Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 1 Oct 1985, p. 4

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4 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, October 1, 1985 the (a Ee AC TIERS REO [GD | 133 Guatm reet! 4 *0 008 0 Cn SOE MART Om! MnO put ] 08 we 3) (60) ¥83 138) So J. PETER HVIDSTEN Member of the Publisher Canadian Community Newspaper Association t and Ontario Community Newspaper Association Ad ising Manager Published every Tuesday by the Port Perry Star Co Ltd Port Perry. Ontario J.8. McCLELLAND Editor Authorized as second class mail by the Post Ottice Department. Ottawa. and for cash CATHY ROBB payment of postage in cash News & Features Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 CIEL Om dl ty " Ea oh Subscripuo Rate: In Canada $15.00 per year. . Elsewhere $45.00 per year. Single Copy 35° COPYRIGHT -- All layout and composition of advertisements produced by the adver tising department of the Port Perry Star Company Limited are protected under copyright and may not be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher Editorial Comments Garbage and More Garbage As several Regional councillors noted last week, Durham is fac- ing the most critical issue since the Region was formed more than a decade aqo. That issue is garbage. More specifically, what to do with the hun- dreds of thousands of tonnes of the stuff generated each year by in- dustry, commerce and households. Last Wednesday, the Regional council spent more than two hours discussing a works committee recommendation calling on Durham to join forces with Metro Toronto in a combined effort to find a new landfill site (dump) in Durham which would be used by both this Region and Metro. The implications of this issue are far-reaching, complex, and in the long run of major concern to every ratepayer in Durham. Here are some facts. By 1992, Durham could be without a place to put its garbage. The landfill site in Pickering operated by Metro, but used by much of Durham, will have run its course by that year, or the year after. By all reasonable accounts, it will take a minimum of ten years to find a new site, clear all the necessary environment hearings and construct the high technology needed to control methane gas build- ups and leachates. And the cost could be astronomical. One report for the Region pegs the total cost of opening and operating a 450 acre dump at $292 million over the 20 year life of the dump. Despite heated argument from Pickering councillors who fear that a new Metro-Durham garbage dump is going to be right in their backyard, the Regional council voted last week to join with Metro in finding a new site and getting it open. The reason was simple enough. Durham simply can't afford a new garbage dump of its own. The drain on the taxpayers would be killing But even with the decision to join forces with Metro, time 1s fast running out Here in Scugog. the landfill site on Durham Road 8 may have a few more years 'life' but after that, Township residents are faced with the costly prospect of trucking the garbage away What happens if the main Regional dump in Pickering runs out before a new site 1s opened. 1s anyone's guess It appears as if that 1S a real possibility Obviously. no matter what happens. there 1s going to have to be a senous and major push for alternatives. Industry and the average householder will have to pay more than lp service to re-cychng Incineration may be an alternative that will have to be explored Likewise the possibility of re-couping costs dy generating power through burning garbage Most people don't give a second thought to garbage They put the trash cans beside the road each week. the trucks come along and haul it away People are going to be forced to change their atitudes over the next couple of decades Society has to change Our throw-away habits of simply d'scarding something once 1's been used are soon to be obsolete The crunch has come How to get nd or control the amount of garbage we generate 1s a major problem It's a problem that money alone won't solve Chatterbox by John B. McClelland JUNK MAIL As editor of this weekly newspaper, I receive enormous mountains of mail every week. The mail arrives from all over Canada and the United States: most of it from groups, organizations and companies looking for publicity. A lot of the mail originates from our federal and provincial governments, often in both languages. In all honesty, most of the 'junk mail" as I like to call it, gets little more than a quick glance before it ends up in the garbage. A very few of the news and information releases that cross my desk each week actually wind up in the pages of the Port Perry Star. Last Wednesday afternoon, I was casually sif- ting through the junk while trying at the same time to read articles in a daily paper about "Tunagate' and the sudden resignation of Com- munications Minister Marcel Masse whose cam- paign spending is under investigation by the RCMP. I must say the stories about the shenanigans in Ottawa were far more absorbing than the pile of junk mail on my desk. That is, until I came across a booklet with a picture of a smiling Brian and Mia Mulroney on the front cover. The title, in very big print said simply: "Meeting the challenge. Year one." Flipping through this booklet, I found myself both chuckling and shaking my head in utter amazement This piece of mail had been crank- ed out by "PC Communications. National Head- quarters, September 1985 On closer inspection, 1it was nothing but a prece of shameless propaganda. singing the praise of Brian Mulroney and his Conservative Govern- ment's first year in power On virtually every page through this booklet 1s a photo of Brian In fact. the booklet is almost all photos, with a few words of copy here and there outhnmng in scanty details what the Conservatives have done the past 12 months If this booklet 1s any kind of a yard stick. let there be no doubt that Brian Mulroney 1s not only leader of the Party ana the Prime Minister. but King. President, Premier and any other title you might think of In this 28 page booklet. there are 33 pictures of King Brian: working at his desk. talking to kids and seniors, native leaders. at conference tables. Brian meeting the Pope. the Queen and Ron Reagan Yes, there are four photos of Ronnie with Brian, two of them full page When I finally got through looking at all the photos and read some of the copy, I thought I was going to up-chuck my breakfast. Here's but a sample. "The Mulroney government's new approach to decision-making has resulted in the most com- prehensive consultation process ever undertaken by a federal government." Tuna and bank closings not included, of course. A statement over the signature of King Brian himself on the inside cover says "We are now clearly pursung a patch which will lead Canada to greater prosperity. Working together, we can build on the greatness of Canada, for today and the future." And on the back cover, in a kind of summa- tion, I guess, are the following words: "As they look towards the future, Canadians from all across the country have every reason to feel optimistic and confident: an open and responsible govern- ment is hard at work on their behalf." Yep, folks, that's what it said. I think most Canadians recognize that political parties must toot their own trumpets once in awhile, but this booklet is utterly without shame, coming as it did the same week that two senior ministers were forced to resign, a smelly bank closing will cost hundreds of millions, and there are questions about another minister and his sons legal work for the government; there's a minor flap over a news story stating Queen Mila wants the RCMP to salute her; and going back just a few short months, a defense minister found hanging out in a West German strip joint I think most Canadians would agree that King Brian's first year in office has been a series of fiascos. While 1 expect partisan literature from a pohtical party to be just that: partisan and self serving. this booklet to King Brian takes the cake, topping anything the philosopher Prince turned out during his reign in Ottawa Aside from smelly tuna and the host of other dumb things King Brian and his pals have done in the past year. the very fact that I, as a newspaper editor, received a copy of this booklet last week. tells me that the Tories in Ottawa are a gaggle of bunglers Surely. with all the controversy swirling around Ottawa. somebody in the PMO would have had enough smarts to chuck this booklet in the garbage where it belongs. before it was mailed oul (Turn to page 6) et PH A TTA a na A nl WC el nil " CI, BA

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