ee PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 22, 1966 -- 9 Site for new elementary school still up in the air Vote likely on Fair Board's lease The fate of a new $2 million elementary school in Port Perry could be decided in the next couple of weeks if members of the Port Perry Agricultural Society agree to break a lease the Society has with Scugog Township for present Fairgrounds property. It now looks as if about 40 people may be eligible to vote on whether or not to break the lease the Fair Board has with the municipality. These would include members of the executive, the directors and chairpersons of committees who held office for the years 1964-85-86, according to legal advice given to the Fair Board executive last week. We feature Venetian, Verncal & Pleated Blinds by LEVOLOR. L AON SPRING SPECTAL 30% OFF March 25 - May 24 IN~HOM€ SERVICE 95 @ For a Free €sTIMATE please call : Carol Bells 473-6741 Rita Connell 852-7659 DAYS & €VENINGS Such a meeting to vote on the issue of the lease could be held on two weeks notice. In the meantime, the Fair Board executive is seeking a meeting with the Township council to ask for fur- ther guarantees of assistance should a decision be made to break the lease and move the Fair to a new site adjacent to the Scugog Arena. Township council has already pledg- ed use of the land for a new site and $102,000 to help in the re-location and development of a new site. This is the money the council will receive from the Board of Educa- tion for seven acres of land on the northwest corner of the present Fairgrounds as the site of a new school. However, the deal between the Township and School Board can't go through until the lease between the Fair Board and Township (which runs to 1997) is surrendered. The School Board wants to start construction of the new elementary school this fall for completion in September, 1987, and wants the sale of the seven acres completed no later than June 1, of this year. Several groups have opposed the move to a new Fairgrounds site and the formal of the lease has been held up. Those opposed to the move at this time say there has not been enough information about how much it will cost to create a new grounds for the Fair or who will pay. There are also fears that a new fairgrounds will not include a track for horse racing. 'Say it with a ... BALLOON BOUQUET Add to Your Bouquet Candy, Fruit, Wine, Jams and Mints The Balloon House Delivery Available c Aid (entre ¢f Port Perry DOr. E. Mueller's Office - 24 Water St. S., Plaza, Port Perry, Ontario LOB 1NO SUNWORTHY APRIL SPECIAL 183 Queen Street, Port Perry 985-8234 986-5106 Dennis J Hogan ann Hearing Aid Consultant 985-3003 985-9192 THE DURHAM JONI D NO) 0 0[@.Vy (0) Quality Education Today For Tomorrow EDUCATION WEEK is a special time...a time to highlight the scope and variety of learning experiences which take place in the public elementary and secondary schools in Durham Region. EDUCATION WEEK gives you a special opportunity to come see what your tax dollars provide. The Durham Board of Education now offers a wider variety of programs to more people - children, adolescents and adults - than ever before. As parents and interested members of the public, take this opportunity to share with our students their achievements and accomplishments in a ay & variety of activities. 3-As you visit our schools, mall displays and special performances during EDUCATION WEEK, you will learn of the pride and skills which our teachers and support staff bring to their work in '""Refining Our Gold" for a bright future. Call your neighbourhood school or watch the newspaper for information on open houses and other events. Or phone our central information numbers: 576-4600, 686-2711, Zenith 64230 (from outside area code 416). Ask for extension 205 or 319. A Education Week - April 27 to May 3