6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, November 13, 1985 Yesterday's Memories (From page 5) Tripp Bulldozers Intermediate team, the might 1s sponsored by the local minor hockey association Attending the Central Area Women's Institute Convention at the Royal York this week were Mrs I. Honey, Mrs O Edwards, Mrs P Diamond. Mrs S Naples and Mrs § Cawker 10 YEARS AGO Wednesday, November 12, 1975 Separated by adoption, two sisters have been reunited after 44 years apart lromcally the two sisters, Helen McKean of R R 2, Seagrave and Dorothy Simpson of Uxbridge were hving only 9 miles apart when they found each other At Port Perry High School Commencement exercises the follow: ing Ontario Scholars were presented awards Janet Watson, Carol Anne Sharpe, Janice Stark, Mary Skinner, Connie Sutherland, John Foster. Brian Payne, Alex Faux and Lilhan MacPherson Four new members are initiated into the Port Perry Kinsmen Club by president Lorne Scanlon. The members are Doug Wray, Greg Heffering. Doug Holtby and Brian Callery ES Letters to the Editor ... our policy It has always been the policy of this newspaper to encourage our readers to make use of the letters to the editor column. Our readers have a right to freely express their opinions and view- points on just about any subject, and we feel that a lively letters column helps make a better community newspaper. We insist, however, that a letter writer sign his or her name. On rare occasions, we will agree to with-hold publication of a letter writer's name, if we feel there are very good reasons to do so. Under no circumstances will this paper print an anonymous letter to the editor While we enjoy receiving letters from our readers, we must continue to insist on knowing the identity of the writer. CHRIS ALLEN ALUMINUM REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK 28656-3747 "Fall Sale" The Month of November VYNAL SIDING '75.00 oe uo '90.00 ... ., HORIZ. ALUM. SIDING *102.00... ., Good Selection of Colours BUY BEFORE PRICE & TAX INCREASE! ALSO AVAILABLE "Aluminum & Steel Trough "Replacement Casement & Storm Windows Come in and See our TILT WINDOW FOR EASY CLEANING" Free Estimates' To Supply 985-3747 & Install Call Rob or Mike INTRODUCING SELECTEL FOR PORT PERRY AND UXBRIDGE. SUBSCRIBE AND YOU COULD SAVE 1/3 ON ALL CUSTOMER DIALED CALLS TO TORONTO. SELECTEL 1s a new. long distance discount plan that could save you 1/3" on all your customer dialed calls to Toronto Just $3 65 a month for residence phones or $8 60 a month for business gives you an automatic 1'3 discount And that saving apphes in addition to the usual evening and weekend long distance discounts! 'A minimum charge of % 15 apphes on all calls - -- At Durham College Astronomy lecture topic The 1985-86 Durham Science Lec: ture Series will continue on Thurs- day. November 28 with featured speaker Dr CT Bolton Bolton 1s Professor of Astronomy atl the Via train (From page 1) Toronto The federal transport department 1s aiming for a target of 100 riders each day to make the train viable. However, Mr. Lawrence feels the break-even point is between 70 and 80 riders each day. Starting next Monday, the train will arrive in Myrtle at 7:33 A.M, instead of 7:17. On the return trip from Toronto, the train will pull in- to Myrtle at 6:24 P.M., instead of 6:37 P.M. University of Toronto, and Associate Director of the Dawid Dunlap Observatory He will discuss Halley's Comet In his talk, Dr. Bolton will present historical observations and ideas about comets, including their sup- posed influence on human events, and the space missions to Comet Halley. He will comment on the pro- spects that Comet Halley will pro- vide fundamental answers to the fundamental questions about the nature of comets, and the origin of the solar system. Dr. Bolton has specialized in spec- troscopic observations of massive binary and variable stars to deter- mine their fundamental properties and study their evolution. In 1978, he was elected to Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada in recogni- tion of his contribution to the discovery of the first blackhole. and his work on the properties of massive stars and peculiar compositions. This lecture starts at 8:00 p.m on Thursday, November 28, 1985 in the Durham College Lecture Theatre Following his talk, Dr. Bolton will answer questions from the audience after which they will be invited to join him for coffee and other light refreshments. The Durham Science Lecture Series, now In its eighth year, is jointly sponsored by Durham Col- lege and the Durham Board of Education. It serves as a profes- sional development vehicle for their teachers, enrichment for their students, and a service to the rest of the community. Everyone is welcome. There is no admission charge. Paula Lishman LTD. Paula Lishman invites you, h to visit her stu the most innovatwv fashion. Knit fur ers, and now CO the best fur hat in the and wrap yourself in CO sweat Blac (8 km. east of p Monday to Friday Saturday Fur yarn also av 62 Old Scugos Rd. kstock, Ontario ort Perry. south off 7A Wn gunday and evenings 986-5096 er neighbours, dio, and sample e approach to fur jackets, capes, ats, as well as world. Come mfort. ailable. to village) 9am. to4 pm 10 am to 5pm by appointment or 686-1935 ' saving, new service Call today and save! DAVE! ORDER NOW AND PAY NO ADMINISTRATION FEE! Save $14.00 for residence and $25.75 for business if you order SELECTEL by Jan. 31, 1986! CAN YOU SAVE WITH SELECTEL? Take a look at an average monthly phone bill and add up the cost of your calls to Toronto If one third of that total is more than the SELECTEL monthly fee, you can start saving money now And if you order SELECTEL by January 31 1986, there will be no Administration Charge That's an additional saving of $14 00 for residence and $25 75 for business! TALK TO US FIRST! Just call the Bell office number on the front of your phone bill to subscnbe to SELECTEL or for more details on this money Bell 5 SE GA To mc sp pm pp a ad Leu a ------ ae