8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, November 13, 1985 Election Taylor re-elected (From page) liming up sohdly behind John Wolters, while Jerry Taylor receiv- ed much of his support in Wards 2 and 3 In Ward 1, the voters threw their support behind each of the Mayoralty candidates Wolters won six of seven polls in his "home ward," while Taylor won all the polls in Wards 2and 3 Taylor also won the majority of the polls in Ward 1, but Wolters showed strength in the rural areas west of Greenbank Asked to comment afterwards about this spht in the Township, Wolters shrugged it off. saving that he felt he ran a good campaign and he plans to keep active in municipal affairs Wolters, a sever year veteran of Scugog Council, was gracious in defeat He told a packed house at the Latcham Centre that "it was a good race 1 didn't do too badly and there YVONNE CHRISTIE Defeats Incumbent Neil Hunter HOWARD HALL New Ward Two Councillor 1s always next time." He congratulated Mayor Taylor for his victory and said *'I wish you every success in the term ahead." In his victory speech at the Lat- cham Centre, Taylor said Wolters "ran an excellent race. He was a hard worker on the council, and I'm sure he'll be back Taylor broke the audience up when he said "I'm pretty well worn out from the campaign. so I decid- ed to make a few notes In fact, | made two sets of notes,' he said in reference to the fact that he was prepared for a defeat at the polls. The Mayor noted that an election campaign puts candidates and their famihes under a lot of strain "Nobody really knows what it 1s like until they put their name on the ballot ~ "We in Scugog should be proud of the number of candidates who put forward the effort in this election," he stated. Counting the five can- didates for school board, there were 241n the races for the various seats on council and the board, the most ever. Defeated Ward 1 councillor Neil Hunter was the first to offer his con- gratulations to Mrs. Christie Although obviously disappointed at the final outcome, Hunter managed a Joke when he told the audience "1 knew there was no job security in this when | came in, and this just proved it Mrs. Christie in her speech said the obvious. It was a real barn burner in Reach this time The former chairman of the Durham School Board had words of praise for Hunter when she said "I'm sorry that someone had to lose The nicest possible people were run- nmng in Scugog this election For Mrs Christie, the victory was a happy change from the elections three years ago when she lost the Regional seat to Lawrence Malcolm by less than 40 votes Lawrence Malcolm was jubilant with his strong showing Tuesday mght as he easily deteated Don Crosier and Ruth Mark "You were a lot more hberal with the X's tomght than vou were for me three vears ago he quipped in reference to the battle with Yvonne Christie He joked about his health the Doc savs 'moan fine shape and got a Laugh from the crowd when he said the last election | said T naught not be around forever but after tomght. who knows He pledged to continue his pohery of keeping a tight rein on spending at the local level InWard 2 the victory by Howard Hall puts him back in the council chair for the first ime in more than a decade He was a member of the old Port Perry Village council in the early 70's and Tuesday evening. he was clearly pleased with the results He noted that he knows what it 18 hke to lose an election An obviously disappointed Roy Grierson was gracious in defeat and he offered his congratulations to the winner Township Bes oo 13 J I) FI " - i EE HEMI i ". Nox ¥e xX ¥5 < 1 ope hE I 1, v3 NG S 3 3 TER Incumbents have reason to smile Victory grins. Only four of last term's coun- Jerry Taylor, Regional Councillor Lawrence cillors were returned to their seats Tuesday Malcolm and Ward Three Councillor Don night. Harvey Graham, Area Councillor, Mayor Cochrane take a look at their happy results. While the polls closed at 8:00 p.m on Tuesday evening, the first results were not reported to election head- quarters at the Latcham Centre un- til 9:25 That was the Ward 2 poll at the Nursing Home, and Taylor took a small lead of seven votes over Wolters. The next poll to report was in Ward 1 and Wolters jumped into a 20 vote lead, the only time all even- ing he was on top The first Ward 2 poll (aside from the nursing home) was 20A and Taylor won it by almost 80 votes He never relinquished the lead from that point on Unofficially. 5125 voters in the A crowd of 250 waited with bated breath to hear the results (which came later than usual) Township cas ballots in the race for the Mayor's chair, which is over 50 per cent of the residents eligible to vote, but about 40 per cent of 12,500 overall eligible voters in the Township. About 2000 of these are non-resident. The turnout this election was almost the same as three years when just over 5000 persons cast ballots. Some had been predicting a higher turnout this election, main- ly because of the hotly contested race for the Mayor's chair. The weather on Tuesday may have kept some away from the polls, especial lv in the early evening when there of 1985's municipal election, a breathless race with several surprise upsets. were heavy rains. THE NEW COUNCIL. As a wrap up, here is how the new Scugog Township council will look after the inaugural meeting and swearing in ceremonies early in December. Mayor Jerry Taylor; Regional councill Lawrence Malcolm; area councillor Harvey Graham; Ward | councillor Yvonne Christie; Ward 2 councillor Howard Hall; Ward 3 councillor Don Cochrane and Ward 4 councillor Neil McLaughlin. if his totals remain the same after the re count with Jim Marlow os wlan i hi SNA a BRS sc eri Lr