A al 'Work Wanted Let Me Help! Call Betty ... INCOME TAX OR BOOKKEEPING PROBLEMS? 985-9077 Auctioneers RON KING - AUCTIONEER - Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock -- Whatever Your Auction Needs ... DON & FREIDA _will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 PEARCE 'Auction Centre On Shirley Road (4 mi. South of Port Perry) ESTATES, ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD SALES Your Place or Ours! Moving Truck Available. Call: (416) 985-7492 Auction Sales FRIDAY JANUARY 25 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. .Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- the property of MR. GEORGE MAR- SHALL of Lindsay (moving) plus others. = Admiral refrigerator (1%2 years old), 16 f+. General freezer, round oak pedestal table, walnut china cabinet (glass 3 sides), 9 piece watnut dining suite, 4 x 8 pool table, Viking 30 inch stove, Westinghouse dryer, Filter Queen vacuum, 'gas barbecue, chrome kitchen suite, flat- top farm scales, console col- our TV's, + Richelieu cookstove, Lakewood air- tight woodstove, modern dressers and chests of drawers, mantle clock, chesYerfields, 1979 Moto-Ski Grand Prix, 1972 Ski-Doo, ~double snowmobile trailer, quantity of tools, china and glass. Don Corneil Auc- tioneer, R.R. 1, Little Bri- tain. 705-786-2183. AUCTION SALE every Thursday night, at 7 p.m. 955 Brock Rd. S., Unit 5, Picker- ing. Items to be sold- anti- ques, general household con- tents, jewellery- modern and antique. Good clean sale. Absolutely no reserve or bid- ins. John Annis Auctioneer. 831-3234. TF TUESDAY JANUARY 29 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques, to be held at STOUFFVILLE SALES BARN, Stouffville the pro- perty of J. HOWARD ATKINSON, the estate of HOWARD HENNESSEY, plus others. Included will be a dining room suite, bedroom suite, stove, fridge, TV. occasional chairs, blanket box, rocker, wicker, chesterfield, Cherrywood secretary, chests of drawers, original oil pain- tings (A.M. Willard) (1836 to 1918), old radio, copper boiler, lamps, pictures, linen, lace, bedding. an ex cellent assortment of china, dishes and glassware etc, lawnmower, garden and hand tools. A pretty nice sale. Terms cash Sale at 6 pm Norm and Phil Faulkner Auctioneers J 22 Auction Sales ORVAL "McLEAN AUC- TION CENTRE, Lindsay: accepting consignments for winter sales. We need apart- ment or housefuls, estates, tools, vehicles, business li quidations and antiques for appraisals.. For sale infor- mation call 705-324-2783 Lindsay. J 29 SATURDAY JANUARY 26 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Pearce Auction Centre Auction sale on Shirley Road, 4 miles south of Port Perry (Weather permit: ting). With 125 |b. anvil, 6 gal. crock, cookstove, quan- tity of vinyl stacking chairs, old cupboards, 3 piece dresser set and other dressers, wooden chairs, brown chesterfield sets, desks, 26 inch colour televi- . sion, recliner, gas iron, stone hooks, men's new, size 10 Tack skates, child's sleigh, roof racks, tire chains, blankets, quantity of paint and much madre. We take Visa and MasterCard. Pearce Auction Services 985-7492. WINTER "CLASSIC Hereford Sale, Friday, February 1, 1985- 1 p.m. at the Canada Farm Show, . CNE Grounds, Toranto. For catalogue cowtact Craig Lumburner, R.R. 1, Caistor Centre, LOR 1EO0. 416-957-3695. SATURDAY JANUARY 26 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay- modern and anti- que furniture, glass, china, car, snowmobile, property of MRS. PAT MacDONALD, Oshawa - (Oshawa Bivd.- moving away) and local estate consignments. Enter- prise white enamal cookstove, airtight stove- both like new, cribs, refrigerator, electric stove, Kenmore built-in dishwasher, modern pine bedroom suite with bed, box and mattress, double dresser, chest, night tables, modern "oak dining room suite with table, 6 chairs, buffet, china cabinet- both like new, 2 large brown rugs, Colonial bed, chesterfield and chair, Sklar bed chesterfield, pair Sklar swivel rockers, 54 inch Ser- ta continental bed on frame, dressers, chests, antique oak library table, oak office chairs, portable colour television, fern stand, organ stool, 2 small bed chester- fields, brass light fixture, 2 iron plant stands, oak stand, wool winder, marble top buf- fet, assorted paintings, nesting tables, large coffee table, marble mantel clock, ! lamps, radios, antique plat- | form rocker, old wicker rocker, Kirby vacuum, iron bed, oak hall mirror and hat rack, D.F. desk, antique gate-leg table and 4 chairs, modern table and 4 chairs, Kenmore automatic washer and matching dryer, large freezer, foot stool, large 1890 milk bottle, milk- can, wall carvings, desk, organ stool, umbrella stand, trunk, tobaggan, skiis, small ap- pliances, Hoover vacuum, stool, shelves, large quanti- : ty antique china glassware, 1975 Toyota car, 72 Yamaha snowmobile, 3-wheel terrain vehicle. A good sale. 10a.m. sharp. Vehicles 12 noon. Or: val McLean Auctioneers, 705-324-2783 Lindsay. McLEAN AUCTION CEN- TRE, Lindsay need estate, antiques, quality furniture, housefuls for our monthly antique and fine furniture sale To consign phone 705 324 2783 -- -- a { Parliament Hill will be the site for the Ontario Federation of Agriculture's (OFA) next big lobbying cam- paign. At a regular mon- thly meeting held in Toronto, January 16, the OFA's Board of Direc- tors decided they would be visiting their members of parliament en masse on Thursday, January 31. "This is an opportune time to go," OFA presi- 'dent Harry Pelissero said. 'Since the election of the new federal government, agriculture has been highly visible. A trip to Ottawa will help maintain that visibility and gives us a chance to reinforce with our members of parliament that agriculture can and does play a vital role in rebuilding Canada's economy,' he said, About 150 farmers, representing most of On- tario's counties and regions, will assemble in Hi-tech on the farms 'by Ross Stevenson, MPP Durham York The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food has announced two new programs that will help Ontario farmers take advantage of new com- puter technology as well as better organize the financial side of their opertion. The Agricultureal Computer Extension project is a two year undertaking to meet increasing demand for "advice and information on the use of computers around the farm. A group of specialists has been organized to help farmers tackle the high technology challenge. This new program will distribute the latest information on comput- ers in agriculture and ensure that Ministry staff are available to offer practical inform- ation on the best equip- ment to buy. Currently only about 3 percent of Ontario farms have computers, however, experts pre- dict that farmers across Canada will purchase some 100,000 computers by 1987. Thanks to the Agriculture Computer Extension, Ontario farmers will have the information they need to make wise computer purchase. How can computers be used on the farm? Some owners of field crop operations use computers to track the cost of produce so that they will be sure to get a fair price from dealers. A few greenhouses have computers installed right into their temper- ature and humidity-con- trol system, ensuring the best conditions for crops all year. If you are interested in the Agricultureal Computer Extension program, contact your agricultural represent- ative. Your represent- ative will be able to get you in contact with the people in the know. To ensure our pro- vince's producers are getting a fair shake in the marketplace, the Agriculture Ministry is hosting a series of "Management for Pro- fit Seminars' through- out Ontario, These seminars include lead- ing farmers, business specialists and govern- ment staff ready to lend a hand to make sure your books balance in your favour. PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. January 22, 1985 -- 31 OFA will protest in Ottawa Ottawa and attend per- sonal meetings with as many members of parliament as possible. In June, 1984, during a similar activity at Queen's Park, 130 farmers paid personal calls on the members of the provincial parlia- ment. The campaign received a good response from the elected officials and from the participants. January is "'an ideal time to concentrate on our federal represen- tatives," Pelissero said. "Once a new premier is choSgn in Ontario and a new agriculture minister is appointed, the OFA will have to focus on pro- vincial matters. Besides, there's a federal budget due, and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney has said he wants to hear from the people when his government formulates policy. He can count on the OFA and its members to be part of that dialogue." Pelissero said the visiting farmers will also be discussing the election promises made to the farm sector, the recom- mendations from the 'federal-provincial Task Force on Agriculture and the government's deci- _sion on Canagrex. Milk up a little The Ontario Milk Marketing Board reported marketings of 2.368 billion litres of milk for the fiscal year which ended October 31, 1984. The figure, released with the presentation of the Board's Annual Report at it's 19th Annual Meeting in Toronto on January 9 and 10, represents an increase of . 0.6 per cent over the previous year. For this milk, the An- nual Report indicated that the Board billed pro- cessors $1.049 billion, and paid transporters $45.1 million for haulage. The Board retained $3.5 million for the ad- ministration of the marketing system, and $12.8 million for market expansion efforts. In ad- dition, the Board col- lected from producers on behalf of the Federal Government $81.9 million in levies to cover the costs of exporting surplus products, and $0.7 million was collected for the Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Cor- poration in support of milk recording pro- grams. The $905.0 million balance was paid to slightly more than 11,000 licenced dairy farms in Ontario which support some 20,000 farm families. The Ontario Milk Marketing Board is a non-profit dairy farmer organization which represents all milk pro- ducers in Ontario and is totally financed by them. BABY basket, Holt's original, made I laly, colton od Aes matiress 4 lining. $35. 481-358 DE A eed arnen, Srwar CERN a bod, | Belt Vl Yolles, 3 drawer "he SD bookshelf, DE, Ho )- hor PR Ad & covers, A-fold ou! bed prt rapes okie ARTY white, 9000 | fons ABY id J) Oresser $90. EXER bik Poler- $50. Con 195-2680 TOC ang com Cotars wit fh, fash 445 BABY seer i drawer DUH, Ta voens 1 ee hie ue vig igre & while shad wer, plus | 22 calibre tching crib [rifle with lamps with | dress, size 1890. eth 2230 Song Niles 2 new $150. now $50. 244-1 | EMECREEN 8 [1 weciric, FUR, br 8 o230 wats, |e, TV Al cond risk wl] WANTED Brass bed. Double. FUR coat, men's cost, eid ved 48 3s FIVE A BY JELEOHANS o answering machine, Hons, ta oh ers under $99. Bargains. FURNITURE, TV, ho | To Ey AAT LITT [i CHAM, swivel Jocks io Loondl ie ie' pl MT TY kittens & Hima re relly layan male cat, $40 each, 084: an EE i TE foe a iy A metal fe EL ' Reasonable. After six. 852-5085 bi of heater and tank, 99. | S15, iy . ey nt Con for 7 Oudoy uy lectrohome bese |, [J] mine "or 08, a weer, 0 ddd 00% (Pour Eh rsd Foal , Ey 1 Bio d Siconent cond, best LCULA electr Bomber odies $75 acders ei 38 ou scale, brown, ined, men 43, $08, 230-100). 'FOR SALE pardon oe oat CEL Cys MELGEAL 0 | oe Oo San Moving, must se oe 1, ¥ on OLD eae Hy 3% $45, . $5 Wortanry, mow Contid. 27 : oni er 895 I 1720 S28.835) ats 0-00 Fale SANTA on weigh, 6 r sentries, lite si CHESTERFIELD & vifchen table. white, $20, 18, ouked Rh chair. $50, | ohts Inciosed, mu SKATES, Bouer Vb WASHER & Orver, $99 ogi Smed ay T0 all makes & models of sewing eier, asic © oatloms, | machines 7 | 900liances, under $9 WATER good cond ¢ Every day, thousands of Canadians meet through a special message service that lets them know who has the best deal around. FOR YOUR INFORMATION IT'S ADVERTISING ~e & same day If you would like more information regarding the benefits of advertising ... PORT PERRY STAR COMPANY LTD. 985-7383 contact us! ADVERTISING ADVISORY BOARD