PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 25, 1987 -- 37 Greenbank teams fair well in tournaments Greenbank and Area News by Deirdre Earle The community of Greenbank certainly produces winners. Last weekend the Mites Ball Tournament was held and Timms Garage hosted the first game in Greenbank on Fri- day night. They played Sportsland and won. This put them in the posi- tion to go for the Mite Champion- ship. Saturday morning they played in Port Perry against Flielers and played a good game, but were defeated by a score of 9-4. The next game was played in the afternoon against Brutons [.D.A. and Timms Garage won by a score of 15-8. This meant that they won the B division. Timms Garage played great all dur- ing the season with only one loss and their coach, Barbara Ward, con- gratulates them for a great season. The team members wish to say a big "Thank you' to their sponsor, Timms Garage and also to Dave Kay, their Mite Convenor for a job UNITED CHURCH Rev. Glenn C. Jackson, M.A., B.D. N SUNDAY AUGUST 3 @N 10:00 a.m. Morning Wor: ip PRINCE ALBERT No Service SCUGOG PASTORAL CHARGE Miss Edith Bolton Scugog 9:45 a.m. Manchester 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship & Church School UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Dale Davis Blackstock 10:00 a.m. North Nestleton 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship - Nursery GREENBANK PASTORAL CHARGE SERVICES Rev. David Shepherd, Minister 9:30 a.m. Seagrave 11:00 a.m. Greenbank 12:30 p.m. Pinedale COMMUNITY CHURCH CAESAREA Rev. Dr. W.H. Crawford SUNDAY AUGUST 30 at 11:00 a.m. Children's Church During Service Bring the Family & Enjoy Worshipping Together Welcome To The Country Church EMMANUEL PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Queen and Rosa Streets Rev. David Beesley, Pastor 985-9222 -- 985-3770 SUNDAY AUGUST 30 9:45 a.m. Exciting Sunday School Classes For All Ages 11:00 a.m. Message "Up, Up & Away" (1 Thess. 4: 13-18) 7:00 p.m. Message "There's A New Age Comin' (1 Thess. 5:1-11) Children's Church in Both Services Nursery Care "A Church Reaching Out In Love!" ANGLICAN CHURCH The Rev'd M. Ansley Tucker St. John's, Blackstock SUNDAY AUGUST 30 Proper 22 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion Church of the Ascension, Port Perry Wednesday August 26 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion Nursery SUNDAY AUGUST 30 Proper 22 11:15 a.m. Holy Communion "mis Y-- PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Hwy 7A and Island Road East of Port Perry Church Office 985-8681 Assoc. Pastor Michael Putt - 985-8154 -- 985-8627 Sunday Services Bible School 9:45 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Junior Church & Nursery + Prayer and Bible Study Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Youth - Friday 7:00 p.m. Special Welcome To The Handicapped HOPE CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH OF PORT PERRY A Christian Reformed Fellowship 166 Simcoe Street, Prince Albert Rev. Bart VanEyk, Pastor "The Church of the Back-to-God Hour" Broadcasting Sundays 9:30 a.m. CHOO - 1390 AM and CKAN 1480 AM Services 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. A Women's Inter-Faith Study and Children's Story Hour Every Thursday 9:30 a.m. Nursery Provided "Everyone Welcome" EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP Durham Road 23 and 7th Conc. Rev. G.B. Parks 852-5871 SUNDAY AUGUST 30 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Services 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study A Church Moving In Spiritual Renewal PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Stuart McEntyre, B.A., B.D. 985-3881 -- 985-3409 ST. JOHN'S, PORT PERRY SUNDAY AUGUST 30 9:55 a.m. Family Worship Church School & Nursery "A Cordial Welcome Awaits You" BURNS CHURCH, ASHBURN 10:00 a.m. Church School 11:15 a.m. Family Worship Nursery & Junior Choir "A Cordial Welcome Awaits You" ST. BERNADETTE'S CATHOLIC PARISH Sunday Mass 11:30 a.m. Nestleton Community Hall Nestleton Serving Cartwright Township Come On Home Father Tom Lynch 705-932-2712 well done. Also to be congratulated is the C.C.R. Electric Girls Fastball Team which won the Port Perry Minor Softball Tournament on Saturday. The girls played 4 games, winning 3 and losing 1. Coach Jim Gibson is proud of the team and praises all members for their splendid efforts. The Greenbank Mites - Mancon Team - played four excellent games to make them the champions of the Port Perry League in the tourna- ment played on Saturday at R.H. Cornish School. The parents would like to thank coaches Judy McSween and Darlene Gibson and our pitcher Rob Saunders Sr. This was a real team effort by all and they played with great sportsmanship and spirit. Mrs. Margaret Cornish and Mrs. Marjorie McCombe of Port Perry visited Mrs. Olive McMillan last Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Phoenix is back at home after being a patient in Ux- bridge Cottage Hospital. Mr. Corless Ashenhurst visited Armour and Rachel McMillan on Sunday. Several local residents are busi- ly preparing their exhibits for Port Perry Fair. It is hoped everyone will try to attend this annual Labour Day affair and learn about the impor- tance of our agricultural inheritance. : . The Greenbank W.I. met, last Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. William Earle. As the weather was so beautiful members were able to enjoy sitting outside. After the 'regular business session Doris Hill read a funny peom entitled "The Burglar' and then Helen McKean and Muriel Gibson entertained everyone with humorous and in- teresting anecdotes about their re- cent trip to the Yukon and Alaska. Refreshments were then served and a half hour of stimulating discussion was enjoyed. Roy and Dot Hooker and girls travelled to Utica to enjoy a lovely barbeque at the home of Carol and Music results Port Perry was the host to two Piano Examination Sessions which were held in February and June at the Town Hall. They were held in ac- cordance with the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music, London. -- Theory examinations were held in} May at the Port Perry United Church. The following piano and theory results were obtained by music students of Mrs. Paula Copithorn A.MUS.Ped.R.M.T. of Port Perry. Congratulations to all for your fine efforts! Grade 2 Piano: Michael Pothier- 82 per cent- 1st Class Honours. Grade 4 Piano: Lori Hall- 85 per cent- 1st Class Honours; Sara Hopkins- 81 per cent- 1st Class Honours; Melissa Van Eyk- 73 per cent- Honours; Erin Edgar- 62 per cent- Pass. Grade 6 Piano: Elizabeth Connell- 73 per cent- Honours; Joanne Eddy- 72 per cent- Honours; Stefanie Craning- 68 per cent- Pass; Natasha Frick- 62 per cent- Pass. Grade 8 Piano: Niki Bardeleben- 76 per cent- Honours; Dianne White- 65 per cent- Pass. Theory Results Grade 2 Rudiment: Jennifer Wonder- 93 per cent- 1st Class Honours; Peter Wokral- 90 per cent- 1st Class Honours; Clair Cornish- 75 per cent- Honours. Grade 3 Harmon: ° Niki Bardeleben- 67 per centy Pass. Hillis Wilbur on Saturday night. Roy and Dot Hooker hosted a family picnic, on Sunday, for her mother's side of the Puckrin fami- ly. They all enjoyed a delicious pot luck supper and later a great old- fashioned sing-song around the piano. A long distant cousin, Judy, travelled in from Calgary and everyone was pleased to see her again. Betty and Mel McGee with daughter Debbie and Brian Beattie and children attended the McGee family reunion at Cavan on Sunday. A lovely occasion was enjoyed by everyone. The Greenbank Ladies Lob Ball Team has played 10 games since the end of June resulting in 5 wins and 5 losses. Even in games lost scores were close thanks to fielders Elaine Campbell, Mary Van Schaik, Kim Thomson and Sandy Mitchell. In an upcoming game on Wednesday, August 26 at 8:30 p.m. the team will have a chance to regain a loss against Saintfield. Greenbank Orioles ball club will be hosting a 12-team league tourna- ment this Saturday & Sunday, August 29 & 30 at Greenbank Park. Make your own quilt. of a ready-made quilt. P| Choose your design & color and save 75% of the cost QUILT WORKSHOP No.1 LOVER'S KNOT (Intermediate Level) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 & 31 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Kinsmen Hall, Lilla Street QUILT WORKSHOP No. 2 LOG CABIN (Beginner Level) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14 & 21 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Kinsmen Hall, Lilla Street Courses $20.00 Information Call Sarah Elliott ... 985-3017 PLEASE REGISTER as DAISY'S FABRICS Book $10.00 NO. 1 SERGER IN NORTH AMERICA e uses all regular sewing machine needles e new Improved easy threading e numbered tensions e recessed cutter e built-in light eo NEW EXCLUSIVE Piping Foot attachment (opt. accessory) e Blind hemming and Elastic gathering with extra opt. feet NOW ONLY ... 7699. Special Price in effect until Saturday, October 30th, 1987 SEE THE WHITE SUPERLOCK BEFORE YOU BUY AN OVERLOCK Daisy's Fabrics (formerly Modern Textiles) 985-3221 located in Luke's Country Store 201 (ueen Street - Port Perry