inna Ei sb nl i -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, November 11, 1986 -- 4) Notice Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale BOWLERS needed. Ladies, Monday 9 p.m. Call 985-3648 or 985-3808. LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419 will be Thursday, Nov. 13th, 7:30 p.m. Jackpot $230 in 58 numbers. NN GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For bookings, contact Cathy Galberg 985-8351. TF SAL'S T.L.C, Private home daycare has now moved from Whitby to Burketon. Comfortable, healthy environment com- bined with small numbers allows for in- dividpyal attention. An ideal setting for the development of pre-schoolers. Call Shirley Lowe 263-8323. NN SCUGOG COMMUNITY CARE NEIGHBOURS HELPING NEIGHBOURS Can you help us? CALL WEEKDAYS: 985-8461 9-12 Noon & 1-4 P.M. THERAPEUTIC TOUCH is available in Scugog MIGRAINE TREATMENT, RELAXATION & STRESS MANAGEMENT, PAIN CONTROL, PROGRESSIVE HEALING Call Linda Shewan, Reg. Nurse 985-8606 SENIOR CITIZENS take advantage of a storewide 10% DISCOUNT EVERY TUESDAY -- at -- from my heart 177 Queen Street - Port Perry Phone 985-9954 PERRY DRIVING SCHOOL J.C. HANLEY-HAINES 985-8124 250 FALL SPECIAL 0.S.L. Driver's Ed Certificate Course -- Lower Insurance rate -- Tax deductible -- Automatic & Standard Shift Port Perry Satellite Dish Service 985-2211 Coming Events AEROBICS For Teens and Ladies Instructor: Kim Roane WED. NIGHTS TIME: Low Impact ... 7:00 to 7:30 P.M. Advanced ... 7:30 to 8:00 P.M. -- REGISTRATION -- Thursday, Nov. 13th - 6 to 7:30 at R.H. Cornish Public School Use back entrance near the (new) double gym. Enrolment Limited. For more information call 985-3180 ' daily after 4:00 P.M. BLACKSTOCK United Church Auction Sale, Sat. Dec. 6- 11:00 a.m., Blackstock Recreation Centre. For donations or in- formation call 986-4737. OPEN HOUSE & Sale, at Emerson Pot- tery at Nestleton, for directions phone 986-4388. POT POURRI Craft Guild -- Craft Sale, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 21st & 22nd, Town Hall. See next weeks advertising for details. NEXT DABBER Bingo, Tuesday, November 11 ai Oddfellows Hall. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Next Bingo Monday, November 17. SIMCOE LIGHTS bus trip Thursday, December 4, including Big Creek Boat Farm stage musical and roast beef din- ner. Coffee breaks. A Kinoven Rebekah Lodge Brooklin fund raiser, $45.00. Call 655-3434, 655-3658, 655-3401. N18 _ ANNUAL -- BAKE SALE SCUGOG ARENA Saturday, Nov. 15th 9 AM. to 2 P.M. Donations may be brought to the arena Friday 4 to 9 P.M. or. Saturday morning. Sponsored by Port Perry Minor Hockey Mothers. THE FINAL NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH MEETING will be held in the BLACKSTOCK REC CENTRE Sun., Nov. 16th -2 P.M. Constable Bevin has assured the community of extra protection the day of the meeting. Film presentation and question period. Everyone please make an effort to attend. THE PORT PERRY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will meet in the Council Chambers Nov. 26th - 8 P.M. The membership wil) vote on proposals RE: THE FUTURE OF THE PORT PERRY FAIR. These proposals will be discussed at a membership meeting on November 19th in the Anglican Church at 8:00 P.M. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH New Year's Eve DANCE Catholic Church Hall Port Perry WEDNESDAY, DEC. 31st 8:30 P.M. to 2 A.M. -- music by -- Leonard Franssen Champagne at Midnight Hot & Cold Buffet at 12:30 A.M. Door Prizes - $18.00 per person. Tickets can be purchased at the Priest's house, 466 Scugog Street. Call 985-7071 Country RIDGE RUNNER TRUCK CLUB'S -- 3rd ANNUAL -- & Western Dance featuring ........... HERB VINE & DURHAM COUNTY At the Blackstock Hall SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1986 9 P.M. to 1 AM. Tickets $12.00 Couple (advance) Tickets available by calling 985-9404 $15.00 (At-the-door). "FUR INTO FASHION' - hand crafted designs on display at Scugog Memorial Libfery, November 15 - December 5. COME & GO TEA The family of Mr. and Mis. Ernie Brown invite friends and relatives to come and help celebrate their 40th Wedding An- niversary, to be held on Sunday, November 16, at Nestleton Community Centre on Hwy 7A - from | :30 to 6 p.m. NEW WOOD burning cast iron parlour stove plus accessories. Call 985-8145. WHITE FIGURE skates, sizes |, 3 & 6. Cross country ski boots size 2 & 6 - all in new condition. 985-2900. ATTRACTIVE 4 YR. OLD Arab-Quarter horse mare 14.2H. Needs experienced rider. $800 or best offer. 985-7847 days -- 985-0159 nights. COME TO THE FAIR! ... The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. The world's largest indoor horse & agricultural fair. Come [gin this celebration of agricultural and equine excellence. Nov. 13-22. Ex- hibition Place, Toronto. For information call 416-393-6400; tickets also available through BASS. FILMS at the Library, P.A. Day, Nov. 14th, 2 p.m. - everyone welcome. VOLUNTEERS needed for puppets and drama at the library. Interested kids ag- ed 9 and up, meet Friday, Nov. 14th at 3:30 p.m. or call Mrs. LeRoy 985-7686. WATCH FOR our Christmas trees at Canadian Tire, first weekend In December. Help support Scouting and Guiding in Port Perry. DANCE, Scugog Youth Soccer Club, Sat. Nov. 15, 1986- 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., Masonic Hall, Queen Street, Port Perry. D.J., buf- fet, $15 per couple, tickets at Irwin Smiths or 985-7096. HAND WEAVER/Spinner, Susan Haslett-Scholfield invites you to her Christmas open studio and sale. Nov. 30th-Dec. 5th, 1-5 p.m. daily. 86 Chester Cresc., Port Perry. Functional hand- weaving in natural fibres. Custom orders accepted. N18 CRAFT SALE & Bazaar, Sat. Nov. 22, 1986, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Blackstock Com- munity Centre, Church St., Blackstock. Large penny sale, tea available, tables for rent. Phone 986-5024 (8:20 a.m. t0 9:30 p.m.). NN SCUGOG Memorial Public Library Travel Club meets Thursday, Nov. 13th at 7:30 p.m. Subject: India. NI CANMARKET is coming to Port. Nov. 21st, 'Say yes to millions." 'NN JAZZ-BLUES Singer Salome Bey in workshop performance for students (adults welcome). Sat. Nov. 29th, 2:30 p.m. Town Hall 1873, $4. Tickets at Irwin Smith. N 25 NEXT MOVIE: "Short Circuit' - starts 7 p.m. Admission $2 all ages, Latcham Hall, Port Perry, Friday, Nov. 14th: Blackstock Community Hall, Saturday, Nov. 15. NN Entertainment ROYAL. CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 419 PORT PERRY Friday, November 14 "JANETTE" -- 9:00 P.M. -- Members & Friends Welcome DANCE Utica Hall Saturday, Nov. 15th Music by FLOYD LLOYD Admission $12.00/Couple Lunch Served For information: 985-7453 or 985-7251 Held under the aspices of a special occasion permit Yard Sales PRE CHRISTMAS, antique and collec- tibles, Nov. 15 8 16, Rain or Shine. Allis B tractor, plow, rockers, Western saddle, tools, 3 pc. antique wicker set, Sedore snowblower, oak pedistal table and much, much more. Durham Rd. 23 and Skyloft Ski Club, 2 mile west. 1-649-3438. For Sale MICRO furnaces available at Rainbows Decorating Centre, Port Perry Plaza 985-9235. N 25 ONE BOX spring and mattress, double, clean, good condition $75, one antique steel ¥% bed, brown with mattress, ex: cellent condition $100. 985 3540. BUFFET CLARINETS, mid Nov. specials, $325.00. Irwin Smith Music Ltd., Port Perry. 985-2635. ea XR200R must be seen, new sprockts, chain & tire. 986-5206. HAMMOND organ, excellent condition with bench, great Christmas buy. 985-7237. 10 ROLLS wooden snow fence $100. 985-2621. WATER PROBLEMS? SMELLY WATER? Iron stains? Hard or polluted water? Call Brooklin Water Conditioning featuring Kinetico Water Softeners and. Paterson filters which use no salt or chemicals. Buy, rent or lease- call 655-4544 or evenings 655-8989. TF. TORO 12" power snow shovel one year old -- has been used very little. $100.00 Call 985-2165. SUNFLOWER SEEDS, Blacks and Stripes, phone Harvey Graham, Blackstock. 986-4856. MARTIN BIRD houses, popular item, sample on hand, excellent Xmas gift. A. McMillan 985-2924. N18 CRIB for sale $20.00. 986-0032. BEEF SIDES $1.75 per pound, naturally fed, no added hormones. 986-0016. GARDEN TRACTOR Massey Ferguson 12 H.P. w/mower, snowblower and rotor- tiller. Asking $2,000.00. Call 986-5673 after 7 a.m. WATER PROBLEMS? Introducing new technology for treating wells and cisterns, offering source to faucet protec- tion throughout entire water system. Rusty .. Smelly .. Bad Tasting .. Water, bacteria, staining and more. No salt or messy chemicals .. maintenance free. See the results for yourself with our 6 month trial offer. Call now toll free 1-800-268-2656 or write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Rd., Mississauga, Ont. L4W 4Bé6. Area code 807 call 1-416-624-4344 (collect). PIANO, Nordheimer, upright grand, mahogany, top quality, superb tone, 985-3972. FOUR UNIROYAL F78-14 on Chev rims, 90 per cent tread $150; 1978-318 motor and transmission, low mileage. 985-3384.N 18 MOVING SALE: Sunday, Nov. 16th, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ford tractor, Kawasaki motorcycle, lawn tractor, pump, exer- cise equipment, kids life-jackets, 1979 Dodge, hay rake, fridge, stove, freezer, many other items. First Concession Brock Twp., north of Seagrave, half-way between Hwy. 12 and Hwy. 2. Call 705-357-2376 for details. $$$ SACRIFICE SACRIFICE sss. Buildings priced for immediate liquida- tion. All items In stock. 28x40x14- $3996; 40%x60x14- $6500; 46x80x14- $9250; 70x90x24- $21,789. Various sizes available up to 120 ft. wide. Factory direct clearance. Serious buyers only. All buildings priced for immediate delivery, call toll free 1-800-387-2115 or 1-416-858-2446. N 25 BUILDINGS for sale. Miracle Span Fall Specials. Three buildings left over from National Show. Example: 40x40 com: plete with doors $5299. Others sizes to choose from. Call Miracle Span toll free 1-800-387-4910. $ SAVE "110 $ - on -- ELECTROLUX CENTRAL VACUUM CLEANING SYSTEMS See our new 2 motor hghtweight upright vacuum; our new rug sham- pooer unit and our other fine clean ing products For Electrolux Service, Sales or free Home Demonstration call Marvin ... 985- 7704 McCULLOCH 16" chain saw, excellent buy $150; 2 tow chains 27' and 15°; 302 Ford engine- parts or complete. 985-8788. OLD MAN Winter is a ound the corner. Is your chain saw and snowblower ready for him? Jim's Welding and Small Engine Repai.. 985-8788. 4 YEAR old 15 cu. ft. chest freezer- like new $250; 2 year old Litton Generation || microwave, excellent condition, asking $290. 986-5637. ONE SNOWBLOWER 3 pth; seasoned hardwood $155 per bush cord. Call 986-4692. 20" HITACHI colour portable TV; men's medium SRX snowmobile sult, baby carriage. Call 985-3785. 17 FT. Siren Sailboat, Immaculate con- dition. Heavy duty rigging and full set of sulls. Weekender cabin, comes with trailer, motor and drop bracket. Call after 7 p.m. 985-3347. TELEPHONE answering machine with remote. Used one month in private home $100. Call after 7 p.m. 985-3347. HARD WATER PROBL EMS? Introduc- ing the water softener that doesn't use salt. No more lugging heavy bags of cost- ly salt. Other softeners remove calcium and other good-for-you minerals. We don't add salt to your water ¢r remove beneficial minerals, because that's not good for you. Other softeners take up lots of room, use electricity, require backwashing, cost plenty to Install and too much to maintain. We don't. Call toll free 1-800-268-2856 for healthier, better tasting cleaner-washing water. GUN BARGAINS! Save up to 40 per cent subscribing to "The Gunrunner." The Canadian monthly newspaper listing hundreds of new/used, modern and an- tique firearms for sale or trade. Subscription $17 year. Gunruuner, Box 565K Lethbridge, Alta. T1J 3Z4. Sample $1.50. 2 YEAR old Registered Quarter Stallion; Bay, professionally trained for reining. 7 year old Registered thoroughbred Gelding 15.2, Bay. Trilllum Circuit. Bracetiridge 705-645-4354 after y p.m. STEEL BUILDINGS PreWinter factory clearance. Straight wall or Quonset styles. Certain sizes at special discounts. Save thousands. Limited: quantities. Phone Piloneer/Econospan, toll free 1-800-387-6896. $50,000 WORTH of good butcher & grocery equipment going at half price. Dyck's Food Market, 150 Colller St., Bar- rie, Ontario L4M 1H7. 705-728-5339. CCM Exercise Bike, typewriter table, small airtight box stove with top heat chamber, '2 plece soft luggage set- as new, leather garment bag- side pockets, folds, handle, new. Call 986-4985. SMALL ENGINE parts, lawnmowers, bikes, skidoos and chain saws, new and used, chains sharpened. 985-7724. TF FIREWOOD, cut, split and delivered. Visa. 986-4937. $2 RECORED RADIATORS to fit most cars and trucks. Don't buy until you compare us. Nobody beats our prices. Fast delivery -- right to your door. 986-4467 anytime. D 30 ANTIQUE dining room set, table, 6 chairs, buffet and hutch. Must be seen. 986-5516. NN HAY FOR SALE. First and second cut (no rain). Straw for sale. Call Bill Hunter 985-9040. TRACTORS 985-8963. BUILDINGS at factory cost, best value, all sizes. Buy locally and save. Concrete 3,000 Ib. test and 5 per cent air, etc. $46 per yard. Call 985-7930. AIR COMPRESSORS, s spray 'booth and accessories, all sizes. New and used. Buy and sell. 1-743-6299. TF PAUL'S SHOE Repair. Repairs to all leather goods. 32 Water Street, Port Perry. 985-3657. . UPHOLSTERY Fabrics: vinyl, foam, buttons made, fools etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond St. E., Oshawa 579-5666. TF ASSELSTINE'S YAMAHA have the Parts and Personnel to service your Yamaha. Durham Road, south of Blackstock. 986-4437 TF 1986 CROP APPLES Northern Spy - Russet - WILLOWTREE ORCHARD Idared - Delicious RR. 1. PORT PERRY (1 4 mie eas! of fpsom on Durham Road 8) (416) 985.9205 oF ----