38 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, November 13, 1983 CONTRACTORS & CARPENTERS REET RENSINK mx BUSINESS DIRECTORY || Senatilcrion ustom Homes - Farm Bulldings - enovations wr 985-3124 (~ (of N= =13 hai) ech Sulu ' CHRIS ALLEN ALUMINUM A. RANKIN & SON * Thermal Windows & Doors CARPENTRY & WOODWORKING * Retail Sales Available Products x2 [7 | Rec Rooms, Additions Oak, Pine Furniture, * 20 Yr. Wntten Guarantee on Matenal Trim Work, Ceramic Tiles, Tables, Wall Units, Benches * 5 Yr. Guarantee on Labour 985.3747 Renovations, Drywall, Lathe Work, etc. Cupboards * Free Estimates Bathrooms, etc. Custom Built, Replace or Reface ~ -- ALUMINUM & VINYL SIDING -- --_ -- WINDOWS - DOORS - AWNINGS -- * 20 Yr. Warranty on Material FREE ESTIMATES * 5 Yr. Warranty on Labour ALCAN BUILDING 986-5673 or 986-4445 | rrooucts KEN LUKE GRADING & EXCAVATING 259 Shanley St., P.O. Box 837, Desa, © Port Perry, Ont. LOB 1NO 985-8060 Mag Leave Message CALL 985-3974 FREE ESTIMATES John Park "i ent news Drywall Services uarante ET ality Workmanship 9 86- 46 4 1 CONCRETE WALL FORMING RESIDENTIAL -- COMMERCIAL Basements * Frost Walls * Retaining Walls, etc. ca: RAYMAR BUILDING CONTRACTORS Res. Seagrave (416) 985-9819 723-9482 -- Competitively Priced with Cement Block -- DECORATING SERVICES PAINTING - PAPERING Interior - Exterior Residential - Commercial MIKE DRISCOLL 985-8830 SCUGOG OVERHEAD DOOR SERVICE Residential - Commercial - Industral Installation & Repairs WOOD ~ STEEL - FIRBREGLASS - INSULATED Automatic Door Operator Sales & Service PHONE: 985-3735 ree pe ---------- PORT PERRY WINDOWS & DOORS Complete Selection of Aluminum Windows & Doors _ FREE ESTIMATES --- INSURANCE WORK -- GLASS & SCREEN REPAIRS Ep © 985-8724 SUPERIOR ALUMINUM PORT PERRY Corantee on at Aummum Matera 985-3912 wise iw isis KAISER HUTTE GH =H] [-[[\Y[c Nelo hg V. Nog gol oi] KEN RANKIN | | BOB GOODMAN PLUMBING PLUMBING 38 CALEB STREET, A.T.M. "BARN ROOFING Complete Barn Repairs Wind Damage - Beam Structures - Caulking - Eavestroughing - Painting Barn Boards - Cedar Shingles - Pole Barns - Barn Demolition KERRY SYMES ... [705] 36567-3156 BOB PUGH ... (416) 640-5638 JOHN LUCYK CONSTRUCTION "Builder of Fine Homes" * CUSTOM HOMES * REPAIRS * ADDITIONS * DECKS STAN THOMAS CARPENTRY Pole Barns - Renovations Sundecks - Additions Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding & Soffits Metal Clad Wood Barns Phone 985-2715 KARL HERDER CONSTRUCTION LTD. * Prefab Fireplaces PORT PERRY, ONTARIO R.R. 3, Port Perry 985-7758 "an * Renovations * REC ROOMS * RENOVATIONS New Installations New Installations - Repairs === * Construction Quality Workmanship Guaranteed an Renovations Repairs Rebuild All Types of Water Pumps PORT PERRY 985-3885 Tel: 985 8569 J Hot Water Heater Installation iri... 985-3608 Older Homes - Our Specialty CALL TODAY FOR FREE ESTIMATES A FAST NEIGHBOURLY SERVICE Waiter J. Brown * CARPENTRY * RENOVATIONS * ODD JOBS Phone 986-0040 PAINTING DECORATING 985-3764 Cail Bob Forbes Russ wray DRYWALL SERVICES Drywall -- Taping -- Textured Ceilings -- T-Bar Ceilings GENERAL Free Estimates - Quality Workmanship - Guaranteed Work CONTRACTING 986-4638 PORT PERRY ROOFING rn Asphalt * Cedar Shakes 'Flats * Sheet Metal FP mn *Woodruf Rustic *Gerard Roofing Tiles " REPAIRS - STRIPS - RE-ROOFING - NEW WORK (416) 985-7082 orn REextt (HW ep [[of {Safa tpg pV Noj goof) RICK LAROCGUE § ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL ~ COMMERCIAL -- FARM RR 2. PORT PERRY 985-326 1 NEED JAMES RANKIN | | PAVE RANKIN ? New Buildin BS ; ELECTRIC ELECTRIC PHOTOCOPIES? Complete Repairs CONSTRUCTION RR 3 PORT PERRY We can do them for you! IY v nha PHONE 986-7191 Letter. Legal & Ledger 4 Ne Regie oa HEATING Tea fARM RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Reduced & Enlarged ( 16) 723- 9482 My EAE | Spec ahring n re tows Te irs PORT PERRY STAR FREE ESTATES, REASONABLE RATES 738 Ques Sureet VI =e] JW, J=1]-] SERVICES Hot Water Tank Installation & Repars free |! mates 9895-8537 nd Reps Richard Honey ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL - FARM COMMERCIAL Free batimates Electric Heating Specialists RR 1 PORT PERRY ONTARIO 416) 9852896 9859364 LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS? Look here! Where consumers in need shop for the professionals in business' CALL 985-7383 for INFORMATION Brock Reville, Optician 28 WATER STREET, LAKEVIEW PLAZA, PORT PERRY. ONT =m LOB INO a