champs. \ Bir SHOPLIFTING 1S A CRIME This message sponsored by the Port Perry Star. -- Dining Room 10 Miles North of ) Y Port Perry 2 for 1 GREEN FEES (with this coupon) (705) 351-3414 | | | Licenced | i | | on ------ A ---- A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ! | ] | | | | ~ "Come here a beginner, go home a winner." This is the slogan for the best tennis clinics offered. Pic- tured above are the winners of the- 1987 Port Perry . Tennis Club Singles tournament, Beth Charles and Jay Nelll. If you have never played tennis, but have oF FF =~ always wanted to, now is your chance to become a : Ct winner. See further details in the Tennis Racquet : : Sa column this week In the Port Perry Star. Take the : plunge, practice and play. You could make it your Individual awards were as follows: from left Marj Giroux HTH; Lynn year to be a winner and de-throne last year's club Loughlin HTF; Louise Hartney HTH; Anne Cornish HTH. In back from left The Tuesday afternoon ladies bowling league held its wrap-up banquet last week with the presentation of awards to the individuals and the top team. The award for the top team went to from left: Lynda Faichney, Muriel Moore, Chirs Tripp, Marj Giroux, Marg Pelow and Anne Glidden. Ye 4 A Marg Pelow HA; Joan Fleming HTF; and Joan Grove HTF. CLIP & SAVE ON ANY WINDSHIELD INSURANCE CLAIM DEDUCTABLE LIMIT ONE PER PURCHASE Offer expires MAY 17, 1988 mw JAYS 8 dIT) =