Doreen Van Camp ordained More Blackstock news (From page 20) Marie Gibson on the arrival of a new grandaughter - a daugher for Grace and Chris Johnston. - Another proud set of grand- parents are John and Tena Wolters with the arrival of a baby son of Debbie and Ron David. Shirley and Roy Turner enjoyed an interesting trip to many Asian countries and now Shirley is able to bring this tour to the communi- ty through the slides which she will show on Wednesday evening, June 1 at 8 p.m. in the Old Town Hall under the auspicies of the Blackstock W.I. All are welcome. There will be a voluntary collection. There were 13 tables at the weekly card party with the following winners - 1. Alex Mof- fatt 2. Carl Gimblett 3. Dorothy Beech 4. Bruce Bright 5. Ella Ven- ning 6. Harold Burnett Low - Ivan Cochrane Draws - Norman Rohrer, Dorothy Beech, Verna Slute,Richard Manns. At the annual Bay of Quinte' Conference of the United Church that was held over the past four days at Brockville our own Doreen VanCamp was ordained in a most impressive service an Sunday afternoon. Over twenty relatives and friends from this area attended the ordination. Among those attending were Doreen's mother Mr's. Margaret VanCamp, her brother and his wife, Richard and Ruby Van: Camp, her three nieces Louise Carroll of London, Lois and Glen McLeod and little Cheryl of Orono and Jill of Blackstock. Best wishes Rev. Doreen VanCamp from your friends of Blackstock. Doreen will continue her ministry at St. James in the Valley United Church north of Sudbury. While Dale Davis and Richard Choe were both attending Con- ference, worship was taken by Mavis Brodie a member of the congregation who is a commis- - - sioned deaconess of the Presbyterian Church of England. The title of her fine sermon was Reaching Out-Reaching Up. ~ Anne-Marie Hoogeveen return- ed home on Friday from her four week training period at the Moose Factory hospital in Northern On- tario. This hospital is affiliated with Queen's University School of Nursing. Among her many souvenirs from this native com- munity, is a new knowledge of helicopters. Nancy Green also has returned from her four weeks spent in a Kingston hospital as part of her training. Welcome home girls. There are still openings in the 0.N.O. Swimming bus for the first two weeks of July. If you missed registering your children call Sandy Hoskin at 986-5574, as soon as possible. Space is limited. The Spring Concert of Cart- wright Central Public School was held at the school on Tuesday evening, May 24 when an ex- cellent crowd of parents and friends attended. Jennifer Lee was an excellent M.C. The Grade 7 Band directed by Mr. J. Beirness played CanCan and Beethovens Ninth after which Miss Morton's Grade 5 Recorder Group played the Oriole, Hunters Horn and Gypsy Rover. The Har- monizers also directed by Miss, Morton delighted the audience with Music of the River, Clouds and Land of the Silver Birch. The Grade 5 and 6 group presented Tomorrow. Mrs. Hopkins and Mrs. Bradburn directed the Primary Choir when they sang Mr, Sun, Robin In The Rain, Six Little Ducks, Take Me Out To The Ball Game and The More We Get Together. Mrs. McIntosh's group of square dancers performed without a flaw. The Senior Band directed by Mr. Beirness brought the programme to a very im- pressive close with their rendition of Largo and Finale, Movin' Right Along and Northpointe Fantasy. The standing ovation produced an encore. Next year in addition to his duties at C.C.P.S., Mr. Beirness will be directing the band at the High School. The students there are looking for- ward to having him. Better health is wished for Earle Bradburn and Denzil Moore. A successful Jack and Jill Dance was held in honour of John Green and Linda Jones on Satur- day evening in Nestleton hall. A: good crown of friends and relatives attended to wish this young couple well. One exciting point of the evening was a call from Australia from Howard and Tara Bailey wishing them a hap-_ py evening. On Saturday evening over 80 Cubs and Beavers and their fathers attended the annual Father and Son Banquet held in the Rec. Centre. Thelma Wright, representing the United Church said Grace. Paul Scott chaired the evening's programme. everyone enjoyed the bountiful pot luck din- ner. Reports of the year's events were given for each division. Rainbow the Clown entertained the boys. Harvey Graham presented the Blair Graham Memorial Award to Rick Mason for best all round Cub. Cub of the- Year Award for the most merit points Lonnie McGarvey. Five Star General Awards for suc- cessfully completing the whole Cub programme - Tom Waters, Rick Mason, David McKee, Gor- don Bentley, Peter Barger & Kingsley Malcolm. Joe Williamson - Scout Leader took a group of Scouts to a special International Event which was at- tended by over 500 Scouts from Canada and U.S.A. when the War of 1812 was re-enacted. Our boys went complete with excellent costumes and wooden rifles. This will be an event which the boys will long remember. Joe should be thanked for giving them the op- portunity to attend. : On Friday evening the local Cubs and the Port Perry Cubs en- joyed a ball game at the Blackstock Ball Diamond. The locals lost the game but much fun and fellowship was enjoyed. Thirty one U.C.W. members and visitors met in the C.E. Room at 7:30 p.m., May 25 for their General Meeting, which was opened by the President, Jean Adams, with a reading entitled, "Faces". The devotional was led by ladies of the Evening Unit - Judi Mountjoy read a thought- provoking article, 'Creativity and Personal Reflections', by Virginia -West followed by the singing of the 'The Greatest Love Of All', led by Donna Kyte. Liz Henderson's reading "Enjoy God', was taken from Lois Wilson's book, "Like a. Mighty River". It was noted that the Scugog Social Planning Council would like new memberships from outside Port Perry and the Social Planning Council would like new memberships from out- side Port Perry and the Social Issues Convener outlined a new boycott on California table grapes which are heavily teated with WEDDING INVITATIONS and Accessories PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street Port Perry 985-7383 pesticides. Thelma Wright in- troduced our guest speaker, Richard Choe, who spoke of Christianity and Mission in his native Korea and also of the feel- ing of Koreans and other im- migrants in Canada - especially those who "look' different. Benediction, led by Richard, brought the meeting to a close. The Cowboy Says: 6 cylinder } PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 31, 1988 -- 29 RONALD D. BRIDGEWATER, Ba. Lis. LAW OFFICES 38 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY 985-8491 -- providing 14 years experience in -- REAL ESTATE -- INCORPORATIONS FAMILY LAW -- WILLS -- ESTATES 1983 FORD F150 PICKUP LETS] 1985 DODGE CARAVAN one owner, low miles, all original, spotless. 1984 FORD F150 PICKUP 6 cylinder, silver & black, auto Po -- 2 Year Warranty on Most Units -- 1981 FORD F150 PICKUP 6 cylinder, stick, $ 2 tone paint, 4 995 h.d. suspension 9 a i The saga continues ... PORT PERRY CARS TO DISCOVER COW BOY ™) XY \\ switzer = MOTORS ey Hwy. 7A & Water Street & wv Water Street & Hwy. 7A My, at Knopp's Corners wen. 985-2368 vir. A » San Pla "a NNN CANNY SD») AP 2B RE SN