PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 8, 1988 -- 37 AUCTION SALES SATURDAY MARCH 12 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Pethick Auction Barn 1 mile east of Enniskillen Excellent Estate Sale from Scarborough, highlighted by modern diner, oak table & chairs, enormous amount of linen & old dishes, appliances & much more. Good Estate Sale. "The Friendly Auction' 263-8710 Steve Liptay: Earl Gauslin Auctioneers. SATURDAY MARCH 12 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby By virtue of the Landlord & Te- nant Act, we are selling the assets of BUD'S SPORTS including ap- prox. 50 hockey sticks, trophies, jackets, caps, sweaters, baseball bases & equipment, cap press, transfer press, helmets, dart sup- plies, softballs, pucks, laces, tape, boys' jackets, Fleming single head skate sharpener, plus other articles. OFFICE EQUIPMENT: 3- 30x60 wood desks, 8 4-drawer filing cabinets, 2 secretary desks, chairs, photocopier, cash register, racks & counters, Gestetner m/c, 2 duplicators plus other articles, Micro-Fish m/c. NOTE TIME: 10 a.m. Viewing- Friday, March 11th, 1-6 p.m. Good sale. Plan to attend. McLean Auc- tions & Liquidations 576-7550 -- 686-3291. SATURDAY MARCH 12 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Having received instructions from F. ALAN LAWSON, Trustee in Bankruptcy, we are clearing the assets of KING WEST VARIETY, Cobourg & POST PLUMBING & HEATING, Oshawa. KING WEST: cases of pop, groceries & juice, approx. $5000 of inventory, something for everybody. Also 15 bags of CIL Lawncare products. POST PLUMBING: hot water tank, counter, 2 old tubs, toilets, plum- bing fittings etc., assortment of copper pipe, misc. plumbing parts. VEHICLES: 1984 Datsun truck, certified, 53,000 km, 1980 Eagle 4x4, 1978 Buick LTD, 1977 Pontiac Grand Safari Station wagon, 1976 Ford '2 ton truck, 1974 Dodge cube van. NOTE TIME: 10:00 a.m. Good sale. Plan to attend. Sporting goods selling first. McLean Auctions & Liquida- tions 576-7550 -- 686-3291. SATURDAY MARCH 19 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Furniture, Antiques & House Trailer Auction sale of furniture, anti- ques & house trailer, the proper- ty of HUGH CUMMINGS, Ux- bridge & others, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario including 8 piece dining room suite, Zenith colour TV, Kenmore fridge-2 years old, stove, upright freezer, spin washer, antique wooden rocking horse, 5 piece dark pine kingsize bedroom suite-water mattress, oval oak extension table & 6 chairs, what-not stand, cruet set, nest of tables, marble top parlour table, 6' pine harvest table, set of 4 wooden chairs, Hoosler cup- board, wash stand, parlour table, library table, rocker, chest of drawers with bevelled mirror, blanket box, dresser, trunk, Ar- rowback rocker, 8-day clock, cane bottom chairs, crocks, quilts, hooked rugs, McColl-Frontenac oil bottle, metronome, lamps, copper boiler, dishes including handpainted Nippon, toothpick holder-Germany, Bavarian, Moorcroft, large quantity of crystal goblets, cups & saucers, Lawnboy lawnmower, tools, quantity of pine panelling, 16' house trailer-good condition, Sears 5HP riding lawnmower plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. M 15 SATURDAY APRIL 2 Farm Sold Auction sale- Farm Machinery Sale, the property of KARL ZIM- MERMAN (Strawberry Farm Sold). A Massey Ferguson 265 diesel tractor with 236 Massey Ferguson quick-attach loader-1060 hours, Massey Ferguson 72 chisel plough, Massey Ferguson 3-furrow 14" bottom plough, Riebel bush hog, 7' Lucknow snowblower, large quantity of well kept farm machinery. More details later -- we are accepting consignments of machinery for this sale. Contact early for 'full advertising privileges. Don Corneil Auc- tioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. Ms FRIDAY MARCH SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale- local appliance dealer going out of new appliance business, 4 Almond Hot Point refrigerator-between 12.5 & 20 cu. ft., one Inglis Almond 15.5 cu. ft. refrigerator, 4- 30°' Almond Hot Point electric stoves-2 self- "cleaning ovens, one Almond 24" electric stove, 5 Almond Hot Point dryers, Almond Hot Point apart- ment size washer 8 dryer, Hot Point microwave, Hot Point humidifiers, all above appliances new. Also consigned round oak pedestal table with 5 leaves, 9 plece dinette suite, modern dressers 8 chest of drawers, Wood Chief airtight stove, bed chesterfields, green McClary 2-door refrigerator, occasional chairs, Boston rocker, maple rockers, pdr chest, 3 piece modern room suite, ice-cream freezer, quantity of coal oll lamps, wall clocks, 1981 Mercury Marquis-certified, 1980 AMC Con- cord. Don Corneil Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain 705-786-2183. THURSDAY MARCH 24 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. 2 Holstein Dispersals Complete Hownice Milking Dispersal for Howard & Bernice Thaxter, Beaverton selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ontario including 25 Reg. & Grade cows, 19 fresh or close at sale time. This is a young herd with good vudders. Featuring a daughter of Astro Jet due at sale time with her second calf. 4 milk metres. Also the complete Milk- ing Herd Dispersal for JACK HURTUBISE, Verner, including 30 N.I.P. Grade cows & bred heifers, several due at sale time.' Followed by the March Consign- ment Sale. If you wish to consign to this sale, please call Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. SATURDAY MARCH 26 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Farm Sold Large auction sale, a full line of quality farm machinery, tractors etc., the property of ALLAN & DORTHY CORNER, R.R. 2, Can- nington, Lot 3, Conc. 13, Brock Township, 6 miles north of Sunderland on Hwy. 12, then west approximately 3 miles on the 13th of Brock or follow signs south of Hwy. 48 & Jct. 12. M.F. 265 diesel tractor only 1565 hours, heated cab, ps, dual remotes, weights, set of duals-like new, M.F. 150 diesel tractor-loader-bucket-6 speed, ps, & extras-top condition, M.F. 135 diesel tractor, remote & only 1450 hours, M.F. 300 self- propelled combine, 11" cut, c/w 2' G.R., Melrose pick-up c/w cab, 6 cylinder-goad, Int. 201 self- propelled swather 10' cut & c/w pick-up reel, 4 cylinder New Holland 1012 stack-liner PTO hay wagon load & stack-like new, New Holland 310 Speery baler c/w hyd. tension & other haying equip- ment, Kneverland 3x16' plow, auto-reset, M.F. 66 3x12' trip beam, Int. 45 Vibra Shank 25 tooth cultivator & levellers c/w hyd. cylinder, M.F. 13 tooth springtooth deep depth cultivator, M.F. 33 17-run seed drill c/w grass & fert. box, John Deere 2-row corn planter, New Holland 510 163 bushel manure spreader- like new, Marten 8 Ottaco 180 bushel grain 8 gravity box & run- ning gears, Mohawk 5' rotary Bush Hog etc. PLEASE NOTE: This is just a partial listing only. Many items far too numerous to mention. No reserve. Lunch available. CALVIN MABEE AUCTIONS, R.R. 1, Lindsay. Phone 1-416-434-0533 1-705-374-4800. M15 'end Sedore SATURDAY MARCH 26 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale of cattle & a full line of machinery. The property of LORNE & FLORA COPPINS, R.R. 2, Sunderland, Lot 6, Conces- sion 7 of Brock Township, 1 mile east of Valentia or from Sunderland, go north 1 mile on Hwy. 12, then 3 miles west. See signs. Cattle to be sold include 20 crossbred cows plus 10 Limo cross heifers all exposed to full blood limo bull June 1st. Bull to be sold is out of test station. Also includ- ed are 4 cows with calves at side plus 30 stocker calves. Machinery consists\of a 210 Allis Chalmers diesel 10HP moor overhauled- with cab-Huals also available; 190XT Allis Chalmers diesel 94HP-motor overhauled-with cab- duals also available; 185 Allis Chalmers diesel 74HP-motor overhauled-with cab; 165 Massey Ferguson diesel 55HP with front- end loader; 1950 Ford with rear- loader-motor overhauled; Model M Allis Chalmers combine with 4-row corn head plus 15' grain head; 852 New Holland round baler- automatic tie; 379 New Holland haybine-9'cut; 357 New Holland mix-mill-with hydraulic augers; 12° Massey Ferguson seed drill-17 disc with grass box; 285 White 21° cultivator with hydraulic wings plus midwest harrows; 253 White 21' disc with midwest farrowing harrows; 598 White 5 furrow plough 14-22' adjustable moboards; Int. 4-16's trip beam plow; Ford 2/10 furrow plow; Int. 17 light tooth cultivator; 9' Graham chisel plow-hydraulic lift; 315 New Holland square baler with belt thrower-hydraulic steer- ing with electric control-8 years old; 4 ton fertilizer spreader; 3 pt. hitch fertilizer spreader; 24' 3 pt. hitch with 100 gal. tank; Versatile 32°6"" grain auger; John Deere maxi-merge 4-row corn planter with fertilizer; 12' hydraulic fer- tilizer auger; 214 New ldea manure spreader-165 bushel; 32° hay elevator-tripod; 4 flat rack wagons; 4 bale throwing wagons; 3- 350 bushel grain wagons with 14 ton undercarriage; 3- 250 bushel grain wagons with 10 ton under- carriage; 10° hydraulic dump trailer; Case cutting box PTO driven; posthole auger; 720 McKee 7° snowblower; 7%' Hagedon snowblower-new; 2200 gal. water tank; 1000 gal. tank; 250 gal. tank; oil barrels; 4 rollers; 2- 8 augers; 16'x4"' auger; 2 sets of harrows; fanning mill with bagger; New Holland side delivery rake; 6' 3 pt. hitch blade; 180 Ib. anvil with stand; 2 milk house heaters; set of grain scales; 10x12' garage doors-roll up; folding doors; 10° garage doors; large assortment of new & used tires including some tractor tires; hammer mill; 16'round bale feeder; 2- 12' feeders; 4- 8' feeders; water troughs 8 feed troughs; farrowing crates; wheelbarrels; saw; 2 round pig feeders with stainless steel & cast iron bottoms; assortment of lumber & steel, fasteners, wire; 32' & 34' heavy duty extension lad- der; feed includes 200 round bales-no rain; 150 Alfalfa- Timothy round bales; 47 Alfalfa- Timothy-Red clover round bales; 400 square straw bales plus many more items too numerous to men- tion. Terms cash. No reserve. Lunch available. NOTE: This is an extraordinary sale with all machinery in well maintained order. Cattle sale starts at 4 p.m. All cows have been pregnancy checked. Plan to attend. Sale managed & sold by Kevin Barker Auctions, Cambray, Ontario 705-374-4613. M5 Auction Sales McLean Auctions. SATURDAY MARCH 12 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale- antiques & quality furniture at Orval McLean Auc- tion Centre, Lindsay -- selling HARRIGAN ESTATE, Lindsay, REV. BAIRD & storage consignments. Excellent solid mahogany bedroom suite with twin beds, burled walnut stacking tables, tri- ple dresser, bed chesterfield, Provincial chesterfield, large quan- tity pine Canadiana wash stands, small pine table with drawer, lift top desk, oak Jacobean umbrella stand, antique dispenser, flail an- tique garden lion & horse, cream cans, antique picture frames, an- tique wooden chairs, oval oak table with twist legs 8 carved top, hump back trunk, bench, antique wooden rockers, antique Spooled settee, 2 pine bonnet chests, large pine wash stand, jam cupboard, 2 old sideboards, iron bed with brass trim, antique Faucett parlour heater, pine flat-to-wall with 8 panes on top, antique pine armoir, modern love seat, old books, old tinware, set German dinnerware, antique glass, china, pictures, brown refrigerator & stove, gold dishwasher, bunk beds, oak bedroom suite, bar & stools, Moffat refrigerator & stove, saddle, tools. No reserve. Estate Sale. 10 a.m. sharp. Call now to book your Spring Sale. 324-2783 Lindsay - Orval SATURDAY MARCH 19 SALE TIME: 12:00 P.M. Farm Sold Auction sale the property of ROBERT MOFFATT, Lot 3, Con- cession 4, Eldon Township -- 2 miles east of Woodville to Co-Op (5th Concession) and half a mile north. MACHINERY : 1981 John Deere 4240 diesel tractor, 115HP, cab, air, power shift, 8 speed, snap on duals, 18.4x38 tires, 3700 hours; 1979 John Deere 4020 diesel tractor-Synchro Mesh 8 speed with Reist, Quick-Hitch manure loader; John Deere 170 Skid Steer Loader with snap on bucket; 1984 John Deere 336 baler with bale thrower; Vermeer 504-G round, baler, 800 Ib. bale-hydraulic tie; 3 Martin 18' bale throwing wagons, with 8 ton Horst running gear; 1- 20' Martin bale throwing wagon-8 ton gearing; Int. 5000 diesel self- propelled 122' Swather-dual auger header, variable speed reel hay conditioner, 2 speed hydrostatic drive; New Holland 479 haybine PTO; John Deere 7000 maxi-merger corn planter with monitor; 1983 White 504 semi-mount 5-18's plough; Int. Vibra Shank 212' cultivator with hydraulic wings; Bush Hog 122' tandem disc; 1983 Int. 5100 21-run double disc seed, drill, grain, grass & fertilizer; Lucknow 9' snowblower 540 PTO 3 pt.; New Holland 679 tandem manure spreader, hydraulic tail gate, slush pan, double heater; Gravi- ty grain box on 10 ton Horst wagon with truck type tires; Mar- tin tube type 38' hay elevator on wheels; JB&D 200 gallon field sprayer 30° booms; 2 wheeled windraw turner 3 pt.; 12' packer; 5 tooth spike harrows; Aitkenhead 12' chain harrows; Rosscamp split roller mill-corn hopper & mineral hopper with 7v2HP motor; 2 feed wagons; round bale feeder; mineral feeders; Wick electric straw chopper; 4 feed carts; clippers; other items. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: This is an excellent row of well-maintained farm machinery. This will be one of the better sales in Ontario this Spring. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 12 noon sharp. Very few small items -- plan to attend early. Sale manag- ed & sold by Carl Hickson Auc- tions, Reaboro, Ontario 705-324-9959 or 324-8311. The Auc- tioneer or Proprietor will not be held responsible for public injury, public liability or property loss or damage in connection with this sale. M15 FRIDAY MARCH 18 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Farm Machinery & Cauliflower Equipment Auction sale of farm machinery & cauliflower equipment owned by PAUL REESOR, Stouffville, selling at the farm 22 miles north of Stouffville on Hwy. 47 (v4 mile south of Hwy. 47 & Bloomington Rd. Junction) - including J.D. 2130 tractor with duals & loader- bucket, bale fork, pallet fork; Int. 966 tractor; J.D. 710 tractor; Int. Super A tractor with mounted plow & scuffler; Cockshutt 545 combine with 13' flex head & duals; 1973 Int. 1700 Lodestar truck with 16' refrigeratored box 8 16' flatbed with racks & tarp; 1985 J.D. 83000 Bean Drill- excellent, 13' landroller, Turnco gravity box; 2-row Holland cab- bage planter; harrows; 13' Int. cultivator; Int. 4-furrow semi- mount plow; manure spreader; Int. 440 baler; side rake; N.I. cut- ditioner; JB&D sprayer; J.D. 2-row corn planter; 3 pt. hitch pallet fork; Allied bale stooker- motor driven; 2 flat rack wagons 8 gear; bale elevator; ¢' 3 pt. blade; 20'6¢'* grain auger; 14' cauliflower cutting trailer; 1000 gal. water wagon; 12x40' greenhouse with fan; 55 cabbage bins; 150 seeding trays; quantity of cauliflower 8 cabbage seed; 1500 cauliflower boxes; BT skidlift; gas water pump; box stapler-foot; air box stapler-hand. NOTE: There are very few small items. Lunch available. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge 416-852-3524. M15 SATURDAY MARCH 19 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Auction sale at Oddfellows Hall in Port Perry on Regional Road 2. Estate of the late GEORGE ED WARD MITCHELL with large quantity of good antiques, carpen- try tools, army clothes, rifles, ap- pliances 8& much more. Watch for details. Pearce Auction Services 655-8073. M5 THURSDAY MARCH 24 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Gigantic auction sale of large farm machinery, 8 tractors, 2 combines, 5 trucks etc., the pro- perty of LIVING WATER FARMS LTD. (the Estate af the late DAVID PEGG), Lot 13, Conc. 3, Georgina Twp., 1% miles east of Keswick (north end) to Wood- bine Avenue. From Hwy. 401 take 404 to Aurora Sideroad, turn east to Woodbine, go approx. 20 miles north to farm. TRACTORS: J.D. diesel model 8640-225HP, 4 WD with cab; J.D. diesel model 4640-155HP with cab & duals; J.D. diesel tractor model 4640-155 cab & duals-same as above; J.D. diesel model 3130-80HP; J.D. diesel tractor model 2120 rebuilt motor with Riest loader-2 buckets & manure fork; A.C. diesel trac- tor model 7050-160HP with cab; A.C. gas tractor model D15-45HP- rebuilt motor; Ford diesel tractor model 3000. TRUCKS: |.H. diesel truck model 2070A; Cummins Turbo motor; 6 speed tra. box & hoist; G.M.C. gas truck model 6500 5&2 tran.; (V8) G.M.C. gas truck (V8) model 960 582 tran.; G.M.C. 2ton; G.M.C. tandem-no motor-airshift. COMBINES: 2- IHC combines diesel-one is a 4 WD-rebuilt motor in 86-both model 1460-160 bu.; 2 corn heads 6 row 30°" model 863 & 963; 2 flex grain heads 15'-model 820-one has a none wrapping reel. TILLAGE, PLANTERS & SPRAYERS: Wilrich 6 furrow 18' plow-model 2900; Ford 3 furrow 12°' plow; Wilrich 35' cultivator; Bervac S- tooth 25° cultivator; Glencoe 18' cultivator; M.F. 10' cultivator; Kraus 25' disc; M.F. 8' disc; lan- droller 20'-fold up type; Allied corn scuffler 6-30" row; rock picker-3 pt.; A.C. corn planter- model 600-air liquid fertilizer with insecticide boxes-12 row-30'; |.H. corn planter model 58-6-30°' row; I.H. seed drill 24 run model 510; M.F. seed drill model 33; Vicon sprayer 35' boom-510 USA gal.- electric controls-model L.S.; 1910T Geo. White sprayer-25' boom-model 460-400 USA gal.; 2 saddle tanks-150 USA gal. each; 2 chemical pumps 12V; HAY EQUIPMENT, WAGONS, ETC.: J.D. haybine model 1209-9'; 2 N.H. 273 balers; N.H. 488 hayline baler- like new; IHC 15 hay rake; 2 Mar- tin bale wagons; J&B wagon & hay rack; Agtec bale stooker hay elevator; 6 ton wagon; bale buncher-never used; M.F. & J.D. mowers; grain buggy-U.F.T.-400 bu.; J&B hyd. auger 12'x6", 4 sec. harrows. MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT: liquid fertilizer tank 4500 gal. Evergreen; liquid fert. tank 500 gal; 1000 gal. water tank; Husky tank 2500 gal.; T.S.C. pumps; Motorola 2-way radio; 2 mobile units & one base; 2HP air com.; J&D pressure washer; arc welder 250 amp; acetylene torch; drill press; 2 chain saws; Bolens garden tractor-8HP with mower & blade; Lucknow snowblower 7' & much more plus a good wagon load. NOTE : Mr. Pegg was a cash crop farmer until his untimely death. Terms cash or cheque with 1.D. All large machinery must be left on the property until cheques are cleared, unless cheque is cer- tified or other arrangements mare. Keswick Church Ladies will provide lunch. For informa- tion phone 416-476-4150. REG & LARRY JOHNSON Auctioneers 705-357-3270 or 705-745-8470. Prop. or Auctioneers will not be respon- sible for any accidents in connec- tion with this sale. M15 ORVAL McLEAN AUCTONS - Consign Now to our spring machinery-vehicle auction - ac- cepting tractors, farm - machinery, industrial equipment & tools, cars, trucks, recreation vehicles, boats, campers, riding lawnmowers, tools, motorcycles. Bring to barn or phone 324-2783 Lindsay or 324-0182 for pick up service. M 29 SATURDAY MARCH 12 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Auction sale- antiques & quali ty furniture at Orval Mclean Auction Centre, Lindsay -- selling HARRIGAN ESTATE, Lindsay, REV. BAIRD & storage con- signmenis. Excellent solid mahogany bedroom suite with twin beds, burled walnut stacking tables, triple dresser, bed chester- field, Provincial chesterfield, large quantity pine Canadiana wash stands, small pine table with drawer, lift top desk, oak Jacobean umbrella stand, antique dispenser, flail antique garden lion & horse, cream cans, antique picture frames, antique wooden chairs, oval oak table with twist legs & carved top, hump back trunk, bench, antique wooden rockers, antique Spooled settee, 2 pine bonnet chests, large pine wash stand, jam cupboard, 2 old sideboards, iron bed with brass trim, antique Faucett parlour heater, pine flat-to-wall with 8 panes on top, antique pine armoir, modern love seat, old books, old tinware, set German dinnerware, antique glass, china, pictures, brown refrigerator & stove, gold dishwasher, bunk beds, oak bedroom suite, bar & stools, Mof- fat refrigerator 8 stove, saddle, tools. No reserve. Estate Sale. 10 a.m. sharp. Call now to book your Spring Sale. 324-2783 Lindsay - Or- val McLean Auctions. Help Wanted A CAREER in trucking. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your Class 'A' licence. For pre-screening inter- view and job placement informa- tion, contact Merv Orr Transport Driver Training, Brampton. 1-800-265-1260. TF JOBS CARS APARTMENTS az REAL ESTATE PLUG INTO CLASSIFIEDS PORT PERRY STAR 985-7383 GIA saan ED aa a abc sill Ck LL