I TT HE HT -------- 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 6, 1986 Ontario doctor angered by government plans on OHIP (From page 5) tionship and doctors angry civil servants. The option to extra-bill is the physician's last bargaining tool with government. Removal leaves only - strike, which is unacceptable to myself and most other physicians. Just as many of you have found it necessary to form unions and belong * SO uRions, ao Wil the net gsnieraion of doctors, if stripped of their op- tions. Forty-hour work weeks, paid holidays, retirement programs, etc. will be the right of doctors, just as it is for any public servant. However, good medicine does not work well when an office closes at five o'clock with eight patients sit- ting in the waiting room. Who suf- fers? The sick! In Britain, with state-controlled medicine, the patients are assigned to a clinic for care, based not on free choice but geographic location. Think about that in Ontario. People | who want their own physician and good medicine pay direct in a private medical system. That is real two-tier health care which some misinformed Ontarians feel is in place here at present. Letters Conflict of interest Dear Sir: At the start of one of the most am- bitioas growth plans for this area, we find another councillor has to declare a conflict of interest. Neil McLaughlin the councillor for Ward IV has involved himself in a development project in Blackstock. He now has to declare a conflict when this comes before -council. Prior to the last election I asked Mr. McLaughlin if he would while a councillor, involve himself in a development project (like Mayor Taylor) that could cause him to declare a conflict. His response was that he would not, except to sub- divide a retirement lot from his pro- perty. On reminding him of this he commented that he did not think that the property in question would ever be for sale. At the present time there are a number of housing development projects going before council, yet we have two councillors whose objec- tivity on these projects is in ques- tion, due to their involvement in developments of their own. Therefore I suggest that pro bono publico, both Mayor Taylor and Councillor McLaughlin resign, so that the people of the Township can get fair and unbiased council on ~ development proposals. Colin L.. Kemp Nestleton. to the editor. ViIT Wihidow Letters to the Editor our policy It has always been the policy of this newspaper to encourage our readers to make use of the letters to the editor column. Our readers have a right to freely express their opinions and view- points on just about any subject, and we feel that a lively letters column helps make a better community newspaper. We insist, however, that a letter writer sign his or her name. On rare occasions, we will agree to with-hold publication of a letter writer's name, if we feel there are very good reasons to do so. - Under no circumstances will this paper print an anonymous letter While we enjoy receiving letters from our readers, we must continue to insist on knowing the identity of the writer. CRAFT SHOP featuring quilts, baby items, greeting cards, pine accessories, a Christmas Corner, antiques and many other items. 1/2 MILE EAST OF THE 4 CORNERS IN CAESAREA 986-4833 Coming May 22,23 & 24 These things will come to pass, as history repeats itself, like Quebec, like Britain, like the Scandinavian countries. The losers - you. It won't happen right away, but your grand- children will experience it. This is the first time | have made Branch 419 President Bob Archer and Aux- iliary president Theresa Hlozan made a trip to Community Hospital last Friday and presented administrator Dave Brown with cheques totall- a public statement. If the people want government-controlled medicine or receive it because of apathy - so be it. Most Doctors and most patients are happy with the health care system as it is. Let us leave it alone! Auxiliary. ing $3000. This was the final instalment of the 5 ALL WORK GUARANTEED The government plans to take control of .the pharmacists next - after that who knows - maybe you! Yours truly, Donald Kemp, M.D. Renfrew, Ontario. A di " Port Perry Legion's $9,000 pledge to the hospital expansion program.. One-third of the total pledged came directly from the Legion CARPET CARE Steam Cleaning of Carpets & Upholster Truck Mount Machines - Only Hoses in your = Take Moms out to {Dimer For Day! 852-7322 ome. ... 985-2775 MOTHER'S DAY DINNER 1 Sunday, May 11th - 5 to 9 P.M. : | FOR RESERVATIONS CALL The Murray House Restaurant : 279 QUEEN ST. - PORT PERRY £, j ~~.