10 -- PORT FERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 16, 1986 NAIL SPECIALIST -- COME IN AND HAVE ONE NAIL DONE FREE! -- Na Goong Monte Carlo 985-3684 * Silk Wrap * Ear Piercing * Manicures * Pedicures * Waxing (hair removal) * Lash Extensions 3 DIRTY JOBS 1] 1CLEAN PRICE ¢ OIL CHANGE 0 ISI e FILTER CHANGE S--- 1 800 = fist Most cars and light S e LUBE JOB trucks. (plus tax) used by the horticulture classes at Port Perry High School. See story for details on the most peaceful course in the school. Teacher Don Hughes (left) antt-a group of his students gather around a colourful collection of Poinsettas in the sunlight-dappled greenhouse Horticulture course is | an oasis in a busy world LA Tr esa GUARANTEED SHOCK VALUE J| TWO LIFETIME ) GUARANTEED SHOCKS Take the bump right out of your ride for as long as you own it with the shocks that are just right for your car - genuine GM shocks. They're made with Teflon-coated pistons for extra comfort And they're guaranteed to last for as long as you own your car INSTALLATION INCLUDED. 95 plus tax GUARANTEED SERVICE GUARANTEED GM PARTS GUARANTEED PRICE SPECIE, 1 PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 VANEOWARD DRIVE, PORT PERRY - 985-8474 SERVICE DEPARTMENT HOURS: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. In the woodworking shop next door, saws tear through wood in a never-ending screech, hammers beat a ceaseless beat, and drills scream at an ear-piercing level through the room. The shop next door is a cacophony of sound, which makes the adjacent greenhouse all the more refreshing, an oasis of green and quiet in a busy world. Both shops are found in the tech wing of Port Perry High School, and while the woodworking shop fits right in with autobody and other skilled trades, the greenhouse is a place unto its own. Don Hughes, a graduate of the University of Guelph and a former employee of Hamilton's Royal Botannical Gardens, is the teacher who oversees the General Hor- ticulture course, which takes place in Port Perry High School's peaceful greenhouse. More than 40 grade 11 and 12 students in the basic program will take the course this year and learn to enjoy the pleasurable skills associated with horticulture. The greenhouse, Mr. Hughes says, was built in 1966 when school boards across the country had a big push on vocational subjects. In these days of budget cuts, the greenhouse probably wouldn't be built, Mr. Hughes admits, and along with the students who occupy it, he is happy it was built when it was. The greenhouse itself is jam- packed with flowers and plants of all descriptions including many exotic types like tropical hibiscus, orchids, and more common varieties like geraniums. At this time of year, it overflows with brilliant red blooms of poinsetta plants and the ever- popular Christmas cactus. Whatever the plant, it is up to the students to look after all the charges in the greenhouse, whether the chore be re-potting, watering, feeding or pruning. The course is almost totally practical. "You learn best by doing,' Mr. Hughes points out, '"'and in this course the old saying is certainly true. It's a little bit of theory and a lot of practise." The plants in the greenhouse come mainly from the students' homes or from school staff, and a big plus for students is they are per- mitted to take home 50 percent of their work. So if a student works on six geraniums, for example, he can take three home. On the other hand, staff members have an ideal place to store their outdoors plants for the winter, where students give them lots of care and attention. "It's a good two-way street," Mr. Hughes says. It's also a popular course. Seven- teen year old Terry Gribben enjoys it so much he tries to slide in a few ing free classes. "Sometimes in my spares I like to come in," he admits. "I like the course because you can actually see your work and watch it grow. It's a great learning experience, and it's something I can use when I even- tually get a house of my own." extra hours in the greenhouse dur- "T Wifidow£:0Box CRAFT SHOP featuring quilts, baby items, greeting cards, pine accessories, a Christmas Corner, antiques and many other items. 1/2 MILE EAST OF THE 086-4833 4 CORNERS IN CAESAREA CHRISTMAS CLIP 'EM Pampers & Lins DISPOSABLE DIAPERS oor you pay only $ 9.99 of the purchase convenience of Pampers or Luvs disposable diapers. Special price without this coupon $10.74. valid ony at ___ Bruton's IDA. Coupon expires Dec. 31/86. r= 1.75 on the purchase of one 100mL pump dispenser of Crest toothpaste. Special price without this coupon $2.05 Valid only at Bruton's IDA. Coupon expires Dec. 31/86. rs =e BRUTONS i © A DRUGS 200 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY 985-2511 pat ST A Ma aL i ls A a