rr TT a I TU | f PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, July 7, 1987 -- 5 Viewpoint by John B. McClelland A word or two of clarification about last week's Viewpoint, in which I suggested that some people might be better advised to wear more appropriate clothing in public during the hot summer months: specifically those people who are overweight. In writing this column, I was not opposed to fat peo- ple, not in any way. I have a lot of comments about that particular column, most of them favourable. However, you can read the letter in this week's issue which takes the opposite view and you can read Cathy Olliffe's Chat- terbox which rebukes my opinions as well. I just want to make it absolutely clear'that nobody gets the impression I don't like fat people. Au contrair, some of my best friends are on the chubby side. Enough said on that topic. Tune in Cathy's column for the rebuttal. NICE WORK Sometimes being an guiton of this paper has its own small rewards. I can assign myself some choice work. And that's exactly what I've done this summer. I'began thinking about this idea back in the early spring just as the golf sejson was ready to get underway. I was wondering just-how I would find the time to get in a few games of golf this year, something I haven't been able to do much of over the past few summers. ~ Eureka. Why not do a series of articles on golf courses .in the Port Perry and surrounding areas? You'll find the first in this series in this week's edition of the Port Perry Star. It's a great way for me to kill two birds with one stone: get in a game of golf and come up with an article for the paper as well. I know, it's a tough job, but what the heck, somebody has to do it, and it might as well be me. Judging from the number of people who play the great game of golf, I hope the series of 'articles will pro- ve to be informative to golf-playing readers of the Port Perry Star. In describing the courses I play, I'll try to be objective and truthful in my assessment. But let's face it, every golfer has his/her particular likes and dislikes when it comes to courses, and I'm no different. Anyway, this is a pleasant assignment that I have given myself, and maybe by the end of August, I will have figured out some way to improve my putting on the greens. . If the golf articles are well received, I might just assign myself a series on fishing or restaurant reviews, or pub hopping. Gee, the possibilities are endless when you're editor .......... CANOE CLUB FORMING I had an interesting chat last week with Lang Cope. He's a Port Perry resident and business man who's very interested in canoeing. He has been associated with row- ing and racing for many years in the Toronto area, and right now he's in the process of trying to form a canoe/rowing club in Port Perry. oT " Lang has some good ideas about how to get this thing off the ground and I really wish him good success. Let's face it, Port Perry, with Lake Scugog on the doorstep is a natural for a rowing club. This lake, well sheltered and not very deep is ideal for paddling/row- ing and there's no reason in the world why residents of the area should not take to this sport in'a big way. Canoe the Nonquon has a great tradition in this community and Scugog over the years has produced some mighty fine competitive marathon canoe racers. Lang is now just getting started with his plans for a club here and he'll be staging some special events later this fall to'drum up some publicity and interest. Watch for them. Rowing, paddling at any level, whether for pure fun and recreation or competition is a great sport and a super way to get in good physical shape. I wish Lang well in this good idea he has. And while we're talking canoes, there is still time to enter a team in the Scugog Challenge race (700 yards) to be held this Saturday during Festival Days. Teams of four members each will race in three different categories at the lakefront and it should be a fun time for participants and spectators alike. Get in touch with Lang this week at Daisy Fabrics in Port Perry for more info. The Challenge Race will be just one of numerous activities going on this weekend in Port Perry as the annual Festival Days celebrations get under way with the distinctive Bahamian flavour. I started to get in the festive mood last Thursday (Turn to page 7) Memories 60 YEARS AGO Wednesday, July 4, 1927 Yesterday's fr To The Editor: Letters "Reunion was a special delight Please note all stores will be closed Wednesday afternoon for the summer months. A concert entitled "Whiz Bang" was held in the Methodist Church. It was arranged and the entertainment was provided by 13 returned soldiers. 50 YEARS AGO Wednesday, July 6, 1937 Dominion Day celebrations were well attended in Port Perry. The foot races were well contested and were watched with keen in- terest. The following were winners: Mile Race- 1st, Walter Webb, Uxbridge; 2nd, Will Owen, Port Perry; 220 Yard Dash- 1st, Corless Ashenhurst, Uxbridge; No. 3; 2nd, Walter Webb; 3rd, Forbes Nasmith; 100 Yard Dash- 1st, Walter Webb; 2nd, Corliss Archer; 3rd, Orr Shunk. a 35 YEARS AGO - Thursday, July 2,-1952 The Annual Carnival of the Lions Club was a real success, or- chestras for the evening dance was Lion Jack Marshall's band from Peterborough. i : Mrs. Hazel Spears and family have moved to Port Perry from Markham. a 45 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 3, 1962 Mr. Bill Taylor was the winner of the Lions Club draw, a Gruen wristwatch. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Midgely, residents of Greenbank and now living in Manchester were presented with a table lamp, hot plate and ~ heating pad from friends in Greenbank. 20 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 4, 1967 June 29th, the standard rate of 10 cents for local calls, from public telephones became effective. 10 YEARS AGO Wednesday, July 6, 1977 Utica residents agreed almost unanimously Wednesday night with a planning proposal which would severely restrict further residential development within the hamlet. Film crews recently spent four days on a farm two miles north of Greenbank for the CBS TV movie 'Grandpa and Frank,' starr- ing Henry Fonda, to be aired later in the year. The farm was chosen because the surrounding countryside resembled southern Illinois which is the setting for the story. The gym at R.H. Cornish Public School was filled with friends and former students of Mrs. Audrey Lee last Wednesday evening, on the occasion of her retirement from teaching. Gratitude and heartiest con- gratulations are indeed due the members of the Port Perry High School Reunion Committee and their numerous helpers. For one who is seldom tongue-tied, I am at a loss for words to describe my ad- miration for the superb organization "behind the reunion. I will be forgiven, I hope, for not naming specific persons. The entire event was a perfect example of team work: thoroughly thought out and planned right down to the last minute detail. Hundreds of hours had to be spent on the outline, the ground work, research, collection of photographs and memorabilia, ac- commodation and catering "facilities, and arranging for a full schedule of events for the interest, entertainment and enjoyment of all age groups. For the former students of the late 20's and early 30's (of which I am one) the reunion was of special delight. In spite of the Great Depres- sion, our High Schools days were happy, light-hearted and unforget- table. What a joy to greet all those friends of more than fifty years ago, some of whom even journeyed from other countries! The years between temporarily forgotten, we recalled with nostalgia all our teachers, heart-throbs and heartaches, joys of top marks and fears of exam failures, dances, and the thrills of P.P.H.S. team victories, despair over losses. Those days meant the last, happy- go-lucky fling of our youth before facing the real world outside and the horror of the World War Two. I searched and searched the list of former. pupils in Paul Arculus' History of P.P.H.S. who were honoured for their scholastic ac- complishments, or as winners of sports events, to no avail. My name simply wasn't there! Had there been an award, however, for a fun- loving carefree attitude, number of trips to the Principal's Office, whole-hearted participation in all Event to cherish To The Editor: Words cannot fully express the plethora of emotions felt at the Port Perry High School Reunion. Hear- ty thanks and congratulations to all responsible for this cherished event. Yours truly, Bob Carnegie P.P.H.S. 1953-58 Kingston, Ontario the extra-curricular activities, all out (tho'futile) effort in the sports events, and five years of teen-age euphoria, I'd have been a top contender! We hope -the next reunion, whenever it may be, will bring as much pleasure to those who work- "ed so hard for this one, as their ef- forts afforded us. To those former pupils, who, for whatever reasons, were unable to come, our con- dolences. They will never know what they missed. Memories, and the renewal of old friendships are especially precious to us Seniors. Thanks again, 'Reu- nioners," not only for the complete fulfillment of our reunion expecta- tions, but for all the months of hap- py anticipation. Virginia (Nasmith) Clifford ll Port Perry those romantic school Port Perry {* CNA J. PETER HVIDSTEN Publisher Advertising Manager J.B. MCCLELLAND Editor CATHY OLLIFFE News & Features COPYRIGHT ting department of the Port Perry Star Company Limited are protected under copyright ind may not be reproduced without the written permission of the pubhsher 1 EAR B= 235 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Phone 985-7383 P.0.Box90 LOB 1NO Canadian Community Newspaper Association and Ontario Community Newspaper Association Port Perry Star' Co Ltd , Port Perry, Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for cash Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 Subscription Rate: In Canada $20.00 per year Elsewhere $60.00 per year. Single Copy 50° All layout and composition of advertisements produced by the adver ) Member of the Published every Tuesday by the payment of postage mn cash