a | Day Care is now richer! TT -- _-- ht sud BS alana sa. oli. 4 Utica and Area News by Vera Brown Despite the bad weather and the lack of a big crowd on Saturday, the auction sale held at the United Church was very successful. The Day Care is richer thanks to the many people who helped in any way they could, some with donations of articles, those who baked, those who gave of their time and labor and also those who spent their money buying the treasures which others had discarded. Those who sponsored people will- ing to lose weight for charity are asked to pay up so that money can be turned in this Sunday. That is if the person you sponsored lost weight and I understand that there were some who didn't. Travis MacSween took sick on Saturday evening while attending a ball game at Greenbank in which his father was playing and had to make a quick trip to the hospital by am- bulance. For all those concerned people, I am pleased to report that he is home and feeling fine. Euchre winners last Friday were 'ladies 1st K. Crosier, 2nd Annie Bowman and low Vera Fawns. Men's 1st Stan Beach, 2nd Tom Ogden and low was Lena Ogden. Freeze-out winners were Carolyn Haugh & Mary Cannon with Phyllis Clarke & Mildred Thompson 2nd. There will be another euchre in two weeks. ) Sharon Croxall attended the Cana- dian Parents for French Ontario (CPF) Conference at the Universi- ty of Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carre and family joined with Eric's sister Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie and children from Sarnia on Monday for dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John Carre in Bridgenorth. Mrs. Mildred Thompson was a Sunday dinner guest with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kirton in Mount Albert and visited with cousins Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson from Toronto. Mildred was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hill. Every once in a_ while people | should take a drive around their neighbourhood just to see what's happening. On Sunday we covered just a part of the area and noticed a new house being built south of the village on the property formerly owned by the Lowes. Continuing Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC NEW LOCATION: 174 Water St. -- Port Perry BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! Phone: 985-2916 or 623-4473 coven SEMINAR Country Corner Ceramics LACE DRAPING | south we viewed the new develop- ment on the 3rd Conc. which has several nice big homes with beautiful views and of particular in- terest to me was the soon to be new golf course. Utica and surrounding area isn't what it used to be and I for one can't keep up with who lives where anymore. / Ee. Be Bh Stl. Bods Saas (3 Ee Tae - PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 26, 1987 -- 19 SHEILA's HAIRSTYLING 985-2274 Now Introduces ... A PERM and COLOUR in approximately 10 minutes longer than a Perm! Call us for a free consultation. "SPECIAL (until June 30th) One FREE MANICURE with each new set of Porcelain Nails. 1980 MUSTANG. white, automatic, certified. $1,795. 1980 GOLD CAMARO low mileage, automatic. N $1,995. | 1981 CHEVETTE automatic, low mileage. $1,995. 'Seminar Fee -- $25.00 - JUNE 20th, 9 AM to 4 PM MATERIALS -- $50.00 includes Doll, China Paints, 3 Firings, Glaze, Flower Clay, Ribbon, use of our Brushes, Porcelain Slip & Colours. 1982 BLUE CAVALIER automatic, hatchback. $2,495. 1985 NEW YORKER loaded, low kms. $9,995. 1984 DAYTONA - loaded, turbo. $7,995. DROP IN FOR MANY, MANY MORE LOW PRICES! ARLIE SALES LIMITED 52 Water Street, 085-9594 Port Perry, Ont. 87 LILLA STREET - PORT PERRY - 9 v_ 2% lve v= L.L.B.O. CAESAREA PHONE 986-5684 "GOOD BROTHERS" Saturday, June 6th Tickets now avaifable. SSYNDICATE" Saturday, June 13th Tickets now available. . "TEEN DANCE" Every Wednesday -- 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM