PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 19, 1988 -- 9A Coming Events Coming Events Yard Sales For Sale For Sale FLEA MARKET, May 7th, 9:30-2:30, Prince Albert Hall. Something for everyone. Bake sale, Penny sale & in-hall lucky draws. Ticket draw 2 p.m. Lunch of hot dogs & coffee available. Proceeds to Friendly Visitors. Donations gratefully accepted. 986-5304; 985-7845. A 26 OPEN HOUSE - The family of Howard Gourlie cordially invite you to an open house at his home, on Reach Rd., % -mile east of Durham Rd. 23, on the occasion of his 90th Birthday, on Sunday, April 24, 1988 between the hours of 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Best wishes only please. A119 SPRING Yoga Classes to start Monday & Thursday morning. 10 classes $50. Please call Elaine Arsenault 985-9483. SEAGRAVE UNITED CHURCH -- annual -- BEEF SUPPER WED., APRIL 20 Settings at: 5:00; 6:00; 7:00 Adults $7.50 Children 12 & under *3.00 For advance tickets call: 985-2489 705-387-3604 SCUGOG CHRISTIAN SCHOOL An Interdenominational School dedicated to providing QUALITY ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION in a Christian framework and environment will hold its Spring i Tuesday, April 19 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. 7-8 p.m. the students of Scugog C.S. will present a FINE ARTS pro- gram in the auditorium of the HOPE Christian Reformed Church 8-10 p.m. there will be an OPEN HOUSE at the school. An opportunity for the community 10 meet the teachers of our new school. 166 SIMCOE STREET, SOUTH PRINCE ALBERT BLACKSTOCK & District Lions - We are having a Flea Market on May 14 & 15 - If you have any ar- ticles big or small you would like to donate call for pick-up - 986-5552; 986-5685 or 986-4728.A 26 RUMMAGE SALE. Friday, April 22 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church. A119 MOTHER'S DAY Pancake Breakfast from 9-1 on May 8th, Nestleton Hall. M3 SATURDAY, 23 April 1988. Rain date: 24th April 1988. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Small appliances, patio fur- niture & much more. 8 Donelda Court, Blackstock. COLUMBUS, Sat. April 23. A bit of everything including a kitchen sink! 51 Church St. East (east at flashing light). YARD SALE Saurday, April 23 10:00 AM Good assortment of childrens toys and clothing, crib, kitchen goodies, shop vac, girls bicycle, stereo, skiis & boots etc. 247 Perry St. - Port Perry Yard Sale The family of VELMA FOSTER invite you to an OPEN HOUSE on the occasion of her 80th Birthday to be held at GREENBANK CHURCH SATURDAY, APRIL 23 2 to 5 Best Wishes Only Greetings If you see ... JAMES HOUGHLAND on May 4th, wish him a HAPPY 29th BIRTHDAY! Happy Birthday, Daddy! Love -- Amanda ALL VISITORS AND INTERESTED PARTIES ARE MOST WELCOME Refreshments will be served! Coming Events 'Tickets $10 Scugog Choir & Friends -- ANNUAL SPRING -- Concert & Dinner -- SCUGOG ISLAND HALL -- SATURDAY, DINNER 6:30 PM -- CONCERT 8:00 PM Each - Call 985-3856 or 985-8168 DRESS REHEARSAL - Friday, April 22nd, 8 PM (collection) APRIL 23rd THE FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT OF PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL. -- proudly presents -- ARTSFEST "88 Two evenings of Music, Plays and Visual Arts Displays. THURSDAY, APRIL 28th & FRIDAY, APRIL 29th -- 7:30 PM In the PPHS Gym Admission: ADULTS *4.00; CHILDREN $2.00 BBQ Steak ROTARY CLUB of PORT PERRY Dinner & Dance at the PORT PERRY CURLING CLUB SATURDAY, MAY 14th SEHR 6:00 PM to 1:00 AM Tickets 985-2985 -- *40. Couple Proceeds to Community Projects. SAT., APRIL 23rd From 10 AM to 4 PM Stereo w/Stand, Clothes Closet, Highchair, Picnic Table, Children's Clothes and much more.! -- FIND US AT - 549 Scugog St. (7A) For Sale ASSORTED sets of plough parts. 985-7724. A119 DWARF apple trees, variety- Macintosh, Ida Red, Red Delicious for Spring planting, $4.50 each; $4.25 over 50. Windmill Acres, Road 21. Phone 985-9939 Port Perry. A 26 ASSELSTINE'S Yamaha have the Parts & Personnel to service your Yamaha. Durham Road, south of Blackstock. 986-4437. TF ASSORTED motorcycle parts. 985-7724. A119 For Sale ASPARAGUS. Place your order now for freshly cut asparagus. Small or large orders. Call Cimar- ron Farm 852-3986. M 22 1979 SUZUKI, GS550, excellent condition, new exhaust, chain & recent engine work, $1150 cer- tified or best offer 985-7184. 7 PIECE ladies right hand golfing ' set plus bag. Reasonable $125. Call 985-2340. KUBOTA 4 wheel drive 12'2HP diesel loader & mower, $5500 or best offer. 705-277-3163. MICRO furnace special at Janet- ville Community Bazaar, April 30th, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. A 26 ALLIS CHALMERS model 170 diesel A-1, dual remotes, very clean, $6200 or best offer. 705-277-3163. WASHER-SPIN dryer, apart: ment size; apartment size elec- tric dryer. Asking $300 pair. Call 985-0230 after 6 p.m. 1984 CB450, excellent condition, 6000 km, $1200 or best offer. Phone after 5 p.m. 985-2778. A 26 SOLID front door with small win- dow, 6'7"x210"', light colour- varathane finish. Excellent condi- tion $75 or offer. 985-3158. 8HP Gibson garden tractor, 16' back tires, electric start, loaded tires, chains, cultivator, disc, trailer & plow, $950. 986-5067. THREE sets of standardbred race harnesses. 985-3174 or 985-2139. MYRTLE area, hay to cut, bale, 10 acres. Share crop or cash. 655-4030. A 26 BUSHY cedar hedging, trees, shrubs, general landscaping. Ron Henderson Landscaping, R.R. 1, Little Britain. Free estimates. 705-786-2420. TF A MEMBER OF THE RAINBOW GRQUP 3 BASCOM STREET UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO LOC 1KO 852-9677 For a complete range of signs, please visit our shop or call to have our Mobile Showroom Truck visit at your location. 1 ~ 83 YAMAHA Bravo, asking $1300; also Skidoo storage available for summer. Phone 985-0151 after 6 p.m. 18 FOOT float, tandem axles, electric brakes, $2000. 986-5634. QUALITY hay, square bales, 80 per cent alfalfa, 20 per cent timothy, no rain. Call after 6 p.m. 985-2496. JIM"S Small Engirie Repair & Welding Parts & Service for most makes & models. Evenings & weekends. 985-8788. ANTIQUE solid oak buffet with plate rack & bevelled mirror, very good condition, $675. Call 655-4044. USED BIKE. A pink & white banana seat bike, in great shape, $75. Call for more details. 985-8788. EVINRUDE outboard, 15HP. 985-3270. BICYCLE, girl's Jr. Raleigh, 24", 5 speed, good condition, $100. 985-3826. 1982 XR 200 R, new tires, chain & sprockets, includes equipment. Must be seen. 986-5206. GENDRON baby carriage; 40' TV tower-unassembled, very reasonable. 985-9089. TWO four year old half-quarter horses, geldings, green broke. 985-7582. A 26 SAILBOAT, "Code 40," fibreglass, 13.1', trailer with lights & winch, Dacron mainsail & jib, Spinnaker kit & much more. $4000 plus value for $1200. 985-0158. KIRBY upright vacuum cleaner, all attachments, bags & rug shampooer included, $225. 985-7119. CLEANING supplies - complete line of commercial cleaning sup- plies & equipment, paper pro- ducts, drink cups etc. Blanchard's Supply, 189 North Street 985-9746. TF SPAS, pools, hot tubs, above & in- ground pools, accessories, parts & service. Blanchard's Supply, 189 North Street 985-9746. TF 1984 CR500 Honda Moto-cross, ex- cellent condition, many extras, $1550. 985-9106. BUILDINGS Special Clearance: 20x24-$2400; 24x24-$2700; 28x36-$4000; 32x36-$4400; 36x48-$6500; 40x60-$8200. Call 985-7930. M 29 SALE UNTIL APRIL 24th, 1988 Spreading Ever 20% Off 1 Gallon Pot Reg. 8.50 NOW greens $670 * LANDSCAPE DESIGN SERVICE * Need ideas to landscape your home? Consult our professional landscape architect. Please phone ahead to make an appointment. pack those skates away in the attic just yet! PRIME ICE TIME AVAILABLE AT REDUCED RATES AT SCUGOG ARENA For Bookings CALL: * TREES * SHRUBS * EVERGREENS * FRUIT TREES * GREENBANK GARDEN CENTRE Located on the N.E. Corner of Hwy. 12 & Hwy. 47 985-7667 GIRL'S 20" bicycle $50; boy's 16" BMX style $40 or best offer. Men's 3 speed $30 or best offer. 986-0072 after 5 p.m. 20 FT. Faulkner awning c/w all hardware, including centre sup- port, 3 years old, like new. 985-8793 after 6 p.m. HORSES Boarded- new stalls, good care, daily turnout, beautiful scenic trails, reasonable rates. Seagrave area 1-705-357-2246.M 10 QUANTITY of hay, round & square bales. 985-7616. DINETTE SET, 6 padded chairs $160; 25" black & white TV, good picture $60. 985-7935. CLOTHES dryer, good working condition $100; Allis Chalmers baler $650. 986-5618. A 26 NEW 3 HP air compressor, water skis, belt, rope, & 15x7 Chev Ral- ly rims. 986-5685 after 6 p.m. 1982 GREW 185 Johnson 140HP O/B, power trim, 17 gal. tank, swim ladder, including trailer. Days 1-649-3297; Evenings 1-705-786-3348. FISHING motor 1986 Kawasaki 3.5 motor. Excellent shape $375. Phone after 5 p.m. 985-7751. TRUCK CAP full size, 6 months old $550; Findlay wood or coal cookstove $125; humidifier $25. Call 985-8558. PRAKTICA MTL3 45ml camera, extra lenses, carrying bag & more, $200 or best offer. Craft- .matic electric bed, super single, $800 or best offer, white wicker fern stand $40, double bed mat- tress $50. 985-8728 after 6 p.m. SKLAR Pepplar chesterfield, cot- ton flowered upholstery, good condition $150. 985-9483. A119 FRIDGE $75; stove $75; kiln $500; air brush $100. 985-9508. HOUSEHOLD items, stove- refrigerator, maple tables & 4 chairs, Queen size bed, apple boxes, table model sewing machine, other items. 985-3560. FIREWOOD in log lengths, cut & split. 985-3361. TF MAN OR BOYS CCM 10 speed bicycle, only ridden a few times, $125 or best offer. 985-7632. BOAT: 14' Runabout, 60HP Johnson, new battery, adult & child water skis, $2500. 985-8348 evenings. RIDING tractor, 14HP Ariens with 48' mower. Excellent condi- tion. Asking $2500. 985-3482 after p.m. : HAY. Good quality, Manchester area. 985-2029. 16' IMPERIAL Lemay all .pur- pose English saddle, excellent condition; horses boarded, box stalls, daily turnout. 985-7847.A 12 HARDWOOD, cut & split, 16" lengths, 2 bush cord, $299. Port Perry, delivered. Quality guaranteed. Galway Wood Pro- ducts 705-488-2001 or 705-454-2547. TF ADMIRAL built in dishwasher $299, Shop Vacuum cleaner, wet dry, $35. 985-7732. Ag POTATOES - 852-6798. Walter Kerry A 26 PIANO older upright $500. Call 986-4348. A119 BUSHY CEDARS for hedging - delivered. 985-9024 or 852-5276. TF REG'D YELLOW LAB pups. Call 985-8043 after 6:00 p.m. A 26 SPRINGTIME WATER DISTILLERS The only way to be sure the water your family drinks Is really safe, for peace of mind order a distiller for your family. Call Stewart Snider at Canada Trading 986-4467. J7 RECORDED RADIATORS For most cars, trucks and farm equip- ment. At the right price. 980.487 Nn STEEL |- BEAMS - 25 feet long with 18" by 8' flange. Call 1-705-786-2218 after 6:00 p.m. A 19 1972 STARCRAFT 25' cabin cruiser, alum. hull, 180 h.p. Volvo Penta I/0, with trailer, all equip- ped $16,000. Days 416-649-3297, evenings 705-786-3348.