" eg Debbie Murdock's incredible designs were a show-stopper at "Inspirations," a fashion show hosted by Georgia Tremaine of . Utica's Mill Hollow Gallery and Studio. Sl ( oN There's nothing cozier than a The crowning glory of Friday night's "Inspirations" fashion knitted fur from Paula Lishman. show was a bridal display by Debbie Murdock and Bill Fitches. The gowns were designed for actual weddings and worn by the same | brides who wore them recently on their wedding days. LAKESIDE ELECTRONICS ATELLITE country Lane YSTEMS PEW \ 8 High Street Port Perey Ontario UNIDEN, il CHAPARRAL & M/A COM CALL RAY 985-2652 [ tue ng 0 "Don't be afraid to take a big ' & step. You can't cross a chasm in | two small jumps." for demonstration R Do you have a problem This beautiful ruffled gown was designed by Bill Fitches for ------ -- with your existing equipment the lovely bride (ab i : WE SERVICE y (above) who actually wore it on her wedding day 1 recently. FREI PTFPRR Ip 7 PATTI RAI AR PEAR A AANA ALARA LARA RAR LNA RE VEN SEY