Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 7 Jul 1987, p. 33

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PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 7, 1987 -- 33 Classified Ads Notice Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale CONGRATULATIONS to Marie Clark of Port Perry, winner of a "Blow Dryer' from One-A-H&d Mobile Hairstyling. Draw was made by the Port Perry Star. HORSES boarded, private farm, Scugog Island. Large box stalls oversize arena, turn out. for more information call Toni at 985-9979. Jy 28 WINNERS of Port Perry Lawn Bowling Club draw were: 1st-- Clara Martyn, Port Perry; 2nd- Mabel Rowland, Toronto; 3rd- Fred Glasser, Oshawa. LEGION BINGO. The next Legion Bingo, Branch 419 will be Thurs. July 9th, 1987. Jackpot $160 in 51 numbers. J7 GREENBANK Centennial Hall available for rentals. For book- ings contact Patti Fletcher 985-3489. TF The Stainton Family cordially in vites the friends ® family of Velma Terry to attend an Open House being held in her honour on the occasion of her 70th-birthday at the St. John's Presbyterian Church Hall, Port Perry, on July 19. 1987 from 2 to 5 p.m. Best Wishes Only, please. J 4 OPEN HOUSE - Mr. & Mrs. K. Wipper are celebrating their 65th Wedding Anniversary on July 19 from 1 to 4 at Latcham Centre. Friends & neighbours welcome. Best Wishes Only. OPEN HOUSE - The family of Delbert & Dorothy Catherwood invite friends, relatives & neighbours to attend an Open House on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary; to be held in St. Mark's United Church Hall, 201 Centre St. S., Whitby, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 25, 1987. Best Wishes Only. ONE-A-HEAD Mobile Hairstyling will cut, perm, frost, streak, col- our, or 'crimp' your hair in your home by appointment. Call 986-0140 for further infor. TF PICTURE Perfect Television Ser- vice. Summer hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9:30-6:00; Fri. 9:30-8:00; Sat. 9-12. July & August only. 72 Water St., Port Perry 985-9500. Jy 21 JACK & JILL for Steve Lunney & Janet Gordon, Sat. July 11th. For tickets & information call: Lou Lunney 649-2011; Linda Royle 985-3287; Brad Colby 852-3087. ©) SCUGOG Ue) COMMUNITY CARE FOOT CARE PROGRAM CALL WEEKDAYS: 985-8461 912 Noon & 1-4PM pres NEW! To Port Perry Area SCUGOG MOVING & 25 Years Experience 'STORAGE | SCUGOG Memorial Public Library, Wed. July 15th, Canoeing workshop with Barry Page! Adults only! Bring paddles & life- jackets if possible. $5 registration fee. 10 only! Phone 985-7686.Jy 7 SCUGOG Memorial Public Library, Tues. July 14th, Canoe- ing workshop with Barry Page! Adults & children 10 years & up. Bring life-jackets & paddles if possible. Registration fee $5 -- 10 only. Phone 985-7686. Jy 7 JACK & JILL Dance for Rick Thomas & Linda Lamont, Sat. Ju- ly 11, 1987 - Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry, 8 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. JACK & JILL Dance being held in the honour of Jackie Baker & Keith Barr, to be held July 11 at the Port Perry Catholic Hall, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Refreshments, music & lunch available. For ticket information please contact Diane (Barr) Knutson 985-9605. HOSKINS STABLES Summer School Horsemanship Course JUNE 29 to AUGUST 21 Each course lasts 2 weeks ~------ Riding - Grooming Practical Horse Care & Management 14 FT. Crestliner, 40HP Evinrude, new trailer, new convertible top, good runner, needs generator $1800 or best offer. 986-0250. Greetings TO VICTOR - Happy 5th Anniver sary on July 10th. Love from Beth HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY Carrie. Luv Your Best Friend Always Tina (OMA SCHNEIDER) Happy 67th Birthday on July 10th. Love- John, Rosemarie, Tony, Madeleine & Joseph Happy 40th BARRISTER BRIDGEWATER Your friends in Calgary! If you see ... Dan Beacock on July 12th, wish him a HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY! Coming Events PINE RIDGE POWER SKATING 'SCHOOL, Aug. 30th to Sept. 6th In the Uxbridge Arena. For boys & girls age 5 & over, & adults & coaches. For information & ap- Rn ae DRIVING SCHOOL J.C. HANLEY-HAINES 985-8124 SUMMER CLASSES Also Private Lessons BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO Saturday, July 18th 7:30 PM - BLACKSTOCK REC CENTRE Several Classes with Cash Prizes plus other entertainment For more information contact: Joyce Kelly, Sec. - Blackstock Agricultural Society (416) 986-4287 85-7288 Car Pooling may be available. | | plication forms call 852-3884 or © 416-986-5558 852-6292. A 25 sump || IF Contest & ee 1iddle Contes KENMORE wringer washer $35; New Flush-O-Matic toilet $75 705-357-3357 TWO freezers for sale, glass top $125; other $75. 985-3068 - 985-3597 1981 YAMAHA 550, 4 cylinder Vet ter fairing, back rest, mint condi tion $1250. Certified. 986-5129 Jy 14 GARDEN PEAS. A special varie ty of tender young peas, freshly. picked, shelled, washed, blanch ed & individually flash frozen. Available now in 10 Ibs. boxes for $8.75. McMillan Orchards, Hwy. 2 between Ajax & Whitby. Jy 21 1956 FORD '2 ton, 283 auto, $2,000 ALSO 4 Goodyear tracker tires on Ford 15x10 - 5 bolt rims $250. 985-8032. MASSEY tractor, 4 cylinder tire chains, hydraulic snow-dirt blade, $2500 or best offer. 986-4321. ATV 250S8X, excellent condition $2550 or best offer. 986-5006. 1986 ATC 350X, stock & perfor- mance parts, great condition, 2 sets of tires & rims, helmet. Best offer. Call Mike 655-4226. MOTORCYCLE cover, full size $40; food dehydrator $45; large single Craftmatic bed $800 or best offer. 985-8728 after 5 p.m. STANDING hay, 35 acres near Dagmar Ski hill. 649-2079. LAWN tractor, 10HP, 34 cut, electric start, with bagger attach- ment, used only 3 times, still under warranty, $1850. 985-2820. KENMORE washer & dryer, apartment size, white, good con- dition. 985-2885. ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners, central systems, can- nisters & uprights, new & used. For sales & service call Marvin 985-7704 evenings. M 26 QUESTION?? Tired of drinking Chemically Polluted, Chlorine Flavoured, Bad Tasting Water? ANSWER' The Pure Water Specialists. Healthy, pure water for pennies a day with a springtime pure water system: 'Contact Stewart Snider of Canada Trading at 986-4467. Jy 28 1%: Mile South of Port Perry on Oshawa Road. PORT PERRY MINI GOLF & DRIVING RANGE - NOW OPEN - UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 8 AM to 8 PM -- Seven Days a Week! 985-8939 or come by: Oshawa 571-2084 Bowmanville 623-6663 The Constituency Offices of SAM CUREATZ Member of Provincial Parliament If | can be of assistance please call, PORT PERRY - 192 QUEEN ST. PHONE 985-9968 Queen's Park 965-4186 Yard Sales YARD SALE, July 11th, 9 a.m. - 586 Queen 5t., Port Perry. 8 piece dish setting, sewing machine & miscellaneous hoysehold items. GARAGE SALE, July 11-12th, 421 Kenny Court, 9a.m. -- 1976 Ford wagon-needs body work, machinist tools & bok, bicycles 8 more. SATURDAY, July 11th, 35 River view Drive, Port Perry, 10 to 4. 'Baby items, new towels & linens, 2- 14" snow tires with rims, pro- pane barbecue, miscellaneous. Also new triple pane glass units & smoked mirrors. 985-2155. 256 ROSA ST., July 11 & 12. Lots for everyone. _ _ oy : FIRST EVER, Sat. July 11th, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 86 Chester Cres. Lamps, TV stand, baby items, yarns, miscellaneous. 1986 oth WHEEL 21.5 PROWLER Brand new. July 6, 1986. Used only on weekends. $20,950. or Best Offer. 986-4662 BEE Don't lug a vatuum' Plug in the power of a Beam! FREE ESTIMATES for new or existing "HOMES / BUSINESSES. All material and workmanship guaranteed JAN RENSINK 655-8702 (Columbus) LITTLE BRITAIN MEAT PACRERS CANADA GR. Al BEEF Sides ....... Ib" $1.88 Fronts... Ib. $1.60 Hinds... Ib. $2.38 BARBECUE PIGS 50 to 80 Ibs. dressed 'It's worth the drive to Little Britain 105-786-2101 or 105-186-2415 RECORED radiators to fit most cars, trucks, tractors and heavy equipment. Don't buy until you compare us Nobody beats our prices. Fast delivery right to your door. 986 4467 anytime TF AIR COMPRESSOR, John Deere 2HP, 2 cylinder $600; 1977 Ford LTD, as is $600. 98524633 after 6 p.m. Jy 7 FIREWOOD in log lengths, cut & split. 985-3361 TF AIR COMPRESSORS, spray booth & accessories, all sizes. New & Used. Buy & Sell. 1743-6299. TF SAND, gravel, washed stone & limestone. Call Gary after 6 p.m. G.D. Carter Haulage. TF ASSELSTINE'S Yamaha have the Parts & Personnel to service your Yamaha. Durham Road, south of Blackstock. 986-4437. TF WATKINS Products, medicated ointment, spices, flavourings, tollet bow! cleaner etc. Phone 985-2070. TF STOVE, fridge, washer & dryer for sale. 986-5312. TF CUSTOM hay swathing. Nestleton area. Call 416-986-5103. Jy 28 WOODWORKERS - Looking for a table saw, radial saw, jointer, shaper, thickness planer, lathe, drill press, sander, bandsaw & Shopsmith machine. Call Port Perry 985-2443. TF WATER PROBLEMS? Smelly Water? Iron Stains? Hard or Polluted Water? Call Brooklin Water Conditioning featuring 2 Kinetico Water Softeners and Pat- terson Iron Filters, chlorinators, Ultra Violet purifiers, Berkeley.Jet & submer sible pumps. Buy-Rent-or Lease 655-4544; evenings 655-8989. Toll free 1-800-263-1959. TF FULLER Brush, household & commercial products. Brand name Pantyhose, DCW, Fulsol, sink, tub & tile cleaner etc Guaranteed products. 985-9372. TF SMALL ENGINE parts 985 7724. M 26 : ALMOST new car tow trailer, ex cellent for smaller cars $899; utili ty box 8'2"x40v2"x19"; car wheels, excellent condition $350. Asselstine's Yamaha 986-4437. Jy 14 (Childrens) 1986 60cc 4 wheeler $750; 1984 60cc 3 wheeler $595. (Adults) 1987 YFM 350 Warrier $3300; 1986 YFM 225 (4 wheeler) $2900; 1985 250 Tri-Z $1600; 1983 $1050. All machines are thoroughly checked & ready to go. Asselstine's Yamaha, R.R. 2, Blackstock 986-4437. Jy 14 PIANO, 2 year old Kimball con- sole, apartment size & bench $2500. 985-9584 after 8 p.m. ROLLER SKATES, size 8, ladles, good condition, 3 chest dressers, fair condition, ladies medium Bomber sweater-coat 8 ski jackets-new, small chlld"s steel chest, make-up mirror with lights. 985-8986. DRUM SET. 9 piece acrylic "Lud wig" plus 3 Remo Roto Toms, Zildjian Hi-Hat & Ride Cymbals, & three streamline cymbols $850 986 0051 HUMUS toilet ""Envirolet'"' new $800, used make offer. White's, Port View Beach or Toronto 691-3849. CERAMIC Greernyare Centre our catalogue at 65 Glenelg St W } Lindsay 705324 8144 TF SWIMMING pool equipment, filter, pump, ladders, diving board, prefer to sell together $1600 new - will sell for $700. 985-3128 evenings. Jy 7 WRINGER washer, good cond! tion with new motor. Phone 985-2430 after 5 p.m. MEXICAN redhead Conure plus cage $150. 985-7549. 16 FOOT Espandon 1981 60HP Evinrude 1986 E-Z load traller $7500. Call 985-7363 daytime. VERTICAL blinds for sliding glass doors, grey & burgundy. 985-9165. FRENCH Provincial chesterfield & chair, plant stand, dresser, small marble top table, children's skates, compact oll space heater, good prices. 985-8788. COMPLETE bedroom suite, dou- ble bed, dresser with mirror, 4 drawer dresser. All in good con- dition 985-3468. ANYONE serious about weight control, call for product or oppor- tunity. Doctor recommended, safe & nutritious. 30 day money back policy. Call Mary 58579 STRAW for sale. 985-7736. Jy 7 40 GAL. electric water heater, 6 months old $100. WANTED; used patio slabs 985-8572. F RENCH Provincial chesterfield suite, white & gold. 985-7183. 1982 KZ250 Kawasakl, good cond! tion $700. Call 985-8538. / KNITTING machine with ac cessories. Weights 8 bench. Brand new Bay window. 3 woodstoves (1 Findlay oval). "2HP Plston pump & 2 galv. pressure tanks. 986-4482. PLYWOOD $10-$20 per sheet of 4'x8'x "2 used & painted, 50 sheets pellet - ASSELSTINE'S has used ATVs YTM 200E $1400; 1983 YTM 200 - Duncan Gare Ceramicrome See 985-7286. APARTMENT washer & dryer & stand, 2 years old, $550; pull-out couch & chair-brown $65; small china cabinet $55; dining room table & 4 chalrs $50; kitchen table wood $20; large dresser & mirror $45; round love seat 8 swivel stool $35. Call between 58 evenings. 985-8636. : MOVING SALE. Kingsize bed $150; chest dresser $75; closet chest dresser $175; Queenslize bed $80; large baby change table $50; arborite table $10; study desks $35 each; swing set $25; electric organ $85; Singer sewing machine & table $100; carpets $125 each; Persian carpet $300. 985-9242. BORDER COLLIE pupples for sale. Dale Van Camp 986-0097. blue, excellent condition $125. 986-4820. 'POSTS & ralls & odd lumber. 986-4820. QUEEN SIZE waterbed, good condition 985-3043. Jy 14 TURN OF Century oak roll top desk. Appraised at $3600. Asking $2750. Call 852-6076 evenings. STRAW, 50 acres. Call 985.7582. . Jy 14 77 DODGE Club Cab, no engine, rebuilt transmission $500 or best offer; 79 Fairmont wagon, 6 cylinder, 4 sped, $1800 as Is - $2000 certified. New paint $500 extra; 13° wooden boat, 1962 28HP Johnson, electric start $500 or best offer. 985-2898. (Jy 14 ONE PAIR geese, male & female $40 pair. 986-5101. HAY for Sale. Square bales stooked in field, also 10 acres standing. 986-4715. TRAILER 7x8', box type $400 or best offer; also Jet spray machine with whipper attachment, § gal. capacity, like new $400 or best of- fer. 985-8938. OIL TANK & furnace $150. Cal 985-0142. Used Cars 1986 CHEV Cavalier RS, fuel In: jection, 4 cylinder, 4 door, 5 speed, am-fm cassette, $7500 or best of- fer. 985-7557. 8 4 chalrs $30; small desk -solld- BABY carrlage- Perego, navy.

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