Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 4 Apr 1989, p. 10

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10 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 4, 1989 Off The Top Cutting the Red Tape Sometimes the system really gets to me. All the bureaucra- cy and tomfoolery which one to go through everyday just to operate In this society. And it shows no sign of getting better. To travel abroad today you need to have a passport, ar- ¢ for a visa, clear any fancy equipment with customs be- forehand, get a doctor to verify that you have had the right shots, get flight insurance, a ical plan and the list goes on. Even gmpe, daily things seem to require more form filling and identification submitting. To have a telephone installed in Blackstock required me to su Bell Canada with the conces- sion and lot number, my s insurance number; my previous phone number, a contact number between phones and esti- mates of how much I'll spend on long distance charges. Oh brother! Easier to keep putting coins in the pay phone. One occurence which really annoyed me was when | tried to rent some video tapes and a ver from one of the big chains. In addition to filling out forms for a reinkerstis, and paying a small "one time oy fee, the leeches wanted either a credit card number or-cash. Not having a card use | consider them to be a tempting financial hazard) | inquired as to the mon- ey option. They wanted $400 as a deposit on a machine that probably wasn't worth that much. It was one of those occas- sions on which | gave meaning to the expression "storming out". | understand that they wanted assurance that | wouldn't damage or steal their machine. But they already knew where to find me, my drivers' licence, social insurance, bank account etc. numbers. at else did they want, my first born child? It seems that everything works in opposite proportion to how badly they want your money - do you know how easy it is to open a bank account to save money, but try to borrow or get a credit card at my age, in my financial situation? Nice thought. The way financial institutions are set up, there seems to be an active will to promote living on credit in order that you pay upto a quarter of your income for late fees and service charges. | have too many friends who pay one bill off with plastic, and then tum around and pay that one off with imaginary money from another company. are always in a continuous circle, unable to do more than pay the minimum amount and wait for the lottery to come through for them. There's only one winner. All this effort intended to bring order to our growing society has helped to clutter things to the point of ridiculous confusion. For example, parking meters that only run for an hour at a time. For years, I've had a plan to get back at the system, espe- cially at ing meters, the scourge of my city life. | would take a day off work and follow a meter reader around, staying just one step ahead. When | come upon an expired meter | would drop the minimum change into it. Thereby saving an innocent shopper held up by an incompetent dork. 1d bo a hero, right? Do you suppose that | might start a ? The little money I might have to put out would be returned with interest every time someone d a dime for me and saved me from one of those $40 fines they are throwing around in Toronto these days. Why don't we all help cut the red tape stifling our society? | 'Quebec and Canada (From page 7) social context and the vulnerabili- ty of the . It is a com- mise which allows: some English while have little or no understanding of the challenges faced by the French language in North America & Fronch language and culture the language and culture open doors to new horizons, men- talities and ways of human ex- een anglophones and fran- uni nie a" the progh que n sea americanism which surrounds us. Similarly, Most French Canadians welcome the. opportunity to learn English and exchange cultures. Why is it that so many E h Canadians resent ha to learn French? I feel that it is little sacrifice, if in- Seed vou could call it a sacrifice, for all the benefits derived, both for the individual and the country as a whole. Yours truly, Kara Warburton View Lake Cass 2 ach 2 2 5 rh. Letter ih J to the Editor Legal system at fault, not guns! (From page 8) automatic as stated by Mr. Kel- ly. Most reports I have read and heard indicated that it was not. But even then that point is irrelevant. : Stockton happened! It should never have and wouldn't have if Opposes re-zoning To the Editor: I would again like to express my concern for a rezoning ap- plication 2/4/89 to rezone the south part of Lot 16, Ward 1 in the former township of Reach from Rual to M-1 Industrial. Mr. Bianchet has presented a site plan that lays out approx- imately sixty lots for industrial use. Why, when industrial land is sitting vacant, do we need more? Has a plan been undertaken to show the need for this rezoning? Do we the people of Port Perry want to see the rural land that surrounds us taken over by in- dustry? This has happened to other communities that now regret the actions of their earlier Councils. Port Perry does not have a planning committee. Why don't we? Are we going to follow the Regional plan blindly without first finding a need for the rezon- ing of rural to industrial? Do we have so much farmland that we can rezone without looking to the future? Where will we be in twen- ty years? Do we need industry next to residential? Oppose 2/4/89. Susan Scholfield 86 Chester Cres. Port Perry No ramps for stores "To the Editor: Please help me! I want to go shopping, but I can't. I'm han- dicapped in a wheelchair and there is no way for me to get into all the "'neat little' shops because there are no ramps. The post office and library are great, but I can't Christmas shop there. (It's hard enough trying to open the doors to the library, sit down in a wheelchair and and try. I'll even supply the chair!!). We do our banking at the Royal Bank, I can't get into it. They say Hank's Bake Shop is good. I don't know, I can't get into it. I.D.A. and Guardian often have good sales on. I can't get in. Home' Hardware, I can't get in. The list is endless! Conway Gardens has handi parking, but my hus to carry me in my chair up the few steps. At least the Port Perry Plaza and L.G.A. is . They have spots reserved, which everyone uses. If I'm lucky, we can park close to the stores I want to spend es not my handi "s not my handicap stopping me from shopping, Ite you, the non-handica merchant. How many more of us are you turning away from shopping because you refuse to rec our needs? Its now 1989, not 1889 and I have my dignity but not your ability. \. Thank you Brenda Leslie Blackstock . the legal system worked the way it should have. The man respon- sible had a record of drug and violence related charges against him that somehow, thanks to Judges and Lawyers, never show- ed up as convictions to put him away before it happened. Mr. Kelly says that seldom a day goes by that we don't read about killers using fire arms. Perhaps that statement is true, if all the wars around the globe we read about are included in this. I am not trying to say that there aren't killings other than in wars. If the Lawyers and courts in this country and others, did their part, and enforced the laws we already have by coming down harder on these "hardened criminals' and drug dealers, there would certain- ly be fewer of them on the streets. The Police and society would be better protected it our legal system was better. Examples: Bring back the death penalty, do away with the Young Offenders act. : We can all do a lot more to t ourselves than by banning so called 'Assault Weapons." As Mr. Kelly says, you don't need a stamp. Write your M.P. and tell him/her you want a lot of reform in the judicial system. Yours truly, Stu Jacobs Blackstock P.S. - I do not own one. Remember When? (From page 7) 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, April 9, 1964 The Port Perry Squirts were well represented at the Bramp- ton Hockey Tournament, for although they did not win the cham- pionship, they did come up with five game wins. Harold Jeffrey presented a trophy to Carlyle Mcgill, presi- dent of the Port Perry Minor Hockey Association. Harold, who has been refereeing a number of House League games, donated the trophy to be used for annual competition in the Midget division. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Doupe, Prince Albert, recently celebrated their 35th Wedding Anniversary at a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Newnham. Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe, Brian and John, Blackstock, spent an enjoyable vacation in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Datona Beach, and returned home via Washington. i Port Perry Reeve and'Mrs. J.J. Gibson are leaving Satur- day for a holiday in the Bahamas. 20 YEARS AGO Thursday, April 10, 1969 Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Devitt, Bowmanville, formerly of Blackstock, received many calls, gifts and messages of con- gratulations from friends and relatives on the occasion of their ) 60th Wedding Anniversary on March 81. . Graham Powell of Port Perry was awarded the Escott Reid Plaque as the outstanding male athlete of Glendon College, York University. The 11th Annual Ice Revue presented by the Port Perry Figure Skating Club will bear the theme, "Fantasy on Ice." The feature attraction will be Anna Forder and Richard Stephens who were the 1969 Canadian Senior Pairs Champions. Anna and Richard have announced they will be retiring from active com- petition in the near future. Other attractions will include per- formances by Sharalyn Reader, Peter Vernon and Jeanne MacTavish. Master Dwayne Freeman was on hand Saturday to present his father's trophy to the captain of Cedar Hill's team, Bob Quaile, whose team won top honours at the Tyke Tournament held here on Saturday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Kuhn (nee Muriel Lamb) on the birth of a son on April 4th, 1969 in . Mr. Clarence Jeffrey of Regina, Sask., has been visiting his brothers, Mr. A. Jeffrey and Mr. H. Jeffrey and their families, Prince Albert. 10 YEARS AGO Wednesday, April 4, 1979 A special committee of the Scugog Ratepayers Association hoa been formed to monitor pollution levels in the Nonquon River. A break-in Saturday evening at the Port Perry home of Scugog Arena manager Don Thompson netted thieves about $400 in cash receipts from the arena. . Carol Ann Morrow & Peter Kyriakeas Kirk are owners & operators of the Murray House in Port Perry. In addition to a Tea Room, there is a wide variety of cheeses and teas available in the renovated, historic home. Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dearborn gathered at the Latcham Centre in Port Perry last Sunday to help the couple celebrate their 50th Anniversary. Liz Parry was named president of the Scugog Ratepayers Association at the annual meeting. The Colin Ball Motors Midget "B" team swept a four game series from St. Mary's to win the All-Ontario championship at home last Saturday night. Lois VanCamp, Dale, VanCamp, Mary Lou Malcolm and John Larmer attended the Junior Famrers Provincial Con- ference at Toronto recently. ng

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