Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star, 16 May 1989, p. 51

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~ 27th annual meeting TTA CINIITRY, Pty i PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, May 16, 1989 -- 5) UCW Bay of Quinte conference was held The 27th Annual Meeting of The Bay of Quinte Conference United Church Women was held at King St. United Church, Trenton, on April 4 and 5, 1989, with President Margary Robinson presiding. Mary Doughty brought greetings and welcomed everyone on behalf of Belleville Presbyterial UCW. Pat Westfall, President of King St. United Church Women welcomed everyone and express- ed their pleasure at hosting this event. Myra McWilliams, Chairperson of the Division of Mission in Canada, Bay of Quinte Con- ference, was called upon to in- troduce the Theme, "Growing in Mission." The dictionary mean- ing of "Mission"' is "the act of be- ing sent out with power to do some special service. It is a calling." Men and Women all down through the ages in the Christian Church have been engaged in Mission. The UCW is involved too. Keitha Richards introduced the Music Leader, Lynda Jewell who led in singing at this time and various times throughout the event. The Business session followed with Minutes of the 1988 Annual Meeting, Treasurers Report and any other pertinent items of business. A motion did carry to donate the Offering of that day to "Quinte"... CAN" - "Quinte Come Alive Now." Arleen Benn was called upon to -introduce the first theme speaker, Mrs. Olga Mckellar. Olga is Associate Chairperson of con- ference Division of Ministry and Personnel. Olga read the scrip- "ture; 'Matthew 25:14-30, '"The Parable of the Three Servants." Talent is a strange word. It means cE, coin, or one's mission, or one's fed Zu, gift." Burying our talents means not using God's gift, and so miss- ing our mission. Our prayer is that we will be good and faithful servants. On behalf of the ladies, Olive Gerow expressed thanks to Olga for sharing her time and talents. Pegi Kendall was called upon for her "Stewardship" Presenta- tion. She, with her helpers, presented a skit, Planning A World Outreach Programme' on 'South Africa: A Time For Decision." } Pat Heidebrecht and Patrick Brooks did a Book Flash, pointing out some of the newer books they have available. The afternoon programme concluded with The Communion Service conducted by the Rev. Paul Putman, minister of King St. United Church, assisted by Mary Howes, Joyce Poulsom, Pat Beach, Arleen Benn, Linda Mainse, and Margary Robinson, with Linda Jewell at the piano. Prior to the evening session, a roast beef din- ner was enjoyed. Phyllis Sim- mons was called upon for the evening Theme Presentation, Phyllis and Marion Minifie had arranged the very successful Mis- sion Bus Tour last June. Phyllis did a short presentation on the various places visited, and assisted by Joyce Poulsom, show- ed a number of slides taken on the Tour. Entertainment for the even- ing consisted of selections by a Double Trio from Frankford United Church and music by Mrs. Gail Elliott Ross of Sterling. Ruth Henley and the ladies of Peter- borough Presbyterial conducted the evening worship and the Offering. On Wednesday morning, Lynda started the day off in her bright cheery way, with a Sing-Along. Linda Mainse and Sarah Wigmore, of Kingston Presbyterial led the morning wor- ship, based on scripture taken from Roman 12:3-18. A great deal of God's work happens in our dai- ly lives. The question is, "Do we serve well?"' doing what we do well. Various reports followed at this time and Joyce Poulsom moved the adoption of the reports as produced in the Annual Report. Phyllis made us a little more aware of the World Outreach Story, the Mission Themes, con- cerns in the various Presbyteries/Presbyterials, and the availability of Mission Resource People. Connie Grundy introduced the third theme speaker, Paula Butler. Paula who works in the National Office of the Division of World Outreach, has just return- ed from four weeks of travelling in Africa, visiting our Church Partners in Kenya, Sudan, Zam- bia, and Malawi. In our common concerns, and our common caring for our fellow brothers and sisters, we do find hope and we do find a mission to fulfill. Averil McLeod thanked Paula. Joan Chalovich and Grace Dollimore, and the ladies of the Leadership Development Com- mittee, presented a skit entitled, "Packing a Bale" This was ""Mis- sion" as our Grandmothers saw it. : Hildegarde Wilkins gave the Registrar's Report: Belleville, 71; Cobourg 42; Kingston, 7; Lind- say, 12; Oshawa, 14; Peter- borough, 11; Renfrew, 23 ; Total - 180. Paula Deviney, Cobourg Presbyterial, led the Memorial Service with thoughts on Matthew 28:1-8. In her message she used a package of seeds as a glorious symbol of life - a flower bloomed and died to produce these seeds, and, properly planted and fed will again produce a living plant. The Rev. Dr. Walter von Boet- ticher, President of The Bay of Quinte Conference conducted the Installation of the 1989-90 Executive. Jackie .Guthrie, Oshawa Presbyterial, expressed the courtesies, on behalf of those pre- sent. Thanks were expressed to all who participated in any way. Margary Robinson gave the Benediction, to bring this, the 27th Annual Meeting, to a close. Time has come to dispel myths about Lamaze The time has come to dispel the myth about "Lamaze" classes. Many couples are misinformed - that Lamaze only prepares you for "Natural childbirth" and classes consist of only breathing and relaxation. This could not be further from the truth. Birth classes on labour and delivery include communicating with your care-giver, active hus- band/partner participation, en- couraging awareness and decision-making, open discus- sions regarding medication, caesarean delivery, medical technology, labour coaching, cop- ing techniques, breastfeeding, postpartum care of mom and baby and parenting. Small con- genial classes in an informal set- ting allow instructors to provide personal encouragement and in- dividualized instruction regar- ding all areas of childbearing. Our classes also aim to relieve anxiety and let women unders- tand they have not failed if in- terventions are necessary and medication is needed. So Lamaze classes are for you! In Durham Region our group of certified childbirth educators are heading into their second decade of supplying quality instructions in Lamaze techniques. These in- structors have undergone rigorous certification processes with the American Society of Psychoprophylactics in Obstetrics and must re-certify to maintain their credentials. Childbirth instruction is not a fad or a fashion. Check the qualifications of your childbirth educator and ask for Lamaze when you prepare to give birth. Call 723-7373. Lamaze Prepared Childbirth Week - May 22-27. Come see the Lamaze booth at the Oshawa Centre in front of the Zellers - May 25-27. Local contact Alice Lee 985-3286. AUCTION SALES WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 - FRIDAY, MAY 19 SALE TIME 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Liquidation Sale 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Approx. $50,000.00 retall value. Jeans, sweaters & shirts, some elegant dresses, plus numerous other items. Pine shelving, store fixtures, counters, chrome racks, etc. Save 50 percent on new clothing! Shop early for best selection. NOTE: This Is not an Auction. McLean Auctions & Li- quidations. 432-2836 - 686-3291. FRIDAY, MAY 19 SALE TIME: 6:00 P.M. Cornells Auction Barn The estate of the late MRS. PEARL McCLEARY of Beaver- ton, plus large quantity of glass and collectible items, the proper- ty of ROBERT RICHARD of Kapuskasing: walnut book case, secretariat combination, oak Hoosler cupboard, walnut parlour tables, Duncan Phyfe dining table, 4 chairs and buffet, frost free 2 door refrigerator and 30' stove, wicker chairs, walnut buf- fet, 12 cu. ft. freezer, drop leaf table, with 2 leaves, oak chest of drawers, walnut half moon table, refinished washstand, and mat- ching dresser, new pine 6 ft. harvest table, new 4 pc. wicker set, new white cast iron umbrella table, and 2 chairs, new white cast Iron love seat, oak Ice box, Water Bury regulator, flat top farm scales, New 8 hp Weedwalker air drive boat motor, large quantity of china, glass, coal oll lamps, porcelain, pottery, silverware, jewellery, antique utensils, tins, rames and prints. Don Cornells, R.R. 1, Little Britain, 705-786-2183. SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Antique & Modern Furniture 102 pcs. Sterling silver, $30,000 value of Royal Crown Derby at estate of late JACK McNEIL, 99 Queen St., FENELON FALLS. Antique spool bed, pine chest with swing mirror, Tiffany type light fixture, walnut tea wagon, brass school bell, antique oval dining table with spool legs, Kohler & Campbell apt. size piano (like new), antique Victorian settee, oak rocker & arm chair, Oriental Inlaid table, oak library table, oak bookcase with glass doors, anti- que walnut sideboard, antique cane seat rocker, excellent walnut tilt top ple crust table, quality bedroom suite, cedar chest, carved antique brass lamp, bed chesterfield (like new), Kir- by vacuum, component stereo, Zenith 26" console colour TV, 143 pcs. Royal Crown Derby tradi- tional Imari pattern 2451, 30 pcs. Royal Crown Derby old Imari pattern 1128, 102 pcs. sterling silver old English pattern 409, an- tique china, glass, quilts, linen, plate collection of Heathe & Moorland wild birds, pr. lustres with prisms, quantity Beaver & Beehive sealers, many hardback books, Roper 8 h.p. riding lawnmower with grass catcher, 5 h.p. rototiller, garden tools. Dont' miss this quality sale and a chance to buy sterling & Royal Crown Derby. Mr. McNeil was principal of Keller McKay col- legis, Toronto and was an avid collector. Phone for flyer & list of sterling & Derby. No reserve estate sale 11 a.m. sharp, lunch avallable. Orval Mclean Auc- tions - Orval & Barry McLean, Auctioneers (705)324-2783. M 16 SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Moving to B.C. . Contents of home including car, appliances, furniture, dishes, some antiques, etc. Property of GORD & JANE MUMFORD, 18 Windor Court, Cannington, Ont. Duncan Phyfe table & 6 chairs, antique Regency arm chair, anti- que walnut oval table, antique wall telephone, Queen bed (Or- thepedic), Queen waterbed, single bed & dressers, 2 Cher- rywood night tables, loveseat, chesterfield, two recliners, round glass top coffee table, lamps, stereo, 2 20" colour TV's, VCR rocking chair, bar, rec room fur- niture, humidifier, dehumidifier, fan, apt. size freezer, fridge, (new) washer & H.D. dryer, gas barbeque, kitchen table & chairs, dishes, knick knacks, pots & pans, desk, Workmate bench, new table saw,mens & ladles 10 speed bikes, X Country Skis, various sporting 8& camping equipment, garden equipment, bug light, tools, 1977 Chev. Mallbu car V8, 4dr. - as is & much more. Partial list only. No Reserve. Lunch available. Note: A very tidy offering. Sold by Calvin Mabee Auctions, R.R. 1, Lindsay. Phone 705-374-4435 or 705-374-4800. Car Phone 705-749-7609. i Ms SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Appliances, Furniture, Some Antiques, Tools 1985 Chrysler LeBaron, low mileage. Property of MIKE HOWMAN, property sold. Soyers Lake Rd. between Minden & Haliburton, Hwy. 121 to Pinestone Resort turn onto Soyers Lake Rd. 2 miles (see signs). G.E. almond fridge, mini auto washer & dryer, console 26' color TV with remote, boat trailer, 5 h.p. outboard. Or- val McLean Auctions (705) 324-2783. THURSDAY, MAY 25 SALE TIME: 11:00 A.M. Giving Up Farming Real Estate - 98 Acre Farm, full line of Farm Machinery, Trac- tors, 29 Stocker Cattle, Backhoe, Trucks, Old Tractor, Riding Mower, Antique furniture, etc. The property of JOHN & JULIA SALTYS, R.R. 3, Omemee, Lot 5, Conc. 10, OPS Twp. Directions: 2'%2 miles west of Omemee on Hwy. 7 & % mile south or 5 miles east of Lindsay, then % mile south on the 10th line of OPS Twp. See signs. TRACTORS: 1981 M.F. No. 265 Diesel Tractor c/w Quick At- tach, No. 236 M.F. Loader, Cab only 2575 hrs. Dual Remotes 67 H.P., PS & Extras (A-1 Condi- tion), M.F. No. 500 Diesel Backhoe Tractor & loader c/w Cab & extras (Good), Ford 8N Gas Tractor PTO Pully Good Rubber, Case Antique 1937 Gas tractor on Rubber New Fenders, John Deere No. 420 S Antique Tractor for parts, John Deere 8 H.P. Riding Mower & Deck, elec- tric St. COMBINE: AC No. 72 PTO, All Crop 3 PT Combine ¢/w Pick up Head & Reel (A-1 condi- tion), TRUCKS & CARS: 1981 Ford "2 Ton Explorer V8 Automatic, many options c/w molded fiberglass Cap & Propane Powered (Good Condition), 1971 GMC "2 ton V8 St. orig. 76902 Miles, needs body work, runs well, 1980 American Spirit car, 2 dr., auto, 1956 Ford Niagara 4 dr., parts only, 1954 Ford Mercury , ton, flat head, V8 - parts only. MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT: 6' Lucknow 3 PT Snowblower (New), Int. 4 x 14" 3 PT Plow, Kongslide 3 PT Springtooth Cultivator, 4x 16" Drag Plow, Int. 10° Double Disc., HI Co. 3 PT Rotary Brush Hog, Int. 2 Furrow Drag Plow c/w Hydraulic Lift, Int. 3 PT Cone Fertilizer Spreader, 5 Section of Diamond Tooth Harrows, 3 PT 9 Tooth Chisel Plow, Bush Hog 8' 3 PT Rear Blade, 3 Drum Roller, Int. Antique Brush Plow, 3 PT Poly Tank Fleld sprayer 16' Boom, M.F. No. 15 Manure spreader, Int. 15 Run Seed drill on steel, New Idea No. 30 Side Mower, NH Grain Grinder, 30' 6" Grain Auger, Portable Hay Elevator, Hay Wagons, Buzz Saw, Drag Scraper Float, 3 PT Trencher, Lots of other Machinery, Machinery Parts & Scrap Iron. LIVESTOCK: 29 HEAD OF STOCKERS - 28 Hereford & Limosin Cross heifers, 1 Charl. steer, Average 600 to 650 Ibs. Quality Cattle (will be weight). REAL ESTATE: Victorian Coun- ty. Lot 5, Conc. 10, OPS Twp. 98.8 Acre farm, Good Workable land, 70 acres newly seeded in Hay. Balance In Mixed Hardwood Bush, well fenced & Drained, 30 x - 70 Barn, free stall feeder opera- tion. House features 4 bedrooms, brick stucco with new roof, oil & wood heat, well maintained, 2 pcs x 4 pcs bath, large livingroom & fireplace, large country kitchen, modern cupboards & dining room, large spacious pantry full basement & lots of water. NOTE: conditions - Terms on Real Estate 10,000 deposit day of sale - balance in 90 days. Viewing by Appoint- ment only. Phone 705-799-5578. Property selling subject to reasonable reserve bid (absolute- ly no viewing day of sale). Pro- perty sale at 12:30 P.M. Antiques, furntiure & appliances & contents of home selling as well - partial list only! MISC.: Nissan truck cap, Lawn Boy lawn mower, 12 Concrete Curbs, Homelite XL Chainsaw (good), Chick In- cubator, Craft 16" 2.3 Chainsaw 8 Case (new), Number of Lawn Mowers, Approx. 600 sq. ft. of oak hardwood flooring, antique walk- Ing plow H.D., antique walking cultivator H.D. ANTIQUES, FURNITURE & APPLIANCES: Maytag H.D. Dryer, Frigidaire washer, Viking chest freezer, Universal Cooler fridge, number of antique pine & oak dressers, number of antique Press Back Chairs, old radio, antique pine pantry style cupboard, assorted Bentwood chairs, antique American sideboard, 3 pcs. bedroom suite & mattress, 5 pcs. modern Mediterian dining room suite, oak finish & oval table, 2 leaves Cane chairs, single bed & dresser, new mattress 8& much more - 00 numerous to mention. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Owner giving up farming due to retire- ment & have plans to build. Plan to attend. A very large offering with something for mostly everyone. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Lunch avaliable. Sale order beginning with household & furniture followed by machinery, real estate 12:30 & cattle at 2:30 P.M. Sale managed & sold by Calvin Mabee Auctions, R.R. 1, Lindsay. Phone Cambray 705-374-4800 or 374-4435 - Car Phone 705-749-7609. M23 SATURDAY, MAY 20 SALE TIME: 12 Noon Household items & furniture, workshop & garden tools At the home of MRS. VIOLET WARNER of Caesarea across from Putsy Park. Watch for signs. Good pine chesterfield suite, double beds, dressers, |i- quor cabinet, drapes, stereo, cof- fee tables, 7' grinder, standard wrench sets, chisel set, welding cart & helmet, electric stapler, 21 cu. ft. freezer, antique tables, imitation fireplace, garden tools & many more items. Lunch available. For information call 655-8073 Pearce Auction Service. M16

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