50 years of Holstein Shows (From page 26 Port Perry Fair. . CLASS 1 - FEMALE CALF, born in 1987 1. Phoenix Bros. (Carl Phoenix) - Salem M F Peggy - 15 Jan./87. 2. Phoenix Bros. (Matt Phoenix) - Dappledale Sulton Saucey - 17 Jan./87. CLASS 2 - FEMALE JUNIOR CALF 1. Sunnyfield Holsteins - Sun- nyfield Starbuck Linda - 4 Feb./87. 2. Phoenix Bros. - Salem M F Peggy -15 Jan./87. CLASS 3 - FEMALE SENIOR CALF 1. Kentville Holsteins - Kentville Sheik Natalie - 11 Sept./86. 2. Roybrook Farm - Roybrook W. Honey - 1 Sept./86. : CLASS 4 FEMALE SUMMER YEARLING 1. Elmcroft Holsteins - Donelg Sidney Sandy - 7 June/86. 2. Wyndee Holsteins (Andrew Tinkl's 4-H calf) - Wyndee Starbuck Dawn - 11 June/86. ~~ CLASS5 FEMALE JUNIOR YEARLING 1. Loa-de-Mede Farms Ltd. - Loa- de-Mede Phillis-Red - 13 Apr./86. 2. Elmcroft Holsteins - Elmcroft Sidney Lorna - 27 Apr./86. CLASS 6 - FEMALE INTERMEDIATE YEARLING 1. Kentville Holsteins Marksmemory Bea - 18 Jan./86. 2. Raivue Farms Ltd. - Raivue Warden Holly - 8 Dec./85. CLASS 7 - FEMALE SENIOR YEARLING 1. Elmcroft Holsteins - Elmcroft Matt Martha ET - 18 Oct./85. 2. Hanover Hill Holsteins - Claude Picket - Hanover Hill Star Marq I - 3 Sept./85. JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE Kentville Holsteins. 3 RESERVE CHAMPION JUNIOR FEMALE Loa-de-Mede Farms. Better breathing Does someone in your family have a breathing problem? If the answer is "yes," then the Durham Region Lung Association may be able to help. Beginning on Monday, September 28th, 1987, the local Christmas Seal organization will run a four session Information Series "All About Breathing Pro- blems" at the Kinsmen Communi- ty Centre in Oshawa (corner Mac- Millan Dr. and Colborne St.). This evening series will be held on con- secutive Monday evenings from 7-8 p.m., concluding October 19th. Topics discussed will include the causes of breathing disorders, infor- mation regarding medications, the correct use of inhalers, allergens in the environment, and various cop- ing techniques. This program will be of interest both to adolescents and adults who suffer from asthma, chronic bronchitis or emphysema and also to parents of asthmatic children. For parents of asthmatic pre- SThoniers who would like "hands- on' experience to assist in the physical management of their tod- dlers breathing problems additional classes will be offered in the same facility, starting on the 28th of Oc- tober. Attendance at the "All About Breathing Problems" sessions is a pre-requisite for participation in this special program. Registration for "All About Breathing Problems" is $10.00 (In- dividual or Family) or $20.00 to in- clude the special Pre-School Classes. For more details on this Christmas Seal Service, call the Durham Region Lung Association at 436-1046. PORT PE S T : OLSTEIN ¢ ONT? RIO BRANCH CLASS 8 - DRY COW 1. Elmcroft Holsteins - Elmcroft Warden Suellen - 23 Sept./83. 2. Elmcroft Holsteins - Tedesco Bros. - Roycedale Ned Sue - 9 Aug./73. ONTARIO COUNTY 50TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW FUTURITY CLASS 1. Elmcroft Holsteins - Elmcroft Warden Della - 29 Oct./84. 2. Raivue Farms Ltd. - Raivue Warden Pop- py - 7 Mar./85. CLASS 9 - FEMALE IN MILK, DRY OR NOT CALVED FOR THE FIRST TIME 2 YR. OLD JUNIOR 1. Partner Holsteins - Austin Pearse - Doneal Lula - 5 Mar./85. 2. Raivue Farms Ltd. - Raivue Warden Poppy - 7 Mar./85. CLASS 10 FEMALE IN MILK OR DRY, 2 YR. OLD SENIOR 1. Elmcroft Holsteins - Elmecroft Warden Della - 29 Oct./84. 2. Part- ner Holsteins - Idyl Wilde Kristy Red. CLASS 11 - FEMALE IN MILK OR DRY - 3 YR. OLD Elmcroft Holsteins of Cannington won both 1. Partner Holsteins - Parksdale Warden Maggie - 2 Sept./83. 2. the Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor ban- Lloyd's Holsteins - Lloyds Senator ~~ ners at the 50th Holstein Show held at Port Rose - 6 Nov./83. Perry Fair on Labour Day. In photo from left are CLASS 12 - FEMALE IN MILK County Dairy princess Michelle Down, Maurice OR DRY - 4 YR. OLD - 1. Murray & Robert Stone - A 4 RRY STAR -- Wednesday, September 9, 1987 -- 27 PREMIER : EXHIBITOR _ SST ---nh Jebson, Ollie Wilson, Judge Bob Flett, Gary Jeb- son and Ontario Dairy princess Andrea Lang of Simcoe County. Congratulations to Maurice and Gary of Elmcroft Holsteins for their fine show- ing this year. .. Where consumers in need shop for the professionals in business! 98565-7383 for INFORMATION DON'T ® N } : Valcroft Warden Libby - 3 Apr./83. TROPH | ES & LOOKING FOR A PLACE TO 2. Phoenix Bros. - Dappledale ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS? Countess Gay ET - 5 Oct./82. ENG RAVI NG took Hero! : CLASS 13 TRvaLe OLE Team Jackets & Uniforms CALL 1. Loa-de-Mede Farms Ltd. - Loa- Bicycle Repairs de-Mede Senator Rose A - 23 Apr./82. 2. Kentville Holsteins - PINERIDGE Kentville Ned Roxina - 25 July/82. SPORTS CLASS 15 - BEST UDDER CLASS 1. Parksdale Warden Maggie, Part- S HO fe : Queen Street - Port Perry ner Holsteins. 2. Donelg Kay Senator, Elmcroft and Ken. % PHONE 985-2839 N MacDonald. V'/ N ANDY SUTCH, Jr. 8:00 P.M. OR CALL $5.00 Per Person 986-4264 "It's Time!" ~ RINGETTE - REGISTRATION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th 6-9 pm SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th 10-4 pm SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th 2-4 pm BIRTH CERTIFICATES ARE TO BE BROUGHT TO REGISTRATION STAG 1 | YOUR POOL OUTIN Saturday, Sept. 12, 1987 |} | THE COLD. 3.4 may have some nasty ~ all you need to know. Sc ugog Arena surprises next Spring So your pool 1s ready Stains. Scaling for funn Spring Damaged equipment Make your pool a And expensive repairs. party! Winterize with LEAVE 5 when you close your pool with BioGuard. Our pros can tell you But you avoid all this BioGuard Bring your pool a to BioGuard. REGISTRATION FEES: One Girl ooo $125.00 SUN., SEPT. 13/87 Two Girls ooo, $225.00 hd Three or MOTE wove oeooo $325.00 Latcham Centre - Port Perry REFRESHMENTS $10 00 discount per child will apply on all the above rates if registered by Sun Sept 13/87) PLEASE NOTE No discount on post-dated cheques EQUIPMENT EXCHANGE DURING REGISTRATION WANTED: Coaches - Managers - Referees For more information contact: JIM LAWRENCE 985-2511 or 985-7245 or PAUL PELOW 985-3353 -