TTT --_-- Bad di PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 22, 1986 -- 39 Beautiful daffodil show feature at meeting If you get your paper on Wednes- fodil show and Jean Foss, a well Brooklin United Church Hall at 8 Ashburn and Area News day. then tonight is the Hor- known exhibitor and judge, willbe p.m. Everyone is welcome. by Rose Heron ticultural meeting. A beautiful daf- speaking. This meeting is in Be sure to circle May 10th on your calendar for the Annual Hor- ticulture plant sale in Grass Park at 10 a.m.; a good opportunity to con- tribute some plants and also to buy (W-N Velo ey.\=]] Vc] The sincere sympathy of the com " 8 - holabhdlel do munity is extended to the Hopkins Family of the passing of a dear hus- band, father, brother and uncle, DURHAM William James Hopkins. Bill had WEED CONTROL | eee iene. He will be many, many friends. He will be Weed Control and Fertihzing missed. Fully Government Licenced Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Emm have » ey' . returned to their home here after Su Joh gd-1[=7: AM elo] ay-V Yop g=]-1-] Richard Honey 985-8227 spending a few months in Florida. : ELECTRIC Rose Heron attended the Toronto- 4 4%. , Kingston Synodical Annual meeting RESIDENTIAL - FARM - COMMERCIAL ANALDA of the W.M S. held in Duffs Church JAMES RANKIN DAVE RANKIN Free Entimaten ® LANDSCAPING in Puslinch, near Guelph, on Mon- ELE CTRIC ta & NURSERIES day and Tuesday of last week. ELEC I RIC R.R.3, PORT PERRY Specialists HWY 7, yp - 31 Line Don and Aldene Wick recently at- 2 .7A a e tended ha Residential - Farm - Commercial PHONE 985-7191 R.R. 1, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 2868-4771 a a d a short ELECTRIC HEATING SYSTEMS FARM - RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL (416) 985-2896 985-9364 Dr. and Mrs. John M " Hot Water Tank Installation & Repairs Specializing in: ; ; . 8 , cKinney Hoe Estimates Electric Heating, New Housing, spent a happy day with cousins, ! ! Small Jobs, New Hydro Services Ivan and Hazel Gray in Bram as services 98 5-853 ] FREE ESTIMATES - REASONABLE RATES LAN DSCAP | MN & on Wednesday of wh week. opton -- DAVE RANKIN -- IR * Interlocking Brick * Landscape Gardening * Wood Fencing * Retaining Walls * Stone Masonry * Property Maintenance _ * Moving PROFESSIONAL SERVICE & QUALITY PRODUCTS University Werks relatives came and they had a nice party to honour Chrissie on her birthday. On Tuesday evening, April 28th, the Kirk Guild will present a microwave event at the church at 8 p.m. Angela Laski well-known demonstrator will instruct. There will be door prizes and refreshments. Tickets are being All Types of Electrical Work and Maintenance. -- Free Estimates -- PAUL RICK BENT CAMPBELL cL EcTRic B RESIDENTIAL -- COMMERCIAL -- FARM R.R.2, PORT PERRY 085-326 1 985-8667 985-9494 | | hii' 985-2289 | soldin advance lor hn ee er of the Guild executive or at the Ashburn General Store. WV I={e] JM W-N,\ [Je |S -E-{ JAVA ed 3 Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Death spent .a few days with their son and fami- - ly, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Death, Susie and Jody at Sydenham recently. There was a good turnout to hear the Torchmen from St. Catherines at Burns Church last Sunday evening. : Next Sunday will be Mission Sun- day at Burns Church. At 11:15 Rev. Joe Reed, missionary in the Carib- bean will be the guest speaker, and MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES oF & R SAWMILLS Cedar Lumber for Decks, Siding, Pole Barns, etc. Pine Available on Request - Portable Sawmill and Planer. We do Custom Cutting & Planing - (Cedar Posts - all sizes) R.R.1, PORT PERRY Call: FRED venings) (416) 985-3827 DON CORNEIL Auctioneering Services Sales at Your Residence Or Our Auction Barn R.R.1, LITTLE BRITAIN Call (708) 7868-2183 «A Aucy EN NX ta, All Types of Sales M At Your Property or at Hall We Rent OSHAWA (416) 728-4296 " CLARENCE WILLCOCK' : : it ne in the evening at 7:30 Rev. Reed will EMMVIERSON WE LDI NG Stato Hot ro be showing slides of his work on the | RLV rte rovers Sos 3 to fo enone conn | minion fild.To evn srice 193 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY PHONE 985-2589 Lorenz Bazarin (416) 'W.M.S. and a social time will be Shadow Brook Acres Nestleton LOB 110 held following the service. Please come and enjoy. Obituary Vera Jennings At Napier, New Zealand, Tuesday March 4, 1986, Vera Jennings belov- ed wife of Fred Jennings, loving cat ater 6 986-5414 All Lines of General Insurance (a1e) 985-7306 R.R. JONES SEPTIC TANK PUMPING -- YEAR ROUND SERVICE -- PHONE 9885-3481 LAKE FENCE CO. Residential - Industrial - Commercial All kinds of fences - In all colours Chain link - Wood - Modular Iron ° Dan Ld We make APPLIANCE *Z Service Happy! 985-9585 Port Perry PRR RCS E DF SVAN & RA "REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES & MODELS" ~ 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE mother of Leith of New Zealand also LYNDA'S | Estimates available weekends only. loved by 4 grandchildren passed U Co nono 446-7384 | vey. | HO SKE ay time! (TORONTO) i. Vera Jennings was the daughter Scugog Appliance Repair of the late John and Alice Tanner of CLEANING REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES | m= Seagrave where she spent most of Washers - Dryers - Stoves Ld 5] = = SERVICE = (416) 985-3308 § = per young life. She married Fred { Fridges - Dishwashers - Freezers TOM VANDERENDE Bonded Cleaners for Residential Homes Phone 433-1462 If Busy 985-7732 (res.) DANFORTH TYPEWRITER Rental - Sales - Service - Repairs RENT TO OWN 408 Dundas St. W., Whitby PHONE 666-1131 Mon-Fri 900 to 530 - Saturday 1000 to 1 00 BASSETT'S SMALL ENGINES -- REPAIRS TO -- Outboards - Tillers - Lawnmowers Snowmobiles - Chainsaws - Fibreglass Repairs - Sun Valley, Seagrave 985-8677 PEACH TREE | Toronto where they lived for several a FARM LTD, || years and lived in New Zealand in Rt. 2, Port Perry] later years. | BUY -- SELL -- TRADE Call 986-5312 Anytime : JACK & PAT COOK | Jennings in 1935 then moved to Ontario LOB IN Vera will be sadly missed by all . American - who knew her. She was a kind, - Soddietvieq Horses ' ee Peas held at Jrained - Sought & Sold Napier New Zealand March 7, 1986 WHITBY-OSHAWA HONDA 1110 Dundas St. East - Whithy, Ont. TAYLOR'S GULF SERVICE CENTRE Pr specializing in BRAKES -- EXHAUST -- TIRES -- TUNE-UPS rioP -- GOVERNMENT SAFETY CERTIFICATES -- Qupe Cars - Trucks - Motorcycles PROPANE AVAILABLE HWY. 7A WEST, PORT PERRY 988-3865 Visa, M/C. Gulf & Petrocan credit cards accepted (1/4 mile west of Port Perry) ALL TYPES -- ALL MAKES PHILIPS 'Sevicine STEREOS & HI-Fl's 214 Bloor St. E. 723-5341 PARKSIDE STEREO Factory Authorized Service Centre for: PHILIPS RCA ZENITH - TOSHIBA HITACHI LLOYDS MICROWAVE OVEN SERVICE SALES - SERVICE - LEASING NEW & USED CARS Call ... Kevin Cannon 666-1772 686-1745 RESIDENCE - 985-2515 = al-1-M 4 [=1d=]1pf: (0]U HRA MVE] 0 CARS * CONSIGNMENTS 257 Scugog Street 985-2420 Port Perry, Ont. LOB 1NO RALPH RAINES