14 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 26, 1988 Volunteers needed Work Bee at Park Seagrave and Area News by Ann Sandiford Help! Help! Volunteers are in- vited to help at the Work Bee at the Seagrave Park on Saturday April 30th. This was planned for last Saturday but had to be can- celled due to bad weather. We will get started at 9 a.m. and everyone is asked to wear their oldest clothes, as there may be some painting involved. Please also bring your own rake and shovel. Our park is onc of the best parks in the area so let's help our Park Board by being there and showing them that we care. Lots of congratulations go to a litle girl in Robinglade. Alexan- dra Carter recently placed first and third in the Oshawa Kiwanis Mu- sic Fest for Grade two Piano. Also she and one other have been chosen to represent the R.H. Cor- nish Grade two's at a French Im- mersion Public Speaking semi- nar. Then on May 1st she will re- His ceive her first Holy Communion. It certainly has been difficult for her parents to keep up with her! Don't forget, the third annual Seagrave Lawn-tractor race will be held on May 15th at 1 p.m. The race lakes place at the north end of the Seagrave Park. This ycar there will be two classes, up to and in- cluding 8 horsepower, and up to and including 16 h.p., witha 23 " diameter maximum tire size. If you wish to pick up an cntry form or obtain more information, you may do so by contacting Jones Plumbing Service 985- 3481, Seagrave Auto Body 985- 3889; both in Seagrave or Steve Calder, 985-9092 in Robinglade Estates. The Port Perry Community Hospital Ladies Auxiliary is hold- ~ ing their Spring Fair on Saturday April 30th starting at 11:30 a.m. Lunch will be from noon to 1:30 DON'T BE DISAPPOINTED! BOOK YOUR NEW SPRING KITCHEN NOW! (7 W¥ Travel -- PRESENTS -- p.m. Anyone wishing to donate crafts, white elephant, baking or delicatessan items, please bring them to the hospital by 11 a.m. on the 30th. All donations will be greatly appreciated. Come on out and support this local event. The auction of the contents of the LueHa Short hame, held in Seagrave this past weekend was a huge success for cveryone in- volved. Despite the cold, and wet ~ weather, a record number of peo- ple turned out. The Scagrave UCW booth was kept extremely busy selling coffce to all those who were present. A big, big thank you again this year to everyone in the Seagrave Community for supporting the beef supper. It was a huge suc- cess, thanks to the hard work of all those people involved prior to and during the dinner. Thanks again. The Seagrave United Church will be holding its annual yard sale again this year at the home of Mr. Bill Barr. So everyone, when -- send our -- DRAGON --- {0 -- NORTH BAY! Sncered Loses UNIQUE GIFT BASKETS Created with care for all occasions. All gitts may be accompanied by a bouquet of helium balloons. Canada Wide & USA delivery. 985-8954 Seniors on the Go - Travel '88 DATE: Sunday, May 15th, 1988 PICKUP TIME: 10:30 AM ARRIVE BACK: 6:30 PM Transportation to and from Port Perry Accompanied by Brent and Linda from Marlin Travel, Port Perry LOCATION: Toronto Hilton International 'Toronto Ballroom' 145 Richmond Street West COST: $10.00 per Person $1.00 per ticket donated to Alzheimer Society for Metropolitan Toronto explore and discover new and exciting travel destinations live entertainment -- refreshments -- prizes -- films -- guest speakers Fiesta Holidays Cultural Tours Discovery Tours Global Tours Trade Wind Tours Holland America Cruises St. Kitts / Nevis Tourist Board Regent Holidays Treasure Tours Sun Line Cruises * TALK TO THE EXPERTS °* Danish Tourist Board/S.A.S. Carousel Tours Nordic Tours Thomson Vacations Touram Swiss Tourist Board Wardair American Star Lines Cruises Paramount Cruises Franklin Tours Pathway British Tourist Authority Greek Tourist Board Bermuda Tourist Board Jamaica Tourist Board Voyageur Insurance Trentway Wagner Tours Budapest Express Tours Royal Viking Cruises VIA Rail RSVP by CALLING or VISITING OUR OFFICE -- 985-2887 (PLEASE NOTE SEATS ARE LIMITED) MARLIN TRAVEL 2496 QUEEN STREET -- PORT PERRY -- 985-2887 you do that spring cleaning this year, please don't throw anything out. Donations are greatly appre- ciated and all procéeds go to the church. If you have anything to donate, please call Mr. Fred Puck- rin at 985-2627, and arrangements can be made to pick items up or pleasc take them to the home of Mr. Bill Barr on Durham Road 2, just south of the road into Seca- grave, Birthday wishes this week go to Alma Jane McClean, Margaret In- gram, Barbara Short and Ann Ma- ric Wilhelm. There will be an official board * MEALS ON WHEELS * TRANSPORTATION * FOOT CARE SCUG0G COMMUNITY CARE INFORMATION SCUGOG -- 10th Anniversary -- . General Meeting LATCHAM CENTRE - PORT PERRY 1:00 PM - THURS., MAY 12th Come and help our volunteers and helpers celebrate our first decade of service XTVOET O>=< to the community. *» D2 =< *® INFORMATION & REFERRAL * "LUNCHEON DATE" * ETC. OPENING SATURDAY APRIL 30° PRESENTS PRESENTS PRESENTS IN UXDB-R:1-D-G-E NL Meeting of the Seagrave United Church on Thursday April 28th at 8 p.m. . The Robinglade Ladies Group met last week for an informative and enjoyable talk. Thanks Bill, it was great. The winners of the draw gifts were Joan Gordon and Debbic Slute. The winner of the 50/50 draw was Gail Stewart. La- dics, please remember the next mecting is only a short time away, being Tuesday May 3rd at Marg Johansen's. That's it for this week, please call Dianc Cooke at 985-3722 with news items next week. RSVP 985-8461 * XP MI[ONZ2= + OZ2==--{==0 =rrCO>* carohyn E-willa worsley 60 BROCK STREET WEST UXBRIDGE - ONT: LOC 1KO 416) 852-9544 VET RIEU ETA R ICU UF Tao R (6: ITI ETA ITO R IZ IVI nm i ---- SAP A SE SERIA PIRI BE TH Wa I ATI ASE SIRE VD TM WPA RAIS ETS HE RRA SEE YD 5 SR BI RT aman adt od 4 "