] 1 36 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 25, 1985 Work Wanted Auctioneers Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales BARN ROOFING - com: plete barn repairs, sheet --etal, caulking, renalling barn boards, eavestroughing, painting, flooring, pole barns. Bob Pugh - (416) 640-5638; Kerry Symes - (705) 357-3156.J25 HARRY MORRIS. han: dyman specialist. Work ful ly guaranteed. References. No Job Too Small -- Give Me A Call 985-3663 TF PROFESSIONAL painting and papering. Reasonable. Call Keven 985-8358. M 19 ELECTRIC Fencer Service Factory approved service centre for Shur Shock Fences. Look for mobile repair shop at Wilsons Sales Arena. Livestock Sales and Lindsay Friday Sale. Walter Wright, Blackstock 416 986-4818. TF WOOD refinishing and can- ing. Specializing In antiques and fine furniture Call Terry Dyer 655-4092. TF CARPETS AND Upholstery professionally - cleaned at reasonable rates. We move the furniture. Call anytime. 852-671). MS ALUMINUM BOATS repaired. 985-8200. J2s SHORT'S ROOFING specializing in FLAT ROOFS RE-ROOFS NEW & REPAIRS Free Estimates 986-4531 ROOFING Sheet Metal Flats & Shingles 985-7951 FREE ESTIMATES MOUNT DENY HOME IMPROVEMENTS LTD. Doors & Windows - Siding tavestroughing - Soffit & Fascia - Carpentry 985-3657 MIKE JORDAN DRYWALL] PHONE (705) 324-0603 RON KING - AUCTIONEER- Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment - Livestock - Whatever Your DON & FREIDA will be pleased to hear from you! 985-2788 PEARCE Auction Services Experienced in All Types of Auction Sales We do Trucking and Appraisals. wis) 655-8073 'chair, etc Auction Sales THURSDAY JUNE 27 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. 1096 tensdowne-St. WL Peterborough, Ontario Having received instruc: tions from a secured creditor, we are clearing the assets of BARBECUE EX: PRESS LTD., including: Ideal charcoal barbecue unit, charcoal barbecue oven, exhaust fan systems, Garland gas stove and oven, }Garland 36 inch grill and oven, 2 Garland electric fryers, Kert dishwashing machine, MKE steam table, chest freezer, upright pop cooler, refrigerator, com pressor and unit, CO2 sprinkler system, double and triple S.S. sinks, 5 ft. SS. prep. table, S.S. prep. table (large) c/w storage space and warmers, S.S. plate warmers, 33 seating booths 2 and 4 capacity, 2 Bunn coffee machines, 2 NCR cash registers, Tiffany hanging lamps, Ross temp ice machine, 4 door bar fridge. bar unit and sink unit, 2 microwave ovens, small pizza oven, outside il luminated sign, dishes, cutlery, plus many other ar ticles, office furniture, desks, Xerox 3100 photocopier, filing cabinets, NOTE TIME 11:00 a.m. Excellent sale of restaurant equipment. Most 4 years old or less. Plan to attend. Viewing Wednesday I pm. to 6 pm. McLean Auctions and Liquidations, Oshawa 576 7550. Toronto line 686 3291 [GREENBANK TV TOWERS Installation & Repairs Colour heads. rotors, boosters, FM stereo Ask about the 3' Dish. Also remove old Towers ANGUS ... 985-8381 Fertihzing - Patio Work Deck Work OS KANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE 15Yrs Experience 985-3873 L Discounts for Seniors! THURSDAY JUNE 27 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Large auction sale of anti: que and modern furniture, antique dishes, 1920 Model T Ford car. riding lawnmower etc, the property of the late HERB BROOKS. of Port Perry Go north of the four corners in Port Perry to the outskirts of town or 2 miles north of Manchester and 2 miles east (just north on County Road). G.E. por: fable dishwasher, Frigidaire fridge and stove; pedestal table, glass top; 2 chrome chairs; 2 wrought: iron chairs; maple Captain's chair; 2 antique rockers; an- tique swivel desk chair; 9 piece antique walnut dining room suite, all inlaid; upholstered chairs, in good condition; antique spoon holder; radio; cups and saucers; Mary Gregory water pitcher; fancy water pitcher; fluted, cased dish with applied handle; Japanese cream, sugar and tea pot: shaving mug: pedestal cake plate; crystal fruit dishes: Carnival pit cher and fluted dish; Depression glass; thumb- print dishes and goblets: many other antique dishes; antique clock with calendar; drum table, leather top. 3 plece set- 2 wing chairs and love seat; coffee table, in- laid and carved; Panasonic coloured television; mahogany parlour table; table lamp; camel saddle, foot stool; treadle sewing machine; picture frames and oil paintings; antique spinet type desk; telephone' table and chair; antique rocker; antique bookcase and writing desk, 8 ft. high; Jacques and Hayes type horse-hair settee, fancy, an- TFiqué oak oval table; 2 piece chesterfield suite; antique French horn; oval table, pedestal base; antique plat- form rocker; Belgian rug 6 x 9; ink well set; 5 piece Queensize modern bedroom suite; 3 plece modern bedroom suite; antique dresser with glove box; an- tique wardrobe; cedar chest; antique wash stand; 2 bedroom chairs; organ stool, and much, much more; Sears 8 HP riding lawnmower, good condition. Special features of the sale- a 1920 Model T touring car, in good driving condition, 2nd owner- driven in parades all the time. Plan to attend this good sale. Sale at 11 a.m. Car will be sold at 1 p.m. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone 705-357-3270 or 745-8470. Lunch will be avallable.J 25 SATURDAY JUNE 29 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale at ODD- FELLOWS HALL in Port Perry, across the road from Lake Scugog Lumber. With small trailers plus parts, air compressor, 7 HP Kohler engine, Simplicity garden tractor with attachments, 10 HP riding mower, power mowers, good accessories, blonde table, 4 chairs and buffet, complete 12 ft. kit chen cupboards, good fur- niture, some antique: pieces, copper kettle, fire extinguishers, brass washboard. brass lamps, silver tea set, brass pieces. appliances, boat motors. pro hair dryers. grinders, drill presses, air guns, metal cut off and band saw. tools, bicycles and much more Managed and sold by Pearce Auction Services 655 8073 COMING SOON at Orval McLean Auction Centre. Lindsay Consign now Farm machinery. tractors. cars. trucks. boats trailers motorcycles. recreation vehicles. construction tools or equipment lawn and garden equipment Bring to barn or phone this week. so we can advertise your units 705 324 2783 Lindsay J 25 LARGE Clearance and Con signment Auction Friday. June 28. 1985 10 am at wayne Ward Farm Equip ment tractors. combines. plus a large variety of new and us ed farm equipment! More in formation 519 534 16138 Wayne Ward Farm Equip ment Hwy No 6 Wiarton Ontario Approximately 75° THURSDAY JUNE 77 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at Orval Mc' ean Auction Centre. Lindsay 1200 Jo, and Occupied Japan figurines in storage since 1947 plus pro- perty of MR. AND MRS. NORM FISHER, Pontypool! moving away Refrigerator, electric stove, excellent Colonial chesfer field suite, console stereo. treadle sewing machine, medium size bed chester: field, chests, 2 excellent gold swivel rockers, trunks, large pipe wrench, flowered beige chesterfield set (like new), 78 inch headboard, D.L. table, oak dining set, 2 oval braided rugs. portable col- our television, 54 inch bookcase bed, electric lawnmower, humidifier, crib, antique Cane back rocker, marble top jardenlere, electric dryer- Frigidaire, china, some an- tiques. A good sale. 6:30 sharp, starting with figurines. To list sales or consign estates, antiques, call 324-2783 Orval McLean Auctions. THURSDAY JUNE 27 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of farm im- plements, furniture, and an- tiques, the property of ELMER BURKHOLDER and MILDRED GREEN- BURY to be held at STOUFFVILLE SALES BARN, including 550 Cockshutt diesel tractor, 2 furrow plow, 3 pt. 7 ft. cultivator, 3 pt. blade, har- rows, land roller, mower, roto-tiller, 3 HP M.H. gas engine, corn sheller, garden seeder and cultivator, pump, Dominion organ and stool, china cabinet, desk, dressers with mirrors, sew- ing cabinet, pine blanket box, beds, sewing machine, chairs, pine dresser, chesterfield, brass, wash stand, linen, dishes, glass, pots and pans, tools, many more items. Sale at 6 p.m. Norm and Phil Faulkner, Earl Gauslin Auctioneers. ~~ FRIDAY JUNE 28 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- oak buffet, oak dining room extension table, 2 piece walnut bedroom suite, 2 new air: tight stoves, McClary fridge and stove, walnut chest of drawers, copper boilers, Pressback rockers, cement mixer, pine bake table, a Bell pump organ, 3 piece modern bedroom suite, 'modern chesterfield, con: sole and portable colour TV's, parlour tables, oval top trunks, round pedestal dining table, chrome kitchen suites, quantity of 3 HP lawnmowers, broadaxes, a Viking 5 HP riding lawnmower, 5 HP Snapper riding lawnmower, 1974 Maverick, 1971 Dodge, 1974 Chev 2 ton, 1975 Chev van, 1977 Austin, M.F. No. 3 baler, quantity of new fishing tackle, rods, tools, china and glass. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain. 705-786-2183. SATURDAY JUNE 29 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Auction sale, starting at 12 p.m., complete clearing auc tion of all household effects, stamp collection, ap pliances, etc., the Estate of MRS VELMA ANDREWS, located: 904 Rossland Road. East, Whitby Partial list in cludes 9 piece walnut din ing suite: Mason and Risch upright piano; pull-out sofa, like new. chests of drawers: lamps. odd tables. kitchen set. antique radio: rocker. desk. old cameras. wicker chair. quilts, afghans. col lection of 300 com memorative spoons. many various plates. Dresden china. cups and saucers Carnival. Cornflower and Pressed glass. good china. mint Canadian stamp collec tion. pre 1950's. stereo electrical appliances carpenter and garden tools 7? MHP garden tractor w mower plow tiller and blade plus other miscellaneous Terms cash or good cheque Noreserve Henry and Gayle Kahn Auctioneers 985814) J 25 SATURDAY JUNE 29 SALE TIME: 10:30 AM. Auction sale of furniture and antiques, Ford tractor and plow, oak Housier cup- board efc., the property of MR. AND MRS. DON CAMERON, 51 Burke St, Sutton West. Turn in off Hwy 48 to Sutton and left on Burke St. FURNITURE: oak Housier cupboard in ex: cellent condition (one of the nicest ones you would find), antique oak combination s# _«- 'ary and china cabinet, antique wicker rocker (good). antique floor lamp and silk shade, antique telephone table and chair, folding rocking chair, anti- que vanity and mirros (or- nate), Majestic grama- phone, gate-leg table, wash stand, hall table, dressers, china cabinet, parlour table (glass ball feet), piano stool, table lamp with silk shade, Duncan Phyfe drop-leaf end table, studio couch (1940)- good condition, last edition of Telegram, Telegram newspaper boxes, hand painted milk can, Ocean Blend tea tins, flat cigarette tins, oil lamps, 5 gallon crock and lid (excellent con- dition), old apple peeler, small crocks, 4 piece silver tea service, oil paintings in- cluding Sharon Temple and Sutton Anglican Church, pic- ture frames, hi-ti, console TV, portable 20 inch televi- sion (both colour), 4 pc. bedroom suite, red maple bed and dresser, table lamps, end tables, folding wood chairs, 10 gal. aquar- ium & stand, rug 9x12 (near- ly new), air conditioner 5000 BTU, telephone bench, stand, rug 9 x 12 (nearly new), air conditioner 5000 BTU, telephone bench, wooden high chair, kettle, foasfer, handmixer, 2 toaster ovens, blender, pop- corn maker, miscellaneous dishes, Depression glass, fancy dishes, china, plat- ors. wooden magazine acks, 2 extra large pleces of luggage on wheels, large ta ry. quantity of old 78 records (193021960), com- plete hitch for R.V. (valley tow), tri-pod and level, 12 ft. aluminum boat, miscellan- eous garden tools, wooden nail keg, carpenter's tools, reel type lawnmower, hun- dreds of other articles. TRACTOR: Ford 8N trac- tor, good condition, Ford plow. NOTE: This is a large sale. Plan to attend. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Sale at 10:30 a.m. Lunch available. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers. Phone 705-357-3270. THURSDAY JULY 4 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques, the property of LEON LEFEBVRE AND OTHERS, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge- including antique hi-boy chest of drawers with carved pulls, drop-leaf table, small oak table, iron and brass bed, washstand, child's oak rocker, dressers, small pine table, 4 curved back wooden chairs, wooden bed, 4 stained glass win- dows, copper boiler, crocks, wicker baskets, oval frames, organ stool, telephone table, summer couch, brass bird-cage. Westward Ho Pitcher, dishes, pots and pans, linens, toaster oven, barbecue with rotisserie (new), Beach cookstove, hand tools, plus many other | items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auc- tions, Uxbridge 416-852 3524 Jy 3 he A ian Obituary -- Charles Johnston Hadden Charles Johnston Had- den passed away on May 19, 1985. He was Lorn on Sept. 21, 1906 on the farm, Con. 2 Brock Township where he lived all his life. He was the son of James and Asenath Hadden. He was educated at Wick Public School and Uxbridge High School. On Sept. 8, 1934 he mar- ried Grace Raines of Saintfield. Charles was a pro- gressive farmer and en- joyed farm life very much. He was active in many farm organiza- tions - Ontario County Holstein Club, The Cattle Breeders Assoc. of Maple, The Ontario County Milk Board, and --Obituary Marjorie Marion Stinson | Marjorie Marion (Page) Stinson of Yelverton passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital in Peterborough on Wednesday evening, May 29th, following a valiant fight against cancer for this past year. Marjorie was the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Page of Tifford where she resided prior to her marriage to Floyd Stin- son on December 23, 1944. In her youth, she was very active in sports - playing softball with Bethany and Yelverton Ladies team, and was very adept as well on the dance floor. Marjorie was very talented with her hands - an excellent seamstress and gifted at knitting, quilting and crocheting. Il{er hands were never idle and few are the homes in the Yelverton area who do not proudly possess samples of her craftmanship and generous gifts. She was an active member of the Yelverton U.C.W. since moving to Yelverton and served in most official capacities in that organization. The Stin- son's over the years have also been actively involv- ed in all community ac- tivities. Marjorie and Floyd successfully coached the Yelverton Ladies Ball team to several championships during their ten year stint as coaches. They also co-sponsored Yelverton Ball Hockey teams as well and were active fans and ardent supporters of all our Yelverton teams. Marjorie"s main in- terest was however, centered around her family She was a cheer- ful and steady helpmate to Floyd in their suc- cessful hog farming operation, was a devoted mother to son, Dale and daughter, Pamela (Car- michael) and a fond the Sunderland Co- operative. He was also on the Board of Brock District High School for 11 years. Charles was a very faithful member of Pinedale United Church for 58 years. He was a devoted husband, and a loving and proud father of Donald and Mary (Blenkin) and grand- father of 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. A very large number of relatives and friends attended the funeral which was held in Pinedale United Church on May 22 with his Minister, Rev. Arthur Rodgers officiating. In- terment at McNeil Cemetery, Wick. grandmother to Danny and Jo-Anne Stinson and Crystal Carmichael. As well as her immediate family, left to mourn her loss is a sister Lorien McGill and two brothers, Clarence and Harold Page and their families. Funeral services were conducted from the Mackey Funeral parlour in Lindsay on Saturday, June 1 with Mr. Dennis Fransky of Janetville charge providing a com- forting message to the bereaved. The multitude of floral tributes reflected the high esteem and respect in which the deceased was held by those who knew her. Among the many floral arrangements were a number from various organizations with which they had been associated - the Yelverton Ladies tea, friends of the fami- ly from Morinville, Alberta, Yelverton U.C.W., the Manvers Curling Club, the Lind- say Umpires Associa- tion, the Toronto Domi- nion Bank management and staff of Bethany, the Victoria County Pork Producers, the Manvers Old Timers Hockey team, The Big Ten Hunt Club of which Floyd was a Charter member. Interment was at the family plot at Yelverton. The bearers were 2 nephews - Gordon Page and lan Page, a brother- in-law, Walter Wright and 3 long time neighbours - Lorne McKee, Norman Wilson and Harvey Malcolm. Yelverton U.C.W. and friends served refreshments to relatives and friends following the funeral service in the Yelverton Church basement. Deepest sympathy 1s extended to all those who mourn her untimely passing. She will be sad- ly missed by a wide cir- cle of relatives, neighbours and friends. a BSR a -~, IR