Township strike continues . (From page 1) gotiate, The current salary range for the 11 i is from $10,920 to $18,270, with the median be- ing about $15,000 per year. The Township offer of $2,000 across the board represented an in- crease of about 12 per cent (on av- erage) Councillor Graham said the council simply is not prepared to offer more than that in a single year, though he acknowleded that the municipal salaary range is low when compared to others. Another factor he cited in the Township's offer was the sick- leave buy-out negotiated earlier this year for all municipal em- ployees with the Township. Accummulated sick-leave days were "bought out" on a 50 cents on a dollar basis. Thus, if an em- ployee had 100 sick leave days, he/she was paid the salary equival- ent of 50 working days. One sore point with the CUPE members was the raise giv- en management staff this spring in the $5,000 range. Councillor Graham defended the raises given to management, saying council felt management's workload and responsibilities have increased, and "they deserve to be compensated for this," And he said he takes exception to the CUPE members comparing ~ their wage demands with those given to management. "I don't like it. It is like comparing apples and oranges," he said. With the 11 employees off the job, management is trying to keep the municipal business function- ing. Mr. Cherry said the strikers on the picket line are not attempt- ing to stop or discourage the gen- -eral public from crossing the line to do business in the Township office. But some citizens have de- clined on their own to cross the line. | The 11 office workers werc certified into the CUPE Local 1785 earlier this year. Once this dispute is settled and a first con- tract signed, they will become members of the same bargaining unit as the outside employccs, whose contract expires on January 1, 1989. If the strike goes beyond ten business days, the strikers will be able to draw $20 per day strike ay. P Y And Mr. Cherry told the Star that other CUPE Locals in Dur- ham Region are already starting to come forward with money for the Scugog employees. Meanwhile the 11 striking employees have written a letter to the editor about their wage dc- mands. That letter is printed in its en- tircty on the "letters to the editor" page in this week's Port Perry tar. Vandals damage fairground There have been several re- rts recently of vandalism at the airgrounds in Blackstock. lice say there has been mi- ner damage to the grandstand and other property on the grounds. Police are asking residents of Blackstock who may see people . loitering at the Fairgrounds to call them immediately, so a cruiser can be dispatched to the scene. Bring your outdoor living plans to the experts at Lake Scugog Lumber ... we can supply you with everything you'll need to make your summertime surroundings more enjoyable. DECK OUT YOUR HOME FOR FAMILY FUN! * Stain (plus Tax) TRENT TIMBER = Vd PRESSURE PATIO T= | TREATED | SLABS | : (NET PRICES) 12x24" ....... each 2.35 1 X6 X5 coin fpatd 24x24" each 4.15 1 XO X60 coe , 1. " 2X AXE oo 2.99 DANE as Buch 4.91 4X4 X8 oon 6.29 DELIVERY INCLUDED 2X4 eon eens lin.ft. 38a 2X8 coe aeons lin.ft. .83 2X10 iii, lin.ft. 1.23 2x12... eee ------------ lin.ft. 1.59 (16" lengths only) 4X4 een, lin.ft. .81 | Ry 6X6 eerie lin.ft. 2.06 Seg | 1X 6 coon. lin.ft. 33 pif to 3 CRC SHINGLES 10 Year - Bundle 15 Year - Bundle 8x8 GARDE N SHED 9.79 20 EXTRA PER 11.79 * Trusses * Aspenite Flooring 79 * Shingles * Hardware COME IN AND SEE OUR THOMPSON'S WATER SEAL INFORMATION VIDEO Tnakila Power] Add the charm of Lattice " | to your outdoor living! No. 181020 or... 429.95 PRESSURE TREATED LATTICE No. 2708 ov... 399.9D | trxen 2nxen anion J 89 1 YL ve arcursivy ag gn | Roy [BYE ow" TR 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) wityd PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - PHONE 985-7391 centre ROOF TRUSS DIVISION - PHONE 985-3121 . [VARIA 1 i{0]0]V]ef 1 e QUALIFIED SERVICE ® COMPETITIVE PRICING