PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, June 14 1988 -- 11] BEST SELECTION OF =l=]=MelVV/ [Je Ney.N=i- WE g o]0 la] &- Old-fashioned fun plan for Canada Day, July 1 at Philp Pontiac-Buick Limited -- PRE-OWNED CARS -- '87 PONTIAC PARISIENNE SAFARI WAGON Ashburn and Area News O PaSSENGEr, Air CONGItIONEY ...........c..vereeeeeeeeereeeeeeaeneseseesinenens .. $17,900. 'by Florence Ashton '87 BUICK REGAL LIMITED COUPE - C 4 . dark blue, 5000 km., air CONAItIONEN .........ccc..ccevveiieirieeeiiereaeiiieeeninenienas $17,900. anada Day (. (July 1) is fast ap- day when Elaine Kni ht, '87 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME BROUGHAM proaching. Plan to join together day of Theo & Joan Kright SUNY GQUIPPEL .... ovr rrsvsssmsmsssersvrsnsessmpmnohtbonatbbeesaiidss sibsnnis nce ess spent siugesons dt 6 900. with your friends & family at became the bride of James Ew- '87 PONTIAC 6000 LE SEDAN S14 0. Ashburn Park. The day begins ing, son of Mrs. Ellen Ewing of power windows & locks, air CONItiONEr ................ccceeiiieiiieniiieiieiieiieenn, Nels with a pancake breakfast at 8:30 Niagara Falls, Ontario. Rev. '87 PONTIAC GRAND AM LE SEDAN $14.900 A.M. Events include: Pied Piper Stuart McEntyre officiated, with V6, automatic, air conditioner ..............ccccooeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir een 3 uw & Mouse Parade, most elegant Rita Davidchuk presiding at the '87 BUICK CENTURY CUSTOM SEDAN s14 200 ankle (ladies) & cap'n hat contest organ. air conditioner, low km., ON OWNEr :.............ocooiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee 9 bu (for all), human Maple Leaf & Our congratulations and best '87 PONTIAC SUNBIRD SEDAN Sz) 600 Ashburn' Flyby & Singby Too wishes to the happy couple as they 4 cylinder, automatic, radio, 33,000 Km. ..........cccoeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiienni [ " Clowns, tug-o-war, crafts, side take up residence in Brampton. '87 PONTIAC ACADIAN HATCHBACK SEDAN SE} 100 shows & races, competitions, The Ladies' Bible Class met at automatic, balance of 3 year warranty .................cooooii 9 u prizes, limerick contest, balloon the home of Bernice Gardner last '86 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX BROUGHAM COUPE 5 4 500 release, funniest face (guys) - -not Wednesday evening, with 11 one owner original, all the extras ...............ccoccoiiiiiiii, [ u wearing a mask, but making your ladies present. We opened the '86 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME SEDAN S12 900 own facial contortions, and much meeting with the singing of Trust V8, AM/FM stereo, DUCE CRY ..cvviviviiiviinnissrmicisssnssahs sane ss ss s 44a 4481 SERVANT CHEER ERTR LS 9 a more. Bring a picnic lunch for and Obey. The scripture from '86 PONTIAC GRAND AM COUPE S10 (@ | later. Psalm 24 was read by Aldine 4 cylinder, automatic, air conditioner .................cccceviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 8 0. The entries to the limerick con- Wick. The meditation was titled '86 BUICK REGAL CUSTOM COUPE S10 S900 test can be left at Ashburn Store. "Touch God's Earth." Prayer by automatic, air, 44,000 KM. .........coooiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ea [ - The balloon release will conclude Margaret Davis. '86 CHEVROLET CAPRICE SEDAN 3910) this "big day"' at2o 'clock, with Florence Ashton was in charge V8, automatic, air, good size family car ..........ooniiiiii ee 200. a picture of everyone present in of the study, and drew a parallel '85 BUICK PARK AVENUE SEDAN M5 4 oO the form of a Maple Leaf. This to the hymn "A Mighty Fortress flawless silver finish, fully optioned ..................cc.o [ oO [] event is sponsored by the Com- Is Our God" and Psalm 46. This '85 OLDSMOBILE DELTA 88 ROYALE SEDAN : B : munity Centre. A lot of work and beautiful old hymn of the church air conditioner, many power assist Options ..............ccoeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnn. 1 a! , 800. { organizing has gone into the plan- was composed by Martin Luther '85 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX BROUGHAM S12 \ ning of this day, for your enjoy- inthe year 1592, at a critical time T-bar roof, luxurious brougham appointments ..............cccccceeeiiiiiinnnnnnn. 1 900. \ ment. If anyone could volunteer, in his life. Psalm 46 was also writ- '85 PONTIAC 6000 STE SEDAN B } their time for half an hour during ten during a critical time. A poem Special Touring Edition, two-tone grey, sun roof .........................ee. 1 fe 900. | the day, kindly call 655-8930, titled "We Do Not Walk Alone" '85 BUICK LeSABRE LIMITED SEDAN 5 655-3496 or 655-4652. was read. The meeting closed Local one owner car, beautiful options ..............cccoooiiiiiiiniii 12,900. g A beautiful wedding was solem- with prayer. Lovely refreshments '85 PONTIAC 6000 LE SEDAN Ss oO 7 (=) (=) nized in Burns Church last Satur- were served by Aldine Wick and Wey OTA 2 ir, DCR: soa. CONSOI oni [' an hostess. | oul hosted meeting will be held in ; 4 a SKYLARK i Fagen Eo RRA RRA AERA TE ET ITT RT EN REEL CREATE URA A 9 800. epte t th f n ust mst at the home of Joa V6 automatic, sun roof, only 55,000 km. ...........ccccooiiiiiiiiiie 8 , 8600. Swim" We extend our sincere sym- '85 PONTIAC SUNBIRD HATCHBACK COUPE Bs spc les pathy to Gary & Erline Young and 4 cylinder, 5 speed, bucket seats, console ...................cocoiiiii 7,800. 9.50 family in the recent passing of '85 CHEVROLET IMPALA SEDAN 2 800 Erlyne's mother, and also to Ray metallic brown finish, V8, automatic, radio .................cccccciiiiii, [ . | & Norma Ingleton in the passing '85 FORD ESCORT SEDAN = of Norma's mother. ideal second car, 4 cylinder, automatic, blue ................................. rere 6,700. It was nice to have Rev. Stuart '85 PONTIAC SUNBIRD HATCHBACK PORT PERRY McEntyre with us back in the automatic, sun roof, light blue... Pr ------ £6,000. CLINIC pulpit on Sunday morning. Debbie '84 PONTIAC PARISIENNE BROUGHAM % HOGAN'S Batten & Doug Ashton read the air conditioner, cassette, Clean ..............coiiiiiiiiiii ieee S 900. HEARING AID Scripture portions. The choir sang '84 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS CIERRA BROUGHAM : sg [= (=) oO "Open My Eves That I May See". automatic, air, power OPtiIONS .............coooiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ea [] CENTRE Open My Ey y 3 of Port Perry Rev. McEntyres sermon title was 84 BUICK LeSABRE LTD COUPE 5 9 o © 3 "Reckoning With Death". His air conditioner, sun roof, lots of extras ................iccccoonii [ . DENNIS J. HOGAN text was from Philippians 1, verse "84 PONTIAC 6000 LE SEDAN Sey 230 Queen Street 9 'F live i ist 2 air, designer two-tone brown finish .............c..ccoeiiiiiiiinin 8,900. + NOTE NEW NUMBER * , 'For me to live is Christ and to 3 die is gain'. The sermon next Sun- '84 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER SEDAN S i 985-4422 day will be "A God and a Father maroon finish, clean, uncertified ...............cccoceeiririreneneneniceeencce eee, 7,200. Like Jesus'. '84 CAVALIER HATCHBACK COUPE 5 0 Church school each Sunday at automatic, air conditioner, light blue ............. OS =] 3° 00. T 10 a.m. with morning worship at '83 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS SUPREME BROUGHAM sg) ' WED. ONLY 11:15 a.m. We are always happy V6, air conditioner, smart white finish ..............cccooiiiiirii 900. 1 5PM to have friends and visitors join : -- _-- prey REXPT me---- OR ST with us. ib E 2 ? (PIRES : ai fi ee PRE-OWNED TRUCKS ee '87 GMC JIMMY 4 WHEEL DRIVE for students only dd full size, 305 V8, automatic, air, only 14,000 km. ........ errr... 31 9,000. '87 GMC SLX SAFARI TOURING VAN PERM 8 passenger, air conditioner, Many eXtras ..............ccccceceevererrerevererereennn. £17,500. '87 CHEV 'S' PICKUP SPECIAL ShOTt BOX, Cap, lINEF, 32,000 KM. ..ccccccescccerssceeerssnsessssnsesessssssssssnssseeees £8,700. : '86 GMC SLE SAFARI VAN fl lots of seats for whole family, air conditioner ...........................ll 1 6,300. Ph '86 GMC SAFARI VAN Cut & Style Included , 8 passenger, AM/FM radio, 37,000 KM. .........c.ccevmveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenn, 15,700. | Reg. 47.00 '85 GMC SIERRA 3/4 TON, PICKUP . | S 5 0 { 4 wheel drive, 350 V8, automatic, snow blade & harness ............................ & , 800. \ '85 GMC HIGH SIERRA 1/2 TON PICKUP S39 V8, automatic, air conditioner, radio ....................ccooiiiniiin £9,900. ] 10 ADDITIONAL PICKUPS, BLAZERS, JIMMIES and SAFARI VANS NOW READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY and PRICED TO SELL! | -- Over 200 New and Used Cars and Trucks available for Immediate Delivery. | -- Marketing Package Credits included on Eligible New Models -- Instant Cash Credits or Rebates on Eligible New Models until June 30th, 1988 (Shoulder length hair or longer, extra.) Please present your High School ID Card. PERM SPECIAL EFFECTIVE WED., JUNE 15 to JUNE 22/88 -- 9.9% INTEREST RATES on Unpaid Balances up to $8,000. for 36 Mo. on Approved Credit * (* 1984 and later Pre-owned Units - offer expires June 18, 1988) -- FREE Full Tank of Fuel with each New Vehicle or Denicnsizamr. HAIR FASHIONS -- FREE Half Tank of Fuel with each Pre-owned Vehicle (Wholesale units excluded) FOR THE FAMILY One BIG Location on Port Perry's South Side! PHILP 176 PERE RY PONTIAC-BUICK LIMITED a | 10 Vanadward Dr., Port Perry 285-8474 [== . SALE HOURS: Monday to Thursday 9 AM to 9 PM; Friday to 5 PM; Saturday to 4 PM sss. / SINCE 1976 * PONTIAC - BUICK - GMC TRUCKS Open Six Days a Week -- Wed., Thurs., Friday Evenings