PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, October 16, 1985 -- 37 | Tykes plant Legion tulips at Raglan schoolhouse lO AIG Ol It was a media field day at Raglan, tem- cher, donated tulip bulbs for the children to porary home for Immaculate Conception plant and Brian Cleeve of the Oshawa Times, Catholic School students. The Port Perry not to mention the Port Perry Star, was there Legion Branch 419, represented by Bob Ar- to record the event for history. Two youngsters who were supposed to be planting tulip bulbs at the Catholic School in Raglan had a better time hang- ing out on a nearby stairway instead, last Tuesday afternoon. All the bulbs planted by the It takes a lot of concentration to plant tulip bulbs ---- even children were watered by if they were donated by the Port Perry Legion. Just ask this hand with carefully drawn young lady, who no doubt is a believer in setting one's mouth buckets of water, to ensure Planting a tulip bulb, enjoying the sunshine on a cool just right in order to be successful. bright blooms in the spring. autumn day.