J A. WANTED Young people to work in kitchen as cooks and dishwashers, also take-out persons. Apply in person at: HAUGEN'S CHICKEN BARBEQUE || Hwy. 12 in Manchester "HOURS 9:00 AM. 0800 Py * '§ ISLAND '0° HAIR DESIGN, - SPECIAL - BS 4 : Se Y A PERMS $()00° dhe "4 "until July Sd J J ER reg. *35. now oo oo Hair cut and blow dry ....... 38.00 and 5.00 : : : Children under 12 i PP 5.00 Have your how done Children under 4 ".............. ye 4.00 My prices noes! . . . Long Hair (slightly more) up front! re Construction has already begun on Port tor Dan Martin and his wife Terri, Mayor Jerry Curling Iron ........cccooeieiiii, extra $2.00 one for appt. | Perry's second Funeral Home, the Scugog Taylor and Solette Gelberg, Registrar with the ROIEE Set ooo 7.00 98 5. Pp Memorial Funeral Chapel. Last Monday, June Board of Funeral Services i in Toronto. The new Shampoo TS CV extra 1.00 3947 5 2nd, a distinguished group of people gathered funeral home is being built on Regional Road 8, TINS wees, ..... 15.00 My wn will be in t for the ceremonial ground-breaking. From left across from the fairgrounds. Streaks ....... PT ---- oi 6,.30.00 one book. 4 on ra un AT TITRE a ER a ean is Katherine and Norman Watson, owners, direc- Chatterbox by Cathy Robb (From page 4) pulled it away from his mouth, ever so slowly. His neck stretch- ed out as far as it would go, but the grass remained just slightly out of his reach, so he gave up. I offered him the grass again and this time he took half a step over the old fence line. I held by breath, pulled the grass even fur- ther away from his twitching nose, and watched as Trojan took a full step over the line. And then another step. Grinning from ear to ear, I gave the pony a big bear hug and put the grass where he could legitimately eat it. Trojan looked at the grass and then down at the ground. When he looked down he realiz- ed he was surrounded by a whole field of grass, and when you're surrounded by a whole field of fresh grass, who wants to eat something from a human? He shrugged away from my hug and bent down to the task of eating in his new field. Eventual- ly he worked his way all around the new area and forgot all about the dusty old paddock. Mission accomplished. But can't you just see these creatures of habit trying to get us- ed to a new barn? A new field was bad enough. Dad may need that bulldozer after all. -- ie 1] \ AG (nD Editorial church groups, etc., all competed against each other in some short sprint-type races, it would make great viewing for spectators, would get more people from the community involved, and could easily beheld on race day in conjunction with the 20 mile event. To raise money, each entry would put up a minimum fee, with service clubs, businesses and so on challenging each other to see who can come up with the most money in pledges. If you can attract more people to competitions like this and a lot of people to watch them, draws and raffles would be well patronized for further sources of revenue. oo These are just a couple of suggestions for some new wrinkles in Canoe the Nonquon. They may not be feasible. Maybe there are other things the committee should consider. Canoe the Nonquon has been something of a community tradi- tion in Port Perry the first Saturday in June. It's sad to see the in- terest sliding somewhat. It is sad to see a source of funds for the Scugog Shores Museum dwindling. ~ To help keep this fine tradition alive and to increase the funds for the Museum, the Canoe the Nonquon Committee must seriously look to some changes and new wrinkles for next year. . MACKEY & BAILEY BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS Saturday Mornings 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon Lake Scugog Lumber Building Oshawa Rd., Port Perry (416) 985-7391 0 Delight Dad! -- On Father's Day -- Fi This Sunday, June 15th, 1986 treat him to Conway' S ALL DAY BUFFET CONWAY PLACE HWY. 7A (by the Camseway) Phone 985-7631 WATCH for our first annual TATHERS DAY IMAGES by Fite 261 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY Don't forget Dad on his special day! OUR SALE STARTS THURSDAY, JUNE 5th Come in and see our selection: MEN'S JOHN HENRY JACKETS 2 5 Regular $45.00 ............cooiiiiiiiiieen, GENERRA & JOHN HENRY SHORTS ... 20% Off son sieeve. suits. 20% Off wikouas sportswear 20% Off TRI-MARK SPORTSWEAR 20% Off Shop Early for the Best Selection!