uid de ER . at cle aad. a on od ALL a -_ ss 30 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, August 23, 1988 Cartwright Minor Softball finals held (From page 26) Kyte, Mike Carlson and Sharon Locke. Catching was done by Brad Vokins and Bill Duncan with back-up from Johnathan McCourt, Wendy Handyside and Eric Vetter. Congratulations to the Kinsmen for an outstanding season and for winning the championship for the Intermediate Division. The finals for the Senior Divi- sion were held in Blackstock on August 20th. The first games started at 8:00 a.m. and the last one was not played until 4:00 p.m. It was a long but exciting day! Blackstock Country Hardware met Cummings Backhoe at the high school. Michelle Morton and Cliff Pelrine both played an in- credible game. Michelle had a tri- ple, a double and a single to her credit as well as a great catch and ANTONIE'S MOVING -- to the shops -- "JUST AROUND THE CORNER' 143 PERRY STREET - PORT PERRY -- and we're having a -- MOVING SALE all in-stock yarns 20% OFF August 22nd to August 27th, 1988 JAMES WOODS squeamish.' NOW AVAILABLE ON VIDEO .a wrenching thriller. . "This one I liked. Good action, good acting, pit of your stomach suspense.' "James Woods i is a 9+ in this movie. JAMES WOODS .not for the Jeffrey Lyons Joel Stegel Gary Franklin 68 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY 985-9888 Sunday to Thursday -- Noon to 9:00 PM Friday & Saturday -- Noon to 9:00 PM also available at 76 Baldwin St., Brooklin outstanding work on the mound. Cliff hit a triple, and a double and made three great catches. He was also responsible for two excep- tional double plays at second along with Jamie Lowe on first. Other doubles were hit by Christie Corden (2), Sean O'Donoghue, Kevin Goble and Jamie Lowe. Singles were hit by Jason Mac- Donald, Kevin Goble (2), Stacey Swain, Jamie Lowe, Jay Buma (2) and Christie Corden. Two outstanding catches were made by Jamie Lowe. Blackstock Country Hardware won with a score of 16-9. Blackstock Country Hardware then played Blackstock Lions at the Fairgrounds in Blackstock. This was a close and exciting game with the Lions victorious 17-16. Three grand slams were hit by B.C.H. Gne by Cliff Pelrine and the other two by Kevin Goble. Kevin also hit a triple and made a great catch out in field. Christie Corden, Derek Seeley and Michelle Morton hit doubles. Michelle also hit two singles and made an outstanding catch on the mound. Christie hit a single and made a great catch. Singles were hit by Sean O'Donoghue, Jason MacDonald, Jamie Lowe, Jay Buma (2), Stacey Swain, Jenny Gainey and David Kett. Cliff Pelrine had a great catch to his credit. The championship gan.e for the Senior Division was played by Blackstock Lions and Blackstock Country Hardware. Cliff Pelrine hit a home run, a single and made a great catch. Doubles were hit by Derek Seeley, Jay Buma and Stacey Swain. Singles were hit by Sean O'Donoghue, Christie Cor- den, David Kett, Jason Mac- Donald, Jay Buma (2), Jamie Lowe (2) and Michelle Morton. Outstanding catches were made by Jason MacDonald in right field at Christie Corden on the mound. Christie & Michelle did an excep- tional job of pitching during the finals and Jay Buma did a great job as backcatcher. The players worked together as a team and ended up in second place. Congratulations to Blackstock Lions who won the championship for the Senior Division. Their perseverance, team spirit and hard work really payed off. The league would like to recognize and thank the sponsors for their support. Your efforts are appreciated greatly. The sponsors for 1988 were: Asselstine's Yamaha, Blackstock Country Hardware, Blackstock Lions, Blackstock Lioness, Causeway Esso, Cummings Backhoe, Don Frew and Sons, H & M Wright Feed Co. Ltd., Maltheb Farms, Paula Lishman, Port Perry Kinsmen, Super Spud, Swain Seeds Cleaners and Dealers Ltd., Roy Turner - Turners Greenhouse. Thanks also to everyone involv- ed in organizing and running the league. Organizers, coaches, scorekeepers, umpires, parents and players all work together to make minor ball a meaningful and enjoyable experience for all! See you next year!! Eastern Ontario Ferguson clan holds holds 51st reunion Blackstock and Area News by Joyce Kelly The Eastern Ontario Division of the Ferguson clan, held their 51st annual picnic at Nestleton Park on July 23 with a beautiful day and a lovely park for a setting. 48 people - 4 from Alberta, gathered for the event. There was a good percentage of children, assuring many more Ferguson clan picnics. A smorgasbord style lunch was enjoyed inside, then childrens games and other activities were conducted outside, including a - business meeting under a shady tree. Gary Mountjoy, Whitby, after cherishing his cherry pit spitting trophy for one year, turned it over to John Elliott of Port Hope. An informative display was set up inside, tracing the clan history from emigration from County Cavan, Ireland of Sam and Sarah Ferguson and their 12 children, to the present time. The family tree book first published in 1925, up- dated and reprinted in 1965, is be- ing updated by computer ready for a future reprinting. This is one of 3 picnics held in Canada each year. See you all July 23, 1989. As this is the week of our Blackstock Fair which is indeed a truly community event, there will be few households in the area that are not involved with the many preparations necessary. If anyone wishes to become more in- volved call either president Rol- ly Coy or Joyce Kelly to volunteer to become part of this great an- nual event. Any organization or group who wishes to enter a team of four in the Farm Olympics call Elizabeth Luke at 986-4698. It is a fun event that should be enjoyable. Many, many local residents en- joy the annual C.N.E. at Toronto these days. The cooler weather will be welcome for a day at the Xx. Hoskin Stables entries did ex- tremely well in their classes. Con- gratulations Shirley and Terry. Rev. and Mrs. Merle Thompson of Regina, Saskatchewan were Tuesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Betty and Jack Lee are enjoy- ing entertaining Betty's sister-in- law and her family from England. Guests are Mrs. Angela Lonsdale, her son Martin and wife Heather with their daughter Claire from Radford, Yorkshire. We hope you enjoy visiting our area. There were 14 tables at the Senior Citizens card party on Tuesday evening with the follow- ing winners: 1. Richard Manns with the fine score of 96; 2. Charlie Campbell; 3. Kevin Mar- tin; 4. Dorothy Edwards; 5. Harold Burgess; 6. Norman Rohrer. Low - Stan Wright. Draws were won by Richard Manns who certainly enjoyed a great evening, Rose Darrington, Clarence Masters and Kathleen Watts. On Saturday Trix and Bart VanRyswyk celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a fami- ly party on the lawn of their home. All members of their family, their grandchildren and great- grandchildren attended this hap- py event. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. VanRyswyk. Last Sunday Walter and . Audrey Wright visited Elaine and Grant Young, Holi and their grandchild Kirstie at Hamilton. Connie and Ernie Swain celebrated their 40th wedding an- .niversary with an Open House at their home on Sunrise Drive. Many friends and ::2latives at- tended this happy occasion. On Thursday evening a com- munity shower in honour of bride- to-be Elizabeth Kelly was held at the C.E. Room of the United Church with Peggy Larmer, Marilyn Green hosting. After the many lovely gifts were opened Elizabeth replied fittingly. A tas- ty lunch and social time was enjoyed. This is indeed the season for weddings. This weekend local girls became beautiful brides. On Saturday a lovely wedding recep- tion was held at the home of Kathy and Neil McLaughlin and family in honour of Kathy's sister Susan Gunter and Lorne Bagel who had been married on Wednesday. On Saturday Susan Traquair and Michael White were married in the United Church in a beautiful wedding by Rev. D.. Davis. Also at the United Church Eleanor Gibson and Wayne Mac- Donald were married in the United Church with the reception and dance held at the Recreation Centre. Best wishes to all these young couples. Construction continues on the addition to the arena and Recrea- tion Centre. When it is completed it should be an excellent addition to the facilities. Roger and Kathy Hewitt and son Richard of Thornhill visited her grandmother Flora Samells one day last week. The Blackstock Women's In- stitute held a picnic at the home of Harold and Eileen McLaughlin. At this picnic'District President Mrs. Vi Ashton was in attendance. A very special event took place when five members received special honour presented by their daughters or daughters-in-law. The honoured ladies were: Mrs. Margaret VanCamp, Mrs. Muriel Hoskin, Mrs. Lorenza McArthur and Mrs. Flora Samells who received life memberships and Mrs. Helen Bradburp who was presented with her certificate of merit. A gift of appreciation was also presented to Jean Ferguson who prints the programmes. A delightful time of visiting was enjoyed. (Turn to page 31) Country Lane Hwy "Despite all the complaints about the high cost of living, most of us still think it's worth it." 7A & High Street, Port Perry, Ontario | | | | | {