LT PARSE oc cA TT i Er SRT FA re i El CR TAN Letters from Cartwright Public School If! had a million dollars his Is what | would do... If I Had A Million Dollars If I had a million dollars I would bring my mom and dad to Marineland. I would buy everything they bought in Marineland. So 1 went to the bank and I got the million dollars out, the people were surprised. So I got the millions dollars and when it was Christmas I brought them to Marineland. But first I called a taxi and I did it. The End. Nicole Adams Grade 3 -- CCPS If I Had A Million Dollars If I had a million dollars I would buy my m om and dad a elephant with four skis and four bees. And a pig with a wig and she would yell to the bell. And I would buy my dad a store with no door, and a cow that would say bow wow and a bear with poked dot underwear. Neil Obern Grade 3 -- CCPS If I Had A Million Dollars If I had a million dollars I would buy my mom a dress. Buy my dad a pair of wings. And a boge man for my cat that tells jokes and has one eye missing and two legs missing and no tail. Buy my brother millions and millions of spiders. That's what I would do for Christmas. Amy Mathewson Grade 3 -- CCPS If IxsHad A Million Dollars It was 2 days before Christmas. I wonder what I could get for my parents. I got Adam two books. One's called Tigers Bedtime and the other one is the Gumby Book of Numbers. Adam is only three. I know what I could get my parents. A new car and a trip to Florida. It was Christmas morning. I wrapped up the money. Mom and Dad I have a present. Here open it Mom, o.k. They were still in bed. What!! I had a million dollars. Their was only 100$ left. "Where could that gone?" Oh well! said mom, I'll take the money and buy something nice. She got a gold necklace. Thanks a lot, you're welcome. , Jennifer Johnston Grade 3 -- CCPS A Million Dollar Christmas It was four days before Christmas and I was still thinking what to give my parents. Mmmmmm maybe a store naahhh. While I was thinking [ was doing home work hopeful my mom won't see me. My passed and screamed WHAT IS THAT. Oh boy I said only if I had a million dollars. Poof. Money! I know what to get my Mom and Dad, two knew cars naahh. Maybe a new Christmas tree, no a Christmas dinner at the most expensive restaurnt in the world. They would like that. The End. Neil Ruskay Grade 3 -- CCPS If 1 Had A Million Dollars If T had a million dollars I would by my mom a for-wheel drive. My dad put a piece of ice in his pocket. For my brother a bike with monster tires. For me a baby puppy. Lisa Reid Grade 3 -- CCPS The Million Dollar Christmas If I had a million dollar bill I would give my parents a limosine and a mansion full of gold and ghosts. I would tame the ghost to be guard dogs. I would hire Slimmer and Mr. Boogedy to guard the gold, they would say I'm coming too get I'm going too eat you but I shouldn't use my brain to much. Andy Seeley Grade 3 -- CCPS A Million Dollar Christmas I would give my mom and dad, 1 would give my dad a bowa kanster. [ would give my mom a doll, a ball an a fire hall. I would get my dad a car and a gardgcan. I will give my brother a penny. My brother said a penny. I said you can put it in the frog bank. Jeffrey Newell Grade 3 -- CCPS Million Dollars For Christmas If T had a million dollars for Christmas I would bye ten thousand horses. And I would bye ten thou- sand circus lady's. | would bye ten thousand Pepsi cans for my horses and for the circus lady's. I would call the Boogety man to slime my horses and call the x-ray man to talke pictures. The x-ray man said he took pic- tures of the horses. I said to the Boogety man will I still have five thousand dollars? The Boogety man said back, *'no you won't have five thousand dollars." I said to the Boogety man *'oh shocks' *'because I wanted to get my mom and dad a new car." The Boogety man said to me "I will get you five thousand dollars." I said "'0.k."" So I got my mom and dad a new car. Lindsey Crouter Grade 3 -- CCPS May friendships and peace be your greatest gifts this holiday time. [ORS ¢ (= 4 77 from all of us at Merry Christmas and thanks, | DAVID'S HAIRSTYLING i: PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, December 22, 1987 -- 29A Before you send it, seal it. .. THE ¥ LUNG ASSOCIATION «Lungs ag tor life wi th a Christmas Seal! LS Jolly Good wishes vo you and yours for a holiday filled with cheer and friendship... and vo all our friends, 'thanks for your valued business!' 4 oN A Z / / / | AY 7 7 0d N \, "I 14 MA YI77% 7 y ' = % AY 3 HI | |» | a pV. 7 ) SWAMP AUTO BODY Doug and Phil Robinson Bruce McCreight a, \ Fy Ny NN =" -- RL T1177 "J IN I ! -- " | itd 77: /, MOTHER JACKSON'S OPEN KITCHENS LTD. EAN CEASE $F EAE EN CEASE INE GAN NN Q » \\ 8 ( XJ ® 4 a um a a 5 1 i El SSS. al ll 5 ig as SE oa gil J ii oy