BUSINESS DIRECTORY CONTRACTORS & CARPENTERS Scugog Drywall Services PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. October 16, 1984 -- 39 Birthday girl Mora turns 94 A large crowd of U.C.W. ladies met at Bet- ty McGee's home on Wednesday evening, Oc- tober 3. Liz Fulford open- ed the worship period with a prayer of Liz Fulford, co- ordinator of Scugog Community Care gave a very comprehensive report of S.C.C. Services offered, - a "neighbours helping neighbours' pro- to organize the bazaar which will be held at the church basement on Oc- tober 27th from 1 to 4 p.m. Afternoon tea will be served and there will be special treats for presented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Come | 1 - Lawn Care - Fertilizing - Weed Spraying - Chinch Bug Control - Crabgrass Control - Insecticide Spray - Dormant Oil Spraying - Nature's Touch Products. 986-4889 BLACKSTOCK, ONTARIO Scugog Appliance Repair REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Eli - co) Washers - Dryers - Stoves [a] 0) Fridges - Dishwashers - Freezers TOM VANDERENDE Call 986-5312 anytime REASONABLE RATES! MOTOR CITY TURF SERVICES Lawn Care - Fertilizing - Weed Control - poRrT PERRY 985-3383 Mother Mod Custom Draperies BLINDS -- VERTICALS -- MINI BLINDS SHEERS - white. ivory. champagne - as low as $6.99 yd. NO OBLIGATION ~ SHOP AT HOME SERVICE 34 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2826 UXBRIDGE: / : SUNDERLAND: (416)852.7391 / 7 (705) 357-3110 GET | Vv SERVICE TO ALL MAKES ® Written Guarantee - ) No Mileage Charge Danforth Typewriter RENTAL - SALES SERVICE - REPAIRS L. MARTINS PAINTING & WALLPAPERING Drywall taping - Spray painting - Texture Spray Int. - i busy - 985-7732 (res.) Exterior Acrylic Stucco 408 Dundas St. W. ) Whitby 666-1131 R:.. 1a, LYNDA'S BASSETT'S HOUSE | |. GINES CLEANING Repairs to SERVICE | | ois, fr, Established 1975 mobiles - Chainsaws Borwied cleaners - Fibreglass Repairs - residential homes. Sun Valley, Seagrave 433-1462 985-8677 D | LIAL, «|. FEED SERVICE 40 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry (Behind Philp Pontiac-Buick Limited) ANIMAL FEED & HEALTH PRODUCTS GARDEN SUPPLIES - FENCE FERTILIZER DOG FOOD CONDITIONER SALT MARLOW'S WILD BIRD SEED 985-7363 Nk Ministerial executive The pastors of the local churches meet together for matters of mutual concern once every two months. The Rev. Glenn Jackson, pastor of the Port Perry United Church is the chairman. The Rev. A.C. Geleynse, pastor of the Hope Christian Re- formed Church of Port Perry, is the group's secretary. If there are any matters for the ministerial, please in- form either one of these men. The Rev. Brian Robinson, pastor of the Island United Church was appointed as the Chaplain for the Port Perry Community Hos- pital. The Rev. Edith Ann McManiman, pas- tor of the Epsom and Utica United Churches was appointed as the Ministerial represent- ative for Scugog. Operation Worship Service 11 am and 6:30 pm Nursery Provided Ladies Coffee Hour Tuesday 9:45 a.m. Family Prayer and Bible Study Wed. 7,30 p.m. Pioneer Girls and Boys C.S.B. Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Youth Activities (for details phone 985-8681) WELCOME TO EMMANUEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Queen and Rosa Sts. Pastor - R. Hilsden 985-9222 SUNDAY OCT. 21 9:45a.m Family Sunday School 11 a.m. Inspiring Worship with Guest Speaker Rev. W.M. Bowler . pun. Praise Service Pastor Hilsden speaking Wed. 8 p.m. Bible Study of Gifts of the Holy Spirit Sundays - Special Music Childrens Church Nursery Service the Evening Service Everyone Welcome HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF PORT PERRY (166 Simcoe St. S. Prince Albert) Watch our Church Program Faith 20 on Global TV every Sunday morning at9:30 a.m. Service 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Rev. Carel Geleynse R.R.2, Port Perry 985-3402 Ladies Coffee Break Every Thursday 9:30 a.m. Nursery and Story Hour Provided COMMUNITY CHURCH CAESAREA Rev. W.H. Crawford D.Th. DD SUNDAY OCT. 21 11:00a.m Welcome to The Country Church 986-5526 Thanksgiving. Hymns ject. anyone interested children. Our group wil Er | 2 : " 'Come, Ye Thankful in assisting the program cater for 'Green &s5 750 Drywall ' Taping - Textured Ceilings People Come" bie "Sing should contact her office. Gamblers' ball club pb 3 : To the Lord of Harvest' President, Mary Jean banquet a Noiober i were joyfully sung. Till, then conducted the 24th and a Unite Cucrarneod Work John Park - 986-4641 Reading of the scripture business meeting and in- - Breeders lunch on : Quality Workmanship RUSS Wray - 986-4638 from Luke 17, 11-19 was vited everyone to joinin December 5th. . followed by a meditation singing 'Happy Birthday' We are invited to at- UNITED CHURCH ANGLICAN on the scripture "Let"s to Mona Mero who was tend a meeting at Port OF CANADA ST. JOHN'S PORT PERRY ROOFIN G Try To Be The One in about to celebrate her Ferry United Church on Rev. Glenn C. Jackson BLACKSTOCK Ten Who Returns 94th birthday on Friday. October 18 at 8 p.m. to M.A., B.D. Rev. M. Ansley Tucker C & Sheet Metal Thanks" by Marg Final plans were made learn more about "'Fun- SUNDAY OCT. 21 SUNDAY OCT. 21 _-- © Asha, ¢ epi ry Hota Couperthwaite. by naming committees draising with Bazaars UCW Thankoffering Pentecost 199:30 | Service orning Prayer Repairs - Strips - Re-roofing - New Work fj (recooooooooooooooooood Guest Speaker church School ] 0 JOHNREEKIE 985-7082] § CAESAREA Thanks! wots, weenor - y COMMUNITY CHURCH 3 ASCENSION PRINCE ALBERT ) Rev. W.H.Crawford, D.Th.D.D. §§ Onceagainthewomen PORT PERRY & _AZ=BARN-- ) Co Pm will be conducting a 11:30a.m. Wed. Oct. 17 Cott Rr ATRL } (0 special "Thank-offering Morning Worship Ethel Reda QNSTRUCT] } THISSUNDAY-OCT. 21st...11AM. § service" on Sunday mor- and Church School 7:30 a.m. ITY -- 0 Speaker - Gerry Jonkheer {0 ning, October 21, 1984. Holy Communion dy Le J (i ; ALSO: "COLOURED SLIDES OF NIGERIA VISIT!" a The guest speaker, Mrs. SUNDAY OCT. 21 3 : G 0 Margaret ib ott hn SCUGOG Pentecost 19 I ckering, "'Shar- '15a.m. (416) 7123-9482 )} CHILDREN'S SPECIAL MEETIN 1] Sing. ab Wo PASTORAL CHARGE 11:15a.m ! EACH MONDAY 4:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. 1] ng y y Rev. Brian Robinson Holy Communion \ VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES } "Sunshine Club" held in Community Hall ~~ § us. Mrs millet , as. RL Div and Church School sha .A., M. Div. ; 0 home as a nurse and Scugog - 9:45 a.m. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ) AVsnWelgomaly Ato tie bilendly oudtiyChuich. |) ui er of four; in the Manchester-11:15a.m. PRESBYTERIAN : PHONE 986-5526 0 community as a member CHURCHIN CANADA _ ) . st. John' ee a AA aaa aaa of session, chairperson of Alex J. Shepherd the M&S committee, in- BLACKSTOCK Rev. Stuart McEntyre CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT volved in Amnesty Inter. PASTORAL CHARGE ic, (0 0) 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ' The Co ti | Corporation, Small Business Accounting & Taxation local nursing homes and Blackstock po a.m. Np reta) on Farm Accounting & Taxation - Bookkeeping Services R.R. JONES hospitals; nationally as a North Nestleton R hr PHONE (416) 985-7031 SEPTIC TANK member of a division of 11:15a.m. urns Laurel, urn PUMPING APPLIANCE [Io orld Outreach Nous Ding 135th Anniversary and : i Committee, member of and Nursery During nniversary an L AW OFFICE of tan Contracts avarlable SERVICE Women's Inter-Church Worship - Services | HOURS: Mon. to Fri. 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m -- Year Round Service -- Repairs to All Makes Council of Canada; In- 11a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon pT. Phone: 985-3481 985-9585 ternationally as a Cana- RNS CHURCH RR x dian 'representative at BURNS CHURC RONALD D. BRIDGEWATER \ BARRISTER & SOLICITOR " the International World ASHBURN NOEL'S Day of Prayer in Zam- 135th Anniversary 230 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY Clarence Willcock A ; and ; Bus.: 985-8491 Res.: 985-8828 CLEANING bia, Africa, 1978; and an i / Guest Speaker - JANITORIAL SERVICES WE LDING alternate member of the My vo Rev. Ted Stevens, | Offices Banks Churches Etc . . Executive 0 t e PORT PERRY Ottawa EMIVIERSON | |visi| | frm | Wim ome, 00, i : 1 when Km WELCOMES YOU That Burns INSURANCE BROKERS UMITED PHONE 985-2589 Tutzing, Germany. Hwy. 7A just east of Mr. Bill Reid, " ort Perry Star Pastor D. Payne : All Lines of " " y 7:30 p.m. General Insurance!" (416) 985 7306 ADVERTISING DON CORNEIL to hear a challenging and B.A., B.Th. Youth Choir from Auctioneering Service inspiring message as we Assoc. Pastor gel DEADLINES Sparano | Share the Ministry" at 1K mark Presbyterian IME 399.1 1 {OVARY 1.4 41d 33 A Ry Na: R R 1 Little. Biitain vice, Sunday, October 21, t, ml eri Church, Scarborough 786-2183 1984, 10:00 a.m., Port [eY] Under the Direction of Call: (705) Perry United Church. Bible School 9:45 a.m. Lillian Reesor RICK'S WEED CONTROL Praise and A Social Hour Follows