PORT PERRY STAR -- Toesday; June 77988 -- 4} Legal Notice Work Wanted country 'Lane REALTY LIMITED 985-735I1 Hwy. 7A & High Stre~t, Port Perry, Ontario OPEN HOUSE Saturday, June 11, 1988 -- 1:00 - 4:00 P.M. 570 Walsh Drive - Perry Glen Estates JUST LISTED - 4 bedroom, 2 storey home, master ensuite, main floor family room, double garage, «situated within walking distance of all amenities. +: Priced to sell at $189,900.00. al OPEN HOUSE bo jjSaturday, June 11, 1988 -- 1:00 - 4:00 P.M. #4 70 Chester Cres., Perry Glen Estates 7 Large 4 bedroom brick and aluminum Port Perry - home backs onto bush and creek - separate, formal .' dining room = curved oak staircase - main floor fami- 'ly and laundry room - large master bedroom has 4 ." pc. ensuite - double garage - Listed at $209,900.00. a ny OPEN HOUSE Sunday, June 12, 1988 -- 1:00 - 4:00 P.M. 212 ACRES - $194,500.00 - ENJOY SWIMMING AND FISHING in your own pond this summer - 4 bedroom bungalow with full walkout - oak floors - custom, fully appreciate. DIRECTIONS: Hwy. No. 57 (New Scugog) to 4th Conc. (Blackstock) - turn east and follow signs. BEAUTIFUL SUNSETS OVER LAKE SCUGOG -3 ' bedroom brick and cedar home with deeded lake ac- | cess - ground floor family room with brick fireplace | 'and professionally built English Pub style bar - separate dining room - well landscaped lot 80° x 200' - oversize double car garage - Fralick's Beach - listed at $212,900.00. EN a g A A me Br Ye a PIR ATS win HT i a RD LD Td os ' GREAT SUMMER GET AWAY - Well kept, vinyl sid- ed, 2 bedroom cottage on large, treed lot - Listed at w $74,500.00. MEMBER OF THE OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD (MLS SERVICE) ~ country kitchen, etc. - you must see this property to FULLY WINTERIZED WATERFRONT COTTAGE - $129,900.00 - 3 bedroom - 4 pc. bathroom - insulated sunroom overlooking lake - nicely landscaped lot - westerly exposure - appliances included - pleasure 0 show. GOOD STARTER HOME -- CAESAREA - 3 bedrooms, vinyl siding - Listed at $79,900.00. JUST LISTED - SPOTLESS 3 BEDROOM vinyl clad bungalow - hardwood floors - full basement - drapes - frig, stove and wood burning stove included - must be seen! Located north of Port Perry 15 minutes. $114,900.00. DON'T MISS THIS HOME - $143,900.00 - Lovely angelstone & aluminum 3 bedroom backsplit in Port Perry - eat-in kitchen - finished basement has recrea- tion lounge and stove plus 4th bedroom - large rear deck - must be seen. Call for details. Beautiful angelstone & brick bungalow has 3 bedrooms plus 1 down - large eat-in kitchen - stone fireplace in recreation lounge, walkout basement, main floor laundry - central vac - Located north of Port Perry. $149,900.00. CAWKER"S CREEK - 3 year old cusjom built home - 3 bedrooms - large kitchen - main floor laundry room - 1v2 car attached garage - Quality plus - large lot listed at $199,900.00. 2 NEW HOMES - PORT PERRY on full services - both are 3 bedroom, brick bungalows with attached garage - August possession - quality construction - priced to sell at $164,900.00 and $178,500.00 - Call for further details. # . J INVESTMENT -4 PLEX RESIDENTIAL APART- MENT BUILDING - Older 3 storey brick building in excellent condition. Listed at $187,000.00 - Vendor will take back mortgage. AFTER HOURS: Ralph Fairman, F.R.l., C.R.A. ... Res.: 985-2160 Winda Walsh ......................... Res.: 986-4335 Yvonne Burnett ...................... Res.: 986-5250 Robin Parish .................... Res.: 705-439-2173 Gail Scala .........oocovvvviviniiiinnnn. Res.: 985-9395 Keith Puckrin ............ccoueiniin, RES: 985-2489 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the Estate of SYDNEY HERBERT CHANDLER, late of the Township of Scugog, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 3rd day of May, 1988 are hereby notified to send to the undersign- ed on or before the 7th day of Ju- ly, 1988, fuil particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ontario this 3rd day of June 1988. FOWLER, DAVIES, Barristers and Solicitors, 175 North Street, P.O. Box 131, PORT PERRY, Ontario, LOB INO Solicitors for Ralph Rodney Chandler .and Bernard Trevor Chandler, Executors of the above estate. Ji Work Wanted HEALTH CARE AID - mature woman available for the needs of chronic & terminally ill. Family relief - light housekeeping - will travel. For interview call 1-428-3470 (Myrtle area) Frances. J 28 CUSTOM ROUND baling 4, 5, or 6 foot bales. Wells & Mark Pehlman 985-9842 or 985-7568 after 6 p.m. TF LICENCED CARFENTER, custom renovations, additions, framing, trim. General wood- working workmanship - guaranteed - reasonable. 985-8574. J 4 PROFESSIONAL wall papering & painting. Reasonable rates. Call Roy Povey 986-0371. TF TYPING SERVICE. No job too small. Resumes, reports, thesis, statements, Office Overload let- ters, etc. Reasonable rates. Hum- mingbird Word Processing 852-5765. TF PROFESSIONAL painting & papering. Reasonable. Call Kevin 985-9024 or 852-5276. "TF PROFESSIONAL NANNY, mature, experienced, non: smoker, with transportation - new to area - specialized infant care -- resume & references available, live out - days only. 985-0070. S & G TYPING, business letters, general correspondence, resumes, reports, 'addressing & mailing, confidential work. Reasonable rates. Pick-up & delivery. For all your typing needs call 985-9347 after 5p.m.J 14 MORRIS Home Improvements, home renovations, basements, bathrooms, handyman service etc. Work fully guaranteed. Free estimates. NO JOB TOO SMALL. Call 985-3663+ TF ELECTRIC Fencer Servize repairs to all CSA approved makes. Mobile repair shop at Lindsay Sale Barn every Friduy. Come early for same day servic2. Walter Wright, Blackstock. 416-986-4818. "F DOG GROOMING. Professional by Lynne. All breeds. Located in the Port Perry Pet Shop. 985-8165 or 985-7681. TF BRIAN THE HANDYMAN - Yu Name It | Do It, no job too small or big. Will do interior, exterior painting & decorating, grass cut- ting, patios, sod laying. 10 yeers experience in all of above. Reasonable rates - Call anytirie 986-0482. _. New Homes - Additior s + General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Asphalt Roofing Aluminum Siding - Soffit Free Estimates Given with No Obligation P.0. BOX 608, PORT FERRY OFFICE: 985-8216 'NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 ~~ -- DJR -- MOBILE SANDBLASTING Steel t.. 263-864 Log Homes Concrete . Trailers Painting 2 BARR'S & 416-986-4277 ROOFING -- SHEET METAL -- SKYLIGHTS FLAT ROOFS -- SHINGLES -- PRE-PAINTED STEEL SIDING - SOFFIT - TROUGH - SUNROOMS - SOLARIUMS 20 Years Experience A MEMBER OF THE RAINBOW GR UP 3 BASCOM STREF ( UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO LOC 1KO 852-9677 For a complete range of signs, please visit our shop or call to have our Mobile Showroom Truck visit at your location. R. ASHTON General Contracting -- specializing in -- SIDING, SOFFIT & EAVESTROUGH ROOFING * DECKS & PORCHES » RENOVATIONS & REPAIRS ort 852-3273 ee Lm a le A a a mi, a Stl ve rn dl pal oto pred ed RT ao