S| PTE fr TE TW ----.. - She's part Dalmation (you know, the fireman's dog) and about a year and a half old. She's friendly, energetic and boasts one brown and one blue eye. You can adopt her by calling the folks at the Scugog-Uxbridge Animal Shelter a 852-7295. Fond farewell minister Seagrave and Area News by Diane Cooke A large number of folks from the Seagrave United Church and com- munity gathered at the Seagrave Church on Thursday evening to bid farewell to their minister and his wife, Rev. Art and Ruth Rodgers, and to wish them well in their future ministry. A fine musical evening of local talent had been planned by Don Hunter, Fred Puckrin and Neil Wanamaker, for which Bill Barr acted as Chair- man and Mrs. Joan Lee acted as pianist. Mr. Archie Walker got the evening off to a fine start with his rendition of ""Memories" and "Bea- utiful Isle of Somewhere." Little Mat- thew Somerville followed with two fine violin solos. Then, the Andrew Sisters - Fern Tobin, Barbara Short and Jessie Nobbs delighted the audience with their rendition of "'It Is No Secret"' and 'May the Good Lord Bless You." Master Brett Puckrin played two selections - "When the Saints Go Marching In" and "Let There Be Peace on Earth" on his recorder. Marilyn Beacock provided a good deal of laughter with her readings on "My Get Up and Go Has Got Up and Gone' and one of a more serious nature, "Friend- ship." Master David Butler delighted us with his cello solo, "Song Of The Wind" and his sister, Robin, with her well per- formed piano solo. Mr. Alex Ingram rendered a flute solo followed by an excellent clarinet and piano duet by Alex and Joan Lee entitled "He." Miss Amy Wanamaker then sang "Rainbow Connection' in her usual good voice. Seagrave's own orchestra - Mr. Fred Puckrin and Mrs. Jessie Nobbs on mouth organs, Mr. Archie Walker on guitar, and Mrs. Fern Tobin at the piano put ail of us at ease and really delighted one and all. Mr. Archie Walker returned to the stage and brought the program to a fitting close with his vocal and guitar rendi- tion of "Amazing Grace." Ruth and Art, who had been presented with a corsage and buttonniere earlier in the evening, were then called to the front of the church and Mr. William Barr, Seagrave's Clerk of Ses- sion, addressed and presented the honoured couple with a beautiful sketch in wood of Seagrave United Church in the form of a plate and a cash gift along with many good wishes from the members of the con- gregation and their many friends in the Seagrave community. Art and Ruth each voiced their sincere thanks and appreciation to one and all for their gifts, the excellent pro- gramme, and most of all their love and fellowship over the past four years. All sang: "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" followed by lunch and a social time together in the lower hall. Several weeks ago, the Pinedale United Church Congregation held a musical evening, which concluded with an ad- dress to Art and Ruth read by the late Charles Hadden; John Molenaar and Roy Hoskin presented the honoured couple with a handsome wall clock mounted on an aerial view of Pinedale Church and Cemetery and also a cash gift. Art and Ruth expressed their thanks and appreciation. A social time followed. On Saturday evening, June 8th, the Greenbank congregation and com- munity held a musical evening and farewell party for the Rodgers family. The entire fami- ly were present - Art and Ruth, Darlene and Laurie, Dan and Larry. Mr. Rodd Roster acted as chairman for an ex- cellent musical evening featuring all local talent. A lively sing-song was led by Mrs. Roberta Baird with Mrs. Betty Stone at the piano. The story of Art and Ruth's lives was gradually por- trayed by Rodd Foster interspersed with a good deal of humour. Mr. Neil Hunter, on behalf of the Greenbank congregation and community presented Art and Ruth with a card of good wishes and a farewell cash gift. Art and Ruth made fitting replies of thanks and appreciation. Lunch and a social time followed with Ruth cut- ting two huge cakes that had been made and decorated by Mrs. Dorothy Hooker. Anyone wishing to go on the bus to the Advance Swimming Program at the Uxpool, should con- tact Bonnie Branton at 985-9138 immediately if not sooner! If there are any ladies in Robinglade Estates wishing to join the sub- division women's group, please let me know in Ju- ly or August. My number is 985-3722. We meet one night a month, Sept. thru May. Welcome to Gretel and Clarence Campbell, new residents of Robinglade Estates. Also welcome to Cathy and Dale Woods and family. Hope everyone is enjoying their new homes. Mariposa Estates is still missing representa- tion in the volunteer writing of the "Seagrave and Area News." Please contact any one of the writers if you'd like to give it a try. The UCW is having a Bake Sale Friday July 5th at 2:00 p.m. at the Stone Barn. Would the ladies please have their baked goods to Mrs. Bob Nodwell or at the Stone Barn prior to 2:00. And finally, please don't forget that Rev. Rodgers will be preaching his last ser- vice here at 10:00 this week. Contact Patty Williams at 985-2453 if you have any news for next week. Tes Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 305 Queen St., Port Perry BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Phone 985-2916 or 623-447 3 correct COST ... PLUS PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 25, 1965 -- 13 | J-- SAVINGS Rod Thack AUTHOR 12 SALES Ce rp. For the Next 10 Weeks, we will be offering SUPER SUMMER SAVINGS on all FURNITURE T.V. APPLIANCES Every Item Specially Priced for SUMMER SAVINGS! PLUS ... Each Week An EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE! EE] SUPER SAVINGS EB AVINGS 54" MATTRESS & 8.3 cu.ft. BOX SPRING REFRIGERATOR 198. $398. SUPER SAVINGS For Easy Summer Cooking MICROWAVE OVEN sh Sq 58. Variable Power Defrost Livingroom Suites Wall Units SUPER SUPER Bedding SAVINGS SAVINGS 3 Piece Braemore TESS SOFA/DAVO UNIT SWIVEL CHAIRS *398. *198. SUPER SAVINGS 3 Section Wall Units ........ Entertainment Centre ....... 295.00 Pine Coffee Table Round - Was 349.95 .......... 195.00 Lamps (Red Dot Speciais) - 1/2 PRICE PLUS THIS WEEK'S EXTRA SPECIAL VALUE! RECA = '85 COLOUR CONSOLE CLEARANCE Choice of 7 Models -- *10. 7 Models - Cash & Carry - Sorry NO Visa or Mastercard. Full Warranty - Delivery Extra if Required 14" RCA COLOUR T.V. 298. Phone 985-2272 ot PERRY 241 Queen Closed Mondays