Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 22 Apr 1986, p. 33

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AES GRINS ST wT a 2 Sol EI) WR The Prince Albert Public School Junior Choir entertained students, parents and friends last Thursday April 17th with many festive songs during Music Night. Above, the a family portrait. In front, from left is Stacey Smith, Melissa Donnelly, Elizabeth Bredin, Carolyn Wakefield, Samantha Reetham-Clayton, Michelle Cameron, Jackie Mills, Kim Gerrow, group poses for Sheena Glass, (middle) Marnie O'Toole, Marnie Kindree, Jackie Williams, Heather McLean, An- drea Craning, Jeanette McLean, Diana Bengel, Jennifer Geer, Carolyn Leering, Alana Ware, (back row) Joyce Prentice, teacher, Samantha McLean, Keri Honey, Sara Hopkins, Becky Leower, Shelley Foster, Sarah Anderson, Holly Clodd, Samantha McMillan, Stefanie Craning, Marie Dorig, and Heather McLaughlin, teacher. PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday; April 22, 1986 -- 33 ¥ ¥ Ww Hydro rates up 4.9 % next year Ontario Hydro is proposing an average increase of 4.9 per cent in © 1987 electricity rates, Chairman Tom Campbell announced April 15. The proposal calls for an average 4.6 per cent increase to the 316 municipal utilities and an average 5.0 per cent hike in rates to the ap- proximately 100 direct industrial customers. "The chief factors responsible for the rate increase are the costs associated with bringing new generating facilities into service, as well as escalating costs for fuel, labour and materials," Campbell said. : Campbell said the proposal is a balance between the lowest possible rate increase and maintaining financial soundness. "The increase was developed tak- ing into account forecasts that show an easing of financial pressures in future years. Our proposed increase for 1987 represents reasonable steps towards providing rate stability and an acceptable balance between rate and financial soundness objec- tives," Campbell added. While the proposed increase is slightly above the expected rate of inflation, Ontario's electricity rates remain among the lowest in North America, Campbell said. The complete rate proposal has been submitted to Energy Minister Vince Kerrio. The Ontario Energy Board will begin public hearings in- to the proposed increase in May. The rate increase will be finalized in the fall and take effect January 1, 1987. AUCTION SALES FINAL WEEK of Bankruptcy Sale, Wednesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., 870 Taunton Road East, Whitby, 2 mile east of Thickson Road. Office supplies, hanging folders, file folders, pens, pencils plus hundreds of other articles used in an office. FUR- NITURE: modular units, computer tables, boardroom tables, chairs, creden- za, electronic sign, plus many other ar- ticles. This is not an auction sale. All sup- plies 50 per cent off. McLean Auctions and Liqulidations, 576-7550 and 686-3291. THURSDAY APRIL 24 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Estate Sale Auction sale of furniture and antiques, for the Estate of the late MRS. ELLA AC- TON, Uxbridge, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge- including antique side-by-side secretary, oak library table, antique brass bed, 2 Iron and brass beds, 2 washstands, 3 dressers with bevelled mirrors, 2 pine tables, electric Singer sewing machine, 2 old dolls, 3 butter presses and 2 ladles, several large plat- ters, several old plates Including Flow Blue, salt and pepper sets, quantity of dishes, qulits. Also antique Post Office desk, extension table and 6 chairs, anti- que wicker stroller, wicker cradle, - wicker chairs, 4 Windsor chairs, Pressback rocker, stained glass win- dows, oil lamps, 4 buggy wheels, antique Kuntz"s beverage cooler- collectible, platform scales, pine desk, wooden kit- chen suite, chesterfield and chair; 4 piece bedroom suite, antique trunks, 8 crocks, antique kitchen utensils, Victorian stool, pine flatback cupboard, antique salt box, 9%x10% ft. Floral patterned rug, Maytag washer and dryer, Wait Heater, 20 cu. ft. freezer, wooden rake, humidifier, dehumidifier, 34 ft. aluminum extension ladder, hand tools, Homelite chain saw- like new, wheelbarrow, 2 lawn mowers, Homelite weed eater, plus many other items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. SATURDAY APRIL 26 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Auction sale- household furniture, ap- pliances, tractor and tools, the property of MRS. JEAN SANDERSON, R.R. 4, Port Perry, Conc. 4, Scugog Township (Old Reach), V2 mile east of Regional Road 23, 3 miles west of Hwy 12. BEST ROUTE: 3 miles west of Manchester on Regional Road 21, then left on Mast. Road to 4th Conc., then right. Watch for signs. Inglis washer and dryer, 24 Inch Kenmore stove, small freezer, portable dishwasher, antique wash stand, rocker and pine blanket box, large crock, hide- a-bed, chest of drawers, telescope, bookshelves, single bed, exercise bike, Ferguson tractor, 2- 6 ft. blades, tractor | chains, hydraulic wood splitter, gas barbecue, 15 ft. fibreglass canoe, Lawnboy 24 Inch lawnmower, roto-tiller, "fertilizer spreader, lawnroller, radial arm saw, Work-mate bench, table saw, | weed eaters, chain saws, motors, tools, | electric sander, '2 Inch drill, garden tools, car ramps, garden sprayer, lumber, ping-pong table, Coleman lanterns and camp stove, approximate: ly 3 cord of dry firewood, extension lad- ders, 9 ft. traller, dishes and knick- knacks plus many more useful items. Lunch avallable. Terms cash or good cheque. Auctioneer and owner will not be responsible for accidents or Injuries In connection with this sale. Auctioneer Don Cochrane 985-2788. A 22 -------------------------- ---- --r TY SATURDAY APRIL 26 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale- antique and quality fur- niture selling at Orval McLean Auction 'Centre, Lindsay- property of KATHLEEN RICH, selling contents of the former DR. RICH century farm home at Oakwood. Early Canadian pine refectory table- one board top, pine Harvest table, wool winder, wicker rocker, folding screen with Filigree panels, Victorian walnut platform rocker and matching side chair- Eastlake style, Victorian walnut settee- Eastlake style, Spooled drop-leaf table, maple bake cup- board, mahogany desk, early Canadian Empire style walnut sofa, Eastlake style walnut side chair, Eastlake style parlour table, piano stool, walnut Gunstock side chair, Duncan Phyfe round occasional table, walnut Jacques and Hayes chair, early Canadian pine 2- door linen press, Eastlake style walnut bed with custom made mattress, pine lamp table, 2 Chicken Coop chairs, wing chair, pine table, 2 wooden rockers, walking spinn- ing wheel, oak and maple dining room table, Pressback high chair, pine bookcase, walnut low chest of drawers and walnut highboy, pine bench, brass bed, picture frames, prints, paintings, china, glass, antique brass light fixture, Imperial Loyalist maple 8 piece dining suite, Birks Regency silver bowl, é piece silver tea service and tray, antique bureau with swing mirror and porcelain knobs, antique saddle seat bench, butter bow! print and ladel, wicker fernery, chair, Courier and Ives- Little Maggie, garden tools, John Deere 14 HP riding lawnmower, Viking power mower, Homelite heavy duty gas weed-eater, also selling antique pine flatback cup- board, oak sideboard, antique marble top buffet, T.A. Verner signed watercolour, Cibard dining room sulte, carved dresser, Serpentine dresser and chest, Royal Doulton figurines, antique dishes, clocks. One of our best sales this year. Many items custom built or restored by Lionel Rawlinson Ltd. No reserve. Farm sold. Preview Friday 2 to 6. Open 9 a.m. Saturday. Sale 10 a.m. sharp. For infor- mation or to list your sale call 324-2783 Mclgan Auctioneers. NN JTUESDAY APRIL 29 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. \Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- 20 cu. ft. freezer, 8 inch Sutton table saw, flat-top trunk, occa- sional chairs, electric lawnmower, modern chest of drawers, bed chester: field, portable and console colour TVs, chesterfields, coffee and end tables, odd wooden kitchen chairs, dining room ex- tension table, 30 inch Kenmore electric \ stove, round bale feeder, heated water bowls, bale fork, very large quantity of | electric and hand tools. Don Cornell Auc i tioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain | 705-786-2183 . | WEDNESDAY APRIL 30 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Holsteins Auction sale of Holsteins, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge Including Fresh and Close cows and heifers, featur ing a fancy Good Plus daughter of Citamatt due at sale time to Starbuck, a fresh daughter of Shore Stylist, milking 50 Ibs. as a 2 year old, also 35 Bred and , Open Registered heifers and calves all | from Unit Sires, several by Sidney, Free Listed. Consignments will be accepted for this sale. Please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. | crocks, plants, walnut framed gent's- . WILLIAMS, Auctioneers, ' Campbeliford I 705 653-3533 SATURDAY APRIL 26 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Auction sale of household furniture, an- tiques, riding lawnmower etc., the pro- perty of MRS. MARGARET STOUF- FER, R.R. 2, Woodville - approximately 9 miles north of Manilla, or 12 miles west of Woodvllle, 12 miles north. Mof- fat double door fridge- nearly new; Mof- - fat stove; Kelvinator deep freeze; dryer; wringer-washer; chrome set- 4 chairs; Captain's chair; 6 Pressback chairs- good; 2 Lazyboy chairs; swivel rocker; Boston rocker; chesterfield and chair; 2 rocking chairs; hall tree; pictures; cof- fee and parlour tables; maple bed; linens and bedding; antique dresser; antique cupboards; antique wash stand; 2 iron beds; child's crib; kindergarten set; Spool bed; hump back trunk; children's games; kitchen utensils; meat grinder with table and much more. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES: J.D. 100 riding lawnmower- 36 inch cut- good con- dition; Lawnboy lawnmower; 3 garden wheelbarrows; carpenters and garden tools; plcnic table; aluminum _step- ladder; work bench; electric milk house heater; 2 upright feed tanks- 3 ton; 6 far- rowing crates; one Castorgate; small hog equipment; small new Coleman heater etc. Property sold. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. Sale at 12 Noon. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers, 705-357-3270. SATURDAY MAY 3 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Auction sale- HOWARD SOMER- VILLE, 5 miles 'west of highway 30 at Codrington on County Road 27 (west of Morganston). 14 year old Belgian stallion registered (Golden Fabian 2nd, Hawton- dale Western Belle); 4 year old % Ara- blan gelding; 4 year old Belgian (Remlap Scott, Jean's Meg Farceur); yearling Belgian stallion registered; yearling Belgian and Arabian filly; yearling Belgian filly registered; 9 year old stan- dard bred mare registered; 7 year old quarterhorse mare registered; 4 year old quarterhorse mare registered; 3 year old 3, Arabian gelding; 3 year old pony gelding; 3 year old pony gelding; 2 year old Appaloosa and Belgian gelding; 3 year old Appaloosa and Belgian gelding; 3 year old Appaloosa and Belgian gelding; 2 year old Belgian and French gelding; team of Percheron and Belgian geldings 8 and 9 years old, well broken; Palamino mare 4 years old, quiet, broke to ride; Palamino gelding 8 year old quiet, broke to ride; 4 quiet riding horses; yearling Belgian filly; 2 year old Belgian filly; 3 year old Belgian gelding; set of brass team harness; single pony harness; small saddle and bridle; new chrome mounted parade harness; chrome pony team harness, complete; standard size English saddle complete and underpad; 3 pony halters, brass show bridles ROY AND ROD Box 883, KoL LO SATURDAY MAY 10 EQUIPMENT SALE 9:00 AM. HORSE SALE: 11:00 AM. Second Annual Spring Horse Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R R 2, Lindsay, Ontario Approximately 135 Draft horses, light horses, ponies and equipment. For consignments, catalogues or further In formation contact Don Robertson 705-324-2409 or Clarke Trent 705-953-9535. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-6311. Fall Horse Sale October 25, 1986. M6 Phone | | SATURDAY APRIL 26 SALE TIME: 11:"" A.M. Auction sale the pr._perty of D. BADEROW, 1% miles north of Bloom- ington Road on 9th Line at Musselman's Lake. Dining room sulte, round dining table, china cabinet, old cupboard, coal. oll lamps, dishes, chest of silver, tools, numerous other collectible items. Terms cash. Earl Gauslin Auctioneer. A 22 WEDNESDAY MAY 14 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Victoria's Monthly Holstein Consign- ment Sale at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ontario. Approximately 90 Registered and Grade Holsteins females in all stages of lactation. We have some fancy heifers to sell. Always an oppor- tunity to upgrade your herd. A Complete Sales Service. For consignments or fur- ther information contact our Sales Office 705-324-8311; John Buckley 324-4017; Clift Lillico 439-2380; Gall Snodden 357-3237 or Carl Hickson, Sales Manager and Auc- tioneer, Reaboro, Ontario 324-9959 or 324-2774. Our next regular sale Is Wednesday, June 11th, at 7:30 p.m.M 6 SATURDAY MAY 3 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale- farm Implements and tractor, the property of ROMAN JAWORSKI, 9th Conc. East, Scugog Island, 1 mile east of Port Perry, 2 miles north on Reglonal Road 7. Allis Chalmers D14 tractor, Allls Chalmers cultivator, Allis Chalmers 3 furrow plough, manure spreader, potato planter, post-hole auger, side rake, harrows, grain auger, double disc, heated water bowl, cattle oller, fuel tanks, water troughs, cedar posts, single plough, scales, hay seed, plywood, extension ladder, 16 ft. gate. Small Items are few, sale will be com- pleted by noon. Consignments of farm implements to this sale would be welcome. Contact Don Cochrane, Auc- tioneer 985-2788. AD SATURDAY MAY 3 SALE TIME: 1:00 P.M. Giving Up Farming Auction sale- the property of DIETER SCHAEFER, Lot 16, Concession 13, Emi- ly Township, 7 miles north of Toronto- Dominion Bank In Omemee to County Road 17, 1 mile east and 3 miles north (turn right) watch for signs. MACHINERY: 1980 M.F. 255 tractor 709 hours, dual hydraulics; M.F. 135 tractor, 1088 hours; 1982 Johp Deere 510 baler PTO; New Holland 479 haybine PTO: 1979 New Holland 273 baler PTO; White 250 gal. sprayer- 28 ft. boom; Bush Hog 10 ft. disc- tandem-trall; M.F. 160 manure spreader PTO; Int. 3- 14's Super Chieftain plough 3 pt.; Int. 8 ft. cultivator 3 pt.; roller bearing wagon with rack 8x16 ft.; roller bearing wagon; 2 wooden hay feeders; 1974 Ford Ya fon truck; 1978 V.W. Rabbit; 2 round bale feeders; round Bale fork 3 pt.; 24 ft. hay elevator; Danuser post-hole digger; 10 ft. grain auger; oat roller; Lely hay turner - 3pt.; land roller; scales; baler stooker; 2 wheeled trailer; 3 sections harrows with eveners; calf puller Burdizos; Mason windows assorted sizes; kitchen cup: board and sink, forks, shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1:00 P.M. Car! and Greg Hickson, Auc- tioneers, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-2774. Owner and Auctioneer will not be responsible for any public liability, property damage or Injury to the public In connection with this Auction Sale. A 29 SATURDAY MAY 3 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M, Public Auction Auction sale- Brock Road, one mile north of No. 7 Hwy. lliness forces sale. Everything must go. DAN SCOTT'S GARAGE. 1963 Mercury Ya ton pick-up, 1965 Oldsmobile 2 door, 1966 Dodge Polaris convertible, 1968 G.M.C. tow truck, 1970 Mercury convertible, 1973 Cadillac Sedan, 1973 Chevelle, 1974 Chevrolet a ton Pick-up. 1974 Interna- tional Scout, 1975 T-Bird, 1975 Dodge van, 1976 Monte Carlo, 1976 Continental Mark V, 1977 T-Bird, 1978 Saab, Mustang parts, hydraulic |acks, 25 car radios, stereos some with Cass motor holst, drills, air guns, water truck 1000 gal. capacity, chains, Trans-Am parts, wet line, tool box, snap-on tools, welding torches and gauges, welding table, lines etfc., tire changer, truck cap, cedar post, motors, transmissions, shocks, carbs, fruck jacks, grinders, bumpers, hub-caps, 100s of sockets, grills, propane heater, 50 ton Jack, fan belts, fenders, over 100 cars and trucks to be sold for parts, buckets of nuts and bolts, anything you might need, small Honda generator, Craftsman chain saw, Cole crane- 4 wheel drive, propane power, fridge, freezer and certain other office equipment. Terms are cash or cer: tified cheque. Come early to have ample time to view. Lunch avallable on the premises. Dale Smith Auctioneer. A 29 SATURDAY MAY 3 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Machinery and Irrigation Equipment Auction sale of machinery, bulldozer loader and Irrigation equipment for the Estate of the late L.J. KYDD, R.R. 3, Ux- bridge, selling at the farm, 1 mile north of Greenbank, then 4 miles west on Scugog Conc. 12, or 1 mile east of Durham Road 23, on Conc. 12- Including D.B. 50 HP tractor, International tractor with loader- 45 HP, M.F. 10 ft. cultivator, 3 pt. disc, seed drill, 10 ft. chain harrows, 4 furrow plow, 8 ft. Cultipacker, Holland transplanter, Lilley fertilizer spreader, Calsa sprayer, straw shredder, M.F. mower, hay rake, M.F. baler, stooker, heated water bowl, 30 ft. hay elevator, grain suger, 2 hay wagons, Mott mower, roto-tiller, power strawberry scuffler, farm gates, cattle oller, post-hole digger, set of 4 ton truck racks, sirigle and dou- ble horse harness, Int. TD 9 crawler loader, Fargo power wagon truck, Ford dump truck, grader, J.D. earth mover, Marlow PTO Irrigation pump, 2 and 4 inch Irrigation pipe for 4 acres with risers and sprinklers, Honda XL 350 motorcy- cle, large quantity of scrap, plus many other Items. Wagon load sells first. Lunch avaliable. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-052-3524. A ©

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