Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 Jan 1985, p. 27

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PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 22, 1985 -- 27 Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale Snowmobiles For Rent "LIFE AFTER DEATH" - an address to a public meeting on Thursday, January 31, at the Scugog Public Library. From 7:15 p-m. until library closing at 9:00. Sponsored by the Baha'is of Scugog. Everyone is welcome. No admission charge. J29 ANNUAL MEETING of the Blackstock Agricultural Society, Wednesday, January 30, 8 p.m. at Blackstock Recreation Cen- tre. Guest speaker- Bob Kennedy" 'well known news broadcaster.' Refreshments and social time. Everyone welcome. J 29 ONTARIO PINE GROVE CEMETERY ANNUAL MEETING Municipal Building, Port Perry SAT., JANUARY 26 at 1:30 P.M. All Plot Owners welcome. -- G.A. Wanamaker, Secretary--Treasurer ENTERTAINMENT ROYAL CANADIAN BRANCH 419 "Del Dickenson" FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 Members & Guests welcome. LEGION - PORT PERRY 9P.M. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BR. 419 30/50 DAN Saturday, February 2 9:00 P.M. "W.J.K."" "at the ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION (upstairs Hall) -- EVERYONE WELCOME -- For Sale GURNEY combination stove, four burner with woodstove $235. 571-3874 -- 728-3443. POTATOES. Kennebec. Walter Kerry. 852-6798.F 12 SHAVINGS. kiln dried. Delivered. 985-7288. PIONEER AIRTIGHT FIREPLACE INSERTS J VRE amm y PS a ie To ' : Fi i; 3 "I * 3 Colours Available *10 Year Factory Warranty *Full Fire Brick Lined * Secondary Burn System *Glass Door Optional SAFE DIRECT FLUE INSTALLATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Call 985-2935 PIONEER STOVES & ANTIQUES 7 Robinglade Dr. N. Seagrave Open Daily 99 TF. i For Sale FIREWOOD seasoned hard- wood by single cord or truck load. 986-5127 or 985-3258. J 22 CHEV rear van seat, blue plaid, 4 belts $150. Also good 350 Chev motor and trans.- still in car. $300. 986-5350. 1947 WILLYS 4 X 4, needs brakes and a body, runs real good. $1000 or interesting trade. 986-5350. WATKINS PRODUCTS, spices, liniments, cleaning products, etc. For informa- tion phone 985-2070. TF UPHOLSTERY FABRICS vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools etc. 'Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E_, Oshawa. 579-5666. TF SUNPAK 3600 flash with bracket, n/c battery and charger; Hanimex lens 135MM f 2.8; Makinon lens 286MM f 2.8; Vivitar 2X Ex: tender; Vivitar close-up filters No's 12-4; small camera bag; all Pentax mounts; all excellent condi tion. 985 7725. BARN ROOFING and Siding. 30 Gauge galvanized and galvalimed $41 per square. 30 gauge prepainted $58. Minimum order 30 squares. Custom Farm Material Sales. Laird McKeen. 416-779-3322. EOW WEDDING DRESS $120; also wedding hat- $50; bridesmaid gown- §75. 985-8723. TRACTOR Chains to fit 18.4 x 30; 16.9 x 34 and 15.5 x 38 tires, used one season. Also chains to fit 12 x 28. Jim Byers, Blackstock 986-5112. OAK dining room suite, In excellent condition. 985-3674. LARGE airtight woodstove. $200. 985-8375. FIREWOOD: about 2'2 cord to a lift- $30 lift. Call after § p.m. 1-640-3732. FS CABBAGE Patch clothes pattern books and craft sup- plies. Write for catalogue: Pine Ridge Enterprises, Box 395, Peterborough, Ontario. K9J 623. J 29 REPROCESSED Dynamite RCA 20 inch colour televi- sion. Two to choose from. $222- under $6 weekly. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. Open till 9 p.m. weeknights. F 12 BRAND NEW RCA Video Cassette Recorder, unprecedented- $375- under $6 weekly. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. Open till 9 p.m. weeknights. F112 REPROCESSED sensa- tional 14 inch colour television- $166- under $4 weekly. Krazy Kelly's, 350 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. 571-1412. Open till 9 p.m. weeknights. F112 ROUND OAK table, 2 leaves, 9 piece walnut dining suite, 4 matching Balloon back chairs, 6 oak chairs. 705-786-3028, Little Britain. OVER 3000 National Geographic Magazines 1922 to 1983 (some bound volumes). Make an offer, any quantity. Call, write: Bookshelf Bindery Ltd., Ridgetown, Ontario. NOP 2C0. 519-674-2801. BUY YOUR favourite Movie: VHS or BETA. Ask for free catalogue. Call toll- free 1-800-663-0335. Variety Video, 1111 Royal Ave., New Westminister, B.C. V3M 1K4. STEEL BUILDING MANU- FACTURERS Clearance. Limited quantities. Buy now. Immediate or spring delivery, no interest or storage charges. Substantial discounts during sale. Call toll-free 1-800-461-7689. Area code 807 call 705-335-5972. "PENNY-ROLLER." Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters quickly and easily! One wraps all. Uses free bank wrappers. $5.95 " postpaid. Send cheque, M.O. to: Penny-Roller Products, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, On- tario. L2A 5N2. JEEP OWNERS. Parts, ac- cessories for Jeeps 1942 to 1984. Gigantic stock, low prices, quick service. Gemini Sales, 4736 Hastings, Burnaby, B.C. V5C 2K7. 604-294-2623 -- 604-294-4214. INCOME TAX for farmers - farm income and expenses - 194 pages by a chartered ac- countant farmer explains everything for reporting 1984 income and expenses. Easy to read and highly recommended. For a helpful and interesting book now us- ed in seven provinces, send $22.50 to Eric Farden, C.A., Box 3, Medstead, Sask. SOM TWO. 7 MM Rem. Mag Rugger, Mode! 77. Excellent con tion plus extras. 985-953y. ATARI VIDEO game with 10 games- $110; white Pro- vinclal headboard: twin $15; white Provincial head and foot board: double $25- both like new; new Franklin fireplace- never used with glass sliding doors $35; Gen- dron 3-in-1 baby carriage: burgundy and white, ex- cellent condition $50- new $189; brass fireplace screen with pull chains $25 or best offer; old high chair- Col- onial style- needs refinishing- no tray $15. 986-4590. 24 INCH Zenith, colour television, excellent condi- tion; Hoover upright vacuum cleaner, good condi- tion; Hoover portable, with all attachments, good condi- tion. After 6 p.m. 985-9474. HARRISTON "Princess Pat" woodstove $100; large 12 volt truck battery $45; parts from 76 Honda Civic CVCC, 5 speed, doors efc. 985-7558. LAKEWOOD airtight stove, excellent condition $300. Phone 985-9391. KITCHEN natural oak finish with Lazy Susan sink and hood for stove- new $100; fireplace doors, heavy duty brass $125; rug, beige with under- lay 12 ft. x 14 ft.- like new $150. Call 985-9369 after 5 p.m. FIREWOOD in log lengths or cut and split. Call 985-3361. F 12 CHESTERFIELD and chair; two sets of cross- country sklis. Good condi- tion. 985-2597. - 7 PIECE dining room suite, good condition. 985-3671. cupboard, -am-fm stereo, TOILET TISSUE $14.50 case; kitchen paper towels $19.57. 30/case; garbage bags 26 x 36 inches $19.95 250/case. 985-2640. J 22 ONE METAL cutting band: saw, horizontal or vertical. 705-357-3061. J 22 FIREWOOD 985-7724. TF ~ WET-- Rum and Rye bar- rels, also planters. Phone after 5 p.m. 985-2692. F § WHEAT and Barley straw. Phone D. Pugh 294-2878.J 22 FREE installation- Erie and Kinetico Water Softeners and iron filters. Ultra violet purifiers and chlorinators. Buy, rent or lease. Free water analysis. Call Gary Young Plumbing, Brooklin. Days. 655-4936; evenings: 655-8989. TF WHY PAY MORE We sell new chesterfields, kitchen and dining room sets, bedroom sets etc., at low prices everyday! Elmer's Furniture, 253 Bloor St. E., (at Ritson) Oshawa. 728-3473- We Deliver. TF 'Used Cars 1975 COUGAR, good running condition. $600. 985-8973. 1972 VW SUPER Beetle, ex- cellent. condition. $800. 705-357-3887. 1977 AUSTIN MARINA, _ runs well, needs some body work, not certified. 985-9474 after 6 p.m. 1982 -- 4 DOOR Ford Escort, Michelin tires, certified. $4200 or best offer. 852-5179 after 6 p.m. : 1984 PONTIAC Acadian, certified $5800; 1977 Rabbit, auto, cer- tified $2200. Call 985-2847 or 985-3244. : 74 EVINRUDE Norseman, good condition $375. Phone 985-7212. 395 Bigelow St., Port Perry. 72 FORD Gran Torino Wagon 351, good running. $500 or best offer as Is. © 986-4689. > LAYING HENS, brown eggs. Reasonable. Call Doug 985-3416. GREEN 3 size hide-a-bed; kitchen roll-top cupboard ex- tension doors, 3 drawers 48 Inches long. 985-9046. 15 FT. Chip trailer, money maker; 2 brand new stainless steel double fryers; 3 burner stove; fridge; new 7 cu. ft. freezer; 3 propane tanks; heavy du- ty exhaust fan. Health and fire approved. Spotless con- dition. $9500. 986-4783. . SNOWBLOWER for Allis- Chalmers lawn tractor, yellow, 42 inch, new belt $400. 986-5391. 350 CU. INCH Chev motor, approximately 60,000 miles (can hear it run); 9 ft, x 6 ft. x 6 in. truck platform racks, covered. 705-357-306). AIR COMPRESSORS, spray booth and accessories, all sizes. New and used. Buy and sell. 1-743-6299. TF WOODWORKERS. Looking for a table saw, radial arm saw, jointer, shaper, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, bandsaw or shopsmith machine, call Port Perry 985-2443. TF ALOE VERA and Honey . Bee Products. 986-4769.Jy 31 FULLER BRUSHES, brooms and mops - cleaners for everything. Guaranteed and delivered. 985-3828.) 22 For Sale able price. HOME COMPUTER SYSTEMS We have Apple Compatible and IBM Compatible computers for your business or home needs. Call for information and we will help you determine the system you require and quote you a very reason- (416) 985-3744 We also have Software for the T199/4A, Commodore 64, Apple and IBM computers. 1982 RELIANT wagon, 4 cylinder, auto, ps, pb, air, cruise, tilt, am-fm console. A real good family car. $6400 certified. 986-5350. 1978 TRANS AM, excellent condition $5000 certified. . 852-7093. 1971 PINTO, good body, good motor. $800 or best of- fer. 986-4531. 1978 AMC CONCORDE, 6 cylinder, bucket seats, manual transmission, runn- ing condition, body fair $500. Call after 6 p.m. 985-8913. 1983 PONTIAC T1000, 4-drive, auto. 986-5456. Used Trucks 1977 JEEP Wagoneer with quadratrack, new emergen- Cy cable, front drive u- joints, rebuilt transmission (under warranty). Needs body work. 9 tires- as Is $1900. Hampton 1-263-8294. 1975 CHEV 3% ton pick-up, 4 new tires, new paint, rebuilt motor. Certified. 985-2050. 1976 DODGE '- ton, club cab, flat bed. $575 as Is. 985-8271. 1953 WILLYS 4 X 4 army Jeep, 24 volt with good top and plough. $4000. 986-5350. 1977 CHEV "2 ton, new body and paint, rebuilt motor, good reliable truck. Asking $2995. 986-4871. 1975 v2 TON Ford Super Cab $400; 1972-1 ton Ford Club Cab, Michelin radials, 390 cu. in. $800 as is; 2- 1972 510 Datsuns, running condition $300 for both; one tailgate for 1975 Ford truck, ex cellent condition, asking $100; 1970 340 CID Cuda motor, X-heads $350. 985-7614. Snowmobiles YAMAHA SNOWMOBILES / serviced by factory trained mechanics. Call Asselstine's Yamaha, Blackstock 986-4437 1973 TNT 340, with cover, good condition. $450. 986-5391. 1977 YAMAHA GP440, cover, good condition. $800 or best offer. 985-2535. 1973 SKI-DOO ELAN, cover, exceptionally low mileage, like new condition. Asking only $450. 985-7548. 1983 YAMAHA SS440, 800 km, perfect condition $2700 with cover; double trailer $225. 985-7805. 1980 SKI1-DOO 4500 Citation, new In 1981. A-1 condition. Less than 600 miles. Asking $1800. Call 985-8588. Wanted fo Buy SCRAP CARS. Highest prices paid - will pick up. 985-8636 or 985-3348. TF WANTED to buy, all types of poultry, chickens, ducks. geese, rabbits or what have you. Call Mike anytime at 985-8824. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE any complete stan- dard size car, free towing.. 576-2160. Art's Auto Wreckers Limited. TF ONE ELECTRIC meat grinder with sausage horn. 986-4280. ATTENTION: Bush Lot Owners. Giant Timber In- dustries Limited pays top dollars for standing soft- - wood timber. . 613-332-2218 evenings. 705-526-3386 evenings. Wanted WILL PICK UP without charge, al! used appliances, refrigerators and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TVs and radios. Call 986-4926. TF -- WANTED -- CRIPPLED & DISABLED CATTLE Highest Prices Paid. Call Collect anytime. uxsrige 852-3238 M. & M. LIVESTOCK License # 1189 For Rent FARM HOUSE, two barns, sheds, immediately. $600 per month plus utilities. Located east of Blackstock. Call Toronto 1-691-1033 evenings or 986-5093. J 22 STORAGE SPACE for fur- niture. Adjustable units to sult your needs. On a mon- thly basis. 985-2597. = TF SHARE HOME in country? Prefer young couple or single male. Non-smoker. Myrtle area. $300 per month. Call- Jim 655-4107. Gregory's Men's Wear Ltd. your headquarters for FREEMAN FORMAL RENTALS The New 1985 Freeman Formal Wear Catalogues are now available. PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8160 All WAREHOUSE. 3,000 sq. feet with showroom, workshop and qarage. Port Perry area, 985-3698 or 723-5144.TF KIN SCOUT HALL, 245 Lilla St. N., Port Perry. 985-3736. STORAGE Units- large and small monthly rentals. Port Perry area. 985-7622TF Wanted to Rent PASTURE for 10 cows in the rural Port Perry-Uxbridge or Brooklin area. Call 655-4776 and ask for bog : 2 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. 2 or 3 bedroom house in Port Perry or area. Call after 6 p.m: 985-3695. 3 OR 4 Bedrbom home In Port Perry or Prince Albert for a Parsonage for the Hope Christian Reformed Church. Long term lease preferred. Needed in July 1985. Please call 985-7691 or 985-2594. Miscellaneous ADOPTION SEARCHES- Interested, contact TRIAD, Box 5114, Station A, Calgary, T2H 1X1: 403-256-0729 even- ings. The following adoptees are searching Dorothy ?- 29-Mar-26, Toronto; Nancy Irene Mitchell 0)-Feb.-51 Windsor; Shirley May Johnstone 16-Aug-55 Kingston; Kim Olga An thony 15-Dec-52 Waterloo- Kitchener; Edward Alan Ar- nold 22-Jun-62 Galt- Cambridge; Nancy Anne Deatherage 06-Jul-53 S.S. Marie. BIRTH RELATIVES searching for the following- Charles Jeffrey Johnstone 17-Jan.-64 Toronto; Norman Beverly Gallant 22-Apr.-6) Toronto; : Derrick Lee Morgan 12-Aug.-63 Guelph; Ronald James Lyttle "13-Dec.-65 Toronto. HOME VIDEO Catalogue. titles protected by copyright. Call toll-free 1-800-663-6555 or write- On Track Vision, 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey, B.C. V3W 2NS5. Major credit cards accepted. IF YOU like flowers and gardening, you'll love this opportunity to earn extra money in your spare time. Like selling a breath of spring. Sample available for $10. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. For in- formation please write: Jack G. Mcintyre and Associates, 190 Somerset St. W., Suite 202, Ottawa, Canada. K2P 0J4. AUCTION SCHOOL- Western Canada School of Auctioneering. Over 1,000 graduates. Courses com- mence 1st Monday of April, August, December. For par-- ticulars write Box 687, Lacombe, AB- TOC 150. MAKE MONEY preparing Tax Returns. Learn by cor- respondence in two months or less. Write UR Tax Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba. R3T 2B6. No obligation. FREE Career Guide, describes 200 learn-at-home correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Management, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalism, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, 1-800-268-1121. Personals GENTLEMAN 355, would like to meet lady for compa- nionship. Enjoys cards, darts and bowling. Please reply to Box 1, c/o Port Perry Star, P.O. Box 90, Port Perry, Ontario. LOB INO. J 22 MEET YOUR MATCH. For all ages and unattached. Thousands of memhers anx- lous to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances. Call toll-free 1-800-263-9163. Hours: Noon to8 p.m. Toronto. -- ---

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