_andaaamaahaaaaaaaaaA aha > 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 22, 1986 For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale Used Cars CORNER CABINET 72 Inches high, natural finish, 4 doors and | drawer. 985-2443. ADM 8 HP GARDEN Tractor, electric start, lights, loaded tires, chains, cultivator, disc, plow, blower, $800 firm. Phone 986-5067 SMALL ELECTRIC organ, 2 keyboards, good condition. 986-4967. ONE SET OF Chevy Rally rims 2-15x8, 2-15x7 with B.F. Goodrich radlal T.A. tires, $350 or best offer. 986-5128. "1962 CR125 Honda Motocross, liquid cooled, used little, excellent condition $750. 985-v106 or 655-3989. " ONE BMX Team Rally bike In excellent condition; counter-top, 8 ft. neutral; Porta-Sound PSS-450 Yamaha organ, brand new. 705-357-3552. GOSLINGS, white Embhden, top quality, meat type. Avallable April-May-June. Order early. Elizabeth McCully, R.R. 3, Chatham, Ontario N7M 5J3. 519-676-5333. OAK PEDESTAL table with leaf and six reproduction Pressback chairs, $950. 686-1497. BY GONE DAYS antiques and collec: tibles. Centre Avenue, Caesarea. 986-4912. ONE NEW HOLLAND 351 mix-mill $2700; one New Holland 77 baler with electric start, 4 cylinder Wisconsin engine $700. Phone 986-5552. PINE LOVE seats, unfinished $59.95 - 985-2597. M6 ELECTROLUX sales and service. 985-7003. A229 AIRTIGHT stove with Insulated chimney HAY: Second cut, noralin, $1.45 per bale. Straw- 10- 1500 Ib. round bales; $15 per bale. 655-3949. MAPLE DINING room suite, butfet and hutch, table with 2 leaves and 4 chairs. Excellent condition. Call anytime. 986-5257. 1977 650 KAWASAKI, low mileage. Many extras. 985-9056. 1980 750 HONDA CB, custom, 33,000 km, $1500. 985-8874. INCUBATORS! Lyon Electric purchas- ed the Marsh Roll-X Manufacturing Co. Lyon have Improved the Roll-X in- cubator to meet thelr high standards of quality and performance. Your purchase of a Lyon Marsh Roll-X will guarantee you years of satisfaction. Free brochures contact: Tartan Distributors, Box 8, Grp. 2, R.R. 1, Lockport, MB, ROC WO. 204-757-4532. POLLED HEREFORD Bull Sale, Satur- day, May 3rd, 1:00 p.m. at the farm. 50 yearling bulls and a few select two-year olds. High herd health standards. No bulls sold prior to sale. R.O.P. Perfor- mance tested. Onondaga Farms, R.R. 2, St. George, Ontario NOE 1NO. 519-448-1982 or 519-448-1749. STEEL BUILDING relocation sale- We are clearing out old stock -- Save thousands. We won't be undersold. Phone Ploneer Sales Department collect for in- formation 416-678-1585. AS COUNTRY grown cedars for he 'ging, 3-12 ft. - picked up, delivered, p.anted. Sodding and landscaping. Cedar posts. 655-4448 days or 983-9714 after 6 p.m.A 29 ASPARAGUS Place your order now for freshly cut asparagus. For Table or Freezer - Small or Large Orders At Wholesale Prices Cimarron Farm 852-3986 Call after 4 P.M. HORSE CARE PRODUCTS Warehouse Outlet C.A. ROY LIMITED 330 MARWOOD DRIVE, OSHAWA, ONT. 434-1814 OPEN. Monday to Friday 8 30 to 4.30 POULTRICE HOOF-GRO* ELECTROLYTES IODINE SHAMPOO PINE OIL NITROFURAZONE 5.00 OFF Any purchase of $30.00 or more upon presentation of this ad. *# # % # = =» UXBRIDGE NURSERIES On Sale until May 7th, 1986 UPRIGHT JUNIPERS (45 cm.) ......... ea.*10.00 SPREADING JUNIPERS (40 cm.) ....... ea.*7.50 NOW IN STOCK: All evergreens are potted or balled. crane trucks. 985-7667 Landscaping ; landscape architect raw a professional formation "NEW *3,000 Evergreens in 30 Varieties *2,000 Tree & Shrubs in 50 Varieties Trees under 2" caliper can be moved safely now, bareroot, until May 1st for easier handling and great savings. All trees are sold with a 1 year guarantee (unless otherwise stated). Large trees always available and can be delivered with any one of our three For prices check our catalogue - FREE Upon Request. -- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -- HOURS: (until June 30) Mon. to Sat. 8 AM. to 9 P.M. (dusk), Sun. 10 AM to 6 PM GREENBANK GARDEN CENTRE Located on the Northeast Corner of Hwy 12 & 47 Design will be available on lan to suit your needs 852-7729 Service #0 please call! i - CLEAR SWEET WATER! At last New Technology eliminates Rusty ... Smelly ... Bad Tasting Water, bacteria, staining, chemicals and more. C.S.A. Approved. Proven in over 12,000 installations. Only 49 cents per day to own and operate. Ask about our Free 6-Month Trial Offer. Bad water can be your profits worst enemy. Your property and life Is much more valuable when your water supply is good. Clear Sweet Water ... It's your Right! Call now 1-800-268-2656 (24 hours) or 1-416-624-4344. AZTEC. L BICYCLE for sale, boys and girls, good condition. 985-3536 after 6 p.m. 85 YAMAHA 4 Moto 200 shaft drive, reverse, cover, excellent condition, elec- tric start $2350. 986-4907. PRINCECRAFTY aluminum square end canoe, 16 fi. 985-3096. MULTI-FUNCTIONAL exercise bench, leg lift, wide stance, adjustable squat rack, c/w 200 Ibs. vinyl weights, as new $100; 17 cu. ft. freezer, 5 years old $175. 985-9247. HOUSEBOAT, sleeps 5, two-way fridge, gas stove; Volvo Panta, 110 motor, In board/outboard, 32 ft. long, 116 wide $7500. 571-0927. FERGUSON tractor with loader, 4 cylinder, gas, new rear tires, runs good $1600; dump truck, farm use, good dump box $700; .1947 Willys 4x4, runs good, needs some body work $700; engine 283 auto $150. 986-5350. VANITY 4 FT. - all white with counter top. 985-7555. 350 CHEV engine, good condition, low mileage, $200 or best offer. Can be heard running. 985-7844. PUSH LAWNMOWER, dehumidifier, patio table, tri-light, table lamp, record players with speakers; 1964 Ford Galaxy, no rust. 985-8384. y 1985 JVC video camera, GXN7, will hook- up to most VHS units, cost $1250 - sell for $800 with extras. Two double sealed win- dows 2x10 ft.- $75 each. 986-5350. COLEMAN CAMPERS, luxury light- weight fold downs, best selection, dlis- count prices, free fridge offer. New from $3695 - rental and non-current clearance on. Sunway Sales, 2069 Simcoe North, Oshawa 571-2210 or 985-2910. A2 FRIDGE, stove, auto washer and dryer, portable dishwasher, washer spin dryer and portable auto dryer. Call (Goose) Shirley Road. 985-9893. A229 BUILDINGS at factory cost, best value, all sizes. Buy locally and save. Concrete 3,000 |b. test and 5 per cent air, etc. $46 per yard. Call 985-7930. PHOTOCOPIER, llke new, Minolta EP300, $1000 firm. 985-8711 9 to 5 p.m. STOVES, refrigerators, washers and dryers, dishwashers and freezers. Call anytime- Tom Vanderende 986-5312. FINAL WEEK of bankruptcy sale, Wednesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., 870 Taunton Road East., Whitby, 2 mile east of Thickson Road. Office supplies, hanging folders, file folders, pens, pencils, plus hundreds of other articles used in an office. FUR- NITURE: modular units, computer tables, boardroom tables, chairs, creden- za, electronic sign, plus many ather ar- ticles. This is not an Auction Sale. All supplies 50 per cent off. McLean Auction and Liquidations 576-7550 and 686-3291. 84 SPORTCRAFT 152 ft. B.R. with 70 HP Johnson outboard, power steering and trim, excellent condition, asking $7000. Phone 985-8538 after 5 p.m. WATER PROBLEMS? Smelly water? Iron? Hard or polluted water? Call Gary Young Plumbing for free water analysis and demonstration. Buy, rent or lease. Free installation. 655-4936 or evenings 655-8989. TF GARDENER'S extras; multiplier onions $1 bag; plants- Strawberry and Asparagus 20 cents each; Raspberry, mint, horse-radish- 40 cents each; Rhubarb $2.50; Iris $1.50; Lilac, Peonles, Forsythia $3; Trees- Maples $4; Colorado Spruce $10; Cedar $2; more information 655-4525. : A 22 SWAIN SEEDS, Blackstock. Cert. Barley starting at $6.95/25 kg. Govern- ment Inspected and quality controlled. Mixed grain starting at $11.50/40 kg. For complete seed service that is available when you need it. Call 416-986-4331.A 22 17 FT. SCAMPER house-trailer, three way service, pressure system, awning, jacks, $3200. 985-7935. SIMMENTAL CROSS yearlings, 400-700 Ibs.; Also purebred Simmental bull to lend until July. 985-9124. WOODWORKERS. Looking for a table saw, radial arm saw, jointer, shaper, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, bandsaw, or Shopsmith machine, call Port Perry 985-2443. TF WATKINS Products. Spices, liniments, cleaning products etc. For information phone 985-2070. TF AIR COMPRESSORS, spray booth and accessories, all sizes. New and used. Buy and sell. 1-743-6299. TF WOODWORKERS SPECIAL. 6 Inch Jointer/Planer, Thickness Planer with power feed, Slot mortising machine and disk sander with motor $499.99 - 985-2443. i TF : HAY FOR SALE. First and second cut. Straw for sale. Can be delivered. Bill 985-9040. - TF 198) SEARS 16 HP garden tractor, In- cludes mower. $2000. 985-3785. TREES & SHRUBS for sale, direct from grower. White Birch, Maples, Oaks, 5-8 ft. tall- $10-$15. EVERGREENS- 6 types Junipers, only $3.99 each. WHITE PINES- $4.99. Cedars for hedges $2.99. Phone 985-8065. A 22 DAY OLD CHICKS. Orders now being taken for May 29th delivery. Also Turkey Poults. Port Perry Feeds, 40 Vanedward Drive. 985-7363. TF CHEESE: Cheddar, Marble, Mozzarella, Colby, Farmer's, Brick and Curds. Phone Heather, days at 985-7057; nights 985-3288. M 25 ASSELSTINE'S YAMAHA have the Parts and Personnel to service your Yamaha. Durham Road, south of Blackstock 986-4437. TF DORAL BOATS powered by Evinrude. All models in stock competitive prices. All Ontario delivery. Large selection pre- owned boats. All sizes. King's Marina, Fenelon Falls 705-887-3321. FRESH BROWN eggs for sale. 985-3657 or 985-8646. : A 22 ONE FROST-FREE 15 ft. G.E. fridge, white cantalever shelves, top line, ex- cellent condition. 985-8172. 17va FT. PROWLER Trailer, sleeps 6, 3 plece bath, large fridge, oven, 4 burner stove, furnace, very clean, canopy and jacks Included, $5500. Also complete Reese hitch with antl-sway $175. 986-4516. 14 FT. ALLIS CHALMERS Cultivator, 3 pt. hitch, $500 or best offer; Cockshutt 4 row corn planter $1000; 3 pt. hitch wood splitter $375; Massey Ferguson manure spreader 9-20 tires. Ideal for wood trailer $150. 985-3903. INTERESTED In making your candles for business venture. | have all the equip- ment needed valued at $1950 - selling out price $600. Call 986-5190. A 22 FULLER BRUSH Products. 985-9372. AMWAY PRODUCTS will deliver. 984-5431. A29 FIREWOOD in log lengths, cut and split. 985-3361. TF WOOD LOGS for sale. Sold by the tandem or trailer load. All hardwood. Fast delivery. Phone Haliburton 1-705-754-2515 anytime. TF PAUL'S SHOE REPAIR. Repairs to all leather goods. 32 Water Street, Port Perry 985-3457. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS: vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E., Oshawa. 579-5666. TF RE-CONDITIONED Electrolux vacuum. 985-7003. A 22 1va YEAR OLD Kirby In excellent shape, will sell for $375 or best offer. 705-324-4055. A 22 Used Trucks 1977 FORD "4 ton, Tunneau cover, sunroof, stereo, mags, $2800 or best offer. 986-5204. 1969 GMC panel camper truck, rare col- lector, needs engine; 1973 Olds Omega, new transmission, both need work; Also swimming pool, ladder, furniture etc. 986-4713. Used Cars 78 CHEVETTE, 2 door hatchback, 4 speed, am radio, one owner. Very good condition. Certified $2250. Phone 985-8459 after 4:30 p.m. RABBIT diesel deluxe 1980 with sunroof, good condition, certified, $2150. 985-9942. 1977 CHEV IMPALA, ps, pb, well main- tained, $1500 certified, 427-2170 (Green: wood). If no answer leave message. 1981 HONDA STATION wagon, excellent condition, $3500 certified; 1976 Chev Im- pala, good condition, $1800 certified. Call 655-4136. AD LATE MODEL stock car, complete. 984-4700. \ - J -- 1976 TOYOTA Corolla, 4 door, good con- dition, certified, reasonable. 985-2293. 1962 CHEVETTE, gas saver, 4 door, automatic, am-fm cassette, sunroof, fog lights, reclining buckets, new brakes, new tires, spring tune-up, great shape. Must sell $3900 or best offer, certified. Call Robin 728-8391. 1981 MONTE CARLO, excellenf condi: tion, bucket seats, V8, air, $5900 certified or best offer. 985-8559 evenings. 74 FORD COMET, 6 cylinder automatic, runs well, needs body work, $125 as Is. Call 986-5160. 1982 228, 84,000 km, T-roo'. loaded except air, Eagle GT tires on the rear, winter stored, certified. Call 725-8355 after 1 p.m. 1962 DODGE ARIES 'K' car, In good con- dition, 2.6 litre, automatic, ps, pb, rear window defroster, block heater, $3000 certified. 986-4280. 1962 RELIANT Chrysler wagon, loaded, 4 cylinder, auto, buckets, 40 mpg, olled since new, $3200 certified. 986-5350. 1973 BUICK Riviera, torpedo back, 86,000 miles, presently stored, needs back brakes and transmission work, body- motor excellent, $800. 985-7212. 1984 PONTIAC Sunbird 2000 wagon, ex- cellent condition $8200. 852-5419 after 6 p.m. 1983 TRANS AM, V8, 4 barrel auto, T- roof, luxury Interior, am-fm cassette, special performance package, 36,000 miles, $10,900 certified or best offer. 986-4339. 1977 OLDS CUTLASS In running shape, $400; 17 cubic feet gold refrigerator, good condition, $200. 985-7101 .or 985-8631 evenings. 1977 SILVER ASPEN Wagon, Slan. 6, automatic. As is $500 or best offer. 986-4467. A 29 MIKES Row Specials "As Is" - Uncertified Wholesale offers considered. | *1980 Oldsmobile Cutlass Coupe - eee, stock no. 65066A. *1978 Chevrolet BelAir Sedan en "evo... Stock no. 65211A. *1978 Chevrolet Impala Sedan ret msnspeuanins stock no. 544458. *1977 Pontiac LeMans Sedan een stock no. 65116A *1977 Pontiac LeMans Sedan eee, stock no. 65147C *1976 Oldsmobile Delta 88 - 4 dr. h/top .. stock no. 651388. *1976 GMC 1/2 ton Pickup eee ......stock no. 54847A *1975 GMC 1/2 ton Vandura Van. een stock no. 64886A Above units all "Do It Yourself" Specials PHILP PONTIAC BUICK LTD. 10 Vanedward Drive, Port Perry 985-8474 " Wanted to Rent THREE BEDROOM home in Port Perry area, June 1st occupancy. Please call 705-324-0454. HOUSE WANTED TO RENT - Im- mediately by very responsible profes- sional couple in 60's. Desire cosy, rustic, or farm style home, hopefully- fireplace, on country style property with trees and Complete Privacy. We'd be delighted If located on/near Water, in/or/near a town or city or suburbs, and shopping, but we'l! view and consider all suitable replies. Will maintain, decorate, and landscape for reasonable rent and long lease and might be interested In eventual option-to-buy, If like the area! Looking In areas of Port Perry, South to Brooklin/Oshawa/Whit- by/A|ax/Rouge/including Uxbridge. We have family pets. Call our relative/agent 1-705-738-4284 or write: N. Birkall, c/o P.O. Box 30, Highway 36, R.R. 3, Bob- caygeon, Ontario KOM 1A0. TF URGENTLY NEEDED 4 bedroom house in Port Perry area for June Ist. References available. Call 7-5 ask for Ed at 655-3358. After 5 call 1-705-432-2187 A 29 "0 7 RE TR Ce an Cee Buel Ae Aes 0 RE Fa dead it bo a a SRR Sa Cd