Guess who? Even the folks at the Post Office got into the Hallowe'en swing of things with Crystal Menzies as the tin man and Jeannette Fluke as the cowardly lion of Wizard of Oz fame. Crystal, by the way, was awarded first prize at Crandell's Riverboat costume contest Hallowe'en night. Break-in nets thieves $5000 in stereo, VCR's Several VCR's and stereos worth about $5000 were reported missing from House of Howard. There was Queen Street businesses the night apparently nothing taken from the of October 29. Pet Shop and about $70 in cash from the Pastries store. | The locks on the front doors of A police spokesman said there House of Howard, Hank's Pastries were witnesses to one of the break- | and the Port Perry Pet Shop were ins and police have a good descrip- smashed open shortly before mid- tion of a suspect and a car licence night. plate. VOTE BOBBIE DREW PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEE Because She Cares! Bobbie has a proven record of dedication to helping in any way she can to provide better education for our children. Her energy, enthusiasm, and common sense approach will make her a voice to be heard at the Board of Education BOBBIE DREW X Our Children are Our Future - They Deserve the Best! PHONE: 985-7183 FOR TRANSPORTATION or INFORMATION! ATTENTION VETERANS W@S¥ Ex.SERVICE MEN, WOMEN & DEPENDENTS The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer. Mr. Gord Alguire. will be visiting Branch 419. Port Perry. during the week of December 2nd, 1985. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance regarding (a) War Disabihty Pension (b) Treatment tor Entitled Veterans (c) Application for Benevolent Funds (d) Appeals against adverse original apphcations for War Veterans and Widows Allowance is requested to contact Jack Lee at 986-5424 before Nov 16th, 1985 to arrange an interview. | Durham Regional Police say they may soon have a suspect in connection with three break-ins at PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 5, 1985 -- 3 GOODWILL ... & TRUCKS Tali REPRESENTATIVES: Bob Archer, John Convey, Bs' Gene Hurst, Wes Lane, Morley Parish, John Randle, Diane Richardson. Choice Stock! Choice Stock! '85 BUICK ELECTRA SEDAN - fully equipped, 17,000 km. Stk. No. 64798A ....... ... $19,300 '85 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED COUPE COLLECTOR'S EDITION - 27,000 km. Stk. No. 548068 $17,500 '85 PONTIAC 6000 LE SEDAN - V6, automatic, cassette. Stk. No. 64856A .................... $12,400 '85 PONTIAC SUNBIRD HATCHBACK COUPE - Automatic, 24,000 km. Stk. No. 64988A .. $8,600 '84 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAMS - 4 to choose from. Stk. Nos. 54816A, 64852B, S4934A, 64937A your choice - each $13,500 '84 CHEVROLET CAPRICE CLASSIC COUPE - Fully equipped. Stk. No. 54707A. ............. $12,900 '84 PONTIAC 6000 LE SEDAN - V6, automatic, air conditioner. Stk. No. 64985A ............ $11,900 '84 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED SEDAN - Air, cruise, tilt wheel. Stk. No. 54880A. ............. $12,800 '84 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME SEDAN - Automatic, many extras. Stk. No. 54297A. $10,500 '84 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN - V6, automatic, front wheel drive. Stk. No. 54545A. ......... $10,500 '84 CHEVROLET CAMARO COUPE - 6, automatic, 13,000 km. Stk. No. 54485A. ............ $10,100 '84 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN - Automatic, air conditioner. Stk. No. 64984A. .................. $11,800 30 - 1985 PONTIACS, BUICKS, GMC PICK-UPS & VANS at PAST MODEL REDUCTIONS Company Cars or Factory Fresh New Units - Several Selected Units available at 9.5% Financing - Up to 48 months. '83 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED SEDAN - V6, automatic, one owner. Stk. No. 54719A ....... $11,200 '83 PONTIAC PARISIENNE SEDAN - Dark maroon, air conditioner. Stk. No. 54445A ... $10,900 '83 PONTIAC SUNBIRD - Automatic, power steering. Stk. No. 54652A $7,200 '83 PONTIAC 6000 COUPE - V6, automatic, high km. Stk. No. 64808A. $6,200 '82 PONTIAC 6000 COUPE - V6, automatic, sun roof. Stk. No. 54612A $7,900 '82 PONTIAC GRAND LEMANS WAGON - V8, automatic, air. Stk. No. 54864B $8,600 '82 FIREBIRD SE COUPE - V8, 4 speed, air conditioner. Stk. No. 648298. $9,600 '81 HONDA CIVIC COUPE - 5 speed, radio, silver with stripes. Stk. No. 44057B. $4,400 '81 DATSUN SX200 COUPE - 5 speed, power steering and brakes Stk. No. 54675A $6,500 '81 BUICK CENTURY SEDAN - 6, automatic. Stk. No. 54566A $6,500 '80 CHEVROLET CAPRICE SEDAN - V8, automatic, low km Stk. No. 54588C $4,900 '80 FORD THUNDERBIRD COUPE - V8, automatic, "As Is" Stk. No 648118 $3,600 80 ACADIAN SCOOTER COUPE - Automatic, reconditioned Stk. No 54814A $4. 200 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1986 - FEDERAL SALES TAX WiLL INCREASE FROM 10% to 11%. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO THE 100+ NEW VEHICLES IN STOCK. BUY NOW & BEAT THE TAX INCREASE! 79 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM - Fully equipped, 83,000 km Stk No 54362A '79 CHEVETTE COUPE - Automatic, "as 1s" Stk. No 64989A $4,900 9 CHE $1,900 NEW 1986 BUICK ELECTRAS & PARK AVENUES ARRIVING THIS WEEK FOR STOCK. New 1986 GMC "'S" Pick-Ups, Jimmies & Buick LeSabres - later this month LEASING AVAILABLE ON EVERY VEHICLE WE SELL! -- USED TRUCKS -- '85 GMC 3/4 TON 4X4 PICK-UP - V8, automatic, High Sierra, 3,000 km Stk. No. 64726A $15,400 '85 GMC 1/2 TON PICK-UP - V8, automatic, bumper. Stk. No. 64874A $10,900 '85 GMC 3/4 TON RALLY STX 9 PASSENGER - Fully equipped Stk No 64891B - $17,500 - $10,500 '84 GMC "S" 4X4 JIMMY - V6, automatic. Stk. No. 54729A ~ - '84 GMC 3/4 TON PICK-UP - HD model, V8, automatic, power steering. Stk. No 54922A $9,700 '81 GMC RALLY STX 3/4 TON - Fully equipped, good condi- tion Stk. No. 54912A ~ $7,200 '80 GMC 3500 SERIES 1 TON WITH 12 VAN - 4 speed, dual wheels Stk No 44177A $7,200 '74 CHEVROLET 3/4 TON BEAUVILLE VAN - 9 passenger, good condition, "as 1s" Stk No 54448A $2,800 PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED OVMEOWARD DRY, PONY PERRY - nun SALES DEPT. HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9-9; Fri. 9-5:30; Sat. 9-4 SERVING THE COMMUNITY SINCE 1976 Vehicles listed above were in stock at newspaper deadline for Port Perry Star November 5 1985 issue I NET