Immaculate school Several weeks ago, a mysterious white rock with a familiar signature, appeared on the counter in the office at Immaculate Concep- tion School. Once again, The Phar- tom was floating into buildings and « leaving his calling card. This time, he is involved in physical fitness. He is trying to en- courage the people of this area to beat Ajax and Newcastle in the Fitness Challenge. His signature rock was our invitation to take part. Rather than upset our fleet footed Phantom, the students and staff of I.C. have accepted the challenge. We understand that The Phantom is pleased. | Debbie McGarry paid a lunch time visit to the school and showed the staff two short V.C.R.s in order to explain exactly what is going on. We were all pleased to see that both - the Mayor and The Phantom seem to be in excellent physical condition. The students have already made posters which will be displayed around town during the month of May to encourage everyone to do their share in the Fitness Challenge. "There fre several activities plann- - ed by the Fitness Challenge Com- mittee which we will take part in. PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 5, 1987 -- 13 joins the finess challenge On "Phantom Fitness Fashions Day," students and staff are being encouraged to wear sports clothes such as jogging suits and track suits. We will probably have the only office in the area in which people walking into the office will be greeted by a secretary in a ball uniform. : On "Vanish Your Vehicle Day," . Wednesday, May 13th, it will be dif- ficult for students to park a block from school and walk so we are go- ing to work something out at school to give everyone a chance to walk that extra block. Just to make the day a bit more interesting, we are going to have this day as our "Fun Sports Hat Day." On that day staff and students will be encouraged to wear hats and to decorate them in (Turn to page 14) [ GRAND OPENING! An Exciting New Leisure World Awaits You at . -- rrr Yl -------- : or od Vong SAT. MAY 9 ys YM PR -- port PERRY = LIFESTYLE PLAZA TELEVISION'S INTERNATIONALLY . SYNDICATED EXERCISE EXPER IN PERSON! J ~~ FOR INFORMATION : 985-8054 Now YOU can pursue the good life that so many people can only dream about. LIFESTYLE 2000 wants to help improve your approach to life starting NOW! q P : ee = = hoi _- iid LB) prem me mon YOUR APPEARANCE! a = : PE Ae IMPORTANT SINGLE ELEMENT A SLIM-TRIM FIGURE OR Een a STE os, Dow hv es an iis SETS "| FORMULA 365 WEIGHT ay oN } CONSUMING FOR YEARS! aa Lae? -- - J Ee 873 re STE a) lL 7 THEN WHEN YOU ARE REALLY READY FOR US, § of gh or 3 ya | YOU'LL BE INVITED, TO LOOK INTO AN EXCITING NEW ; g . WE'LL INTRODUCE YOU TO MINI CAREER, TO SAVOR THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE - A NEW KIND OF SAUNA AND NEW FRIENDS, PRESTIGE, TRAVEL - ALL THE NICE TOTALLY RELAXING THINGS YOU & YOUR FAMILY SO RICHLY DESERVE! WHIRLPOOL - AVAILABLE YOU'VE NEVER BEEN APPROACHED LIKE THIS FOR YOUR HOME IF YOU BEFORE! CHOOSE. "Loi ox me PART WITH A LUXURIOUS TROPICAL TAN IN 3 OUR ULTIMATE HIGH TECH TANNING : CAPSULES Bl FREE- $650 value 3 'SUPER TANNING SESSION | J Name: _ pa! Address: ( if! yi FREE - $1500value TONING TREATMENT FREE -$600 value RELAXING SAUNAS Name: Address: Phone: _ = Name: Address: Phone: INC. 235-1970 [4 . Ufestyte 2000 re. Globat Headquarters TORONTO 4195 Dundas Street West 239-3931 TORONTO 55 Spring Garden Road 221-2000 KITCHENER 809 Victoria Street Suite 7 579-2000 TORONTO 3828 Bloor Street West 232-1336 PORT PERRY Port Perry Plaza 985-8054 TORONTO DOWNTOWN TORONTO TORONTO 402-404 Steeles Ave_, Vaughan . / HALIBURTON | & BRAMPTON MORE ON THE openmESn WAYH