A i { 1 PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. November §, 1984 -- 1) 'Distinctive' Women rewarded (From page 2) ezer United Church. Described as having a natural talent for deal- ing with people and having profound sense of commitment to pro- grams in which she becomes involved, she has earned a reputation as being a person who gets the job done. Frances Jones was selected as the Woman of Distinction in the Community Service cat- Oshawa's Holiday Inn was jam-packed with women (and a few men) when the YWCA sponsored its annual Durham Region Women of Distinction Awards dinner last Thursday night. Mary Brown, Chairperson for the Ontario Board of Film Censors was the evening's keynote speaker and made an impassioned plea for everyone to fight por- nography. Kelly Klips (far right) of Clare- in the Pan pv-1227-K omvisonvis 8-Hour Home Video Cassette Recorder 8-Hour* Home Video Cassette Recorder with Omnisearch and One Touch Recording Built in 2-week/1 program electronic digital clock/imer Mult Function Display One Touch Recording for up to 4 hours 12 positon electronic pushbutton VHF/UHF tuner 5 function wired remote control with slow motion Omnisearch in SLP Frame Advance Still Frame and Slow Motion functions in SLP SPALP/SLP tape speed selector Records 8 hours on one video cassette tape (NV-T160N K) Soft touch controls Auto stop and rewind Auto TVNCR switching With all necessary cables and *549.95 connectors * with NV T160N K video cassette tape You could NS a 1985 Chrysler Magic Wagon asonic Power Play Sweepstakes Come into Homestead's tof Details. egory by making an outstanding contribu- tion to improve the quality of life in the community through vol- unteer service. Mrs. Jones' involve- ment in many activities as a volunteer include continuing involvement with the Girl Guides of Oshawa; service on the Board of Directors of the Red Cross; contin- uing membership in the YWCA; active involve- TREE $ EN An \ oo mont, an Olympies equestrian team member, was a special guest, but the stars of the gala were the three award winners. That's Roxanna Barnes at left, the winner of the Women in the Workforce award; Josephine Parrott, the winner of The Arts category; and Frances Jones, the winner of the Community Service category. See stories for details. Panasonic just slightly ahead of our time Wireless Remote Control necessary cables and connectors * with NV-T160M K video cassetie tape Built-in 2 week/2 program electronic digital clock/himer Mutt Function Display One Touch Recording for up to 4 hours 12-position 105channel electronic pushbutton VHF/UHF tuner 14 function wireless remote control Omnisearch in SLP Frame Advance Stil Frame and Slow Motion in SLP SPAL.P/SLP tape speed selector 8 hour recording with NV T160M K video tape Soft touch controls Auto stop and remind Auto TYVCR switching With all *649.95 Pv-1231R-K omvisonviis S-HOUr Home Video Cassette Recorder 8-Hour* Home Video Cassette Recorder with Omnisearch and ment with the Catholic Women's League for more than 40 years in varying capacities; in- volvement with the Association for the Men- tally Retarded. She's also been a member of the Indepen- dent Order of the Dau- ghters of the Empire (IODE); has served on the Oshawa Housing Authority; has been and continues to be actively involved with the Lib- eral party and has served on the Board of Directors of Informa- tion Oshawa. Mrs. Jones is presently President of the Board of Trustees of the Ro- bert McLaughlin Art Gallery and is serving her second term. Mrs. Jones has been described as willing, enthusiastic, and out- standing as a volunteer worker. The criteria for the Women of Distinction in The Arts category is a '"'significant contribu- tion to the development of the arts which broa- dens the cultural life of the community." The woman selected in this category, Josephine Parrott, who was nom- inated by the Oshawa and District Registered Music Teachers' Asso- ciation. Mrs. Parrott was fortunate to be blessed with a unique talent and aptitude for Save The music, which she de- veloped through her own studies and shared with others through her teaching. She helped provide or- ganists for many comm- unity churches through her students; she was instrumental in foun- ding the Oshawa Con- cert Association, which later became the Dur- ham Concert Associa- tion; she promoted fundraising concerts for the Canadian Christian Children Fund. She helped develop the Oshawa and District Registered Music Tea- chers' Association at Attention regarding: both the provincial and federal level. Mrs. Parrott has con- tributed to the enrich- ment of the cultural life of the community by making music access- ible and available to many people who might otherwise not enjoy that opportunity. The awards dinner hosted keynote speaker Mary Brown, Chair- person of the Ontario Board of Film Censors, who introduced the awards ceremony. "Tonight we celebrate that achievement,' she said. "Tonight I am 'proud to be a woman." - Veterans EX-SERVICEMEN AND WOMEN AND DEPENDENTS The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer, Mr. Gord Alguire, will be visiting Branch 419, Port Perry during the week of December 2, 1984. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance (a) War Disability Pension; (b) Treatment for Entitled Veterans: (c) Application for Benevolent Funds: (d) Appeals against adverse original applications for War Veterans and Widows Allowance: is requested to contact Jack Lee at 986-5424 before November 26, 1984 to arrange for an interview. The Panasonic Genius It does the Thinking, the Cooking, and the Turning. Oven (both featuring the genius of auto- sensor controls) groceries, at 4 Purchase a Panasonic " " i Genius Microwave Oven or Dimension 3 Microwave/Convection | | '50 | DE il between (PROMOTION OATES) and for $100 extra you'll receive $50 or Ri arocery gifcates redeemable al a )* full details, and bag a great deal on OF (AS models may not be svaldable ot every parScipaiing sore ) Panasonic | just slightly ahead of our time Just a touch does so much. (Valid till Nov. 30/84)