a -- nb wil 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR - October 16, 1984 letters '""Hats off!" Dear Sir: I would like to say "Hats Off" to all the folks on the Cartwright centennial Committee! What a marvelous weekend they had arranged for all of the people "of Cartwright plus their visitors and the many old familiar faces who returned for the cele- brations. These events don't just happen - they take months of planning and hours of work. I feel certain I speak for many others when I say "Thank You for a job well done." You should all feel very proud. Elaine Bailey, Blackstock, Ont. « Ambulance .... (From page 5) in saving lives. As for public recog- nition of their efforts, the reader just did that in the above letter. And we agree totally that a great many accident victims owe a great deal to ambulance attend- ants. Port High Music Students announce the annual CITRUS - a SALE oe , BEGINNING TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2nd. Enjoy Juicy, Navel Oranges and Delicious Red Grapefruit. NAVEL ORANGES Small Box (approx. 20 b) $15.00 Large Box (approx. 40 1b) $25.00 RED GRAPEFRUIT Small Box $13.00 Large Box $22.00 The fruit will arrive in EARLY DECEMBER. Proceeds to update our stereo system, and to assist with travel. TO PLACE YOUR ORDER CALL: P.P.H.S. at 985-7337 OR contact any P.P_H.S. Music Student. (416) 668-7731. Council Meeting. Gary Herrema Regional Chairman THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM "NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Region of Durham is con- sidering passing a by-law to name Regional Road Number 23 as "Lake Ridge Road" except for the portion of the road known as Mara Road, Osborne Road and Simcoe Street in Beaverton. The report related to this matter is available for inspection in the Regional Planning Department or by calling The Regional Planning Committee shall, on November 13, 1984 at 10 a.m. in the Planning Department Boardroom, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, hear any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard. Requests to appear before the Planning Committee should be received by the Planning Department at the above address, the Friday before the meeting. Regional Council will consider the recommen- dation of the Planning Committee on November 21, 1984 at 10:00 a.m. in Council Chambers, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario and shall hear any person who claims that he will be adversely affec- ted by the by-law and who applies to be heard. Requests to appear before Regional Council should be received by the Regional Clerk at the above address 48 hours before the Regional CW. Lundy, AMC.T. Regional Clerk Council okays subdivision despite protest Williams Point plan approved Scugog Township has given approval in prin- ciple to a nine lot housing development on the east side of the Williams Point Road, just off Durham Road 57, east of Caesarea. The approval in prin- ciple, which was unani- mous, came at a special meeting of council Oc- tober 10, despite the protests lodged by sev- eral property owners living along Williams Point Road whe fear the development will add to an already serious drainage problem. About 20 residents of Williams Point were t in the council chambers last week, and several of them expressed strong objec- tions to the proposed back-lot development. The area is prone to flooding in the spring of the year, and residents expressed fear that be- cause the land is low, Pethfinders off on a Venturee On the weekend of Sept. 28, 29 and 30 the. 1st Port Perry Path- finders consisting of Pamela Beatty, Tanya Bobbie, Michelle and Jennifer Lancaster, Diane Leering, Kristy Richardson, Lisa Stein- mueller, Danielle, Stacy and Stephanie Tower along with Leaders Ann Leering and Betty Stein- mueller, attended the Ontario Venturee VIII at Camp Samac in Oshawa. The 1st Beaverton Pathfinders Krista, Joanna Ker- ridge, Jennifer Leslie, Karen Guest, junior leader Jennifer, and leader Sylvia Oldenziel joined them. The Venturee is a joint Scouting and Guid- ing activity held every two years. Upon arrival Friday night tents were set up and then they went to the hospitality tent to meet other groups and have hot chocolate, tea or coffee and doughnuts and listen to music. Then it was off to bed. Saturday was a very busy day with go -cart- ing at 10:00, canoe games at 12:30. At 1:30 they had rafting which consisted of taking a piece of plywood and 2 boards and tying 4 inner tubes together and then putting 6 people on top and trying to balance while going across the lake. At 3:00 they enter- ed the Soap Box Derby where a team of 6 people had to put the car together then 3 people carried it up a hill and rode it down then the other 3 people did the same and then returned to take the car apart and the time was recorded. One of their teams placed 2nd overall in this event. At 7:30 they had a Monte Carlo night with each group provid- ing a booth. Last but not least was a dance at 9:00. Sunday morning was a time for Guides-Scouts Own and Closing Cere- monies followed by the Chefs Own Outdoor Cooking contest. They entered 3 of the 6 categories and came away with a Gold medal for 1st in the Outdoor Bread category and the Dessert category with a 4th in the Ethnic Cook- ing category. Then it was time to finish pack- ing up. They were sorry to see it all end but had a very memorable camp and plan to return in 2 years. The events all week- end were filmed by Acarboro Cable Com- pany Cable 10 and will be aired during January and February on a show about Scouting. -- _ PLUS -- Wigs - W2 asks © _palloons S Glitters) oi = iy TOY SHOP (Port TED E. BEAR'S 189 Queen St., Perry - 985-8011 excess water could not be drained into Lake Scugog. However, members of council in approving the development in prin- ciple, suggested the drainage problems could be corrected with proper engineering technology carried out at the time of develop- ment. "Now is the time to correct the existing drainage problems. The developers want to create lots and build houses, and they will have to satisfy the Township engineers be- fore any final permi- ssion is granted," said Ward 4 councillor Har- vey Graham who repre- sents the area. The developers, Gerry Jonkheers and John Kuipers, have pur- chased a lot on the lake side of the Williams Point Road, which they hope can be used as a drainage area for the development. However, there is a cottage on that lot and residents of the area expressed fear that there isn't enough room on either side of the building for a proper drainage ditch. Fears were also ex- pressed at the meeting that the development may pose a threat to the wells of existing residents, and in the long run could be detri- mental to Lake Scugog ADULT HALLOWE'EN TREASURE CHEST | Pick the Lucky Key that Opens the Treasure Chest Lock and you'll be the winner! itself. However, these ques- tions will now be add- ressed through detailed study of the proposed development area. Councillors pointed out during the meeting that approval in principle means just that. If it is found that drainage, water or septic prob- lems cannot be corr- ected, councillors said the final re-zoning by- law necessary for the project to proceed, would not be passed. Following the meeting, Mr. F. Ware, a spokes- man for the Williams Point Cottagers Asso- ciation, said he was disappointed that coun- cil had given the project * approval in principle. He said the next step taken by the Association and residents would de- pend on what the de- tailed engineering and other reports find. The original applica- tion had been for 11 lots, but two of the lots at the south of the property near Durham 57, were found to be in an en- vironmental protection area. All Occasions GIFTS Weddings - Birthdays - Anniversaries Showers - Baby - Housewarmings Graduations - Christenings Uniquely Yours... V4 ' NS LUKE'S COUNTRY STORE -- UNIQUE GIFTS -- 207 QUEEN STREET - 985.3011 PORT PERRY 3200.* wv PRIZES | THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY OCTOBER 25 - 26 - 27 STEDN wy TA PORT PERRY PLAZA PORT PERRY *Retaivalue or di