents. Debbie Batten had the misfortune to break her nose and Vicki Mink broke her arm. We hope they will soon be all healed. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Lorne Parrott | is in Port Percy hospital. We hope you will soon be better and back home Effie. Sisters, Mrs. Lillian Jamieson and Mrs. Ger- trude Briggs of Oshawa, have been visiting with Lorne recently. Also Mrs. Myrtle Fisher is at the time of writing, in Dr. Ruddy Hospital. We wish her a speedy recovery to. Ken and Elaine Heron of Bracebridge spent a couple of days last week with their parents, Ted and Rose Heron. Doug and Florénce Ashton accompanied by Mrs. Ruth Purdy of Mono Centre attended the 40th wedding anniversary party of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowson at Scugog Island last Saturday evening. Doug and Florence also visited their aunt Mrs. Lottie Doble of Sunderland and helped her celebrate her 93rd birthday. We are sorry Gail Grey had to have surgery in Dr. Ruddy Hosptial. We wish her a speedy recovery and home coming. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Daw, Mathew and Michael of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Brian Daw Amy and Katie of Whitby visited their parents, Lois and Fred Daw last Sunday. Grad Earla Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill of Greenbank, has graduated from the Registered Nurses Assis- tant Program of Durham College. She is a graduate of Port Perry High School. Earla has accepted a position at Sceptre Manor Nursing Home in Uxbridge. Join the Chrysler Revolution! Chrysler Is the only automobile manufacturer offering a 5 Year Warranty against body corrosion. Come In and see us today for full detalls. GREAT SAVINGS ON '84 MODELS. '""We're Clearing Them at Invoice!" SJeq¥iclelc CHRYSLER LTD. HWY. TA-12 MANCHESTER 985-7354

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