ARR CTT ap - adh The weather was hot, hot, hot Sunday afternoon and Holly Spaans, all of eight months old, sure knew what she was doing when she grabbed hold of her mom's suntan lotion. The Port Perry tyke was just one of hundreds of people who flocked to Scugog Shores Museum on the jioekein to enjoy Pioneer Days. Cou ntry Lane REALTY LIMITED 13 AA IAN 20 3 Tod INT WTI ON 0) of 8 5) 0 AO 1 LEV 3 10) [vee 1 Vay, Oe oe "Well done is better than well said." PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 7, 1987 -- 31 Weather cooperated Scugog Island Area News by Mrs. Earl Reader Summer news is rather scarce now as people enjoy the holiday weather. As usual Pioneer Days were well enjoyed at the Museum and especially since the weather co- operated all the way through. Each weekend seems to bring some new excitement and of course Port Perry is buzzing this week with final preparations for something new on 3 days. If you've never had a chance to visit the Bahamas. You'll be especially interested in things they have to offer. Then the following weekend but just for 3 hours on Saturday, the Women's Institute of the Island have their chance in an Annual venture with some changes for a Monster Yard & Bake Sale at the Communi- ty Hall. The ladies hope you are planning what you can donate for them to pick up, possibly next Satur- day. Remember, this benefits your community once a year. Rev. Don Tansley conducted ser- vice at the Island United on Sunday. Canada Day was celebrated in a special way by the members and adherents of Port Perry Baptist Church. A huge map of Canada overlaid with a red Maple Leaf has decorated the main auditorium for the past several weeks. Throughout the year the church supports the work of .many mis- sionaries across the world, both financially and prayerfully, but on Canada Day the focus was on plan- for the Pioneer Days ting new churches in our own land. Canada has a Christian Heritage, it Is a country which was settled by men and women of great faith and Christian conviction. Yet there are many places across our land, especially in the smaller towns where there is no opportunity to con- tinue in this Christian tradition of worshiping God corporately and raising ones family with the help of the local church and its supportive ministries, simply because there is no church. The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Canada want to give Canada a Bir- thday Present and the Port Perry Baptist Church collected $11,100 - in their effort to help plant new chur- ches in Canada. Again we wish you a Happy Bir- thday Canada and pray that God will bless our land. 'Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." Psalm 33:12. Barbecue and fireworks for 60 Utica and Area News © by Vera Brown This week church service for the charge will be held in Epsom Church at 10:00 a.m. Taking over for the vacationing Rev. Waterman will be Rev. Paul Reed of Uxbridge who is a recent graduate of Em- manuel College. The Parmar's of Whitby and the Aked's of Utica hosted a July 1st barbeque and fireworks display for 60 friends. Excitement was added to the day when Alison's sister Jac- queline Wilson gave birth to a baby girl. The Coyle family from Kilsyth, Overjoyed with crowd attending Sunday picnic Greenbank and Area News by Helen McKean Mr. Randy Watson was overjoyed with the number of people who turn- ed out for the Sunday School picnic A Mentoring is a family tribute, a permanent reminder of love and family bonds. UXBRIDGE MEMORIAL 108 Brock Street West COMPANY ©. 44 Years in Business - 5Y 5 vou 1/ 4% Interest - ates sutmect mE Wellington Trust Company APPLY TO DON FORDER * INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 30 Water Street, Port Perry 985-8471 & outdoor church service on Sun- day. The added music was a delight. Debbie DeJong & her sister Denice Hawkins sang. Barbara Ward join- ed Geordie Beare in a foot stompin sing-song. Lots of delicious food & lots of peo- ple made for a lovely day. There is a bridal shower for Laurie Foster on Sat. July 11th at 2 p.m. at the home of Marie & Rodd Fosters. Ladies, please bring lunch. Mr. & Mrs. John Simpson of Moose Jaw are visiting family & friends here. They motored to Port McNicoll to visit their mother, Florence Archer with Don & Helen McKean last Wednesday. We welcome Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Parrinder to the village. They have just moved into their new home on Pearl Drive. Mrs. Ann Minten, sister-in-law of Mr. & Mrs. Tony Minten has been visiting here from Holland for a three weeks vacation. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Couperthwaite visited Jack's aunt Mrs. Jarvis in Marmora recently. The Greenbank Church Beef Barbecue will be on Friday, July 31st. Get your tickets early! The Women's Institute picnic is on July 16th at noon in Elgin Park, Ux- bridge. Come & bring a friend! 'News next week 985-2944. Get-wellsoon.- Scotland arrived on Saturday even- ing. They will be spending the next 10 days with the Bradbury's of Glen Major and the Aked's. Recent visitors with Mrs. Crosier were Marjorie Honey, Bruce Beare, Dale & Karen Beare, Dean & Gloria & Derek Beare. . Wednesday supper guests with Bill and myself were Susan Hughes and our son Charlie of Joyceville, our daughter Dorothy and Dennis Gerrow and children of View Lake. Saturday luncheon guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers of Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fielding ac- companied their son Jim, Carol & children to Brighton on Sunday tak: ing in the tractor pull and antique car show. Congratulations to Ron, Nancy & Nicole Compton who have a new baby boy at their house. Sorry to hear of Mike Mole's ac- cident which left him with a broken arm. It just seems like a few weeks ago when he had a cast on his foot. ROTIAYS Tuesday to Saturday, July 7th to 11th/87 PILLOW PANELS - LACE PANELS - SMALL SERIES - 1.00 OFF Per Metre - All Fabrics (except broadcloth) reg. 5.50 reg. 6.50 LACE PANELS - reg. 3.95 reg. .65¢C NEED PHOTOCOPIES? We can do them for you! Letter, Legal & Ledger. Reduced & Enlarged. PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 Daisy' % Fabrics (formerly Modern Textiles) 985-3221 located in Luke's Country Store 201 (ueen Street - Port Perry