I JT PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. October 16, 1984 -- 3) Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale PORT PERRY Kinsmen Club Hallowe'en Dance, November 3, 1984- 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. -- $10 per couple. Music by B&C Sounds. Bar and buffet - costumes - prizes. Open to all. For infor- mation call 985-8060. O 30 ODDFELLOWS and Rebekah's trip of the month draw -- next draw is Mon: day, October 22, at 9 p.m. in the Oddfellow's Hall, Port Perry. Anyone interested in watching the draw is welcome | PORT PERRY KINSMEN CHRISTMAS NEW - BRAND NAME TOYS Sat., November 10 OPEN 8 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. "at the Kinscout Hall Lilla Street North - Port Perry "In Aid of Our Community Service Work" ANNUAL MEETING for the Durham Reglon Federation of Agriculture, Tuesday, Oc: tober 23rd, 8 p.m. at Prince Albert Community Centre. Everyone welcome. COME JOIN US on a tour of China, presented by Mrs Marilyn Wallace at Scugog Island United Church at 8 p.m. Tuesday, October 23. Sponsored by Grace U.C.W. FILM CLUB at the Library, every Thursday after school- 4:15. This month- films featuring 'GHOSTS & GOBLINS' and 'SCARY HAPPENINGS." No charge -- Join us. ENTERTAINMENT ROYAL CANADIAN BRANCH 419 ""W.J.K." FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 - 9:00 P.M. Members & Guests Welcome! CALLING ALL LADIES! Progressive Euchre ~~ &Bridge Port Perry Curling Club THURS., OCT. 25th 8:00 P.M. Admission $2.00 Prizes - Refreshments EVERYONE WELCOME Sponsored by Business Girls Curling LEGION PORT PERRY HOT TURKEY DINNER PLUM PUDDING & PIE SEAGRAVE UNITED CHURCH WED., NOV. 7th Please Note: Advance sale of tickets for settings at 3:45, 5:00, 6:15and 7:30 p.m. ~ Adults $7.50 12 Yrs. & Under $2.00 "FOR TICKETS CALL: 985-7877 985-2627 985-8350 LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419, will be on Thursday, Oc tober 25, at 7:30 p.m. Jackpot- $220 in 57 numbers. on RUMMAGE SALE at the Port Perry United Church, October 25, 10 am. to § p.m.; 7 to 9 p.m. and Oc: tober 26, 10 a.m. to | p.m. Sponsored by the Port Perry United Church Women.O 23 WINTER Wonderland of Fashions, custom-made Eskimo coats and outerwear by Emelda Jackson. Original handmade garments by fibre artist Wendy Bateman. Port Perry United Church, Mon: day October 22, 8 p.m. Lunch. Admission $4.00 EPSOM-UTICA BEEF DINNER UTICA HALL Thurs., Oct. 25th 6:00 to 7:00 P.M. Adults $7.00; 12 & Under $3.50; 5 & Under FREE ADVANCE TICKETS: Gerald Hill 985-2719 Elva Kerry 852-6798 LEGION AUXILIARY RUMMAGE - SALE - Wed., Oct. 24th 10A.M.to2P.M. LEGION HALL Bay Street, Port Perry Good, Used Clothing Free Coffee Served. ~ 2- Bar Privileges Ridge Runner Truck Club COUNTRY MUSIC DANCE featuring Wayne, Barb & Country Bred SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, 1984 8:00 P.M. BLACKSTOCK RECREATION CENTRE Proceeds to help Big Brothers & Sisters. $6.00 per person - Tickets available at Barry's Variety, Irwin Smith Music or any Truck Club Member. Lunch DESSERT LUNCHEON NESTLETON COMMUNITY CENTRE Thurs., Oct. 25th 1:00PM. - GUEST SPEAKER: Helen Gougeon C.F.R.B. Personality TOPIC: "The changing Role of Women in To- day's Society." Tickets $3 00 per Person Sponsored the the Nestleton UC W Call Barbara Weir 986-4630 . Carnegle Beach, Conc. 13, Yard Sale SATURDAY October 20th, 9:30 to 4 p.m. Port View Road, Scugog Island. Moving. SATURDAY October 20th, 9 til 2; 82 Heath Cresc. Good children's clothing and miscellaneous items. OCTOBER 27: basement and craft sale. Fall and Christmas silk flower ar- rangements. 12 ft. aluminum boat, motor and traller, 13 inch G.M. rims, 3 speed bike, propane camp stove, new door entrance sets, many more Items. East, Scugog Island. O 23 For Sale OIL SPACE HEATER $65.00, Oll Furnace burner and controls $35.00, Older fridge $35.00, Chesterfield Chair $12.00 etc. 705-357-3082. 72 GMC 350 C.1.D. Motor 4 Barrel Carb. $450.00, 75 GMC Truck, 4 speed trans. with P.T.O. $200., Holmes 440 Wrecker $500. Call 986-4399 after 6:00. REPROCESSED fabulous 26 inch RCA TV, remote con: trol $488; Under $5 weekly. Krazy Kelly's, 35 Went worth St. E., Oshawa. 571.1412 TF REPROCESSED 20 inch Zenith TV, $188; Under $4 weekly. One hour delivery Krazy Kelly's, 350 Went worth St. E., Oshawa. 571 1412. TF 4 MONTH old Billy goat 9857520 after 6 pm. O23 CASE TRACTOR with Sedore loader and snow bucket $4600. 986-5067 WHY PAY MORE We sell new chesterfields, kitchen and dining room sets, bedrooms sets etc., at low prices everyday! Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E. (at Ritson) Oshawa 728-3473 We Deliver TF FUR COAT, hardly worn, unplucked beaver, size 16. Asking $800; Corduroy coat, almost new, rust colour, size 16. Asking $50. 985-3343. STEEL BUILDINGS. Direct factory clearance. Up to 40 per cent discounts. Widths 30 ft. to 120 ft., any length. Limited quantities. Act Now. Save. Call toll free 1-800-461-7689. 0 30 BARN ROOFING and - Siding. 30 Gauge galvanized and galvalumeéd $4) per square. 30 gauge prepainted $58. Minimum order 30 squares. Custom Farm Material Sales. McKeen. 416-779-3322. EOW REGISTERED Polled Herefords. Bulls, herdsire, yearlings, calves. Cows with/without calves. Bred, open heifers. Free Listed herd. Arondale Polled Herefords, Brinkman Ar- nold, Glen Huron. 705-466-5533. Lalrd. For Sale FOR ALL YOUR Insulation and Air Sealing needs, plus alr leakage Inspection and U.F.F.I. Remedlal Measures. Call McCleave Insulation - (416) 852-505). UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E., Oshawa. 579-5666. TF FREE Installation: Erle and Kinetico Water softeners and iron filters. Ultra violet purifiers and chlorinators. Buy, rent or lease. Free water analysis. Call Gary Young Plumbing, Brooklin. Days: 655-4936; evenings: 655-8989. TF SHAKLEE. For products or Information please call 986-4771. TF FIREWOOD -- all dry hard woods. No green wood, Large or small quantities. Geoff Taylor 985-2494. EOW SGUARANTEED BEST PRICES $ Manufacturer of quonset buildings clearing out three odd sized buildings. Up to 40 per cent reduced. SACRIFICE PRICES. First come-First served. Deal factory direct. Call 416-663-5323. PENNY ROLLERS. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily! One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. $5.95 post paid. Send cheque, M.O.- Penny Roller Products, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ontario. L2A 5N2. NEW GLUTEN Free Cookbook. 300 tested recipes. Now cook for the whole family. Guaranteed. $10 p.p. Write: Gall Davis, No. 128, 9501- 72nd Ave., Grande Prairie, Alberta. T8V 6A). APARTMENT SIZE spin washer and dryer. Asking $185 for both. Good condi- tion. Call 985-9174. TWO SURGE Milkers; In ternations! two furrow plow; four steel wagon wheels. Call 986-4413. 30 INCH G.E. range, white, nearly new $275; Simplicity wringer-washer with timer, good condition $125; G.M. 350 engine and auto transmission, 70,000 miles, good condition $275. Call 985-7704. COMMODORE 1525 dot matrix printer, perfect con dition. $200. Call Chris: 985-9093. KENMORE sewing machine, stretch stitch, sew- ing table included. Flat bed machine. Phone 986-5593. O 23 PULLETS, white egg layers, starting to lay. 985-8308. PROP AND SKEG REPAIRS (5 day service) Expert boat repairs. Do it yourself fibreglass supplies OSHAWA GLASS FIBRE -- RAYPLEX, 341 Durham Street, Oshawa. 579 1433. TF PICK YOUR OWN vegetables, tomatoes, pep pers etc. Linton's 1.7 km E , on Concession 9 off Simcoe St. South. TF WOODWORKERS thickness planer, 6 inch jointer, 10 inch table saw, belt and disc, sander, shaper, 14 inch bandsaw, metal cutting bandsaw, shopsmith machine. 985 2443 TF WATER Softeners, iron filters, chlorination, systems, free water analysis. Rent or Buy Call Randy Coombs, collect at Aquafine Water Refiners 705-324-6888. TF WATKINS PRODUCTS, spices, liniments, cleaning products, etc. For Informa: tion phone 985-2070. TF SHAVINGS kiln dried Delivered. 985 7288 TF WOODWORKERS special on Shopsmith § 'n 1 tool $1,345; 6 Inch longbed jointer with 1 HP and stand. $490. 985-2443 TF 8 TORO Snowblower, elec- tric start, $700. 985-8257. WINTE R storage tor boats, trallers, cars in- side/ovutside- reasonable rates. New straw for sale. 985-3806. 8 FOOT round bale feeders. $150 and $200 each. 985-2589. EOW GOLDEN Falcon traller for sale: 1968. Asking $3,900. Call 705-786-3413. DESK & CHAIR, cofiee and end tables, stereo set and 1974 Chrysler Newport. Call 985-9478 after 3pm. 0 23 PIONEER ~ AIRTIGHT WOODSTOVES & FP. INSERTS * * 3 Colours Available Bo cc 261 Queen Street, . : Port Perry, Ontario . BNO Fact ntti - * Secondary Burn System All Knee & Ankle * Glass Door Optional SAFE DIRECT FLUE SOCKS INSTALLATIONS 0 FREE ESTIMATES 20 % Off Call 985-2935 PIONEER STOVES SEE OUR & ANTIQUES WEEKLY SPECIALS! 7 Robinglade Dr. N. Canada-Ontario After October 31, you're on your own. CALL: MAUSTYN McKNIGHT P.O. Box 391, Uxbridge, Ontario LOC 1KO For Details On WHEAT INSURANCE (416) 852-3536 or "ANY --- VARIETIES a - a 852-6827 a Bi MN, Vedvidge Prep. A. Veadesterg 'Going Out of Business' DUTCH BULBS SHOP HYACINTHS - Red. White. Blue & Pink 10 for $4.80 50 for $17.50 DAFFODILS - 10 for $2.25 50 for $10.00 TULIPS - 10 for $1.25 50 for $4.00 CROCUS - 10 for $1.25 50 for $4.00 Hurry - Hurry - Hurry! 24 wo APPLE ORCHARD 985-3902 (25km from Hwy 7A IDA RED, CORTLAND, EMPIRE, McINTOSH - CIDER - Scugog Island SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20th WINEMAKERS' DAY 11:30AM. 1:30PM. Professor A.B. MacLean will demonstrate and advise on Apple Wine. Winemakers' Cider will be available at .75¢ litre. Metabisulphite and Ascorbic Acid added Bring your own container in the morning, and pick it up in the afternoon OPEN: SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10AM.to 5 P.M. Ly ~The «FR a AAD, JR oo ops: Devs) Speirs: i... cab. B a oA ul. as: SL vi SSS al in, 3 a A 2 a 3 i A i ll cal. Sig ta. a3 a aS a aa a EE ah EE EEE AEE LEE aR LS a