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Port Perry Star, 2 May 1989, p. 57

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PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 2, 1989 -- 57 - vA vs woh - vi Vy a4. §pL0 «a AD SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Antiques, Collectibles & Carriages Auction Sale of Antiques, Col- lectibles & Carriages for the con- tents of COUNTRY HERITAGE MUSEUM (former Scott Twp.), owned by MRS. D. BROWN, Ux- bridge, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont. HORSE DRAWN VEHICLES including Sliding Seat Phaenton Carriage, Ige. wicker Phaenton, wicker ladies Phaenton (1878 McLaughlin), Roadster Buggy (Dunbarton), Albany cutter (New York - as seen on Christmas cards), double seated Cockshutt Surrey, trap sleigh, 1908 Conboy Cutter, Park Gate Gig, 2 pr. car- rlage lamps. BLACKSMITH TOOLS Including anvil, bellows, tongs, steel bender. FUR- NITURE Including 2 pc. Butter- nut Flat Back Cupboard (6 panes), 2 pc. flat back cupboard (12 panes), double dry sink with lift top, corner cupboard, Butter- nut desk, Melodlan & stool, East Lake platform rocker, blanket box, rope bed, baby cradle, wicker trunk, 4 drawer chest, 6 stencilled chicken coop chairs, ' needlepoint footstool, pine bench, 4 hall benches, Draftsman desk, pulpit chair, 1850 box stove. MUSEUM COLLECTIBLES in- cluding Dough Box & Dough pan, butter bowls, butter prints, churns, spinning wheel, blue flowered jug (Brantford), viewer cards, hooked rugs, slop pail. brass powder horn, ration books, Maple Sugar Mold, granite pc.. Bulls Eye lamps, Doctor Gestner Lamp, candle molds, apple . peeler, crockery, milk pan, sugar nippers, Bennington bowl & cake mold, tea tins, separator poster, Del aval Separator, 1860 Ont. Cty. map, dolls, China Royalty collec- tion, flow blue plate, 1904 World's Fair plate, Cast Lions Bank, skaters fantern, T. Eaton washing _. machine (wood), melon molds, collection of irons, rat trap, square whole bore, sheet music, (shadow boxes, pot lamp, bronze .;- statue (Queen Victoria), copper * kettle, antique clothing, cutter robe, 2 Stouffville coverlets, stain- ..ed glass, flax.hackle, tooth pick holder with Dolphins, grain cradle, wooden shovel, flail, rope -.. maker, egg crate, lard press, horse collars, hames, brass tops, ,sadler"s tree, rafting auger, picker-rao, broad axe & sleigh brakes, spoke shaves, molding planes, bowl! knife, shingle split- ter, sheep bells, 12" dinner bell, plus many many other items. Preview on Thursday, May 1 from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. & Friday, May 12 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. M9 SATURDAY, MAY é SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. The property of TOM & MARION FAIRWEATHER. Go approx. 4 km. east of Kirkfield to Balsam Lake Drive, turn right and go approx. 3 km. Among the many items to be sold are: ANTI- QUES: Antique Harvest Table, antique Pine Hoosler kitchen cup- board, antique queen Ann style armchair, several antique chests of drawers, old Derby upright plano - excellent condition, anti- que hutch, antique dresser and mirror, several antique chairs and arm chairs, antique hand blown wine decanter 8 10 glasses (with Santa Marla hand painted on), antique vase same style (very primitive), antique jam ar, Alladin Lamp, coal oll lamp, Travellers Cosmetic Box, Sterling Silver Top Bottles, Ink Well from France, Two Oriental cups & saucers, Depression glass cookie jar, Bavaria Basket candy dish, Grandma Teapot; Jam Jar, Anti- que flour tin, drop leaf secretary desk w/5 drawers, old chinese candle lamp, two Chinese Jewelry boxes, antique Gate Leg Hall table, antique dresser dishes (ita- ly), antique pine chest of drawers, very old mixing bowls, (blue & white and brown), old pine ben- ches, antique ladies pendant wat- ches, Queen Victoria [ewellry box, Royal China Works Worcester Platter, large assort- ment bone china, plus many other antique dishes plus an assortment of household furnishings. Owners are moving to England. Plan to attend this excellent sale of anti- ques, fine household furnishings & miscellaneous items. Terms: Cash. No reserve. Lunch Is available. For information call (705) 374-4318 -- Jim MacMillan, Auctioneer. ; -- SATURDAY, MAY 6 SALE TIME: 11:00 AM. Farm Sold Hay Equip., Farm Machinery, Pickup Trunk, Furniture & Household Items Property of LOUIS & BETTY O'CONNELL, Lot, Conc. 9 Emi- ly Twp. R.R. 5, Lindsay, 2 miles west of Downeyville or 7 miles east of Lindsay or 4 miles east of OPS School from Hwy. 7. See Signs. 1977 MF 1135 Dlesel Trac- tor c/w extras, 120 hp only 1925 hrs. (good condition) (consigned) from R.R. 2, Candelcroft Proper- ty of Bob Robinson Ford 8N Gas Tractor (good). Case No. 430 Diesel Tractor Triple Range Drive c/w Live PTO 3 pt., 1986 Chev. "2 ton Vé, ps, pb, heavy du- ty. only 79,000 km (A-1 condition), Kvernland 4 x 16 semi mount (auto trip plow), Case 3 x 12" 3 pt. Trip Beam Plow, George White 21 Tooth Cultivator Trail, Triple 3 pt. Spring Tooth Cultivator, 5 Section of Diamond Tooth Harrows & Levellers, Massey 6 - Blade Land Tiller, Land Roller, Int. Seed drill 17 Run c/w fertilizer box & grass box on steel, Int. Seed drill 13 Run steel wheel, Sprayer 150 Gal. Po- ly Tank Trail c/w 16° Booms Knight 115 H.D. Manure Spreader PTO, John Deere, G.D. Manure - Spreader (Now Apron), 3 Pt. Cane fertilizer Spreader, 8' Stock Trailer c/w Plywood Racks, Number of Cedar Posts & Rails, Tools & farm related items, scrap, ironetc., M.F. No. 12 PTO Baler (good) M.F. Side Delivery Rack, Kvernland 4 Wheel Side Delivery Rack, 4 Ton Hay Wagon 8& Rack, 4 Ton Hay Wagon & Large Feed Rack, Int. Trail PTO Mower, Back Fork & Stooker, M.F. Combine No. 35 PTO 8' Cut & Pick up Trail (good), Little Giant 28' Portable Hay Elevator, 24' Pipe Bale Elevator & 4' Exten- sion 3 Pt. round bale Fork 200 Gal Diesel Fuel Tank. Furniture & Household items - 2 wardrobes, box woodstove, spin washer, number of beds, old antique wool carpet, blankets, oak library Jesk, dressers, stereo, cupboard, chairs, old trunks, Chev. truck- box liner, truck cap, sealers, dishes, misc. items, tools, etc. "Terms: Cash. No reserve. Lunch avallable. Sale Time: 11:00 a.m. Plan 10 attend. Calvin Mabee Auctions, R.R. 1, Lindsay. Phone Cambray 705-374-4800 or 374-4435 (Car Phone - 705-749-7609). M2 THURSDAY EVENING MAY 4 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Furniture & Appliances Auction Sale of Furniture & Ap- pliances for GARY BROUWER, Orillia, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, including 9 pc. dining room suite, Admiral fridge, Moffat stove, Bradford upright freezer, auto. Washer, Moffat dryer, Oak gate-leg table, Oak buffet, Oak vanity with mir- rors, Oak wardrobe with bevelled mirror, Maple Hutch, pine blanket. box, walnut chest of drawers, 2 bedroom suites, china cabinets, dressers, bunk beds, twin beds (6 mo. old), clocks, pic- tures, dishes including set of 8 Minton Bone China, Collector spoons, books, dehumidifier, steel desks, lamps including 2 ornate Spanish table lamps, treadle sew- ing machine, nest of tables, smoker stand, costume jewellery, box of stamps, electric lawnmower, plus many other items. Sale managed & sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions Ltd., Ux- bridge, 416-852-3524. FRIDAY, MAY 5 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. MacMillan Auction Centre Go 6 miles east of Argyle to Conc.? Eldon & turn north Among the many items to be sold are: Antique wicker rocker, large old set of Medalta dishes, antique oak childs school desk, approx. 35 antique wooden chairs (including several sets), antique granite cream jug, antique bak- ing table, antique Hi-Boy chest of drawers, antique fern stand, an- tique rocking chair, two antique ahll tables, dining table, several 5 & 10 speed boys & girls bikes, old trunks, assortment of collectables including old comic books, gum cards, milk bottles, old coins, salt & peppers, old post cards, pioneer chainsaw, double snowmobile trailer, wooden office desks, Kawasaki 200 A T.V., telephones, electric bug klljers, assortment of glassware plus many other In- teresting items. Plan fo attend this excellent sale. Auctioneer - Jim MacMillan 705-374-4318. FRIDAY, MAY § SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Farm Machinery & Household Items For HOWARD AND DORELL SHADLOCK, Stouffville, on Warden Ave. '2 mile south of Stouffville Road. Watch for signs. FARM MACHINERY: Cockshutt 1750 Diesel tractor, 85 h.p. (ex- cell), Oliver 1600 gas tractor 50 h.p. with good rubber (good), Oliver 550 gas tractor with Allied loader, 40 h.p. (good), McCor- mick No. 151 combine with 12° grainhead (good), Int. 4500 Vibra Shank 12' cult., (new pull type), 12' ponytrail harrows, 6' cult. 3 pth., Int. 10' double disc (pull type). 5 x 14° Massey pulltype plow, 3 pth. Oliver 4 x 14' plow, Int. 3 pth. seed drill 13 run (ex- cell), Black Hawk 2 row 3 pth. corn planter, Hesston 9 haybine (good), 3 pth. spramotor 100 gal. sprayer (2 season's use), Int. 3 pth. hay mower, N.H. No. 270 baler (excell), M.F. side del, rake (PTO), Gehl forage harvester with 1 row corn & pickup (good). Gehl forage blower, Gehl forage wagon, Kill Bros. gravity wagon, flat rack wagon, single axle hyd. dump traller, 6' blade 3 pth., 30° ' Hayovater-Skeliton elevator, 40" Westfield é6'° grain auger on wheels (new), Double Mold Board walk plow, Turnip drill, Gehl hammermill, graln augers, har- rows, Int. No. 530 double beater manure spreader (good), front tractor weights, Surge Alamo 50 plus vacuum pump, Unico bulk Milk cooler (125 gal.), 3 Surge milker units, chicken feeders & fountains, gates, 550 pulley. qty. scrap Iron, Ig. qty. planks & lumber, qty. electric fence stakes, ext. ladders, 10 hp. MTD riding mower 38° cut, rototiller, qty. hand tools, 2 h.p. drill, hyd. jack, vise, fluorescent lights, hand cult., qty. garden & farm tools, plus much more. ANTIQUES & FURNITURE: grain cradle, buggy seat; ant. wooden scalding tub, ant. wallmount drilipress, ant. picture frames, radio cab., rocking chair, 1g. qty. dishes, crystal pots & pans, 30" Kelvinator stove, apart. size spin dry washing machine, Finlay oval . stove, misc. furnishings, plus more. NOTE: Mr. and Mrs. Shadlock have farmed here since 1937 8 are selling for health reasons. All machinery has been stored inside & has not been used for the last 3 yrs. An excell. lineup of machinery. Furniture selling at 11 a.m. & machinery at 12 noon. Owner or Auctioneer not respon- sible for any mishap occurring to the public in conjunction with this sale. Gary Hill Auctions -- Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 or Mt. Albert 1-416-473-2138. SATURDAY, MAY § SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Property of the late DOUG COPPINS, 5 miles north of Clare- mont on the Brock Rd. at 1A (Cop- pins Corners). Items inciude: 76 Olds Cutlass, 76 Ford % ton w/cap and rebuilt engine, 77 GMC % ton, 70 Ford van (parts only), Freezer, 2 gas barbecues, handsaws, debugger, bicycles, lawnmowers, hand seeder, OMC gas tanks, platform for 1 ton truck, truck cap, propane tanks, extension lad- der, step ladder, wheelbarrows, hand tools, bolt cutters, tool boxes, 6' vise, 7 hp portable generator, gas cans, truck fuel tanks, workbench, sand screens, portable gravel hopper, 1% yd. ESCO bucket, teeth for loader and' bucket, Golden Falcon truck camper, fridge and stove, Coachman truck camper, new pick-up truck running boards, box trailers, trailer hitches and tongues, 3 snowmobiles, 10 hp snowblower with cab (like new), combination electric stove, sink and fridge, electric stove, hoes, shovels, rakes etc., 3 chain saws, extension cords, electric heater, water skis, jacks, chains, 8 hp riding mower (like new), cement mixer, Broom & Wade PTO air compressor, 5 hp Rototlller (like new), Massey Ferguson 35 diesel with blade, 2 wheeled trailer, farm scales, blowtorch, timing light, shredder, numerous other articles. Lunch available. Terms cash or cheque with ID. Auc- tioneer, Earl Gauslin 640-5398.M 2 SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Property of MARY E. McLEAN, Village of Greenwood. Complete household furniture, an- tiques, office supplies, books, numerous other articles. Full list next week. Terms: cash. Earl Gauslin. SATURDAY, MAY & SALE TIME: 10:30 A.M. Farm Auction Selling full line of farm machinery, 3 tractors, 40 cattle, truck, & antique furniture. The property of MR. AND MRS. DON JOHNSTON, R.R. 2, Janetville, 2 miles west of 35 Hwy. on 7A Hwy. to Yelverton, then 1 mile south, or 12 miles east of Port Perry on 7A. 1120 J/D tractor with new tires, 135 M/H tractor with loader & 2 buckets, 44 M/H tractor (gas), 477 N/H Haybine 7°, No. 12 M/H baler, 15 row Multi-Flow seed drill, M/H No. 35 combine, 451 N/H mower 7°, N/H 327 manure spreader, J/D 3 P.H. sprayer, M/H 3 furrow plough, Allied 10° cultivator, double disc, harrows, post hole auger, 30' grain auger, bale elevator on wheels, N/H side rake, grain dryer, steel roller, hammer mill, Viking cream separator, 3 milking machines & compressor, Woods 3 can cream cooler, air compressor, old cream cans, box trailer, chain saws, rototiller, 11. hp riding lawnmower, wheelbarrows, 3 water troughs, 3 hay wagons, pile of dry firewood, 175 cedar posts, lumber, pile of scrap iron. VEHICLES: 1978 Ford '2 ton truck, Honda 110 A.T.V. (few hours). CATTLE: 6 Hereford cows & calves, 5 Holstein cows with calves or due sale time, 8 cross-bred cows with calves, 13 mo. old Limousin & Maine Anjou bull, most cows could be rebred by sale time. FURNITURE: 7 pc. dining room suite, old dresser & washstand, old copper kettle, china cabinet, pine blanket box, 2 fridges, old trunk, 6 dining room chairs, press back rocker, round oak table with 3 leaves & lion paw feet, 7' pool table, airtight stove, old wooden bed, hall table, crocks, old sideboard, lamps, some dishes and much more. Lunch available. Sale time 10:30 - furniture first. Terms: Cash or cheque with 1.D. Owner and Auc- tioneer will not be responsible for accident or injury in connection with this sale. Sale managed and sold by Don & Phil Cochrane 985-2788 Port Perry. M2 SATURDAY, MAY 6 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Full line of well maintained machinery plus hay and straw. The property of LOIS AND KEN ANDERSON, R.R. 1, Woodville, Lot 14, Conc. 14, Mariposa Twp. From Oakwood go 5 miles north of Hwy. 7 to the 14th of Mariposa then 2 mile west or from Wood- ville go 4 miles east then 2 miles south then 2 mile west. See signs. 1980 255 Massey Ferguson diesel tractor with cab (60 h.p., excellent condition), John Deere 510 diesel tractor with frontend loader (45 h.p.), 513 New Holland manure spreader, 345 Massey Ferguson 3/16 semi mount plow with auto. reset, 273 New Holland Hayliner square baler, 469 New Holland haybine, No. 25 Massey Ferguson 8g' disc., 12° spring tooth cultivator, Allied 48' bale elevator on wheels, 7° snowblower, 16' flat wagon, Massey Ferguson, 7° scraper blade, No. 80 rear round bale forks, McCormick 14' run seed drill, fertilizer spreader, 2/10 drag plow, manual bale stooker, stooker fork, Massey Ferguson land tiller, 5 section diamond har- rows, earth roller, corn scuffler, hammer mill, 4" x 12' Allled grain auger, block and tackle, approx- imately 250 cement blocks, 1975 F250 pickup truck (as is). Feed in- cludes 1500 bales of hay (Timothy and Alfalfa) plus 2000 bales of straw plus many more items too numerous to mention. NOTE: All items are in good working order. Plan to attend this very clean sale. Terms cash. No reserve. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by KEVIN BARKER AUCTIONS, R.R. 1, Woodville. Call CAMBRAY 705-374-4613.M 2 SATURDAY, MAY ¢ SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Executive Bungalow by Auction 1 mile east of Little Britain 4 bédroom brick & stone im- maculate bungalow on 4.5 acres beside creek. 15 rooms with. 4480 sq. ft. new large bathroom with -- Jacuzzi, 16 ft. large stone fireplace with woodboxes, large modern bedroom with 4 pc. bath, large modern kitchen with new cupboards with center island 8, corner fireplace. New roof, 2 new decks, electric heat, large office space, security system, complete Satellite system, bulit-in dishwasher, new Insulated win. dows 8 doors. Zoned residential- commercial. Excellent country location close to all conveniences and commuting distance to Oshawa, Pickering, Toronto area. Selling subject to reserve bid. PROPERTY MUST BE SOLD. Terms: $5000.00 at sale, balance 30 days (some financing available). To view call ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705)324-2783 Lindsay, Orval & Barry Mclean. M2 SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 12 Noon Sharp Furniture & Farm Machinery The property of B. BOGDANOVIC, Lot 6, Conc. 7, former Township of Clark, 4 miles east of Kirby on Rd. No. 9 to Mercers Rd. & % mile north or 1 mile east of Kendal to Mercers Rd. 300 MF combine with 11' grain table (like new), 1830 J. Deere tractor (2992 hrs.) with 145 J.D. loader, 710 J. Deere tractor (3387 hrs.) with pulley, MF baler No. 12, MF side-delivery rake on rubber, MF 7° mower 3 pth, MF manure spreader (160 bushels) PTO top beater, 2 grain wagons Turno, 1 single row Corn Picker No. 5 Cockshutt, 30° grain elevator with gas motor Little Giant, 3 point hitch sprayer (100 ga.) with pump, 225 Lincoln Electric Welder, Snowblower with single auger Lucknow, J. Deere 3 furrow 16" plough No. 45, Hammermill with 60' long belt Smavey, 12' aluminum boat with trailer & 6 horse Johnson motor, Cap for ton pickup truck (large box), 1 fanmill, 1 rototiller. 1 chainsaw Pioneer, 2 wheelbarrows, 1 freezer, implements, small tools, some furniture (beds & chairs), miscellaneous items, bale stooker Allied, hay wagon with rake. Sale time: 12 Noon Sharp. Terms: cash. No reserve. Arnot Wotten & Charles Reid Auctioneers, R.R. 1, Hampton 416-263-2512. M9 SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 12 Noon Household items & furniture, workshop & garden tools At the home of MRS. VIOLET WARNER of Caesarea across from Putsy Park. Watch for signs. Good pine chesterfield suite, double beds, dressers, li- quor cabinet, drapes, stereo, cof- fee tables, 7°' grinder, standard wrench sets, chisel! set, welding cart & helmet, electric stapler, garden tools & many more items. Lunch available. For information call 655-8073 Pearce Auction Ser- vice. M16 TUESDAY, MAY ¢ SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Corneil's Auction Barn Modern dressers, & chest of drawers, quantity of rebuilt bicycles, chesterfields, 17 cu. ft. freezer, coffee & end tables, occa- sional chairs, refrigerators, por- table coloured T.V., Deacons Bench, 3 piece bedroom suite, square dining room table, walnut 2 tier table, oak hall mirror, 3 pt. hitch field sprayer (with 2 sets of nozzles), large quantity of garden hand & power tools, modern fur- niture & household items. Don Cornell Auctioneer, R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705--786-2183. SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 5:00 P.M. Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon, Advance Notice Tool, Handyman & Implement Auction Sale Selling from various estates, hobby farm & businesses. Large assortment of tools, riding lawnmowers, full line of im- plements, Ideal gang mower sharpener, farm truck, horse trailers & much more. Large sale. Consignments still accepted. Phone us at 263-8710 Steve Liptay 8& Garry Powell. SATURDAY, MAY ¢ SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Pethick Auction Barn, Haydon, Piano, Organs, Violins, Musical & Antique Auction Sale Selling from various estates & seniors giving up housekeeping. Hamilton Forte plano, 2 antique pump organs, saxophone, clarinet, guitar, xylophone, 2 ex- cellent violins (Amati), Oscar Schmidt Autoharp, gramophone. ANTIQUES: includes excellent mahogany bedroom suite, pine poster bed, 2 bonnet chests, tea wagons, D.F. drop leaf table, 4 Lyre chairs, cherry sideboard, bed sofa, kitchen suite, 6 month old stacking washer & dryer, lots of antiques, collectibles & much more. Musical Instruments con- signments still accepted. 'The Friendly Auction' 263-8710 Steve Liptay & Garry Powell. WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 10 SALE TIME: 7:30 P.M. Victoria's Holstein Consignment Sale Including complete dispersal of milking herd for HALD-MOED FARMS. (Clarence Bajema), Nestleton, Ont. 24 head - 8 pure breds, 16 NIP Grades - in all stages of lactation. Dairy test 4.12. Unit Sires used. Astro Jet, Haoverhill Renegade, Admiral. A good milking herd well worth your attention. Followed by mon- thly consignment sale. Approx. 50 Head of Registered, Grade Hols- tein Females. Consignments still open. Contact John Buckley 705-324-4017, Gail Snodden 357-3237, Cliff Lillico 439-2830 or Sales Arena 324-8311. Sale manag- ed & sold by Carl Hickson Auc- tions, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or Car Phone 705-749-7084. SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Farm Machinery, Market & Garden Equipment The property of M.H. (DICK) TAPSCOTT, south of Steels Ave. on Tapscott Rd. Go south of Markham on Hwy. 48 to Steels, turn left, 1st rd. south. 2 M.F. diesel tractors - 1 - No. 235 & 1 - No. 245 both in excellent condi- tion, cultivators, scufflers, seeders, etc. Detailed list next week. Reg Johnson Auctioneer. SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 10:00 A.M. Farm Sold Farm Machinery' The property of BARRY PRESTON, Lot 14, Conc. 7, Manvers Twp. 12 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 to Hwy. 7A east - 12 miles or 4 miles west of Bethany. Ford 5600 diesel tractor, M.F. 1085 diesel tractor, M.F. 65 diesel tractor with Hornet manure loader, Ford 3000 diesel tractor, 1981 New Holland 489 Haybine, New Holland 310 baler with thrower, Int. 105 self- propelled combine, John Deere 350 plough, Oliver plough. Grain- Straw-Household Furniture & An- tiques. Terms: Cash. No Reserve. Furniture Sale at 10:00 A.M. Machine Sale at 11:00 a.m. Sale managed & sold by Carl Hickson Auctions, Reaboro, Ontario -- Phone (705) 324-9959 or 324-2774 -- Car Phone (705), 749-7084. The Auctioneer or Proprietor will not be held responsible for public in- jury. public liability, or property loss or damage in connection with this sale. SATURDAY, MAY 27 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Oddfellows Hall, Port Perry Excellent antique sale from Pickering plus household fur- niture, good glass, pony sulky, wooden wheelchair & many old items. Pearce Auction Service 655-8073. SATURDAY, MAY 13 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Farm Equipment, Antiques, & Furniture The property of TED & MARY WOOD, located at 427 Taunton Rd., R.R. 1, Pickering, (near Church St.) 2 km. east of Brock Rd. (watch for signs) included Allis Chalmers 160 tractor with front end loader, (1923 hours), Allis Chalmers 610 garden trac- tor, N.H. haybine, N.H. baler, 3 furrow plow, cultivator, discs, 2- 8' x 18' wagons with racks, bale elevator, grain elevator, grain dryer, bush hog, fertilizer spreader, cattle head gate, cattle oiler, round hay feeder, hay ted- der, blade, Gehl hammermill, 200 gal. water trough, tractor chains, 14 ft. aluminum fishing boat & trailer, Pioneer chainsaw. ANTI- QUES & FURNITURE: McLaughlin cutter, (museum quality), player plano, piano stool, pine grain box, maple buf- fet & hutch, 9 Bentwood chairs, sectional oak bookcase, pine medicine chest with mirror, quan- tity of antique tins, quantity of water color paintings, framed prints & posters, Andrew Wyeth framed print, pine chairs & tables, steamer trunks, brass & cop knick-knacks, 2 office desks, filing cabinets, 2 freezers, sleigh bells, harness, Hoover vacuum cleaner, rocking chair & loveseat. NOTE: all farm equip- ment has been stored inside & is in good condition. Sale at 11:00. Terms: cash. Lunch available. Norm & Phil Faulkner Auc: tioneer. 416-642-0009. M9

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