16 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, November 13, 1985 DECKERT - LAMB On August 24th, 1985, Anne Lamb, daughter of Margaret Ann and Bill Lamb, and Ed Deckert, son of Al and Sharon Deckert, were married in Manchester United Church. Chris Dormer of Ajax was best man. Ushers were Sean Twomey, Seagrave, Keith Barr, Seagrave, and Allen Billings, Caesarea, brother: in-law of the groom Janet Lamb, sister of the bride, was maid of honour Bridesmaids were Lisa Feasby, Markham, Lisa McKinzey, Manchester, and Shelley Billings, Caesarea, sister of the groom Sean Twomey played his guitar during the signing of the register. Ted Lamb. uncle of the bride, was the Master of Ceremonies at the recep- tion at Manchester Hall Guests attended from Winnipeg, Petawawa, St Catharines, Barrie, Wind- sor London and Hamilton Anne and Ed Dekert are residing in Guelph, Ontario Say It with a ... BALLOON BOUQUET Add to Your Bouquet: 'N. A Basket of Fruit, Candy, Wine, Cheese & Crackers. Ta Ql \. The Balloon House RN \.. Delvery Available O9B8B8-85106 rime te I ve: TITTY far 2725 C.H.U. Stands out at harvest time Charactenzed by its red grain and exceptional bushel weight, K1184 has consistently proven to have the best standabihty in its matunty. It achieves top results under high plant populations 1984 PERFORMANCE DATA % Yield Broken % Bu/Acre $/ stalks Moisture @ 155% Acre' Pride K1184 65 311 1105 34476 Pioneer 3949 124 279 109 4 346 80 Average of all vaneties 104 295 96 3 303 35 Data cotlectea '* m Pride tes! DIO! program $ Acre basad or $3 50 bo, after drying costs Profit from our New Numbers ROY PUCKRIN (a1) 985-7480 Blackstock area news (From page 12) centre. Following the March of the Colours Mayor Taylor spoke brief- ly welcoming all on behalf of the Township. O Canada was sung with Linda McLaughlin as pianist. Area Councillor John Wolters read the scripture and Rev. Ansley Tucker gave a very appropriate address on Sacrifice, followed by a Prayer for Peace by Ward Councillor Harvey Graham. After the hymn "For the Heeling of the Nations," the Port Perry Legion lead the procession to the cenotaph where wreaths from the Province of Ontario, The Legion, the Lafy Foresters and the Scugog Fire Department were laid. Mayor Taylor read the Honour Roll and the Two Minutes of Silence were observ- ed. After the Last Post the Queen was sung. This impressive service was attended by members of the Legion, by Ross Stevenson, M.P.P_, by many veterans, by members of the Brownies and Cubs and by many local citizens. The Blackstock W.I. members met at the Hall on November 6. After dessert and tea and social time the meeting opened by singing of Ode and repeating Mary Stewart Collect. Secretary treasurer read September and October minutes, she gave a healthy financial report. We are invited by 4-H to a party at the United Church. Operation Scugog, John Howard Society, Han- di Transit Hemophelia Society were voted a donation. On November 20 we serve dinner to the Lion's Club. Jean Adams and Dora Martyn took The Home Decor Planning short course and will be presenting it in January or February. It in- volves Rome Shades, Balloon Drapes and candlewicking. Jean Adams introduced James Duncan who spoke to us on Central Seven. He has been working for Cen- tral Seven in Port Perry for six years. This programme, among other things, teach some of these people to learn how to go out into the community to have a paid job mak- ing them feel more worthwhile and responsible. The Roll Call was answered nam- ing a small or unusual Canadian In- dustry. The Motto - Industry is a nobody working with anybody so that everybody is a somebody. Jean Adams was the auctioneer for a plant auction with proceeds to go to Pennies for Friendship. The meeting closed with the Na- tional Anthem. Myrtle area news and views It is nice to welcome Jessie Cooke home from hospital and to know that she is much better. We welcome new families to our commtunity, Terry and Lisa Barton and daughter Katy, David and Don- na Kirk, son Taylor and baby daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rennie and Ken and Gail Degruchy and son Ian. We hope that you will enjoy your new homes and that you will take part in our church and community activities. Congratulations to Janet Stachow on winning the highest marks in On- tario in her singing exams. This is an outstanding achievement and Janet is invited to the Royal Conser- vatory of Music to participate in an awards night and to receive the Silver Medal. We are all so proud and happy for you Janet and we wish you continued success in your studies. Sympathy is extended to the Franklin family on the death of Murray's brother, Lloyd of Woodstock. Lloyd was buried in Prince Albert Cemetery following the services in Brocklin last Monday. Thanks to all who helped make the Turkey Supper such a success; the pie bakers, the dishwashers, the organizers and the many who helped in all the countless ways from peeling the vegetables to cook- ing turkeys. It was truly a communi- ty project. r your Appointment i. th for Busy People! *2500 #3, shair cut & style inc). shoppe 176 Perry Street - Port Perry - 985-2532 Bue Cro Siesta Rs a vats A ts il wih a