TT 8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 7 1988 J Random Jottings (From page 6) statement is right or wrong doesn't really matter, but the fact that he is describing an average family would indicate he is - way off track. There are many more little inaccuracies in the article, such as the one that suggests that there are "high booze bills" for the weekend (does this mean we drink a lot be- cause we live in the country), but | think that we have point- ed out enough. In fairness to our Globe writer he did get a few things correct. He says that Port Perry is situated 50 kilometers northeast of Toronto (V); that Lake Scugog cottage country is the final "frontier" for Torontonians seeking the perfect tiny commuter community (V); we wake up to gunfire every morning during the fall hunting season(V); our yards are so big it takes an "our and a half to cut the lawn a); and if you ~ commute you can spend about two and a half hours a day in your car(Y). But most of the other information in this full-page feature are inaccurate and misleading to the public, and | for one re- sent Port Perry being slapped in the face by a writer who (in al probability) has little or no knowledge of rural community ife. In picking an "average family" who have obviously not lived in a small community for any length of time, who quite likely are not involved in many groups or organizations, and have not as yet acquire the "roots" necessary to appreciate life out of the fast lane, does the article and Port Perry and injustice. ' Next time the Globe & Mail decides to describe a com- munity maybe they should speak to someone who is aver- age, but has lived in the area for a good part of their life. | am sure the story would have a completely different outlook. TRUFFLE _- of the week _--_-- Grand Marnier 20° OFF 182 Queen St., Port Perry OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 to 10 sD OP Ro re AND &h DONUTS YARD SALE SATURDAY JUNE 11 - 9AM to 5 PM We were privileged to buy out a bankruptcy, and now that our showroom i ing our surplus inventory to you at bargain prices - merchandise from th merchandise, and some UNIQUE items we've acquired. This list will give you an idea of Kitchen cabinet sets, individual pieces, both new and used; vanities; kitchen and bathroom counterto S; kitch- rts; arborite and formica sheets; particle board sheets; white a melamine sheets, up to 60"x100"; steel door frame 2'8"x6'8"; used doors, steel work bench counter; wood work-bench tops; steel column and arm for hoist; old one horse cutter: plastic pipe; belt sander & grinder, Cooper & Horton SB6x12 1HP; drill press; Blum mini press MSP; Bosch cabinet door template; wood shut- en cabinet doors and cabinet able grass trimmer; Ot ters; metal office Storage cabinet, Broan 30" range hood fan, oak baseboard, ceramic tile, mirror; recharge- = = XV, _ s almost complete, we are offer- e bankruptcy, as well as regular r items will be added to this list, all items subject to prior to sale. "PRODUCTS & SERVICES FOR THE BUILDING INDUSTRY" (416) 852-7722 DURHAM RD. 23 x oncossiens R.R.4 UXBRIDGE Council rejects request from recreation group A request by a citizens com- mittee for money to continue looking at ways to expand recrea- tion facilities in Scugog has been turned down by the Township council. Council made that decision Monday afternoon. Several weeks ago, members of the citizens committee, formed late last fall, had requested about $5,000 which would be used to prepare some preliminary plans for recreation facilities in the com- munity. The committee members have been working on their own look- ing at recreation facilities in other communities similar in size to Scugog Township. : While members of council praised the committee for the -work and effort, they were not pre- parcd to allocate any Township money. Both councillor Lawrence Malcolm and Yvonne Christie suggested that any plans to en- large or create new facilities should officially come from exist- ing committees, like the Arena Board. And councillor Harvey Gra- ham noted that the Township doesn't have the funds to devote to any major new recreation facili- Bronze medal won by Leanne (From page 3) Winnipeg. Her plane arrived in Winnipeg May 15, and practically the first thing she did after settling in at the University of Manitoba (where she stayed in residence) was set up her project, a long, time- consuming task. By Monday May 16, judging began with eight judges touring all projects and asking questions. Many projects were disqualified on the 16th, but not Leanne's. On Tuesday the finalists were barraged by questions from 32 judges, and Leanne literally lost her voice by the end of the day. "All day Tuesday, I talked and talked. And I was practically on my feet all day," she says with a smile. What's more she had to wait un- til Friday to hear the results. In the meantime, all the science fair entrants were treated to tours and special attractions. Qo om 2 Q SPECIALS twill be available. almond "They took us all around the province," she says. Some of the highlights of Leanne's trip included a ride on an old-fashioned paddle-boat down the Red River, and a tour of a bird sanctuary. Not to mention making new friends and re-newing old friend- ships with people she'd met at last year's all-Canada science fair. But the real crunch came on Fri- day during the awards ceremony-- Leanne said it lasted five and a half hours! During that Academy Awards- style ceremony, Leanne's name came up three times--and she was pretty surprised at the results. "I did a lot better than last year," Leanne says. But she's planning on doing even better next year, and know- ing Leanne, she probably will. 12'/>-hp Lawn Tractors ties, especially with the possibili- ty of a new Township office being constructed in the next few years. Port Perry lawyer Bryan Da- vies, one of the founding mem- "bers of the committee, said Mon- day that he's disappointed at the action taken by council, but he suspects the committee will con- tinue to work and meet on a regu- lar basis. He suggested that the issue of recreation and sports facilities for Scugog should get a thorough public airing in the up-coming municipal election campaign this fall. That would be one way to find out just how strongly the public feels about recreation facilities in the Township, he suggested. AN NOUNCEMENT Ruth Cox of Port Perry and Wayne Cox of Port Perry are hap- py to announce the forthcoming marriage of their son, Jeffrey John Brinson to Melisa Jane, ! daughter of Janice and Robert Green of Hamilton on July 16, 1988 at Port Perry United Church. DEERE SEASON 3a | JOHN DEERE The 160 with 5-speed transaxle and 165 with hydrostatic drive, each with 38-in. cut. Rustproof fiberglass hood encloses engine for quieter operation. Full pressure engine lubrication. Triple-safety starting. Tilting seat. Sector-and- pinion steering. Full-length steel frame. Low fuel indicator. Rear bagger and other attachments available. MODEL 160 ................... reg. price $3050. DISCOUNT....... sous WHILE SUPPLIES 2950 LAST! UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT 2 Miles West of Manchester Monday to Friday 8 AM to 5 PM, Saturday 8 AM to Noon $100.00 286-9701