------ -r 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. October 30, 1984 Used Cars Used Cars 1984 MONTE CARLO 2 fone blue, loaded, 305 engine, 23,000 km. 1-705-357-3712. 1962 PONTIAC J2000 Hat- chback, sport cloth interior, sunroof, am-fm, ps, pb. Must sell. 986-0017. 03 1963 OMN | excellent condi- tion, ps, pb. 985-9451. O 30 1976 OLDSMOBILE 88 Royale all available options, needs some body and motor work $350. Also 15 ft square stern canoe $300. 986-5322 Kull Real Estate FRANK REALTOR W FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 118 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY, ONT. Port Perry 985-7386 Toronto 686-3931 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3rd & 4th, 1984 1--4 157 BLOSSOM COURT PORT PERRY YOUR HOST: MARK SMITH '$82,900 -- Blossom Crt., Upgraded 'throughout, 3 plus 1 bedrooms, country kitchen, southern exposure, fireplace. $122,900 -- Port Perry Executive, 2 storey, 4 bedrooms, family room, fireplace, den, 2 walkouts. Quality construction. $45,900 -- $10,000 down, waterfront cot- tage, guest house, boathouse, furnished 4 bedroom, 100 ft. frontage. $69,900 -- Waterfront home, Scugog Island, family room, deck, 3 bedroom, airtight stove, maintenance free. CALL MARK SMITH 985-7386 or 985-3110 $139,000 -- Uxbridge North East, im- macvulate home, barns for livestock, 24 acres prime land. $58,900 -- Brick bungalow, fireplace, 2 car garage, pool. Oakdene Cres. $45,900 -- 2 bedroom older home on ¥% acre lot, small barn. Manilla area. $149,000 -- 100 acres, 9 acres maple, good building. Little Britain area. CALL LAWRENCE MORRISON 985-7386 or 705-786-2319 $55,000 -- 96 acres Mariposa Twp., bush, stream, 20 acres workable, good building sites. CALL BRUCE CURRIE 985-7386 or 705-357-3392 $159,500 -- Reduced. Prestige waterfront, circular oak staircase, 2 fireplaces, fami- ly room, exceptional kitchen, air condi- tioning, central vac., many extras. Rob- inglade Estates. $119,900 -- Gardener's special, 2'2 acres, highway frontage, ranch bungalow, dou- ble garage, fireplace, Port Perry area. $129,900 -- 58.9 acre hobby farm, 14 storey plus separate apartment. Good land, barn. Port Perry area. $35,000 -- Lake Scugog waterfront for per- manent home, good solid beach. Little Britain area. CALL KEN MIDDLETON 985-7384 or 985-7548 Farms, large and small, dairy, hogs, beef, complete operations, also vacant land. CALL HARVEY MOORE 985-7386 or 655-3598 $49,900 -- Time for Xmas, bungalow, eat- in kitchen, bright living room and more, on 1 acre lot. CALL CYNTHIA BLAIR 985-7386 or 985-2352 gL « -- ec ewe. eewes {, AFREEEVALUATION pl an os hibodus ising Sonili cli NIA 985-7371 647 SCUGOG STREET - PORT PERRY OVER 12 YEARS OF SERVICE -- OPEN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH, 1 PM. -- 4 P.M. 1 3 1 iid 9 na re h, TL y Fry 3 Y ¢ DECK AND POOL WITH LOTS OF YARD TO SPARE ON THIS 105 x 210 FT. LOT -- $73,500. Three bedroom sidesplit, family room fireplace - "the nicest" basement completely finished with brick corner for woodstove, games room - attached garage - municipal water - six miles Port Perry north on Durham Road 2, to Mariposa Estates - wait till you see! Inspect with Bill Rae or call 985-7371. JUST MOVE IN -- BRAND NEW BRICK BUNGALOW CUSTOM BUILT BY PARDO ESTATES IN THIS SUPER NEW DEVELOPMENT IN PORT PERRY -- THIS MODEL IS NOW OFFERED AT $121,900. Three bedrooms, ensuite bath, family room, den, fireplace - attached garage. WANT SIZE? 14 ACRES PLUS TWO STOREY FIVE BEDROOM HOME 7 MILES PORT PERRY -- ASKING $119,500.W/out from lounge to 36 ft. inground pool - office, den, fireplace - double carport - a cozy home for an old-fashioned family Christmas - call Chuck Willes 985-7371. NO. 462 KENT ST., PORT PERRY -- RUMPUS LEVEL FOR THE TEENS -- ASKING $117,900. VACANT two storey brick home, four bedrooms, two and half baths, fireplace, attached garage - view by ap- pointment - Howard Forder 985-7371. ALL LUXURY AMENITIES -- ASKING $110,500 - 6 room energy effi- cient bungalow, w/out from dining room to covered patio - nice wood fireplace - X-large kitchen - full unfinished basement - do compare in Port Perry. SUITED FOR OWNER OCCUPANCY OR AS INVESTMENT -- FISH AND CHIP PLACE AND EQUIPMENT ZONED COMMERCIAL -- SEPARATE FOUR BEDROOM HOME -- ASKING $89,500 -- VENDO FINANCING AT 10 PER CENT - Howard Forder 985-7371. ) LITTLE BRITAIN SERVICE GARAGE/SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS AND SALES -- ASKING $73,500. PRICE INCLUDES THE STOCK AND EQUIPMENT -- BILL RAE 985-7371 or (705) 786-2185. LARGE 75 x 205 FT. WATERFRONT LOT -- R.R.3, PORT PERRY -- COMPARE AT $69,900 -- $30,000 DOWN -- VENDOR FINANCING. Four bedroom bungalow, recreation room fireplace with airtight stove includ- ed - large storage garage. 25 ACRES NEAR PORT PERRY OFFERED AT $45,500 -- RETREAT OR HORSE FARM -- ALL LAND WORKABLE - Chuck Willes 985-7371. $17,900 -- 86 x 274 FT. BUILDING LOT, WHITESIDE ST., LITTLE BRI- T+ IN - call Bill Rae 985-7371 or 705-786-2185. 51 ACRES VACANT LAND NEAR LAKE SCUGOG -- $61,900. Excellent croplands, all workable - enquiries to Bill Rae. HIGHWAY HOBBY FARM AT $145,000 -- PICTURESQUE SETTING 22 'AILES OSHAWA - Four bedroom home, good outbuildings - mortgage to endor - enquiries to Bill Rae. Home buyers and sellers are working together as never before to reach ar agreement in home sale transactions which benefits all parties con- ce ned. For knowledge of financing, communication and follow-up in bu ing or selling your property call 985-7371. "HAVE A SAFE/EXCITING HALLOWE'EN EVE" SA' ES ASSOCIATES: Ho rard Forder ...................... ............ Res. 985-3439 B Rae......... (705) 786-2185 Ci ockWilles ............. Res. 985-7032 Al. An (Hank)Bertrand ............... ..... ........ Res. 985-3680 Merty C.Bykerk .. oa Res. 655-3410 MEMBERS OF THE OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD RE a MPR ' od 1970 Wanted Used Cars 1975 PONTIAC LeMans, { good condition, dark green bottom, light green vinyl top. 350 V8, ps, pb, air, uncertified. $850. 985-3424 after 7 p.m. 1975 MONTEGO MX 351 CV, ps. pb, air cond., air shocks, Michelins all round. New Springfield snows (on rims). Service records complete. Excellent winter car. As is $1,050- or best offer. 985-3534. 1976 TOYOTA Celica, 5 speed, motor and body ex- cellent, clean throughout. Certified. $1,650. 985-7558. 1979 PONTIAC Parisienne, two tone grey, 305 V8 engine, ps. pb, 60,000 miles. Ex- cellent condition. $4,500. 985-3631. --- 1974 DODGE Dart Custom, slant six. As is- $250. 986-5391. N 13 1979 VOLVO 242 DL, stan- dard, 78,000 miles, dark brown, perfect condition, well maintained. Certified. 985-8916. COMET 1974, low mileage, good condition, new battery and new exhaust. Asking $550 or best offer. 985-9032. 1975 GM- 262 V8 motor, 62,000 miles, automatic transmission. $200 firm. 985-8329. Used Trucks 1980 GMC 2 ton pick-up, 6 cylinder standard, ps, pb, am-fm stereo, plus cap. $4,000. Call 985-2513 after 5:30 p.m. 030 1977 BEAUVILLE Deluxe van, 12 passenger, rear heater, new radials, 2-tone paint. Ready for winter. Certified. $3,500. 986-5350.0 30 1979 GMC 34 ton pick-up, ex- cellent condition. $4,900. 986-4617. 1979 CHEV, 4 wheel drive, 350 automatic, body damage. $2,000. Call bet- ween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 985-9276. 1967 GMC 5-ton, hydraulic hoist and 14 ft. steel box. 350 cu. in. $1,600. 986-4624. Snowmobiles 71 MERC Ski-Doo 292, ex- cellent shape. Licensed $300 or best offer. 985-3482. ALLOVUETTE snowmobile 399 CC. Good condition. $175. 985-7558. Lost GOLD ROSE Sorority pin with pearl, lost last Satur- day, Latcham Centre, downtown Port Perry or Ux- bridge. Call Toronto collect- 483-6931. ) PASSENGER to share costs from Seagrave/Port Perry area to College and Yonge Streets (Toronto) weekdays. 985-8377. WILL PICK UP without charge, all used appliances, refrigerators and freezers. | Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TVs and radios. Call 986-4926. TF RIDE' WANTED to Markham, arriving 7:30-8:00 a.m. Monday to Friday. Share costs. 985-8682 after 4 p.m, COMMUTERS FOR VANPOOL To Downtown Toronto Suitable for work- ing hours 9to 5. Contact 985-8284 After 7 P.M. Wanted to Buy WANTED to buy, all types of poultry, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits or what have you. Call Mike anytime a 985-8824. . - SCRAP CARS. Highest prices paid - will pick up. 985-8636 or 985-3348. TF TOY TRAINS wanted any condition. Running or not. Especially American Flyer, Lionel. Phone John 725-3594. 030 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any complete stan- dard size car, free towing. 576-2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF FARM bag scales $100; old decoys to $200; old quilts. Evenings 655-8049. TF -- WANTED -- CRIPPLED & DISABLED CATTLE Highest Prices Paid. Call Collect anytime. uxerince 852-3238 M. & M. LIVESTOCK License # 1189 Give Away FOUR MONTH old grey and white kitten, litter trained. 985-8031. Miscellaneous -- BRAND NEW FACILITIES WE BOARD AND TRAILER HORSES Individual Feeding Program. Daily Turn Out. Track Lay Offs PORT PERRY VERY REASONABLE RATES. Welcome - Come visit and look around. 985-7847 U.S A A a Ee